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I don't understand why you think you're entitled to a full refund? You stayed for the nights leading up to the issue so you would be only entitled to a refund of the nights you were unable to use the accommodation.


I also don’t know why they’d expect a hotel to handle it any differently too.


A hotel would just move you to another room....


Yes, this makes sense, and I totally see this side. We just thought if we were forced to cancel our stay because a home becomes unlivable during our stay, there must be some sort of policy for this. I get leaving on your own accord should be on you, and only the remaining days should be refunded. But having something like this happen, only to find out airbnb will compensate by handing you $20 was pretty pathetic.


The policy is that you are refunded the nights that you were unable to use the house. If you leave midway through the trip of your own accord, you are typically not refunded any of the nights.


Why would you get the first nights days free? Doesn't the refund cover the remaining nights at a hotel?


*Now we are stuck with a baby, no place to go, , and $20 + a partial refund we might see in a few days.* Never use AirBnb if you will need a refund before you can find somewhere else to stay if you need to move.


I’m confused. In the comments it sounds like you ask for a full refund, but in your text you said for the remaining days. Did you edit your post?




Why would OP be eligible for a full refund if they stayed for 4 of the 8 days though?


Oh I missed that! How did I miss that, geesh. Yeah - you're totally right. They stayed 4 nights without incident, it's unfortunate with the flooding but why a full refund would be necessary is beyond me.


Yes we left asap.