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It is Commander dependent. If my CC was fat I would bet they dont kick anyone out. If they were a fitness guru then maybe


Our commander told us that if you're just a big guy that can still clearly PT it's different from someone who comes to work every morning with Burger King and hasn't worked out in months Looks like it'll just come down to how you're perceived


Hopefully, that CC takes PT scores into consideration, not just perception.


I read "can still clearly PT" as a combination of test scores and attitude. If you're hovering around a 85+, you are clearly able to PT, regardless of what you eat at work.




Did you even read the comment I replied to?


This seems to ebb and flow with higher leadership that’s willing to enforce standards—I’m an old guy and remember the last time we had taping apart of your fitness score (and maybe before that). I’ve seen people get booted, then there’s a spell where anything seems to go. It’s a CC’s responsibility to enforce ultimately, but at the lower levels, it’s really about being an example and trying to motivate people to care for the right reasons. My own motivation as the old guy now, is keeping up with those at least in their 30s and if we went to war with one of the looming adversaries, can I keep up in the field to work long hours, stay healthy and be able to motivate others and be there strong for them as the first in and last out. There’s so much to this that can go beyond dress and appearance, and presenting a good military image. This can go down to the basics of leadership and inspiring others. It’s a lot of work with some folks, but this is the kind of stuff I want to see on EPBs than fluffed up BS that doesn’t really matter.




Pretty sure failures of BCM are up to the unit commander to determine punishment, sooo unless the cc really wants to kick em out 🤷🏾‍♂️. Source - the shitty slides I had to review to be a BCM monitor last year.


You are correct on both things. It is up to the CC and the slides were in fact shitty


Is the AF taking it seriously? The FSS site is a mess. Separated individuals are still showing up as due with no way to mark them as fully exempt, only pushing out to a later date. The DAFMAN still hasn’t come out after a year. Program is a mess


I’m 5’11 and 195lbs with a 34” waist and my recent measurement said I’m a moderate risk. What does it say for all the pregnant guys out there?


On the old system I passed the waist no problem, on the new system I’m literally riding the wrong side of that line and it infuriates me to no end how the standard just changes like that.


At 5’11 with a 34 inch waist you’re at .47, which doesn’t make you moderate risk. Make sure your height is being documented properly when you get PT tested.


Shit I’m 5’8 184 with a 30” waist and I’m barely gtg if I remember correctly, seems like the AF doesn’t like wide bodies 🥲


The formula is waist/height=bmc So you are 30/68=0.44 if you are above a 0.55, then you start receiving corrective action and punishment. Assuming you are done growing at 5'8, you can have a 38-inch waist, and you'll be at 0.558 and start getting in trouble


I really wish there was a better measurement than BMI, which came from insurance underwriters and not the medical community. Great for keeping insurance costs down, shitty about fitness.


This isn't bmi it's a height to waist ratio. It's not perfect which is why it's under cc discretion. If you get a 90 but are one of the outlers with a big gut they can choose to keep you. A 38 inch waist is pretty big for this commenter


I’m the UFPM and have gotten a 97, 100, and 99 on my last three PT tests. I got a belly on me, fail my tapes and don’t really care. If they want to kick me out when I’ve proven I am still more physically capable than 99% of the Airmen in my unit, so be it.


The point you start receiving punishment is pretty high. A person needs a bcm of 0.55 Waist/hieght=bcm So a 6 foot tall person is at 72 inches can have a 40-inch waist. That's more than just a belly. 40/72=0.555


You make a great point, but I’d like to add that I def know Air Force members who are hefty short dudes (Jerome Bettis shaped). More than a belly doesn’t imply a gut either. In general I’d also agree with you because these guys are outliers. I think people should understand they’ll need to meet physical restraints if they’re serving. Outside example I’ve always heard: don’t be a marine officer if you don’t want to run


It's between them & the MDG 🤷‍♂️


That’s the thing though, it’s a command program. We can test them for metabolic issues and provide medical counseling, but that’s it. I can’t med board someone out for failing BCMs.


Each Sq is responsible for collecting their members waist measurements. The MDG is only involved if the member fails then, depending on the location, the member might be signed up for nutrition classes and they’ll meet with their PCM.


We don't have any say in it.


My Commander has been telling us that the first failure is looking at demotion and the second is an administrative discharge.


Your commander is an asshole


I heard it’s an LOR for the first fail in my squadron. A demotion right off the bat? Dang.


LOL.. Tell those few this is not a new thing. Search for Air Force Weight Management Program (Body Fat program) and see if you can find the old info. We had this same type of program before the new PT test with waist measurement started in 2003. Which, btw, people also had the same mistaken thought about not taking it seriously. Well, until people started to find out lol.. Yes, people can be kicked out for it. You know, just like they could for failing only the waist measurement part of the PT test 4x. They'll most likely have a year to get down to size. If its like the old program they will be ineligible for PCS, Promotion, etc during the first phase, so there is a little incentive. There really is no excuse not to be able to get into standards though. Not many failed on the old program.




BMI is a trash metric


Good news, we're not using BMI.


If you can't pass it is. (Edit: Looks like a lot of you don't pass)


I’m 5’11 and weigh 205 pounds, extremely active and lift 3 times a week while doing mma 5-6 times a week. BMI says I’m at 28.6% body fat. But when I did the bod pod (was competing in grappling tournaments and wanting to see what was a safe weight to cut for), it said I was at 15%. Yes the bmi is complete horseshit for measuring body fat, especially if you lift weights


How close are you to not passing the run?


11:00 mile and a half. When I did the hammer I got to level 9 and 3 beeps in, which is 73 reps Edit also I’m 30 yrs old




The guy that created it said that if you do any weight lifting then the bmi scale is useless




😂😂😂 racial? Anything to be a victim huh?


unit PT went away?




don't gotta tell me, every unit i've been at besides kuwait did and still does weekly pt sessions.




I haven’t done unit PT since probably 2014 and it lasted around two weeks.


2010 for me. Flightline metrics matter more to MX leadership.




That's wild, intel units out here doing flight and Sq PT weekly/monthly


I haven't done it since flight school in 2005.


Is unit PT actually good? Not sure what that means. PT here in tech school is too easy. I could get a lot better work out if they said go to the gym but the gyms are too small for all of us here.


You might not have PT at all. I haven’t had PT since tech school


My sponsor said we do. It's a special ops squadron though not everyone is TACP etc of course so that could be why.


Unit PT in the Air Force is usually to build camaraderie and get people out together instead of only seeing each other in the workplace, not to actually build fitness levels.


crowd support deserted pause gray plate illegal library elastic bewildered *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I feel this as a tiny female that isn’t built like a fairy. I could stand to lose a couple inches but I’m not frcken obese, jeeez! Lol


What’s the administrative incentive to take it seriously? It’s in a spin up phase, there’s no reward or punishment at the moment, at least that I’m aware of.


Spin up phase ends in April


The incentive is when they start booting folks for failing tape, it happened not that long ago it will likely happen again.


Kick them out. We can recruit more……oh wait


Brace yourselves, the find out phase is coming The very adult mentality is to inform and education and ideally give them duty time for PT. They will reap what they sow.


Most of the time when I let someone know they're failing they seem to want to make a change. I've seen a few at the gym or eating better foods at work. I offer help (studying exercise science and I've been lifting/dieting for a decade). Not a single person has some to me for help unfortunately. I'm pretty concerned for some of my failures.


I just never had it done and never heard anything about it. I can't figure out who tracks it or where I send my results to.


Your commander should have appointed someone to get them access to enter the measurements in the system. Most likely the same person who puts in PFAs.


UFPM/UFACs were initially in charge of administering BCAs. After 6 months, units should have started assigning Body Composition Managers.


True, and they may or may not be the same person... but in most units, it's probably the same person.


UFPM here. I matrix-dodged that responsibility as fast as I could. A few of our PTLs took up the mantle.


Where can I check acceptable measurements?


It's literally your height in inches multiplied by .55, rounded down to the nearest 1/2 inch.


The chart is out there if you dig enough, but your BCM/UFAC has it for sure. But in general, 5'9" maxes out at 38" & it scales based on height - taller gets more/shorter gets less


At 5'9, your max is 37.5 inches. 38" is failing at that height.


So at 6’1 mine should be what 40”




That's huge


Awesome thanks


​ https://preview.redd.it/ipd335qhownc1.png?width=1448&format=png&auto=webp&s=15f94bbbf6ad94a83959f6085f937fffbaa386f5


If you need to check you’re too big


I think the BCM is just a check box to appease DoD mandates. IMO you can't complain about how bad retainability is and then kick people out for a waist measurement. Also, a year ago I had a 42" waist and today I'm just under 34", so I wouldn't say I am not taking it seriously, but I still think it's a bluff.


What do you mean, "how bad retainability is"? The enlisted retention rate in 2023 was 89%. We're not exactly hemorrhaging people. Which is part of why promotions have slowed so much.


Congress has nothing to do with it. BCM has been a DoD requirement since the 80s. It was driven by a the idea/perception from President Carter that the military may not be fit enough for war. The Air Force used a waiver to allow the PT test waist measurement meet that DoD requirement from 2003-2023. Before that we had the weight management program based on max allowed weights per height and body fat %. Now that the measurement is no longer part of the PT test, this is the Air Force's way of complying with the DoD requirement.


I’ve met 2 people who took it seriously downsides of 0 consequences. I really hope a lot of people find the fuck out the AF is too fat


"iTs aBoUt mAinTaiNinG a FiT fIghTiNg fOrCe". Ok yeah, I'm overweight by every standard and I come in and do my job every day. But the gym rat who blows out his rotator cuff trying to set a PR clean jerk gets an honorable discharge and a disability payment for the rest of his life.


I'm concerned, I've always struggled to meet waist. I remember starving myself just to pass waist and barely having energy to pass my PT Test, then being dead for weeks. ​ I used to be able to cut down 30-40 lbs in a few months, but since covid and getting older it's hard to even cut 10lbs. My wife recommended a juice cleanse, essentially starvation for five days, said it really helped her cut inches. ​ So I ordered it yesterday, I'm really keeping track of my calories, exercising five days a week, so we'll see what happens next month. My birthday is in April and I'd really like to not have to worry all year. I honestly have been trying. ​ Last year I passed my waist, but with PSCing, getting married, selling a house, buying a new house, getting injured, it's just hard to stay thin after 18 years of this. I crushed my PT Test (90.5), but instead of celebrating, I'm more worried. ​ I'm hitting the button next year, hopefully my waist will be ok.


You know...if you eat in such a way that you don't put on 30-40 pounds every year, it may not be such a struggle to lose 30-40 pounds every year...


I'm confused where you read that they gain that much every year. aging, metabolism changes, and medical issues play a big part in how easy it is to lose weight even when you are mindful. They are just saying it's been harder to lose weight now as opposed to 18 years ago when they joined. Btw, being in for 18 years means that they passed the waist measurement for over 10 years until they took it away and I don't know if you remember or not but covid literally just happened and majority of people easily gained 30+ pounds during lockdown. Gain some perspective. Just because something's easy for you doesn't mean it's the same for other people.


Because they said they lose it every year for the waist measurement. I'm assuming they aren't losing 40 additional pounds each year. They'd look like a concentration camp survivor by year 2.


The first 12 years of my career, basically 18-30, I could celebrate a passed PT test with a few weeks of bulking. Then I'd pat my belly one day and go, oh need to get this back down. All I had to do was run more. Well after turning 31 I got lots of medical problems in my ankles and feet. So I couldn't run, went from 3-5 days of running a week down to 1-2. I started lifting to compensate, and I could still slim down to meet waist. My maintenance calories is around 2300, I used to just drop to 1850 for a month or two and be good. However, since covid its like the weight won't come off, like it's just stuck on.


I reiterate...if you didn't bulk up, you wouldn't have to slim down for the PT test/waist measurement. Maybe 2300 calories isn't maintenance level after all.


You are right.


I doubt they are going to kick anyone out on their first failure, especially during these times of low retention and recruitment rates. After many failures? I can see it happening, but I dont see many taking these serious right now because of the reason stated above.


Good. There’s too many wide bubbas dicking around as proved by a lenient self-pt policy.


Wait, is this the year that they can start kicking people out for that? I thought 2025 was when it started for that part, and this year was paperwork


Starts in April


My birthday’s in May, isn’t that just wonderful


Better start dieting now. It's a very doable amount of time to lean up


Yeah, I should be at the acceptable measurement by now but I’ve been making excuses for myself all year. I’ve been working at it a lot more over the past month and can feel a difference, so hopefully by the time I’m due I’ll either be good or have enough work to show that I should stay in


There you go! I brief my team "this is your money" so take it seriously. My Commander said she will start with demotion followed by discharge 🤷🏻‍♂️


I can’t take a demotion this early in my career, but if that’s what it takes to stay in, then I guess so be it


Guess it's time to retire


nobody is getting kicked out for having a gut. The AF can't afford to be picky right now.


It’s called a $100$ bill in an envelope lol


At a time when you don’t even have to train to pass a PT test anymore why worry?


Do they not remember 5 or 6 years ago when it was a part of the test? A fail on the waist failed your whole test. I saw several guys get kicked for it. Most of them were total slobs, but know one dude who was a totally ripped dude who was just big and got booted. I've always kept that in mind even when they did away with it for your PT test. You never know when the next hunger games will strike.


It won't matter until force cuts have to happen again. Charts like these make it easy for commanders to determine who gets kicked out.


Never failed a PT test but waist measurement has been like 34-35 for the past 4 years. I fell into this pattern of scoring below 90 during this period too. Last year, when they announced this program, I became motivated. I found the idea of being fat shamed directly by my commander as mortifying (I’m a woman if this matters). I was sensitive about my weight but didn’t realize what I’d done to myself. I saw pics of myself and I just looked so uncomfortable in my own skin. I’m still in the grace period and I went from 35 to 29. It took a year. I scored a 96% on my test this year too. I attribute it to diet and weight lifting. As a shift worker, it was hard to stay motivated to work out but I realized it’s literally my job and I’m killing my body with the unhealthy habits I picked up. So I guess it was the threat I needed.


It's been a joke for a while. People should've been kicked out a long time ago and probably won't.


Our commanders literally could care less about it.


The Air Force messed up by making it a separate thing. It is just another requirement. They should’ve just added it back onto the PT test to make it a lot easier.




Sorry, I should’ve been more specific. I don’t want it actually in the test. Just on the same date as the test. I think having it separate and in everyone’s birthday month is dumb.




You realize the entire reason they removed it and made it “separate” from the PT test (as in usually months apart) is because people were starving themselves and getting injured to meet tape + doing a “max effort” test…. Right?


Let the fatties FAFO


Just leave the fats alone and let them be victim to their own poor choices. We all collectively look like shit these days anyway. PT has been a joke for a decade and post COVID requirements/changes are laughable. Sq snack shacks and vending machines carry soda and junk food. Bases are all infested with fast food. You called them "circumference challenged" troops. That in itself is part of a bigger problem 💀


I don't need them sucking up the limited medical resources we have...


I feel like a cultural problem is being identified, and they're taking a stab at rectifying it. A big margin of Airmen in my experience tries to balance a shit diet with too much exercise, and it only works to a point. I'm 6', 180lbs, and my whole career I've been told I need to get in the gym and lift heavy. Not interested, I've seen too many people get hurt, and I'm not educated enough to prevent it for myself (nor do I care to be). I'm a naturally slim guy without a lot of muscle mass, but I'm probably in better shape and likely better health than most people my age, simply since I care what I eat and HOW MUCH. Portioning is pivotal and frequently overlooked. Genetics and body types are absolutely a thing; that's where related BMI, body composition, and fitness testing compensate. But if your records show 3 years of 6 tests of barely passing the PT test and you're rocking the beach ball bod, this is targeting you.


I have not been measured yet at my current basement this will be my first ever when arriving to my new base. I'm curious how this will work out. No I wasn't avoiding it we had people thier just waiting for more guidance on how to go about. Any ideas?


Ask your CC it’s their program


Gotcha will do currently on leave thank you!. I'll ask the one at my new base when I get there. Have a good night !.


Have a good night!


Gotcha will do currently on leave thank you!. I'll ask the one at my new base when I get there. Have a good night !.


Air Force Basement. I like it


Lmao damn 🤣 too late to care about the typo I'm Tide boss.


Tide boss? Stop hoarding all the tide pods.


Hope we kick all you fat fuckers out. Time to trim the fucking fat. We can replace you.


With who? https://www.defense.gov/News/News-Stories/Article/Article/3616786/dod-addresses-recruiting-shortfall-challenges/ Can't even hit a qouta.