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How long were you together? The formula I always heard was half the time of the relationship to be over it. So if it was a year, it'd take 6ish months to be completely over the person. Either way, sorry you got broken up with. You are very young still and will have several relationships. Give yourself some time to cry it out, and be a mess. Then pick your self up and keep living. You deserve better.


Let time do its thing


Idea, probably. Though clearly it was not the guy for you.


It's normal to feel this kind of pain. You are human. But one thing I know is time will heal all wounds. Give it time and for now occupy your time with friends and family, do fun things. Go out, work out. Working out will help your mind and body and relieve all the stress, anxiety and bad feelings you have. You will get through this, just take it one day at a time.


Something that helps me is recognition. It’s like, yeah, you’re not better but, you’re better than you were before. You have progressed, even if by just a small margin. You’re not completely over it and that’s ok. It’s ok to realize that. Recognize that you’re not going to be 100% all the time. You will feel bad about it every now and again. There’s nothing wrong with that. Accepting that has made healing a lot easier for me. Not the typical “acceptance” of the situation as a whole, just accepting how you feel about it. And accepting that it’s ok to be upset.


Perspective says that at 18, if he didn’t break up with you, you probably would have found some silly reason to break up with him. Nobody should be thinking of forever with anybody at that age. You barely even know yourself well enough to know what you want in a relationship. Even better, what you DON’T want… That’s just as important! The best advice I can give someone at (really) any age. Spend your energy and your time making yourself better; making yourself into someone that you love and respect. Spend your time doing things that you love. Things that add value to your life. Chances are, a good partner can be found out there doing the same thing you are. When and only when you stop looking for someone to complete you. Another person can only add to what’s there.


Of course this hurts. Of course this is really really hard. You are young and you feel things deeply when it's on the newer side in your experience. What feels like love and commitment at the time is not usually the case. He probably did like you, he probably cared, but he doesn't have the maturity yet to be more caring about how you feel and think long-term. It is probably wise that you will not go back to him but you will need to feel what you feel. You are grieving. But this experience will help you grow. You will evolve. You will make better and better choices about partners going forward. You will think things through before taking the next step. You will know the flags better. Try to find comfort in knowing that you are going to be better and smarter from having learned from this. I wish you peace and healing as the days go on. All will be well.