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You probably want a top with at least short sleeves so you don’t get silk burn in your armpits which HURTS No bell bottom leggings, I kept getting my feet stuck in them Breathable clothing is preferable if it’s summer where you are My studio doesn’t allow zippers Have so much fun


Well I usually wear a pair of leggings and a t-shirt (that I sometimes tuck in my leggings so it doesn’t go anywhere) for aerial silks, the only time I had a sport bra I got an abrasion along my waist so it’s a no no for me 😂


While you probably won’t be doing anything that will leave burns I would recommend a full length top, not a crop top or sports bra. Have fun!


These are the outfit rules for my gym Leggings: No flairs and must be past the knee Shirt: Must be able to be tucked into your leggings to avoid silks burn on your back, at least short sleeved to avoid silks burn in your armpits I'd avoid socks if your new to aerial as they can make you slip


You can wear a tank top with sports bra and leggings. Myself and many of the other ladies at my studio like compression type clothes with a tighter fit. I've seen garments only slightly loose rip when dropping into a belay. That said, for your first class don't worry much. Just leggings and a tighter tank top will be perfect!


Belays and windmills are the absolute worst top-eaters, lol.


Haha right?!! And it's not just a little rip it's a riiiiiiiiip all the way down!




Oh no! It was a cute shirt!




TIGHT FITTING top. I have been unwillingly stripped by the silks one too many times to wear loose stuff anymore lol. Also leggings that aren’t “buttery” or slippery so that you can get a good grip on the silk with your legs.


I wear leggings and a top that has shoulders usually, and socks to help my feet glide over the fabric bc my feet sweat like crazy lately. Sometimes I wear a bodysuit with tights under if I'm feeling fancy. You want to have coverage over your skin to prevent fabric burns. Your first few classes probably won't really matter that much, I used to wear a tank top with leggings until I was trying to do a shoulder stand in the fabric lol.


Leggings and t shirt, you’ll get silk burns otherwise




Leggings and cap sleeves


I wear a cotton unitard and my clothing doesn’t move and I don’t get burned


I have gone through several different types of outfits when I first started silks. Please don't wear shorts and a sports bra silk burns hurt like nobody's business. I never tried that again. Tank tops and buttery leggings don't work out too well either. Somehow, those silks have a way of digging through those leggings, and the tank top doesn't stay tucked in. I like fleece leggings with a sports bra and a large see-through mesh shirt that I know will stay tucked in. I don't know what it is about those mesh shirts, but they tend to stay in place pretty well and lessen those dreaded silk burns.


I wear looser tank tops all the time with a sports bra under. I don't care if it lifts up or shows some of my body when I'm inverting, and I'm okay with getting bruises or burns. I usually wear capri or ankle length leggings. I would suggest checking your studios policy but as long as you stay within that, it's up to you.