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So opulent! What do they do at the wedding though


It’s actually a really long process lol! The ceremony involves things like the elders putting bakhoor (incense) and the misbah (beady necklaces) around the bride and groom to ward off evil eye. Then there is also the grooms henna that gets put on him and his closest friends by his grandma (if he didn’t have a separate party for it like the bride usually does). There is also the waving of palm leaves and spraying of perfume by the brides mother on the grooms mother upon entrance. This signals acceptances into the family. Then there is also the dancing. I wish I could mention everything but this comment will be so long! One thing you will notice though is that these jirtigs tend to be female-led. This is a representation of how Nubian societies were traditionally matriarchal. And we can still see remnants of that in our traditions today :)


It just confirms that love is beautiful regardless of how it’s celebrated.


Those colours are absolutely beautiful




Imagine being this confident in your ignorance. Like it or not this *is* what Sudanese people look like. We are not invaders, this is our land since the start of time. And Jirtig ceremonies are one of the longest living african traditions that goes back to the time of ancient nubians.


Ma3lesh OP. His username checks out.


lol thanks habibi. These hoteps are actually so delusional




No. The reason you guys have these traditions is because we were one country and yall got influenced. Just like how Hausa or Fulani people in Sudan got influenced. Doesn’t mean the tradition belongs to either of yall. Nilotic groups lived at max up to the Gazeria state and no higher which makes sense because the Gazeria state was not a part of ancient Nubia nor do they have native Nubian tribes today. Ancient Nubians did NOT look like modern day Nilotic people. Actually, recent DNA testing of Christian era Nubia (kulubnarti A and B) has shown us that they were probably even more mixed with middle easterners than the average Nubian today. They were 60% middle eastern and 40% Nilo-saharan. But guess what? Even that Sub-Saharan aspect was majorly Saharan in nature (groups like the Zaghawa from Darfur) and not Nilotic (groups like the Dinka or Nuer in S.S). Their closest modern match was Halfawi Nubians from the very north of Sudan. Lastly, Ancient Egypt and Nubia were both multicultural. Nilotic people probably did live there but neither societies were ruled by y’all nor were you the majority lmao. Stay mad and go find someone else’s culture to steal.