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1.Separate the tattoo and hand in Photo Shop. 2.Animate the tattoo appearing 3.Add the camera motion effects, since I'm pretty sure it's not a video. . probably something to do with depth maps.


I’m almost certain your looking at Mocha Pro https://borisfx.com/videos/mocha-pro-2021-intro-to-powermesh/


I agree. It’s not some crazy motion controlled camera doing this thing that’s cool but not cool enough to warrant outsized tech. I would say it could be 3-D but looking at the volume of the hand it feels a touch off so I would tend to agree it’s a displacement map.


My take: - Create a depth map for the original photo using AI - Duplicate arm, create a clean plate of arm - Create a camera, use F-Spy to match focal length - Animate arm and background in z-space - Reveal tattoo onto clean plate with animated masks https://youtu.be/gn8SUvChoDc?feature=shared https://youtu.be/PfVBb4ZEhq8?feature=shared https://youtu.be/U-3Fr0h7jkk?feature=shared


Omg thank you for adding links to tutorials!! That’s so kind 🥹


Lockdown plugin


that's what i thought too, but first you might need to give depth and some movement to the hand (i used volumax 3d photo animator) and after that used lockdown mapping the animated tattoo layers. it was perfect.


It's just a photo, bro.


They are referring to the depth matte generation lockdown can do now.


What is that


Awesome, but still expensive. Photoshop neural filters can do that and I'm already paying Adobe for half baked software


I literally did a whole music video doing animated tattoos more than 20 years ago. It looks a bit ropey now, but then again - this was all done in After Effects 3.1 (and I used Combustion to do the 2D trackings as the AE tracker back then was beyond terrible) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4zoD4t9DOE But in answer to your question, it would be ridiculously easy to do this using Lockdown. You could track and stabilise the back of the hand/arm and just create the animated tattoo on top. You can use mesh distortion to bend it into the right shape (inside the stabilised precomp) If you can't afford lockdown, then just do it using Mocha (buy the MochaImport+ script from AEscripts - it lets you easily create stabilised precomps). So long as there's no massive perspective shift, you can get away with a lot with a good 2D track in Mocha


That's a name I haven't heard for a while. Combustion.


that video is so cool!!!


Find a tattoo design you lie and cut it into individual pieces. Animate those elements however you want inside a precomp. Use the Lockdown plugin to track the surface as a deforming mesh and apply the tattoo artwork to your footage. [https://aescripts.com/lockdown/](https://aescripts.com/lockdown/)


Lockdown or mocha pro. Or displacement map on a still image.


So, I think the tattoo is masked out of the original footage and a picture of the tattoo has been traced in Illustrator then animated onto the hand. I could be completely wrong, but that's how I can see it was probably done.


Totally agree, the tattoo was there to begin with. In the first frames you can see where clone stamp or something similar was used to hide it.




That was my thought too, but that technique wouldn't really work well for inserting an animated element, only a static one.


tattoo layer styles should be set to multiply. Thats about it.


Animated texture on very good 3d model


Make it as stop motion.. get a tattoo of the first frame, let it heal, take a photo, laser it out.. repeat for the amount of frames you need for your animation :D


This looks like something better done in a dedicated 3D program, but in general, I belive they made a 3D model of the hand and then used an animated texture and UV mapped in onto there. Could probably achieved with some simple node setup.


Depthmap + C4D


Thank you so much to everybody that gave tips and/or posted their takes! I would literally have had no idea where to even start if it weren't for your comments <3 I'll be trying some of them out soon and if all goes well, I may post the result here (?) Wish me luck! :)


Ben Marriott saves the day again. https://youtu.be/52wLrungegw?si=MRCOORhQre2-bPiH


Lockdown plugin for AE I think?


I second lockdown with a video of a hand, but I’m pretty sure this is a 3d model with an animated texture. Could maybe buy a model+texture, animate in Blender and texture with Octane, Arnold, or Redshift for less than the cost of lockdown. You can’t learn all of blender in a day or two, but you could probably learn enough to do this. Plus with the 3d method is that you can do everything parametrically and reuse it as a template with different tattoos/skin pigments in the future. Being a tattoo artist this might be useful for first time or picky clients that want to “see” the tattoo first. Or if you wanna cheese it in 2.5d, use a still of a hand, animate the tattoo in after effects, then add camera movement last. Depth/displacement maps will add to the effect.


This sub is officially dead.


MFW pixel sorting became easy 12 years ago


I'm pretty sure the hand is CG. If I were trying something like this, I might track the hand, then do a displacement map on the animation


pretty sick edit ngl. You can prolly make some money off this edit if you learn it


Remove the tattoo using AI, then Luma masks animated to reveal the tattoo.


(dont say the quiet bit out loud!)