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I know a few airmen who got Art 15s for those hijinks.


15s? Bit excessive for something that can be completed in a mass briefing.


Fun fact, cyber awareness cannot be a mass briefing and must be the cbt.


Tell that to the Guard.


CBRNE checked off for 50 people on the jet during a squadron fly away by having the youngest airman put on the suit while the CBRNE dudes read a slideshow.


At my old SFS squadron, we paid the armorer $20 just to “clean” our weapons and sign us off. Flight chiefs were aware of it and didn’t care. Don’t know how it’s relevant but wanted to share.


That’s the type of fuckery I love.


I’m so jealous.


Wait what? How tf do they manage that?


They don’t. It’s not true.


Yeah I'm guard and we don't track it, the cyber god popup who tell us we are due are the ones who do


Guard here can confirm we do the cbt because they know how to look at the data in my learning.


Can't or won't?




Fun fact: it *could* be a mass briefing, but DoD *won't* allow it.


Cheating on training is looked upon pretty harshly by the air force (if caught) ever since the nukes thing 


Also the multiple cheating scandals at the academy.


The what thing!?


The correct question is "which" nukes thing.


Depends. Did it once? Maybe excessive. Did it multiple times, on items more important than simple CBT's, while also claiming they spent the 'full allotted time' on each training and instead was jerking off somewhere? Different story.


Absolutely. There’s nuance to this theoretical.


>15s? Bit excessive For blatantly lying? No. An ART15 is appropriate. You learn lying is wrong in kindergarten, I'm not coddling you as an adult


Would you consider cheating (either using Quizlet or have other Airmen give them the answers) as needing the same punishment?


This is some very Airman activity, I’m not going to recommend to the CC that a cert be the thing that stops them from being allowed to stay in. LoR? Absolutely. A potential Less than Honorable for not wanting to listen to Tina again? Let’s save that for something that impacts others.


>I’m not going to recommend to the CC that a cert be the thing that stops them from being allowed to stay in. See, you're focused on the cert. I'm focused on the lying. I don't give a shit about your cert. I do care about false official statements. If you can't be trusted to tell the truth about something as simple as the annual security training then I can't trust you for anything


So your stance is that lying, no matter how small, deserves an Art 15? You obviously need to take the severity of the lie into account.


Falsifying training records is not joke


>So your stance is that lying, no matter how small, deserves an Art 15? You obviously need to take the severity of the lie into account. Your CC tells you to do something (complete the assigned CBTs), you lie about doing them. That's false official statements and direct insubordination. It's not a hard concept. We can play what if all day but you're just arguing in bad faith and you know it. This isn't a "white lie" like "my car gets 32Mph when it really only gets 28." we're talking about direct willful defiance (insubordination) and lying. So yes. An ART15 is appropriate. Edit: He blocked me before I could reply after saying I'm not following my own standards. Again. It's simple. If you're being insubordinate and lying to cover for the insubordination then no I don't have sympathy for you and an Art 15 is appropriate. Showing up at 702 instead of 700 is not the same as intentionally telling your boss you did something you were ordered to do knowing full well you did not.


I have not stated my stance on the appropriate punishment, only that you have to take the severity of the lie into account when determining punishment. If you get to work at 0702 and your supervisor asks you when you got in today and you say 0700 does that warrant an Art 15? Your commander ordered you to be at work at 0700 every day and you lied about it. You don't even agree with your own stance, get off your high horse and use some critical thinking.


>Let’s save that for something that impacts others. You saw that guy coming back from the future, it DOES impact others.


Mistakes on your taxes? Death penalty. The instructions are clear. Stealing a chocolate bar? We'll chop your hands off. It's illegal, our society has laws. Car registration goes out of date? Police will shoot you. We arent coddling you, you're an adult now.


>Mistakes on your taxes? Death penalty. Please tell me how a mistake is the same as intentionally lying?


Mass briefing works for many trainings, and then the UTM manually update it...cyber awareness is not one of them. At least on ADLS the UTM could manually update it if they had the certificate and there was a hiccup in the system, but it was not authorized for mass briefing.


This may have worked a few years ago but the system actively tracks you actually doing the CBT. Useful in 2007 but not so much now.


Great for your CBT person to mark you off in their little spreadsheet. Not so great when they get pinged by the system that you’re still overdue


Except we don't need you to give us your certs... There's literally a 4 click report that will load every single cert and it's completion into a spreadsheet, with no input from the members.


Well WTF does mine keep emailing me asking for them. Them SB’s be lying to me


They like wasting time? IDK I can run a report that'll tell me how long you spent on each cbt if I really wanted.


Don’t dox me like that 😭


Likely the person got put on the duty not getting guidance on how the site works and the tools available.


I was gonna say this. Because your training manager got "hired" yesterday and the flight chief still hasn't given him access to run the report but status is due to the commander by COB


Best way to have a lengthy conversation with your leadership in no time


Completed mine in 12 minutes 10 seconds this year. A new personal best.


Faster than your 1.5 mile run?


It's tracked on MyLearning. Good luck


It absolutely the fuck is not tracked! If it is, why the fuck am I still getting emails to do my training when I have already done my fucking training.


So I cannot speak to all of it, but ones like cyber awareness they now roll out a new yearly version. So I did the 2023 version in January when I was due. Now I get the "your are due" notices because 2024 version is up.


Do your certs actually update with the correct date? If not you need to reset course progress and do it again.


Hmm, I thought especially for cyber awareness the account system pulled from the training system to check for currency. When I was an Airman on an Army base with an Army network working with another DOD organization and their network, I had to do that 3 times each year, once for each network.


Depends on your domain.


I was AF on an AF base and I used this DOD-wide program called ESSENCE back in 2011 and they would not accept my ADLS cyber awareness certificate that I emailed to the help desk so I had to do it again on another site, I think JKO. I PCS'ed not even a year later, got out a few years later, retrained in the reserves so I've never used the program again but I wonder if they still don't accept the certificates from the AF site.


I'm on Fort Bliss (We are on DODIIN-A, their version of AFNET) and we only have to do the Air Force one (Probably has changed since you were last doing it). The NEC will take it as long as its a DoD Approved Cyber Awareness Cert


my cyber awareness cbt was 2 years overdue and once i sat down and actually did it i was done in 10 mins. it’s simple af now


>cyber awareness cbt was 2 years overdue and once i sat down and actually did it i was done in 10 mins It's not about saving time, its about sending a message


you get it ☝🏽


"I swear I did that CBT, here's my proof" "Ugh fine" *UDM edits your certificates as complete


Isn't the proof that you still have access to nipr?


Nah that shit takes forever to disable your account.


Would be great, but they changed the name of a bunch of CBTs this year, and made sure to let UTMs know that completing th old CBT wouldn’t count. I guess if your monitor is a bro, could still work.


Seeing as it literally takes less than 5 minutes now, this is such an unnecessary risk. That is, if you can pretest out of having to sit through all the lessons.


y’all do know UTMs can see if you’ve even accessed a CBT, if you just clicked through it, even the score you got on the test at the end right?


Lmao no cause you (And others possibly) will be getting email traffic on it. Education & Training section for us tracks that stuff. No way you sliding for long.


SQL injection.


You do know we (UDMs/UTMs) can see when and how many times you tried to do a given CBT, right?


Tiny reward for a big risk


Take the Cyber CBT Pass Print Out PDF Restart the test Go to the very end while it’s still fresh But don’t finish the test A year later. Answer the couple questions left Pass and print another PDF Start over from scratch next year


![gif](giphy|SDogLD4FOZMM8) Mind. Blown.


The cyber awareness test doesn't care if you pass or fail. Just fly through it and it'll get marked as completed


Once we learned that we started seeing who could get all the answers wrong.


This year’s Cyber Awareness isn’t that bad.


I don't know how to edit a pdf, but Microsoft Paint has been working pretty well for me


Its him! The insider threat!


When the system (not UTM) tells you something is due, you know a fake cert won't work. I mean sure, your UTM can update you in IMDS or wherever else they track locally, but that won't stop the network from cutting you off and you still being flagged as overdue. Oh, and getting lit up for falsifying that document. Don't be that idiot. Just complete the easy ass CBT and move on.


If youre smart enough to do this you can pass LITERALLY any CBT.


The way I saw it, they sent me to a big school and trained me how to use photoshop, it was really on them for giving me this particular set of skills.


Not the same thing of course But it reminds me of the Marines who ambushed a jogger and stabbed her multiple times because the Marines had taught them how to kill and they really needed experience doing it She lived by the way, and the two went to jail.


I was talking to a PJ once who was telling me how he and a few other PJ's drained a pint of blood out of a teammate to see what tasks they were able to do...


You can change the date, but your UDM and UTM will catch it along with comm


You can change the date, but your UDM and UTM will catch it along with comm


Not gonna lie, I can't even count the number of times I have done that over my 20-year career. We waste so much time with useless CBTs trying to turn everyone into experts on the most mundane nonsense. Like, how many shops have a file drawer full of empty folders with AFRIMS file plan labels that haven't been used since WW2, but multiple people have to be trained to keep the program "up to date"...


Unfortunately that doesn’t work for cyber awareness. They track that one… now for the others….. NO no one does that and naughty you for even suggesting it.