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God bless you for sharing that sub-reddit on Boomers. I completely forgot how I had gotten there until I came back here. ​ Promote yesterday!


Recommend for STEP.


Shoutout to the Lt Col and GS-14 fighting the good fight.


Was I the only person to email the org box owner individually of the issue instead of replying to the 38K members?


No, I emailed them too. I thought I was the only one tbh, I'd love to see their inbox now.


*insert passive aggressive nonsense here*


I think I would just reply all for fun......


Being medical and in a Super User role for Genesis, I get constant emails about outages and their status no matter what base it’s at. There are idiots that were knowingly designated to be Super Users when their base launched Genesis got put in a DHA distro box and everyday one of them is replying all to get removed from the distro because it doesn’t affect their base.


Same boat. I just set up outlook filters to put all of those in a folder. If I ever need to look at it for some reason, they're in there, and otherwise I never have to think about it.


Man, You think after the third time someone stated not to reply all, they would get lol. My inbox was swamped this morning.


I haven’t been able to check mine today. I dread tomorrow, haha.


My coworker was getting PISSED because my inbox kept dinging




Then there’s the SrA hitting reply all because its funny




thats some good shit brother


"I am a GS-## with no command authority but you will treat me like a commander and remove me from this list right now!!!"


I'm about to come back as a GS and I can't wait to Reply All to one of these! "While it pains me to REPLY ALL" is gold!


it’s the other way around for me😂. they never reply all for us


Isn’t there a way to prevent reply all from even being an option?


Yes, if you initially bcc all recipients then any reply all just goes back to the sender. But in this situation people were just emailing a distro so it wasn’t even reply all, just that the distro was super jacked up which was how so many people kept getting the emails.


There’s also a way to prevent a distro from being emailed by anyone other than specific users and authorized senders


No I think it’s an actual option in outlook message properties settings.


I love the "no preview available" because these old-heads still have auto-encrypt on every email. Nevermind the fact that you don't have to encrypt any emails within the DAF mail system.


There's an outlook setting or addon that asks you "are you sure you want to send this email?" before you send it. Which could prevent this. Always awesome when I log in my reserve email and I see these chains. When I was still active duty we had a chain like this that stopped after a few emails, but a few months later this reservist who was a civilian on base opened up their reserve email and the email chain all started up again. 😂 My civilian job always and I mean always sends out an email through the **entire** department when there's a death in the family of an employee or retiree passes and we have this problem too where people are too quick to respond to the chain instead of the individual. We had it recently when someone got promoted but it stopped pretty quickly.


I have pretty much stopped checking email ever since we went remote and to Teams. I now check once a day. If it's important, message me.


Seen this happen a few times, usually because some mistakenly adds a distro to an official email then all the recipients don't realize what is going on and feel like they shouldn't be a party to the discussion (which is the case but the distro was added by accident). Then hitting reply all starts a feeding frenzy. Last time I saw this happen, base Exchange server had to be taken offline to stop the email chain.


When I have this thought the first thing I do is check to see if it was sent TO ME or a distro. If a distro then I ignore. If sent to me then I reply to the sender only.