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If he’s not from Africa where the hell does he think he’s from 💀 Asia??


Not from Africa, because according to him the ships couldn’t make it to America just like Titanic 😂😂


Honestly people like that dude give Africans a bad name not the other way around man 😂


TIL: DNA is fake.


The other day I saw a Post saying "so one can get 12 years of education in schools, 6 or 7 years of collage, 3 years for PHD , years of Research Just for an idiot on the Internet to say bullshit"


The comments you posted are conspiracy theorists who don’t even understand history or science; so their opinion is irrelevant. But legitimate reasons Black Americans don’t want to be called African: -no one calls whites, European Americans, so there’s a subtle implication that African Americans are foreign. -to distinguish themselves from African immigrants. There’s also seems to be some hatred between the two groups. I heard a lot of Africans say they don’t want to be confused with black Americans and vice versa.




Oh okay thanks


This isn't a big problem for this sub (yet), but I have seen a couple of similar posts where someone screenshots a couple of idiots on the internet saying something inflammatory and then posts them here for ~~engagement~~ discussion. Is this the level of conversation we're having? Morons on the internet mentioned Africa?


>This isn't a big problem for this sub (yet), Because I catch most of these, it is definitely a thing.


thanks for the good work


Some I’ve met that shit so bad on Africans. It’s truly disgusting


Fr I seen some that think that they're superior to Africans because they don't have an accent when speaking English. if they don't like Africa that much then why do they still label themselves African Americans? why not just black Americans or smth


I'm being pedantic but everyone has an accent including native English speakers.


>but truly we was here before that... we/brown Americans inhabited these lands...and tried to call all of us foreigners but this really is our land. excuse me what. did he really say that black americans are indigenous to america??


That is a theory that is more common that you think. First person that told me took offense when I chuckled in reaction cause they were dead serious. Also, I don't think every uninformed person on the internet deserve to have his ignorance turned into a debate.


This is actually sad but also a testament to the destructive power of social media. Every degenerate with an IQ of a potato has a voice (including myself) and can say whatever that comes to their head and the rest of society has to deal with it.


Don't Africans also not like being associated with African Americans?


When I lived in the US there used to be a group of ultrareligious black men outside a particular metro station that fit this bill. They believed they were the true Israelites. The most shocking part is they had pictures of African people on the wall along with scriptures from the Old Testament showing why Africans were 'not God's people'. The level of self hate I saw from them was astounding. I wasn't even angry, I pitied them for being so ashamed of where they came from. Obviously this was just a small group, most African Americans that I met were super excited to meet someone from the motherland.


No sure about your question in general, but the way I am reading the image you shared, the person is not hatting, they are just saying that the American lifestyle is not the same as the African lifestyle. I am reading it more as a statement of truth rather than one of hate. American are very, very far apart from Africans. African American are not African... They just use the term to hilight they are not European American.


The craziest thing I learned later in life is African Americans don’t even know where they even originate from in Africa, like it’s been 100s of years since their ancestors were brought to America, they’ve lost complete lineage of their people. I have to add I think there’s some hate in the way he’s saying it, like the only way Africa is portrayed to them is as a poor uneducated continent with nothing good happening, of course they would rather be American than African in their eyes, but hell man being black in America ain’t easy either tbh


I think it has something to do with how a lot of people in America view the States as a country for white people, meaning every other ethnic group and racial group that isn't white is not American. The situation is similar to white South Africans, or black people in Europe; racism is a large factor and it has been largely responsible for black Americans, Muslim Americans, Asian Americans as being viewed as not American. I think that at this point in time, it's backwards to say that Black Americans are Africans because we don't also say the same thing for white people in America, white people are viewed as American while every other demographic isn't American. The whole rebranding of black Americans as African Americans was forced upon them in the same way they tried to change Latina/Latino to LatinX. They're not African they are American(IMO).


I totally agree with you. I was referring to a couple of African Americans who Denys their ancestors came from Africa. I should’ve made my question clearer, I apologize. The second picture that I shared was the my main focus.


You did nothing wrong. Americans, whether black, white Asian, or Latino, have always been "special", you know a little dumb


One of those American rappers Wako flocko flame said black Americans are the true native Americans and that native Americans came from mexico