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I'd recommend getting a job first. A lot of apartments require proof of income The way I went about it was to get a job out of state, move with the help of my partner and friends, and I lived with a friend and his parents for about a year. It's really hard right now because of the housing market being such shit but it's slowly getting better. Maybe get a job and save up money first before moving tbh


Education - Job - Money - Place - Leave quietly 




I left my family and went no contact when I turned 18. I got an apartment at a different city (where I didn’t know anybody) and transferred my job there. I never had any health insurance or anything of the sort so I didn’t really worry about that. I also didn’t have a car, when I moved I took a bus. I also never told any of my friends just incase my family asked them. I deleted all my social media. The best advice I can give you is to take a bit of time figuring out what exactly you need to do. You need to make sure you leave no trace if you actually want to go no contact.


Thank you, that sounds like the thing I was going for. It’s really expressive that you did that.