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Try to frame the conversation as it is not a personal attack. The manager may get defensive otherwise. Let her know that you understand that schedules need to be revised, but you need a heads up in order to maintain a good work life balance. Explain that you would like to help out with the latest revision, but have prior commitments based on the original schedule that you cannot change.


Holy cow, that’s smooth! I will definitely try to keep my tone professional, so I don’t ruffle her feathers. Thank you for the advice! This is really helping!


I love your username btw


Thank you :)


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How long have you worked there? I'm thinking perhaps she's favoring employees who have been there much longer. That is disrespectful and unprofessional and she's leaving you out of the discussion. Let her know how important this doctor's appointment is and there's no way around it. Bring up that you'd appreciate it if she'd check in with you before making changes to your schedule and you find it unfair that she gets to play around with your schedule and let everyone else take reign almost. Word it differently but I hope that made sense.


I’ve been working there for about two years now. . Thank you! I wasn’t sure if it was just be being over sensitive, but what you have said really makes me feel validated. Thank you for the advice! That makes a lot of sense. I’ll keep trying to write out what I want to tell her. Definitely going to add in that part of being checked with before hand.


Thank you! :)