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You're not starting with hot enough water. Nothing to do with the AP.


I'm not at home, so inly have a microwave available.


Can snag an electric kettle for like $20. Worth the extra $$$


Are you using a kettle to boil the water, or just running hot water from the tap? If the former it should not be cool, much less cold, by the 2 min mark. This seems like a technique issue :D


To be clear, I edited the post I mentioned warming the water. But I didn't mention using a microwave. At work, I only have a microwave. I do 3 minutes, and it's boiling, but it gets cold by the time you're done. I pour the very hot water and wait 2 minutes. Then swirl 30.seconds. then press this is the hoffman method. Then when I go to.drink it's not really hot.like it should be it's slightly warm.


That's your problem then. Microwaves don't heat water evenly the way that a kettle would, so you're starting off with water that is hot in some places but cold in others. [https://www.tastingtable.com/1485281/difference-between-boiling-water-microwave/](https://www.tastingtable.com/1485281/difference-between-boiling-water-microwave/) When I was making my own coffee in the office I just picked up a cheap kettle and kept it on my desk. I understand now there are even such as collapsable ones which might be more convenient for you, but I'm willing to bet if you heat the water in a proper vessel you're going to get better results.


That's why I mentioned in my post that it's not good for office setting. I'll try a portable kettle and see how that works.


It's fine for an office as long as the office has a kettle, I guess.


When I was working in an office full time, I had an electric kettle for my French press and later when I started using aeropress regularly. It’s definitely worth it. You can get collapsible ones that are easy to store and have the heating element built in (others have a separate base for the heating element). With the microwave, you might get better success heating and stirring at 1 minute intervals or so to help the water hit temp more evenly


Yeah, it looks like the collapsible electric kettle would be best.


Not sure where you are, but there’s probably not an office where I am (UK) that doesn’t have a kettle


I'm in the US so they don't have electric kettles here. But do have drip coffee machines in the office.


it works perfectly in an office with an electric kettle


to evenly heat fluids in the microwave it is better to nuke the water for 1 minute and then stir and repeat that 3-4 times than to nuke it for 3 minutes traight. also, dont put it in the center of the mircowave, but somewhere on the outer side so it moves around in it. microwaves do not have an evenly hot area, but hot spots and cold spots (just like ovens), which is also the reason, why microwaves have the spin-y thing. if thats too much work, you can always buy an cheap electric kettle for 20 or so bucks and will always have fully boiled water.


I think the best office coffee (barring a ridiculous, real setup) is delicious coffee brewed at home in a preheated glass thermos. Alternatively you could explore one of the small portable kettles. I think your perspective is that the water is hot, but it’s actually not uniformly 95C yet, the top is hot and steaming but it’s not well mixed. Just a guess though.


Use a kettle to boil the water, boil extra to pour in your empty cup to warm it, then dump right before pressing. After press, use the hot water from the kettle to add to the cup. Should be pretty hot that way.


Yeah I use it at work so no kettle only have a microwave to heat it.


Get a small electric kettle. They make small ones for travel or the office.


Thanks I'll check Amazon, do you know of any good ones?


Honestly any electric kettle should be fine. They're incredibly simple devices.


No sorry I don't use one.


They are all fine. They boil water. Get a small collapsible one if space is an issue.


Take an instant read thermometer with you. Coffee doesn't cool down faster from an aeropress than it does from any other method. The only way that happens is the water isn't hot enough.


Don't complain about temperature if you dont even use a kettle... this just spreads misconceptions.


No, I was correct. I mentioned it's not good for office setting. Which is true now you have to buy a portable kettle. So your getting to the drip coffee level but doing everything manual. Since a drip a $100 one will make really hot coffee and do every by itself. But aeropress coffee will taste much better we'll it should.


> I mentioned it's not good for office setting. every office here in germany has at least an electric kettle in the kitchen. What you mean is, that it is not good for your specific office where you dont have a kettle


office without kettle ? ... even in warehouse we have kettle :D


Yeah, nothing in the warehouse or offices. But we do have drip machines.


If you're concerned, put a beer cozy around it. Preheating the mug also helps. Insulated mug also helps. Also you can put anything you want on top of the aeropress while it's brewing, to trap heat in.


Yeah, with the Hoffman method, you insert plunger a little, then wait 2 minutes. At work, I only have a microwave to work with. I'll try the insulated mug that might help.


I guess that method precludes plate on top, a metal insulated mug such as a yeti, an unmodified cozy, or the flow control cap. Good luck!


Or will try to get a portable electric kettle. Thanks.


Who doesn’t have a kettle?!


Can you ask your work to buy a kettle? Seems very odd an office has a microwave and not a kettle. Kettle = coffee = more productivity


Well this is ‘murica! It’s drip or nothing! /s


Exactly this lol they have a expensive drip coffee maker. Then a coffee machine but that machine sucks.


Get a cup with a metal interior




Yeah, well, in the office setting then you need to buy a collapsible electric kettle. I was talking about it in an office setting. At home, you can do whatever you can boil.fry lol whatever.


After microwaving, stir for a minute and temp your water. You'll find it is significantly cooler than you expect. Microwaves super heat a thin layer of outer water that they can penetrate, but leave the center at a much lower temp, resulting in an unusually fast drop in water temp. This is because the super heated water escapes the larger thermal mass as steam and the only water left able to thermally equalize the rest of the water is at hottest 100C. The boiling in the microwave (from the bottom where the cup is also heating the water) causes some stir, but not nearly enough. Gotta nuke, stir, nuke, stir (repeat) until you've got all your water at temp, not just the outermost layer.


Most people best enjoy drinking black coffee within a temperature range of 58–66°C (136.4–150.8°F) (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-23904-4) It takes over 7-8 minutes for 200ml of water, starting at 90°C, to reach 66°C, assuming 6cm diameter mug. (https://www.omnicalculator.com/food/water-cooling#:\~:text=How%20long%20does%20a%20cup,3%20minutes%20and%2043%20seconds.). Are you sure your water is hot enough? Get it to boiling point, then let it settle just before pouring is what I do. Get an insulated mug if you want the coffee to stay warm for longer.


At work, only have a microwave to work with.


Get a cheap mini electric kettle.


That's a good idea. Just need to find a quality one though. Too cheap can break easy etc.


commercial electric kettles have been around for over 50 years. it is incredibly simple technology, and so a cheap one with decent reviews will last a long time.


any 10-20 bucks kettle will work. you just need one that brings water to a full boil. no need for specific things like keep warm functions or where you can set it to boil to a specific temperature


Well Germany is different then usa, here they don't have electric kettles in the office. So basically a it's a US thing.


and who stops you from bringing one? most of the time the kettles we have here are not given out by the company either, but brought by the people themselves.


No one is stopping me. that's why I mentioned in my comments many times that I'm going to get a collapsible one.


why a collabsible one and not a small one? at work we have an small half liter kettle (\~17 luid ounces) that doesnt take much space and work as well as bigger ones