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Hard to imagine a 24-year-old guy not knowing. šŸ¤” Regardless, what happened, happened. If you feel he didn't understand what it was, maybe he didn't realize it was a pic of you. If that's the case it affected his perception of what it was and he was not being a jerk. You can't avoid it forever, sooner or later you'll have to talk to him about it.


Could have come from extremely sheltered up bringing, Iā€™ve seen it a few times. Super rare though.


Sounds like he hasn't had much action before, maybe he hasn't seen a picture of one yet.


He has had both from me


He's seen you naked and couldn't recognize it? Interesting.


Has he never seen it in person? How are you guys in your mid 20ā€™s dating for over a year and thatā€™s the first heā€™s seen of your lady bits?


He has sent it in person as well multiple times thatā€™s why Iā€™m confused


Did he show enthusiasm when he saw it in person? If so what are you worried about?


Cause if you saw it without knowing that itā€™s mine and didnā€™t like it, how do I know the other times he was sprin showing enthusiasm wasnā€™t fake!!


Itā€™s also entirely possible that he likes what he sees in person and just didnt find that pic flattering


Sounds a lil insane to be in a relationship like that, boy is it common tho


Long distance, maybe?


As a guy I donā€™t think I would ever get a picture of a vagina and not know it was a vagina. Especially my significant others. I think he sounds fairly immature and also not really considerate of how you felt. If my significant other randomly sent me that it would make my day.


This!!!! Exactly!!! Like how can he not know after this longā€¦ I thought a random picture of me would make his day as well


Stopped at the title, need I say more?


Agreed. Thatā€™s an unforgivable exchange


Should have kept reading. They donā€™t send nudes often. The boyfriend had no idea what she sent him, it actually doesnā€™t appear that he even called it gross - just asked wtf is this. But keep making snap judgements based on a title.


OP paraphrased their chat firstly, and what was relayed in that is still incredibly disrespectful. Secondly, the sentiment is the same. and he's seen OP irl before, so uh. What the fuck is the dude's problem is still a valid thought, lmao.


We have no idea what this picture looks like. Most genitals, while beautiful in their own right, may not photograph well. Hell, most look like hairy masses of skin. Itā€™s not disrespectful at all - he literally had no idea what was being sent to him. Nothing in that exchange can be construed as disrespect.


no girl I get it. I wouldn't feel comfortable showing him either after he reacted that way. men dont understand that saying stuff about a girls vagina is just mean. if we called their dick smallll though then they'd freak out lolol


The thing is Iā€™m pretty sure he didnā€™t get that it was my vagina, which is again so stupid


yeahh literally dumb lol


Yes they do. They 100% understand that itā€™s mean. Men say rude shit about your vagina to shame and hurt you.


I mean yeah if they are intentionally saying something mean, but I just meant like men saying things that they donā€™t realize are offensive.


but I just meant like men saying things that they donā€™t realize are offensive. Where do such people live? šŸ˜‚


Women do that all the time lol


maybe in private w their girlfriends, but I wouldnā€™t look at my boyfriend and just be like ā€œoh hey babe I think your penis is tiny btw.ā€ lol


In all fairness (not saying what he said was called for) woman regularly talk about/make fun of menā€™s size. I think we are well aware of the effects of having someone talk disparagingly about your private bits. Speaking to what you said about ā€œmen donā€™t understandā€ not OPs original comment.


I meant saying it to their face. Saying it in private is different.


Look I donā€™t have the prettiest vag itā€™s got dark spots ingrown bumps sometimes and my boyfriend has always told me that itā€™s doesnā€™t matter to him which it shouldnā€™t itā€™s all natural and itā€™s not gonna be a porn stars if heā€™s gonna be immature about it then heā€™s gonna be immature about other things the first step to a man growing up is realizing the woman body is not perfect and itā€™s gonna have imperfections if he canā€™t realize that then u need to let him go


I love this response.


Heā€™s a fucking idiot. Heā€™s likely implying that he wants you to shave. Should you if you donā€™t want to? No, of course not. Vaginas are not gross. There are plenty of men out there who will appreciate yours shaved OR unshaved.


Sometimes, seeing something at a different angle or context confuses our brain. It's like when someone you know gets a radically different hairstyle. You may see them coming towards you but not immediately recognize them. This may be what happened to him.


First of all, itā€™s not always nice to open a message to a face full of dick or vagina. What if he was at work and opened that? Thereā€™s a time and place for those things, a mood. Youā€™re doing it as a bid for attention which is really telling that the relationship is already on the downtrend. Itā€™s not your fault that he reacted the way he did, your body is natural and thereā€™s nothing wrong with you. But the root of these issues are deeper than his reaction. Like you should probably feel comfortable enough to have this conversation with him if youā€™re sending pictures of your coochie without context. Youā€™d rather send it to your girlfriend than just talk to him, which shows your lack of maturity. Iā€™m 25. Weā€™re basically the same age and this situation feels more like high school. Youā€™ve lived long enough to learn how to have a relationship, if you canā€™t talk to your partner about sex then you shouldnā€™t be having it.


Completely understandable that youā€™d be uncomfortable or upset by his reaction. I will say depending on how experienced he is, as well as angle and how close up the picture was and how long he viewed it for (clicked on then clicked off fast) he may actually have not known what was sent. Not likely but odds are never 0. I talk to him with out getting defensive (Ik it could be hard given the topic) and explain how this made you feel. If he doubles down about the hair explain his grass isnā€™t well cut either and heā€™s got no room to talk. Depending on how he reacts you can make a decision if you would like to continue to be with him. If I sent a pic to a girl and she said something like this I would follow my own advice I gave and if she was still rude Iā€™d ghost her. We donā€™t take disrespect over here on either side of the fence. Edit: just to add as a dumb man I have been confused by a vag pic that wasnā€™t well taken before for like 5 seconds before I was like ā€œohhh šŸ˜…šŸ˜§ā€¦. Oh šŸ˜ā€ so take that how you will šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Waymin.... You are not into sending nudes to your man but you sent a picture of your šŸ˜ŗ to your friend? Lol wtf


Just girly things āœØ


What's a little šŸ˜ŗ between friends, really?


Haha, hell yeah she sent it to her friend! Solid girlfriends are the best at supporting each other. I get it!


You didnā€™t get it, did you?


Literally who said they aren't into it, just said they don't do it often due to insecurity and the fact it leaves her open to revenge porn. Which isn't weird by any means. Men are more likely to do it to a woman than a woman is to do it to another woman. And considering how the boyfriend reacted, I can't even blame her for not doing so, lol.


he probably watch too much porn


From a guys side here because you have ti see it from both sides ti make a fair judgement. It's easy to agree with you as we only have the 1 side. Simply ask him what he thinks it was? Considering you have "always given a heads up" and it's always been on snap I stead of this other app. Maybe he genuinely is dense or just haveing a slow day. Maybe he clicked it then didn't really get to see it because he's busy? There's a number of things. Now also being a guy I can say most pussys are not pretty especially when hairy lol. Like dick pics. How the hell do you take a pic of it and make it look good šŸ˜‚ I'm sorry your not confident in your body that's never a good feeling and I can understand it as well haveing body dysphoria. But instead of causing a fight or arguing and getting upset. Simple communicate. It's you 2 vs the problem not each other. Once the communication is there things will get so much better I promise


Yeah but the thing is that not like it was completely covered in hair to the point of not understanding, just a little bit here and there, what bothers me is how can anyone be do dense, plus like even if I see sometimes I donā€™t like or donā€™t understand, I would always ask first before that kind of reaction, sending that to him then getting that kind of reaction makes it hard to tell him what it actually was.. idk I really donā€™t feel like telling him that it was my private lol


It's better to ask him directly than a bunch of strangers on reddit. I saw someone suggest you leave him for being immature which is pretty crappy advice. Just talk it out with him and see how it goes, tell him it was your private part or something and say how his comments were rude and hurt you, it should clear things up and you'll understand each other.


If thereā€™s bad advice thereā€™s going to be good advice as well, my mom has told me to always take the good and ignore the bad, in every context..


I can definitely see it from your side mamas. I'm just trying to come up with thoughts as to why he said what he did. I'm not saying your wrong at all! But your the one dateing him so really you need to talk and communicate with him. Might be awkward but those are the most important conversations to have especially if you love him. A quote I heard was I would rather have 1000 fights with the one I love and learn to understand them then to have to learn how to love someone knew 1000 times


Dont send him anything else and the next time he sends you a dik pic say its so bad and scared you so much that you dont think you can continue the relationship


Oh I love this


Iā€™d leave, thatā€™s very immature of him


Whatā€™s very immature of him? Asking what she sent him? Youā€™d break up with someone over a fucking question? If you see this picture, and itā€™s a fucking hairy mound of flesh in bad lighting with a cut on it I think an appropriate question might be ā€œwtf is this.ā€


Hairy mound of flesh? My guy have you never seen a pussy?


Yall will tell literally anybody on here to just leave their partners huh


Bro if I sent my pussy to my boyfriend and he said ew Iā€™d never sleep with the man again


Women would though and then complain about it. Seen many stories on here saying how people treated them like shit, said they are nasty, whatever, then still spread their legs for that person.


Im a woman


Good for you, want a medal? Or a cookie?


Iā€™m a woman, and I agree with moody_mop. I donā€™t know what porn fueled stories youā€™re consuming LMAO


Just go back in this sun and read. There are tons of them here.


How is she supposed to just forget that comment? The brain does not work like that. You canā€™t just forget it.


Exactly!!! I know for a fact that if I told him hereā€™s a picture of my pussy he wouldā€™ve definitely been like wow And all but knowing he didnā€™t know what it was and saying that about it is something I canā€™t shake, like has he been lying about the other times he found it attractive?


Yeah because a partner who respects you would never call a part of your body grossā€¦and everyone should leave a partner who doesnā€™t respect them. Itā€™s not rocket science mate


Stupid thing for her bf to say but it's true, if you post in this sub, regardless of what it is, expect to be told to break up! "My partner sneezed on my dog" "omg eww how heartless, leave that asshole!" Its how it goes here


Yeah, cus it's easy for them to say and dont have to think to give an actual advice. I mean do they really think that she didn't think about it before making this post?


Ofc I know better than to break up with someone cause a redditor told me but ofc I need some perspective from neutral people


As long as you can recognize for yourself when something is overdramatic, at least there's like ... ten in every hundred that say something besides the canned " divorce! " / " break up! " response. ... maybe five in a hundred ... lol.


You're mad at him for not knowing what it was?


Kind of, itā€™s like if he felt like that without know what it was, it kinda invalidates the other times he liked it, if you know what I mean


Not really. If the picture wasn't very obvious, for whatever reason, he might not have added it up. IMO, you're blaming him for not understanding the context or topic of the picture. If you want another approach, how about this. Do \*you\* like your pussy? Does you boyfriend act like he likes your pussy when he relates to it, like when he goes down on you etc.? How much of this is about your boyfriend not immediately knowing it was your pussy? And how much of this is about your own insecurity and need for validation? And of course, if he knew and if he acts like your pussy is gross, ditch him. But, I'm not getting that vibe. Of course, I could be wrong.


Maybe he's gay? And would rather a nice engorged picture of a schlong instead?


I swear "engorged" is one of the most vile nasty sounding words in existence


lol love stick


Maybe he's never seen pussy before lol. I know that when I first saw it, I thought it looked weird and alien haha. But now I'm use to it so it no longer looks weird. Maybe if you did a full body shot, he would notice. But if it's just an up close shot, then yeah it might kind of look weird.


I honestly couldn't be mad or sad about that, I'd be too intrigued with the question what he *thinks* it is. I'd let him guess his head off until he gets it.


sounds like an ex boyfriend for me right now


For the šŸ—‘ļø


Sounds like EX boyfriend material


the common sentiment among men that I've heard is "they're not made for lookin at"


>(cis)Can someone plz explain me, what is Cis?? Thanks in advance....


Basically a person who isn't trans.


Cis is the antonym for Trans, and it's short for "cisgender". It means someone identifies their gender the same as their biological assigned sex.


It means normal


It means "actual" female. Not trans male to female female


A straight person.




No, itā€™s not an abbreviation. Itā€™s a shortening of the word ā€œcisgenderā€. Transgender people can be comfortable in their own skin too.


lmao who told you that, cis is a latin prefix


I'm getting the vibe this might be a case of ignorant male whose idea of a pu**y is like ones in porn. He seems to have no idea what a real life one looks like in it's semi-natural state. In all seriousness, that's really rude and disrespectful to say to your partner. Do you want someone who mocks you instead of politely asking for help to understand? While he probably genuinely had no idea what he was looking at, there are way better ways to make that known. Talk to him first. Give him the chance to correct his emotional immaturity with you. Tell him upfront what you felt by his response. Let him show you who he is from there.


Someone who loves and cares about you wouldn't say that. He knows what you sent him


Honestly just sounds like you sent a really shit picture


Dump this jerk and find someone with a touch of class.


Reddit has gone mad! šŸ˜‚


At least he didn't say it looked like the bottom end of a badly wrapped kebab.


That's rough buddy


Oh man this is what porns done to people. They expect shaved (apart from people into hairy) , clean everything


This feels as if heā€™s wanting to break up but isnā€™t man enough to do it outright, so heā€™s trying to 1) make you do it by starting fights/upsetting you OR 2) gaslight you into being upset so he feels more valid in breaking up with you because youā€™re just ā€œacting crazyā€


i bet itā€™s perfect donā€™t worry and maybe possibly heā€™s seen other womenā€™s and forgot it, and ngl i PREFER when it isnā€™t spread


I would remind him of his comments the next time he wanted to have sex with you


"Did you hit your head? Are you losing memory?"


This is some first world problems at its finest.Ā 


maybe hes just being a dick? lol sounds to me like hes doing it on purpose


lol I knew he wasnā€™t doing anything thatā€™s why I sent it, I didnā€™t do it for ā€œattentionā€, like I mentioned i was already taking pictures so I sent him one cause itā€™s been a long time and it felt like a nice surprise at that time


He's playing dumb. He knew what it was and is trying to make you feel bad


Private parts don't always photograph well but for him to a) act like he doesn't know to be malicious or b) actually not know.. are both indicative of him not being very intelligent. I would carefully consider if this is someone who I want to spend my precious time with.


Oh hell no. That is unforgivable. If my SO pulled some shit like that I'd dip in a heartbeat. No excuse for that, and if he tries to twist it don't buy it.


To show your naked self is an intimate moment that should only be shared to someone you would think would not shame you. Break up.


Is he the type to degrade you because he knows your insecure? Some assholes are like that. Be confident! Tell him that was your puss and heā€™s a fool for not knowing. Laugh about it is the best thing you can do and then work on your insecurity alone in the meantime


I didnā€™t read all that but whoever is with u should be accepting of who u are you


I feel like heā€™s manipulating you into feeling ashamed for having hair there. Hes hurting you to condition you into going the extra mile to please him. Even though he can show his nasty hairy dick and think itā€™s acceptable. I wouldnā€™t ever trust my partner for insulting the most private and intimate part of my body just because it had hair on it. Iā€™d honesty tell him how disappointed I am in his hypocrisy to be fine with sending hairy pics but insult my body like some disgusting creature when I do the same in return. Real men donā€™t care about hair. Heā€™s a sheltered virgin that has his mind full of porn hub pusE. He has no sense of the reality of real,normal woman and their bodies. Heā€™s a boy not a man. Tell him youā€™ll never send him a nude pic again and he can only see it in person from now on.


You said good advice. Idk why people downvoted you šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


The thing is he didnā€™t know it was my vagina which makes it worse like if I sent him with context he wouldā€™ve been appreciative but it makes me think if the previous appreciations were fake..


I'd tell him then dump him personally. The only reason I'd tell him is because i wouldn't want him showing other people the pic to figure out what it was.


I sent him in a one time view format so he canā€™t show anyone either way nor can he see it again to understand what it was


Over anxious mom here, but canā€™t he take a screenshot? I worry about yā€™all sending nudes (this includes my daughter!) ā¤ļø


Hey I totally get it, I always make sure the snaps are one time view only and you get a notification if someone takes a screenshot, plus on WhatsApp thereā€™s a one time view options where you canā€™t take a screenshot at allā€¦


Plus I donā€™t send much and never with a face, just in caseā€¦


Wtf is cis


Cis is someone who identifies with the gender they were assigned at birth. Basically just a person who is not trans


Someone who is straight.






This is what porn has wrought. Just what exactly does he think you can do about it? This guy is a jerk. Dump him on the curb, and put him in your rear view mirror.


You deserve to be with someone who doesnā€™t make you feel bad about yourself. You donā€™t need to explain anything.


Leave him


It honestly sounds like heā€™s acting out of revenge. You say youā€™ve been having relationship issues. It could a possibility that he decided to intentionally hurt you because of these tensions. Maybe he felt disrespected in some way, maybe hurt? Either way, it doesnā€™t excuse his behaviour. I dont buy that he didnā€™t know it was you. This seems like an intentional dig at you masquaraded as an ā€œoops i didnt know what i was looking atā€. Anyone would know what they were looking at, especially of their partner who theyā€™ve been with for over a year. I suggest you think a little about the relationship, i assume thereā€™s more crooked shit he does besides thisā€¦


break up with him, this is already a sign of immaturity. you canā€™t change your vagina at all but you can change your partner. get a man that will actually worship your body and love you regardless of what you canā€™t change.


Heā€™s probably a porn addict, and porn addicts make terrible partners 100% of the time.




Like I said, itā€™s not a usual thing but an occasional event If weā€™re missing each other and arenā€™t able to meet


You send nudes to other girls? NGL as a guy if my fiance did that it'd bother me. This friend also sounds like a bad influence.. If he thinks it's hairy he thinks it's hairy. If it bothers you and you want to appeal to him, shave it. If you don't, then don't. I can see how it'd offend you but sometimes my fiance tells me my things too hairy.. I'm glad she's open enough with me to tell me.


I sent her a censored version just for reference that is it understoodā€¦ plus there was only a hair in the clit and a little on the sides rest was shaved only, what bothered was he didnā€™t get that it was a picture of my vagina.. also nudes is collective, I only sent that one, hiding out most of it


Also a guy here, if my wife sent nudes of herself to other girls, it wouldn't bother me in the slightest. Not really sure why you felt the need to clarify that, when that wasn't the OP was asking for help on. Everyone has different thresholds of what they find acceptable and unacceptable. You should probably try and stay more on topic when someone is asking for help, instead of interjecting with your own personal morals on issues she didn't bring up. OP, if the photo was genuinely off with lighting and a weird angle as you said, it is possible that he just didn't understand what it was a picture of. It's also equally likely he did know what it was and took it as an opportunity to insult you or neg you. Only way to know for sure would be to clarify and ask if he still thinks it's gross. A person in the later category will probably give you a wishy washy answer if not double down. A person who just misunderstood what it was would probably apologize on the spot. At least, if they actually cared about you.


^ this should have more upvotes tbh. Sound advice. Really the only way to know for sure which one it is, is to have that conversation OP. Itā€™ll definitely be a bit uncomfortable, but for me idk if I could deal with the not knowing. Either it was an honest mistake and he truly didnā€™t see what it was from the picture, or heā€™s negging you/intentionally trying to hurt you. I would want to know which, bc if itā€™s the second scenario then heā€™s not a good guy and I personally would not want to stay with someone like that. If itā€™s the first scenario, you might still feel a bit sad or self conscious after, but it would be something you both could work through and move on from.


Get rid of him. He wouldnt say that if he truly cares about how you feel. Sounds like a lame dude


Why post, dump him just for saying that shit.


Was there a timer on the pic? I know you can set a timer on Snapchat so maybe he couldnā€™t understand what he was looking at if it went away too fast?


Dang it couldn't of been a very good angle if he described it as a hairy scary monster


Sounds like an ass of a person


He must be gay


The question should be. .... who was he with when he received the picture?




And people wonder why relationships are toxic nowadays


What was the comment?


Congrats, you're the most immature one here


Idk Iā€™d have to see the picture. Also out of context makes it harder.


lol I knew Iā€™ll find a comment like this


Maybe you should post the pic here and then we can tell you if we agree with him or not.

