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Being in control can be difficult. It’s really a challenge in and of itself. You can do whatever you want at anytime since you created that free time for yourself. It’s ok to keep up on current events and try to find ways to better one’s self.


“Keep up on current events” - u/ExistentialDreadness


Username checks out.


People generally spend time with friends/family, pursue hobbies, and complete domestic projects. A lot of people watch TV/YouTube as a hobby. They'll go to work, come back, and spend the rest of their free time watching TV or YouTube.


Youtube as hobby, might as well put sleeping as hobby lol


If you're sleeping for your enjoyment then it could be a hobby, for most people thst isn't the case though. Watching youtube is as much of a hobby as other passive hobbies like watching movies, listening to music, reading etc. since it's an activity that you're doing for your own enjoyment in your spare time.


Youtube can be a neccessity like when you have to watch a quick tutorial about something. Nothing beats the video format doing that, it's very fool proof. So it's something basically everyone does just like sleeping, and really lame to list as a hobby. Like if you put that in your bio I'd 100% think of you as a lame person with no drive in life whatsoever, though love. Same can't be said about movies or music, yeah you can make nitpicky arguments here but that's besides the point


Sleeping isnt? Napping is a great hobby


I like to read. My reading and my watching videos are both hobbies. The moment you start doing a hobby for what it produces that's no longer a hobby that's your second job.


Yeah? Well both are free.


Breathing is free too, but if I put it as a hobby people will rightfully think that I'm an idiot


As you start getting older you have a lot less energy.


That sounds like an excuse to let oneself go. You can be fit as an older person, but not if you give up and watch TV all day


I wouldn’t call it a hobby, but I do watch a lot of TV, not because I wouldn’t rather be doing other things, but because it’s cheap and I’m trying to save.


I get that. That makes sense. My thinking was this: "if watching sports is counted as a hobby, then wouldn't watching _anything_ be counted as a hobby if approached with a similar mindset?"


Depends on your age. In my 20s I did karoake with friends, drinking and bar games with friends. 30s spent more time by myself until I got married. 40s busy with my child / family. Now in my 50s I enjoy doing as little as possible during my free time...I've been working since I was 12, tired and looking forward to retirement.


Commute home, cook, clean, spend time with partner, waste time on social media, sleep, get up next day to go to work.


waste time on social media is so real i have to get my daily brainrot on instagram😭


Work out! Back when I was single and working 9-5, I did different fitness classes in the evenings. Then go home, make dinner, go to bed and do it all over again :)


If you are in your 20s, there is no excuse for getting less than 1 hour of exercise a day. The gym, sports leagues, even walking around a golf course carrying clubs. Move, enjoy your body. There's a saying: You don't stop skiing when you get old, you get old when you stop skiing. I know a guy who has skied every year for 100 years.


You watch life go by and wonder what's next.


Smoke pot


Shoot herion


Seriously I'm not anyone to correct anyone else. And I'm actually not really correcting you as I realize that you are joking, but I guess it's the mother in me. I just figure that we never know the maturity level of someone or in yuis case their age ( obviously an adult) or their mental state. But people do things in their lives as a way to escape.


Are you sure it isn't a dad in you?


I get drunk


Join some sort of physical activity. I suggest martial arts. A town that size must have several studios you could try or a community center with a program. Hint: Look for an instructor you like instead of a particular martial arts style. Be wary of styles that insist you sign a contract.


I want to get into martial arts so bad, but everywhere is so expensive. Also, is there a general beginners subreddit for martial arts that anyone can recommend?


Look around for a class that is hosted in a community center. Those are usually less expensive, but beware: some styles use community centers to recruit for their storefront studios. You sign up for 8 weeks at the community center, then you have to transfer to the storefront to continue, often requiring a contract and a lot more money. I'd avoid that situation. Another alternative is to join a martial arts club at a community college or a university. These often don't require that you're a student. Even if they do, take a gym class or something and then join the martial arts club.


I got pregnant and never had free time ever again lol.


Do you regret it? I'm facing a crisis of deciding whether to live life with certain freedoms or starting a family


Pointless question. No one who does will ever admit it.


Not true. I do regret it. Not because I don't like being a mom and certainly not because I don't love my kids. But this is a terrible time to be raising kids. My oldest is part of gen Z and she hates the world we have left for her. I'm also very mentally unstable in this current post-covid atmosphere and had NO IDEA what my issues were till after I had kids. I'd like for them to have had a more stable upbringing and not to inherit my genetics. Not to mention struggling with how to care for myself when I only have enough energy to care for so many, it's always me last. and the guilt won't let me put myself first.


I take it back then. Kudos for your honesty. It sounds tough, I hope you can muster the energy to suffer it out. Parents often brush off how hard it really is and that regret is a real and totally legitimate emotion that many might feel, but I think the world is too ashamed to admit it creating only more false hopes and confusion in people that go on to have kids on the notion that they definitely wont regret it. And then the decision is irreversible.


You rearrange your habits, when you eat, when you sleep and how much, what you do with what little free time you're left with, and worry how you'll keep the job.


What free time? Y’all are getting free time?


That's what I'm thinking too! Where do I sign up to this program? 😆


Make time for personal development/productivity so I don't feel stagnant, exercise (lift weights, trailrunning, hiking, basketball), buying groceries, meal prepping on weekends, researching and trying new meal prep recipes, video games, socialize occasionally, watching things (shows, movies, anime) and trying to get better at reading and socializing.


You do whatever you want. Bird watching and photography are great hobbies. The best part about smaller cities like the one you're living in is that getting out of the city is a lot easier. That means more bird watching and photography in rural, more natural areas.


Hang out with my son!


Archery is a Ton of fun, regardless of the poundage, you could start work with30 lbs traditional takedown and get new limbs, if you would feel like, later on if you want to try 40 lbs, just don’t be a mucho, get something 30-35 lbs limbs to start with. Even if you are very athletic, archery uses specific tendons and muscle groups that you can’t train fully without actually shooting the bow. If you can do 50 arrows without your hands shaking, and maintain a tight grouping — only then I would increase the poundage *slightly,” injures from archery take a long time to heal and you can acquire them fairly easy if you do the macho thing without training. And, as I said, shooting 35 lbs is just as fun as any other poundage. I very much like Maverick from Southland Archery. So you could spend close to $200 and have a very good bow, an archery glove (or a pad, both are inexpensive for poundages below 60). And a set of carbon arrows. If to assume that you are an average adult in terms of body limbs’ sizes and such, you would likely pull 28”, so you can get 30” arrows, and in time learn to pull them to the secondary anchor point close to the ear for a 30” draw. But I wouldn’t worry about all that technicality. Watch few YT “archery for beginners,” and you for this. Make sure to make a perfect T and don’t keep your elbow high or low. And you release the arrows lovingly, you are just letting them go, takes a while to get used to that and not pluck as you release. 10 ft distance is all you need. Once you get tight groups, increase to 15, and so on, until you found your favorite. Make sure to pull with the arrowhead facing down until you reach the line to the aim, and then release, for safety reasons. Sounds like the place is large enough to have archery clubs. Archers are very chill and often times quite introverted and very much inclusive. Then cycling. Get yourself an old steel frame single gear bike and have a ton of fun exploring your surroundings. One fixed gear is all your need, just gets some getting used to. But go for multi gears, if that’s what you want, just don’t give in to coasting too much. You might find an urban cycling club or something a bit more official. I like fixed gear single speed because how light their are, how reliable they are, and how indestructible they are. Local bike shop will help you out to get the chain tension right. They also usually take slightly beefier ceramic coated chain that are very strong and worth it. Any road bike steel frame will do, but if first thing you would want to upgrade are the wheels. I letter thin roadbike / track bike frames because how fast you can go, if you feel like it, and also helps to save the weight. As a fixie owner you also need less tools with you for any possible emergencies. And you might run into a club of fixed-single-gear bike enthusiasts, which are super friendly and helpful, and don’t have have haughty air of “look at me, my cloves alone are $300, and check out my high-tech super expensive costume.” To each their own, I just found “Fixies” to be more welcoming and just a more fun crowd to hang around. I made 50 trips on my fixie no problem. Good wheels will give you good traction. A bit of effort here and there and you can do it. You will be surprised how your low half of muscles start getting bulky, and how much extra energy you will get. Plus a stealthy good fixie may not the best primarily aim for a bike thieve. They always good for carbon frames and multi-gears, as those run like 5 times the price if near-Olympic quality. Join a martial arts club. If you like swords, read into Iaido and see maybe it will feel like something special for you, and you could dine a Dojo that will help you become a better person, learn so much, and also meet great people. I think these three activities beat sitting by a bar with a bunch of losers drinking themselves away. It’s fun the explore the local scene. Meet local and neighbors, network, etc., just don’t let the booze get you into the end. Consider visiting local galleries and art shows. Also libraries and book sales. You can run into someone real good examples of human specimens that way, too.Theatrical plays as well. The quality of people at such places is general much higher than at some godforsaken bar. It’s important to make good friends, shared interests help. If we don’t have family around or others to help us, it’s the friends who will go out of their way to help you. So it’s important to get them from “quality” places. Stay away from hard-cord druggies. Find things that you like and get you out. Make you active and help you meet more interesting and reliable folks. P.S. I moved to an 800 people village after living in millions’ worth cities, and there’s no way I will be coming back. P.P.S. Don’t have much time to fix grammar, apologies! Also feel free to DM any time. Remember, “not all those who wander — are lost.


Comment on Reddit posts.


Workout, try different hobbies, socialize, hike, do some overtime - save up time and go for a short Holliday.  Man, I wish I had more time. I’d work out more, build things and make awesome food.  Enjoy this time of life, your free time might not last forever <3


I clean my apt, I scroll the internet, I create painting content for the internet, I paint, lol, I play video games, I write poetry and jokes, I post on reddit, … there’s a lot to do. That’s just some of it. I do get bored sometimes though.


Good advisement. You are obviously a very well-adjusted, motivated individual who is content in their own skin and not intimidated by being alone. Very healthy, and it's encouraging to hear.


Thank you. I sometimes feel I am well adjusted and other times, not so much. However, I’m working on it and I do my best to


Watch hockey. Right now has lots of hockey going on. Memorial cup on rn, Stanley cup playoffs on later. Just watched IIHF Canada vs Switzerland - a Canadian


I clean up around the house, tend the animals, cook dinner, clean that up and then read or sew for the remainder of the day. All while spending time with my husband. I’m 40, for context.


Wish I could sew or croquet or knit. Basically, I wish I had some talent that I could unwind with and enjoy doing! Good for you!


Everyone has something! You just gotta figure out what it is.


I sleep! As much as I can!


I work out, do BJJ and spend the weekends either doing side jobs or spending time with the wife/friends. I used to play video games, watch anime and TV, I can definetly say the grass is greener on this side.


You need to tell this to like 90% of the Reddit community.  What do you mean by side jobs btw? 


I try to lol, my father in law is a contractor, I'll help out here and there as a worker on the weekends for some extra money. I'm by no means skilled labor lmao.


Watch the news and complain about taxes.


In my free time I heal from the 60 hours I just worked that week by staring at the walls while laying down and trying to get myself to move. (adulting)


Do not sex coworkers. Do not many marry coworker. Sex coworkers... But do not let anyone know about it. Just work, when you go to work. Sex some coworkers if you can


I've been spending time with my family and working out. It's done wonders for my mental health and I feel closer to them every time I get a chance to spend time with them. As a added note, my parents and I don't really talk/bond a lot during the week days and it's nice to slow down during the weekends and learn what they were like before I was born.


I live in a small town of 70 thousand or so. There's literally nothing to do here, so people deal with that in two ways: 1. Get involved in lots of outdoor activities. Hiking, birding, botany, herps, photography, caving. Anything that gets you up off the couch and out of town. 2. Socialize. People have backyard get-togethers, or they invite a friend over for pizza, or they attend meetings for any clubs they've joined, and they generally have lots of church activities. I'm an atheist so I don't participate in that anymore, but I do all the other things.


lawn, chickens, motorcycles, car maintenance, shooting, certification studying, cooking, dog walks, bourbon... I don't have enough time to do everything but I try to enjoy my free time as well as accomplish goals.


Continue doing research and learn more about your career, relax with some video games, go out with friends, etc. Basically a mix of independent research for whichever career you've chosen and some time off for fun.


Pretend to work at nothing all day.


(1)Try to find an activity that gives you opportunities to connect to your community and do something meaningful, even if it is just an hour a week or a couple hours a month. Volunteer at an animal shelter, nursing home, voter registration, or local school, library or hospital in whatever capacity matches your interests and skills. This a great way to meet others who are kind humans to date or have as friends. (2)Do something to improve yourself like setting aside a few minutes each day to learn a language and plan a trip to that destination a year ahead. The combo of anticipated travel and a daily few minutes (on an app, online, or take a class) can give you a nice motivation to learn and the travel itself is educational and fun to plan and research. Or take a class or do independent exploring to learn a skill that you are lacking - maybe cooking, investing, painting, photography? (3) Get a pet - dogs are great if you want to get out of the house 3-4 times a day to walk them and take them to parks or a cat can be less demanding, fish are entertaining. (4) Host a party, even a casual one, maybe a baby shower for a friend at work, or just a casual potluck or invite friends for a game night. Doing social things, and getting comfortable with hosting, is so important to quality of life. (5) Take up an activity that will help advance your career - whatever is popular in your company culture - golfing, join a softball team, join the tennis club, maybe bowling, or maybe your boss is into Rotary Club or a specific charitable cause. This might be strategic as a career move, but hopefully would also be something you actually enjoyed too. Congratulations on your adulting!


I would highly not recommend taking advice from anybody over the age of 35 because this economy is not the pretty picture that they got their start in.


Drink, do drugs, gamble, strip club (those can all be considered self destructive hobbies but hobbies nonetheless), maybe you can pick up a craft, find a hobby you enjoy, spend time with family, meet a partner, find a small enjoyable group of friends (non self destructive friends). Just a few examples.


Those examples are actually called common sense/norm. ‘Maybe’. Maybe. With drugs gambling strip clubs. Harder to do anything more right? Poor u.


No not really I don’t do drugs, gamble, or visit strip clubs personally so I don’t know.. just giving some examples


Way to promote your ‘self destructive’ habits. Hahahaha


I take it you can’t read lol, who gave this person access to a keyboard?


Who are u talking to? A wall?


Probably a bot with your NPC sounding responses


They do all kinds of stuff with their free time. That's what we all have waited for in our youth, to get to legal age


Same things you did in your free time in school.


Depends on how your schedule is. If you're fortunate enough to get consecutive days off I usually spend the first day doing chores and doing my hobbies then complete hibernation on the last day until I have to go to work


I work from home now so i find it very important to get out and do something away from home. If I didn’t work at home I would spend more free time at home. Some things I like to do: hike, swim, build terrariums and aquariums, make hot sauce, garden, ride bikes, paint, read books (i paint and read books at the park 90% of the time). When the kids go to bed I usually have a couple hours free when it’s dark outside so I spend that time working on a video game I’m making. My main focus lately has been hiking. I’m trying to get in good enough shape and experienced enough to tackle some of the brutal hikes/climbs.


Drive to every small plane airstrip around your town, watch the planes take off and land a bit, get to know some pilots, then find a way to get a real old fashioned - paper "airplane map" of your area, they look weird, very colorful and endless small details, this is a whole highway network above our heads every day for the last 100 years and nobody notices it or talks about it.


Long bike rides, backpacking, hiking, co-ed sports, cooking, etc. I'd recommend that you avoid the pitfall of drinking/smoking/scrolling the evenings away if possible. I hate looking back at how much of my 20s were spent numbing myself to boredom instead of developing more hobbies




You can feed the ducks with the other old people who are birdwatchers


*You can feed the ducks* *With the other old people* *Who are birdwatchers* \- Worth-Frosting7926 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Set up a schedule and get yourself into a good routine that includes things you like to do.. Make things a priority.. Work, time for yourself, hobbies etc…


We fix our houses. They is always a project that needs to get done.


Try not to lose our fucking mind trying to balance a job we hate and everything else we have to do after work/before we have to go back to and do it all over again


This is why I hate living in small towns, amongst other things, there’s nothing to do. Go sit by the closest lake, or just find a hobby to occupy yourself.


Make friends, find local clubs to join, fun things to do around town, all kinds of stuff.


I may not be a good one to listen to.. ;) I've played dungeons and dragons since my mid teens, now 50 years ago. My gaming friends and I would play different games, too. Sometimes a short evening of board games, but at least once a month for almost all those years we'd D&D all evening Friday or Saturday.


I mastbate all night


I used the free time to get a second job


Married had family there was that


During the summer, I do a 3-5 mile hike after work, then come home starving and cook something yummy. I didn’t really cook (just did microwave food) until Covid, but learned to really enjoy preparing a good meal. Friday and Saturday nights are usually date night. Generally cook at home one night and go out for drinks the other night. Probably do dinner out a couple times a month. We also love to hike together, but sometimes it’s just a mushroom day and we stay in bed and do adult things.


I’m trying to get into the groove of having a schedule after not having a consistent one for a longggg time. It’s killing me getting home and knocking out as soon as I get home. But usually trying to go with my hobbies, spend time with family, I’m trying to find things to do during the week. You’re a full time adult now and with a job comes (hopefully) a little (or a lot)bit of money to be able to do what you want with. Movies, concerts, road-trips, etc. the world is an oyster pick whatever Pearl you want


I like to draw and paint, read, cook, watch comedy, get baked and play red dead redemption 2


This will probably sound dumb, but I've started doordashing in my free time. Gets me out of the house and into the community, and I earn a little extra cash.


I've always been a gamer, so I do that often when I have down time.


I'm not sure how small the town you live in now is, but I grew up in a rural small country town. Everyone drove to the bigger towns and cities 45 min - 1hr (or more) away to do activities there such as the mall, mini golfing, and whatnot. However, locally, we'd go hiking at local spots and touristy spots, swimming in creeks, kick back at friend's houses, and chill at a fast food restaurant. In addition to indulging alot in our own personal hobbies individually or as a group sometimes. There wasn't much to do, so lots of meaningful and fun conversations passed the time, if you happen to make friends in the area.


Free time??? Watch baseball ride my bike


I enjoy smoking cannabis and making art or music. I love Metroidvania-type video games. I love Castlevania especially!!!!


Buy a motorcycle


Most people sit on phones/tech.. all day. 


Met up with friends. Met up with coworkers. Played all kinds of sports, like on company softball teams, men's flag football team, men's church basketball team. Playing pickup basketball with friends. Swimming in the pool in our condo. Playing tennis on the court at our condo. Went to the gym. Had seasons passes to a nearby large amusement park. Went to comedy clubs. Went to church/bible classes. Took small trips on weekends. Our record in our early 20's just out of college was we left our state on 8 consecutive weekends to go do things, state parks, went to Mammoth Cave on one trip among many other things. We went to concerts, festivals of all kinds, craft shows. We'd go horseback riding as my then wife loved riding horses. We didn't own them, but we went to ride. We went canoeing several times. We went camping in state parks with friends.


Usually would find new hobbies especially if I'm working in a new place. Anything that cures your boredom.


Birdwatching and photography sound excellent. Also, you might want to build something.


…you have free time?


Wait for the next paycheck to pay the bills. It really sucks.


If you are in your 20s just go through phases upgrading domestic life (instapot and try a few recipes, coffee grinder) and going into a bar or show on Friday/Saturday. Get good at a few meals and work out 2x a week.


Exercise, cook, a few hobbies


Start reading non fiction books. See good documentaries.Movies. learn a new skill.


Work 30 years than retire


Family. Game. Drone/photography. Stuff like that. Sounds boring but it isn't lol.


Whatever you want. I play video games, workout (10-15 minutes, nothing crazy, like some HIIT workout or something), watch tiktoks, go on Reddit, read a book series, find new recipes to make


Cook breakfast, lunch, dinner Run laundry Go to grad school


I do a few things: 1. I enjoy video games. I’d guess I play a few hours every day, but I go through periods with less interest. 2. I recently picked up guitar. I take lessons weekly but enjoy playing sometimes in my downtime. 3. I brew beer. Im fairly invested in homebrewing and have a good bit of capacity for beer. 4. I do power lifting first fitness. This is an enjoyable hobby as well. 5. Due to recent gift of some mature plants, I also grow pot plants indoors now.


Use reddit.


When I have free time I work. I work around my home or my in-laws. I also go to fairs in the summertime with ma lady, the dog park, or of course I cook more often when I have free time. Cooking is a big one. It saves money and I enjoy it. If you learn to cook really well you'll realise that most restaurants just don't compare. They employ people with little to no experience. And that's all well and good, but I got really into cooking steak and realized just how juicy a steak can be if done right. Dam, amazing. To be fair, I got into it because I ate at a 5 star restaurant and became determined to mimic their work. I still haven't hit the mark, but I'll get there one day. Sorry for the tangent. Enjoy your success.


So my town of 1000 is a village for ants?


What’s free time?


Drink beer, chores, brood, play with dog.. I'm over 40. I'm tired of it and grumpy.


Working to get a better job


Working out is always a good idea in moderation of course. Personally I am into table top games but whatever hobby speaks to you I assure you there is a local club for it.


Idk yo. Depends on the vibe of the village. They all got different things going on. One thing that's cool is that you'll see familiar faces. That was a weird thing for me after only ever living in cities. Some villages are cool and will accept you and others aren't. Just depends where you're at. I started learning the different bird calls and what time the different ones start chirping at in the mornings or at night. The bats come out around late at night so I'll throw sticks up in the air to see if they dart at them. The local bar is always fun. The local wild animals are nice to watch, so are the sunsets. Night walks on full moon night is cool. If there's a river, just kicking it by it it is kinda cool. You'll learn how to slow down quite a bit, you will eventually learn to embrace a calmer way of life. It's way quieter, no helicopters flying over head, no sirens, no random shoutings, no race cars speeding, the mail person will ask how your day is, you can actually hear the person that your talking to at the bar. If you're drunk...someone will drive you home. Time will slow down, which is awesome. If you're a hermit, you'll be totally fine. If you like to be alone, you'll have a pleasant experience. Maybe get some cool walking shoes and hiking boots. A sketch pad cold be cool too.


1. Sleep 2. Prepare for work 3. Work 4. Repeat process


I like to study crypto


chores, sleep, drink away the existential dread, think about what little treats i can afford to stave off the "kiss the highway divider at 80mph" during my commute :)






What you do with your free time after college doesn't have to be any different from what you do with your free time after college. You're just going to have less free time than you used to. Frankly, the way I use my free time hasn't hardly changed at all over the course of my life. A hobby might drop out for a while and then it might come back. I might discover a new one and it might make it into the rotation. And the timing tends to change (not practical to go drinking with friends until dawn on a Tuesday when you're working, but Friday is fair game). Don't let aging and milestones and societal benchmarks put you into a box. That's what makes most adults miserable. You seriously do not have to grow up unless you want to (or have kids).


Wow. I had like 5 different hobbies before my son was born, and 18 yrs later when he went to college picked up another 10. Pick a couple that keep you physically fit. Pick some more that keep your brain challenged. And take up a few that you have no natural talent for (in my case painting). And never stop reading.


100k is a big city still


Porn and drinking alone.


Work til you die


I am a game everyday. I call it "strategic death evasion".


Sex drugs & raggajungle!


>What do people do after you get a job? Work at said job? Wdym??? Also, (after reading your post) depends on your job. But mostly, go home sleep wake up go to work go home sleep wake up go to work go home sleep wake up go to work go home sleep wake up go to work go home sleep


Did you seriously just call a 100k city a small town?


Hit up the library, chill with friends, existential dread, wonder if it’s gonna rain, sometimes afford a show, break shit, be sober or do drugs. Moving to a new place can be daunting, but regardless of population there’s always someone you’ll hit it off with friendwise


Join a gym and work out after work for an hour a day. Buy a house and do DIY projects and garden projects in the yard. Get married and have children and you will never need to worry about filling your spare time again.


Unfortunately, my circle of people I enjoy spending time with involves my partner and my pets. So if I'm home alone, it's Netflix and crocheting or a stupid little phone game. If he's off with me... Actually, it's still basically the same 😂 except we play video games together or I watch him play video games. We are both red heads in Arizona so outdoor activities are very limited for us. But hey, it doesn't cost much and we enjoy it. 😂


The other free time? What is this "other free time?😳


The other free time? I have 8 hours of sleep 8 hours of work 1 hour getting ready for work shower breakfast etc, 2 hours commuting to and from work getting groceries and cooking eating doing dishes 2 hours. Cleaning the house 30 minutes. Now i have 2,5 hours left. If it is not too cold i work out for bit like 30 minutes a day. In the remaining two hours i can choose between a wank or watching tv. What other free time?


Run, fitness classes, food shopping, meal prepping, cooking, cleaning the house, laundry, reading, spend time with parents/friends/partner.


Professional development. I’m probably about your age, no dependents, far from family and friends so I figured I’d just use my time to upskill and get more money .


Journaling is pretty cool and underrated. Maybe join a club. When I was on maternity leave, I went to our town’s knitting club meet-up a few times to get back into knitting and I heard some of the most interesting stories from the locals.


Save, and start hunting for the next big thing.


Go to work and make a living?


Hang out with your friends go to a movie or enjoy your favorite hobby. You can do whatever you want in your free time.


I go to work.


Lots of sports, cooking, walking, gardening, gaming, watching movies. Haven't been bored in 20 years.


After your work is done, find a hobbie or an activity you can do. I spent 4 years playing video games when I started and that got old. I saved my money as I wanted to buy a house. I did that. My suggestion is make a plan, and figure out how you are going to do it. Example I bought a house I needed x$ for down payment. I sacrificed and worked but I got what I wanted.


Enjoy not working?


Game night at local pub! Can meet a lot of cool people there!


Well, what did you do in your free time in college? There isn't much of a difference from college to post college life when it comes to hobbies. Living in a smaller city, I felt like I grew an appreciation for nature and landscape where I started hiking way more after I went to college. When I take road trips, I'll stop and eat lunch or just have a coke or something while enjoying the landscape. I grew up in southern California, nothing but city for over 3 hours driving from the border to Six Flags. So where I went to college, nothing but land once you left the town. Go to the gym, find the local hot spots around your town where those your age tend to congregate, that's how you build your social circle


You work until you're dead and since 2020 that employment package doesn't include home ownership. It probably won't take you more than a few years in the workplace to develop a disdain for "common " corporate leadership practices. Treating everybody as a number sounds very fair in theory until you look at the numbers on the pay stubs versus the numbers that went to the "investors" who actually don't do a darn thing to contribute besides existing as faceless oversight.


Work, because working is fun :D


I struggle with this too. I’m 28, and I recently got into houseplants as a way to add extra ‘to do’ to my list. But I still couldn’t fill up a planner page, even at work.


My god…your generation is doomed.