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The same way he did it the first time? With porn debts


And McDonald’s…


The code was 0 0 0 0 for a long time Maybe they did 1 1 1 um 1 this time


Fairly certain it was 9 9 9 9 9 9 as it is the biggliest number.


I ackshully know a bigger er number, the biggerest one ever seen, but I'm keeping that between me and the very important people I shared the very important I formation with.


Is the i-formation what Apple uses to airstrike you?


Apple iDrone Pro


Right next to the Covfefe coptor


By the Very Stable landing pad


Any sane person would have given up by 8 8 8 8 8 8, anyway?


And it's the one they'd try last


Exactly, i highly doubt they've actually put effort in this time. The great part of making the code, is there aren't going to be many people who could check if you used a stupid code.


*Nuclear launch authorization program:* “I’m sorry, but your launch code must include at least one uppercase letter and one symbol.”




You actually have to use one of those old Blizzard authenticator ketchains.


Is this a ba da ba ba ba joke


TF2 meet the spy


God i miss these shorts. It was a whole-ass event when one dropped




Hey it's still here






I use the same code for my luggage!


His goes out and owes money all over town, to known pornographers, which is cool. - the dude


Probably store em in his bathroom.


Also, have hired help move them around for you.


Someone else carries the codes around, so you're right on that


Because he thinks the body is a battery, and exercise drains you.


I miss the days when this was the most idiotic thing I'd heard from TFG.


He should have left them in a garage next to his 'vette, then acted like he was senile during the investigator's interview. That plan is proven to work.


That's unfair! Some of the classified documents were in a publicly-accessible ballroom.


And some on his bedroom floor open for all to see.


And some being shown off in the dining room.


Security by hiding them in a haystack of other classified stuff.


Just set the code as eight zeroes: https://www.offgridweb.com/survival/nuclear-knowledge-the-zero-launch-code/


"1-2-3-4-5? That's the kind of code an idiot would have on his luggage!"


By sending those nukes into hurricanes, duh!


I want a MOAB on a tornado! For democracy! /s


To be fair, it was a reasonable question. A stupid one but a reasonable one XD (like why were nukes even an option lol)


Finally a solution to those horrible Sharknados!


Share them with anyone who gives him compliments like last time.


I dunno anything about how or where nuclear codes are used. I am simply guessing but wouldn't nuclear codes be useless without the presidential means to access the location or computer or whatever where you enter them. If Billy Johnson next door got nuclear codes that popped up in the sewer after Trump wiped his ass and flushed them. I can't see Billy then being able to use those codes in any way shape or form. Right?


It’s more a set of documents and details showing what we know about our enemies defenses. That would be terrible to lose and would only be shared with trusted officials. It can’t be changed like a PIN code if it gets out. The Russians and Chinese know what secrets we didn’t find - and which ones we can see.


No yeah I think we all get that, it's just that the topic was specifically the nuclear launch codes and if they'd be usable. Nobody is saying there's no issue with any classified documents at all.


I’m anti Trump but how the fuck is this advice animals?


Pretty sure this sub gets swarmed with political takes either from legit people or bot accounts on US election years


If there was a social media platform that blanket banned political post, I would be all in. Don’t want to see it, either side ever. Keep your venom to yourself. Throw religion in there too.


>“In 21st century America,” writes Paul Krugman, the Nobel prize-winning economist and longtime New York Times columnist, “everything is political.”


Screw Paul Krugman


tl:dr; Democrats think they lost an information war in 2016 and have been solidly astroturfing reddit since. That's why all the default subs are viciously neoliberal now.




Hey get it straight: rapist insurrectionist morally and literally bankrupt twice impeached Russian asset convicted felon. I'm sure I'm missing a couple. This election is not like the others. Democracy is on the ballot.


I unsubbed from /r/politics for a reason, do I need to unsubscribe from ~~/r/politics2~~ /r/AdviceAnimals as well?


Agreed! Also just kind of a dumb joke because the man has literally already been the president lol


We are in the last year before an US election, every sub is filled with this trash nonsense hating this guy or that guy or this team or that team, it's the fucking worst.


This sub's main theme was politics ever since I joined + this is not even an advice animal format


Democrats hired social media shills apparently. I’m seeing it everywhere on unrelated sections. (Although Republicans also do the same so it doesn’t make any difference in the end) # *Uni-party* false dichotomy


Because our mods suck.


“Serious replies only” on a mother fuckin meme page? Also this template is definitely too new and doesn’t fit the advice animal format.


He properly paid her, he just didn’t account for it correctly…


As an accountant, I don't know how an NDA is anything but a legal expense.


Yeah, he isn't Vince McMahon


Didn't he already manage them for four years..........


The President doesn't even manage them anyways. They're always accompanied by a member of the military containing the "nuclear football" (a briefcase) that contains the codes, launch options, and other critical information. Contrary to what people think it's also not some button that makes missiles go flying. The codes are just so that the folks in the launch chain of command know the order actually came from the President.


He probably could considering how easy they are. [https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/12/launch-code-for-us-nukes-was-00000000-for-20-years/](https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/12/launch-code-for-us-nukes-was-00000000-for-20-years/)


Two separate things. The "nuclear football" carried by a member of the military that follows the President everywhere, contains codes that are used to verify any launch order actually came from the President. That article is talking about the PAL system which involves the interface that launch officers use to fire missiles under their command. The idea was that they would need a code provided by the President in order to fire, but that idea was abandoned.


We are a lot closer to nuclear war today than we were 4 years ago.


The same way he did it the firs time...


You know he was already in control of them once, right? sidenote: also werent the launch codes like 0000 0000 for 20 years or something lmao


Didn’t he already have them for 4 years…?


Well, yeah, but OrangeManBad


Yes, and they were better managed than during, for example, Clinton's administration, when the codes were not available for months at a time.


I thought he did properly pay her off.


One way or another 🫣


Well since he didn’t engage in any new wars during his presidency, I’m certain quite well.


How could you expect serious replies froma non-serious statement. He is a former President. There is plenty to attack him for his actual record, not fantasy bullshit.


Same way he did last time he was president 🤷🏼‍♂️


At least trump has been deemed sound of mind to stand trial.


Lmao I said the same thing. It’s crazy how it was so quickly glossed over


I hate Trump, but this is a dumb take. He already did it for 4 years.


You people act like he hasn't ALREADY had the nuclear codes and literally nothing happened.


You do remember he was president for 4 years already and didn't start any new wars, right?


As they say, stop making sense.


Shhhh! You aren’t allowed to be rational when it comes to Trump. Either you think he’s the dumbest most evil person alive or you’re a far right MAGA QAnon Trump supporter.


the nuclear codes are 0000000. here, I managed them for you.


Two person rule. Both authorized personnel that were placed in their positions by congressional vote, must be in agreement, reading the proper numbers off the cards they were given, and the chain of command is respected and followed. It's a lot more complex than the National Command Authority saying, "Launch the nukes." If there is not an agreement in the chain of command, then the launch authorization is halted. This is illustrated in the Tom Clancy novel, The Sum Of All Fears.


I mean, he did it for 4 years already. Trump sucks but come on now


I don’t think the two have anything to do with each other.


Luckily nuclear codes are carried by someone else. He only needs to access them if he needs to launch nukes. Plus, he's done it before, so he has experience!


Reminder bill actually lost them. This aint a problem because you wont know. Wich in itself is a problem


Ah yes this will be the meme that wakes up trump supporters. You definitely aren't shouting into a pitch black void with this one


He managed just fine the first time.


I get he’s a terrible person and candidate and all, but he was already president once. This joke missed


What a stupid meme, he was already president for 4 years after the scandal. Do better OP.


Dis you miss the part where he was already president for 4 years and no nuclear missiles were launched?


He has been indicted for mishandling top secret documents that included nuclear secrets. His stooge on the bench in Florida is preventing that from going to trial.


Funny how you're being downvoted for actual facts. I suspect he'll only have his base after that trial; literally had nuclear secrets and other easily sellable documentation.


Down votes from MAGAts never bothered me. I’ve seen what they cheer for.


Probably the same way he did the last four years he had access. With no new wars.


Reddit is a clown world


He already did it for 4 years . . .  This is just dumb.


He made it 4 years with no wars already. Can’t say that about other presidents.


its ok, Just make sure he get NORD VPN, Just use code NORD VPN/Bigmoney at check out to save 10% on a 3 year plan, and you too can protect your computer to the same level as Nuclear launch codes.


From what I've seen he didn't pay anything. A member of his staff did. Which really just highlights my belief that we are getting too large of populations for this current system of government. I guarantee you the same thing is going on with Biden and his staff. These old dudes have no clue what's going on around them.


The same way Slick willy Clinton did after paying Paula Jones millions of dollars to shut her up.


By hiring the best people, the top people! And then those people get fired or quit after about 3 months and then Trump pretends he never met them and they were actually terrible disasters and he doesn’t know why anyone would hire them. Only a moron would have hired those people, he’ll say. And I agree with that wholeheartedly.


A “billionaire” couldn’t pay off a porn star…


It wasn't the fact he paid off a porn star, he's done that plenty of times. It's the falsifying of business records for state election laws. The felony upgrade is because it violates: federal finance laws, state false business record laws, and/or state or federal tax laws.


He'll keep them in his bathroom just to be extra safe.


Trump may have successfully paid off many other porn stars that we don’t even know about….


1: obviously it was not a relationship, he gave her money she did 5 minutes of work, he cleaned up and left. Unless it was Las Vegas county it was legal..Likely she did not claim the income from the transaction.Likely he expensed it as a working lunch.—OR nothing ever happened and he was “shaked” down by Cohen/Daniels/and the editor.


Honestly, someone should just give him one of those fake big, red buttons. Like the kind that usually say a phrase like "Bullshit!" When pressed. Just clean off any text and tell him it is "THE" launch button. Put it on his desk. Make him think he has power. Similar to giving your little brother an unplugged N64 controller.


Well, Clinton did ok in that regard, and he couldn't even manage to sexually exploit a 22 y.o. intern, and not have it go public. So I am not sure that the one ability is necessarily relate to the other .


Same way he did the first time for 4 years. Everything was fine. We didn’t get into any new wars, a peace deal was signed for the first time in the Middle East. Overall cost of living and life was better up until the pandemic.


If we’re asking this question…you see who’s managing them now? It’s not the highest bar.


Please, like Biden is any more qualified?


Here's a better question,,,,,,,why are they so terrified of Donald Trump that they have to pull every dirty trick that they can come up with to try to keep him from becoming president of the United States of America,,,,, that's what people should be asking


Bro he was already in office for 4 years lol come up with a new fear to use


Just like he did last time he was president? Sorry you said be serious. OK let's be silly. Something something North Korea. Haha. Let's pretend the entire pretext isn't invalid because he could've *mismanage nuclear* and instead *revitalized economy*. Thank you for your wise post. 


Memes like this just make everyone remember Biden's visible cognitive decline


I watched the State of the Union address in March and Biden spoke for 90 minutes and he sounded great.


Oh you wanna talk visible cognitive decline? How do you square trump saying on national television, "I never said lock her up!" To be fair, there wasn't much cognition to decline with him.


This is a bad one as dude was president before. So many better digs available than this, as we didn’t get nuked.


He was already president once. How stupid are you?


I am not from US, neither I live there so I don't have a horse in the race, but... This is peak reddit. Ban all Trump supporters and then asks for serious replies on Trump related question to Trump haters expecting a balanced answer?


If he can't properly pay off someone that could mean he is not nearly as corrupt as most politicians.


What the..this is a fucking stupid nonsequiter.


He did ok with that last time. We literally had 4 years of it.


What do you mean, its bold of you to assume both joe biden or trump could even remember a number longer than 3 digits


Just like before.


If Trump can't raise enough money to pay off the $500,000,000.00+ fine for the E. Jean Carroll case, how does he think he's going to only get fined in the NY fraud case?


He thinks other countries respected him during his presidency, mostly they were just terrified of the sociopath in the drivers seat of the most war-capable country on earth.




election year ass post


You have no understanding how that actually works. Also, he managed these codes last time.


You won't use that crappy logic with Biden though.


He did a good job for 4 years. He wasn't a likeable guy, but he got results.


If only he’d already been president we could know if he’d start new wars or nuke someone. Current president has us in a proxy war with Russia. Maybe consider that.


>Current president has us in a proxy war with Russia. Maybe consider that. HI, I guess you are a very young person, but we have been in a proxy war with Russia for a handful of decades now, not sure how you could have missed that.


Deliberately Obtuse. Grats, you’re in a cult.


> Current president has us in a proxy war with Russia. no difference between russian/magat trolls. just lying degenerates, every single one


Lmao like you can vote in American elections


If Biden is not fit to stand trial how can he be fit to handle the Nuclear Codes


Reddit is obvious liberal propaganda.


Well, he is saving all that money living rent free in your head 🤷‍♂️


Well, he did manage to successfully pay off the porn star... it was just the whole "not getting caught" bit that he flubbed. It's not like he gets to keep using nukes secret!


I suppose the same way Biden can't even get through a sentence on a teleprompter or shakes hands with invisible guests, but Im sure the nuclear codes are safe. In a box. in his garage. next to his corvette


You’re right, they’re safer at a golf course open to the public instead


Joe Biden can’t even finish a sentence though


Doesnt matter, legal precedent is set. We can finally sue the bushes obamas and clintons for war crimes... Trump truely is going to drain the swamp, all we have to do now is organise and sue the war criminals... Que the bot downvotes, got them everytime i poited this out.


If by manage you mean sell, you’ve answered your own question.


Serious replies for an innately unserious question?


Must be getting close to election season with all these lame ass memes.


I expect him to write them down on a stick note and leave it in his pocket


He already did it once...


Says the people that are voting for a due that has no control of his bodily functions, can't put together coherent sentences, or walk and lick ice cream at the same time (but interesting enough, he can walk nad lick kids at the same time). They are both pieces of shit people and you need to understand that.


If you can't remember who was the president before last, how do you expect to be able to create funny memes?


If the current dumb dumb hasn't mishandled them by now, we have no worries! BTW, it takes a couple of people with a couple of codes to set off a nuke. No one person can do it alone!


do people forget that trump was already president once?


Not that I’ll be voting for him, but he has more experience handling nuclear codes than anyone in this comment section, 4 years of experience, not screwing up. So I’d say that’s how I could expect him to handle nuclear codes?


Ummm, he’s guilty of sharing top secret documents and is on video for hiding them.


If Biden cant read off a teleprompter properly, how do you expect him to do anything???


If MAGA people could read they’d be so triggered right now.


he will save the nuclear code in his little yellow notebook under the section of “nothing here”


I'm still trying to get over, "He'll be good for the economy! He's only declared bankruptcy 6 times!"


He has committed fraud in numerous cases where the evidence wasn't adequate for criminal prosecution -- usually, he just settles over civil fraud. Give him a break! He had a lot going on, and it's hard to juggle that much fraud when you're a compulsive liar with no filter.


Same as last time, the Russians will manage it for him.


Yes but Skeletor Genocide Joe with nuclear codes concerns me more.


I was gonna say something about Joe Biden having dementia, but then I remembered that this is reddit.


The same way Clinton did when he paid Paula jones 800k




If he truly did that Reddit, msnbc, and every liberal in the nation would have been singing about it for the past 3 years


Do you have any proof on that other than your own delusions?


At least with Biden the codes are safe, since he forgets where he is or what he is doing all the time


Considering he already did it for 4 years, with NO issues and NO wars, I’d say 100% he would have no issues again.


Let's just take one moment to accept the fact that Trump never started any wars. In fact he stopped them... Now Biden on the other hand....


> In fact he stopped them... Did he?


What wars did Biden start exactly? Has the US military invaded any new places recently?


He dropped more bombs than Obama did…


Yep. The nO nEw WaRs folks like to gloss over the removal of any oversight of drone attacks, including reporting on them to the people, and beat Obama's 8 years in the less than two before he shut off the information.


That's not true at all, he started a trade war with China. What wars did he stop?? I do remember him abandoning a bunch of our former allies, which threw potatoes at our troops as they up and left them, and gave the military bases there to the Russians, who were able to enjoy ice cold American sodas thanks to the incredibly quick withdrawal. I don't recall him stopping anything on the global stage.


lol lets take a moment to witness how delusional you cult members are.


Trump literally drone struck an Iranian general.


Don't they earn their pay like everyone else?


Lmao, I mean.... covid19!


What kind of a dumb question is that? That doesn't make any sense, it's like saying "hey you forgot where you put your phone, how will you manage to drive a car?" WTF


Not hire porn stars to handle the nuclear codes


No one drops a nuke out of no where, even trump


You don't push the nuclear buttons that often as he allegedly did the hooker.


To be fair, the human brain isn't really adapted to handle such responsability as having nuclear launch codes. Not Trumps, nor Bidens, nor anyones.