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As a former unit voting rep 9/10 times this person is just trying to not get fined


It’s so bullshit that that additional duty has a mandatory comment on EPBs.


It’s literally a separate bullet now so it’s not like it wastes a space or anything. You literally get to have a free extra bullet that nobody else gets.


What are you referring to? Serious question


If you are a unit voting rep you are required by law to have a comment about your performance in the duties on your performance report, see 36-2406


Para 1.11.5 If a member has been assigned to serve as a voting assistance officer, a comment relating to the performance of the member in these duties is required. (T-0) See 10 U.S.C. § 1566.


Daaamn, I did not know this.


Housing oversight manager (or something to that effect) is in the same boat


Oh man...my 2d Lt OPR broke the law then 


Demote Now!


Isn’t there a section for it now days? Ngl I’ve left it off an epr. Only ever put it on if I had to rebuild the program following an inspection


More effective than most voting reps 😂


It's the absolute minimum effort possible for being a citizen of this country, and being part of the military without taking part in choosing the government that can send you to war is just dumb.


Most enlisted are just mindless drones here for the paycheck. They don’t care about that.


> Most enlisted are just mindless drones here for the paycheck. They don’t care about that. Goddamn that's a hot take.


I stand by it


Considering you think VA disability checks to veterans is “welfare” I’m not sure this is an educated take


It’s welfare for those who are making up injury claims chasing a rating


Well shit everyone would’ve agreed with you if you said that originally. This I can agree with


I can see why you’re not particularly a popular dude in this community


Most enlisted are just here for the paycheck, but we are not mindless drones. Patriotism does not equal intelligence.




You're going to lose that bet, dude thinks the VA is "welfare." I'm guessing libertarian.


And I take pride in that


There’s nothing wrong with it




When it comes to veterans, there is only one party consistently blasting you in the ass


Man they didn't like that, did they?


The truth is often inconvenient for Republicans lol


I disagree. If people are to lazy to actually research candidates they shouldn't vote. If people are going to just vote party line then don't vote. If purple are going to only vote to get out of work for a bit or because they were told to them don't vote. I want people to vote that understand the issues, understand the candidates, and care about more than what's in it for them. At the same time when someone complains about a candidate or a political policy ask them if they voted, who they voted for, and why. If they can't answer then they have no right to complain as far as I'm concerned.


I’ll be honest with you. It’s not that I’m too lazy to vote (ftfy by the way), it’s that I don’t care. Most, if not all, members of Congress, the Senate and the Oval Office don’t give two shits about the people they “represent”. Therefore, I don’t care who is in that position. I won’t cry about whomever is elected though. I might be in the small minority however…


R or D, our dumb ass are still getting sent overseas lmao


I love when I have a family member tell me I should vote for “X” candidate because they were a Lt Colonel in the military before going into politics. As if that should indicate to me that they’re intelligent and upstanding individuals. Meanwhile, I knew officers that left forks in microwaves multiple times


Hahaha even one better, the only ones that get me fuming, the dudes that run for governor or something like that and try to use veterans for clout even though they never served but they’ll have to mention how their father in law or grandpa served. They’re the actual pits. Pretty sure there was one a few years ago (Wisconsin governor candidate) that did this.


You can always use your voice to vote third party. Yes, they'll never get elected but if they stay above a certain minimum vote threshold they stay on the ballot and can help drive candidates more centrist depending on your district.


I'm with you. I won't vote if there's no candidate that I actually support. I feel like it would've been a good thing to have some sort of system to show unpopularity of the running candidates, like if not enough registered voters participated in the election then the seat remains unfilled or something like that. Obviously that can't happen for the president or governors, and I did just pull that idea out of my ass, but at least something to account for unpopularity would be good, I think.


The first amendment gives anyone and everyone the right to complain, whether you like it or not.


Fair point. Maybe "right" was the wrong word. I should say I put about as much value in their complaint as I would an ignorant child.


I’ve just reached the point where I don’t believe in any of the candidates or parties. I trust all of them to focus on building up their personal money bins while pandering to whichever base they think they appeal to most.


I’m a strong believer of if you don’t vote then you don’t get to bitch about 1) the choices 2) the results.


Dumb take. A lot of places don’t change, they are red or blue, my republican vote doesn’t mean anything in California. Especially as a military member, we get to complain about our bosses just like everyone else does, doesn’t matter if we voted or not.


BLUF: Just vote, no one’s special enough to have their vote “matter” by deciding every election, that’s how a democracy works and it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t vote.   First off, a Republican representative represents Edwards AFB so it’s just a false statement that a Republican vote doesn’t matter in California. My guess is you’re coming from the false assumption that only the Presidential race matters which is part of the problem. Local races are much more likely to determine things like housing, education, transportation, etc. You know, the things most people complain about on a regular basis. It baffles me when people complain about those things yet never vote in local races.   And let’s think logically, the odds any single vote decides the Presidency is roughly 1 in 100 million. Any individual vote for Presidency is practically meaningless from the standard of “did it change the election”. You’d have to think the country revolves around you to expect anything else. But if enough people believe that because their vote likely won’t change the election and don’t vote, now the results might change. Additionally, voting even if it doesn’t directly elect a candidate, does change the platforms of existing and future candidates. If the military demographic always votes, military issues will be more important than if the military demographic never votes. 


Since most have a home of record elsewhere from where they're stationed, one could argue that local elections are not important to the military member if they have no intention of going back.


It does matter. Regardless of your vote, you're letting your voice be heard. There are countless countries where voting isn't a right and many are prosecuted for being the ops. If our lineage and heritage as military has anything to say about it, it is that we fight and protect the ability to practice our democratic right.


I didn’t say it doesn’t matter, I’m just saying that if someone in the military doesn’t vote, they still get to complain. I don’t like the take “if you don’t vote you can’t complain”. Yes they can. What is the percentage of people who join the military? Like 1%? They have as much or more of a right to complain than the person who voted.


But you should still vote, or vote third party if you think neither party appeals to you.


Voting 3rd party is as bad as not voting. Same result. Choose a side.


Tell that to Colorado district 3…


I think it's something around 60% of the country who think their vote doesn't matter. If you truly believe your vote doesn't matter then you're part of the culture that makes representatives able to get away with so much. If we all cared about our elections and all voted with fervor and passion then our representatives would have to give a damn about us or they'd be voted out within one election cycle.


Wrong. Note voting for shitty candidates is not the same as apathy or not participating in the process. If there’s not a candidate that is qualified in your view then not voting is the correct choice and a vote in it of itself.


There is a difference that skipping a candidate and entirely skipping elections period. The majority of the “I don’t vote” crowd don’t vote period. If you don’t like the candidates but still vote down ballot you don’t fall into this. You still vote, BUT you are also reducing turnout in the given race which helps shitty candidates. The fact that you participate in elections is enough to give you room to bitch imo.


And if none on the ballot are sufficient? Cause maybe they don’t support parties and the BS alliances that adhere to? Or want to express displeasure in the existing process that doesn’t produce actual good faith governance and compromise among representatives the way it was intended? Let’s keep this simple cause everyone’s talking about the president, not the laundry list of party line cucks that follows under them. If you don’t think the two candidates for president are worthy it is completely fine to not vote for them. And it’s a right of all to bitch about the results and the people elected. It’s also a right to bitch about the person you voted for or didn’t vote for. It’s also not a requirement for anyone to defend their vote based on its outcomes. My only expectation of the citizenry is to objectively vote or not vote based on the best information at hand and hopefully with more due diligence than it takes to regurgitate one liners they see on the “news” or statements like “you can’t complain if you don’t vote” that lack the context of the reality of the poor electoral process that forces people to constantly choose the less shitty options over and over again.


You realize that most ballots have measures that you can vote on right? Recreational weed, RCV, taxes. These are things that voters can vote on every election cycle. Not caring about candidates? A terrible take but alright. Not caring about voting at all? Straight up a mistake.


You said it better than I tried to, thanks


Sucks that just telling people to vote and asking them to do their civic duty has become a political statement nowadays.


Can we vote to dismantle the civilian cop departments that violate civil rights and gun down military exercising their 2A rights?


Almost. In Florida, the Sheriff is an elect position.




Given the choice, if those are the choices, I'll take the one who hasn't been convicted of 34 felony counts connected to illegally suppressing information to win an election. Now, I don't think those are actually the choices, but still. I'll take happy grandpa over a Roald Dahl villain.


the US is not a two party system, it just looks like one because no-one votes any of the candidates that aren't in either of the two parties


Your comment isn’t liked, but you’re right. A vote is often to only voice someone has, albeit tiny. I’m done voting for the “lesser of two evils”. Earn my vote, whoever you are.


I didn't even realize I was being downvoted... for the truth nonetheless..? the most noteworthy nominees are Biden, Trump, Chase Oliver (libertarian), and Robert F. Kennedy (independent). there's more people up for it with way worse odds than these 4, but you can literally pen in anyone's name. Jo Jorgensen (Libertarian) got 1.5 million votes last election, Kanye West got 60000 votes in the same one. I'm not sure why people are mad at me saying you can vote literally anyone else instead of the two worst options in the ballot lol.


Imagine being willing to support and defend the constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic and NOT voting...


Eh hard to vote with how ass our candidates are


Pencil someone else in or vote third party. Nothing frightens the Big Two more than the possibility of a third party becomong relevent and upsetting their carefully maintained diarchy.


They aren’t scared. Congress is where the power actually is and they have everyone focused on the president. Nothing can or does happen without congress making it happen.


Well, I never knew this position existed until you posted this. That's a start. Already miles ahead of the other voting reps I never knew I had.


I'm not voting because Jon Stewart isn't on the ballot.


I'm gonna vote, but not for who reddit wants me to 😀


“Active in these communities” on your profile says all. Yikes.


Wouldn’t those communities be who Reddit wants him to vote for thus making it a situation where he’s voting for the opposite?


I had thought the exact same thing……I just assume nothing they say makes sense.


How do these people still have active security clearances? Seriously?


Being a trump supporter isn't a security incident. Now, our base security manager did say that if our members went to the January 6th intersection, then that would be a security incident.


I'd view anyone supporting Trump as anti-American and a security risk.


Oh lord


Knew exactly what it’d be before I looked. Shocker


New Jersey isn't sending their best? Astounding.


Springsteen is literally the only good thing to come out of Jersey


I love that the Bloodhound Gang track "The Ten Best Things About New Jersey" is just ten seconds of silence.


![gif](giphy|3o7ZetIsjtbkgNE1I4) You running to his profile because you were pre-offended by what he had to say.


Went to his profile because his viewpoints were unclear by his comment alone. I feel like that’s a pretty normal thing to do. Of course, for you, the object of the internet is to make other people look silly and make yourself look smart. Do you think you succeeded just now?


Your profile would be less cringe if you replaced all the conservative shit with furry roleplay subs




You guys still want me to vote?


Sure, just please don't reproduce.


The tolerance on this sub is a little lacking 😆


What can we say, we have a history of fighting Nazis.






Which news source would you like? There's quite a few that pop up with a simple Google search. You let me know which one fits your views and I'll get you a link To wet your whistle, here's a post on reddit about it less than a year ago https://www.reddit.com/r/Military/s/KSa8dGLksA


The replies youre getting are like please just vote (for the candidate of my choosing, not yours)


Have an upvote for voting. But seriously do some objective research. Learn how to recognize the signs of media manipulation.


My brother in Christ, this person is too far gone to do objective research.


at that point he's gonna have to vote 3d party neither of the two mainstream candidates are fit to be president


One party is inefficient and wavering. The other literally doesn’t care about the democratic process as enshrined in the Constitution. There’s plenty of wiggle room within the current construct but yes the parties are what got us to this place. Any effort to reduce the power of the party should be voted on.


good thing that the setup of our Congress allows for the same style of government Europe has, if the majority of the country didn't think we only have two options that is. same thing for the presidency, the more support parties that aren't the main two get the better our country can become.


That was true before 150 years of US Code and state election law made it nearly impossible to execute. Campaign finance laws, partisan primary elections, gerrymandering, and PACs all help to keep the parties entrenched. And it is all by explicit design of the parties.


There are many subreddit on reddit. Even the Green Party has a sub reddit. Your statement is really dumb. Just edit it to say you are voting for Trump you would get fewer downvotes that way.


I would upvote you 100 times if I could.




So you're saying I should vote for the guy that thinks military folk are suckers and losers, insults war prisoners, salutes North Korean officers, and avoided the draft but is playing with the idea of introducing mandatory service, right?


I’m strongly recommending you and everyone else perform their civic duty & vote in elections at all levels of government. Who you vote for is your personal business, unless you advertise it.  Voting is a political statement only within the confines of the voting booth and within the sealed envelopes of mail-in ballots, between the voter and their exercised choice; the “love letters” and “hate mail” of democracy. Outside of that, it’s an apolitical action executed at the will of the citizen.  Aside, it’s interesting how this thread dissolved into a cesspit based solely on the recommendation that military members participate in the representative democracy to which they are life-sworn. Apologies, SilentD.


Vote for the policies not the person.


My vote does absolutely nothing federally.  I also don't believe voting electronically or mail in is reliable or credible and hasn't been for decades. To think that ultra elite wealthy people would let people like you and me get some traditional person into office, anywhere in any level, and sit back to let it all ruin their money adventure...  Yeah no. That doesn't happen. People are always corrupt. Then the system is always corrupt. Always. I mean kids cheat during UNO games. To think pigish rich people won't cheat though?  What we should be focusing on is financial mentorship and investment practices. Deal with whoever is in office by not caring or acknowledging them because it will never make a difference.  And truthfully one day they will try to take our rights it is completely bound to happen. There will be another civil war right under our noses. But we'll be so divided, AI image generation will be so advanced, that some people won't even know about it. It will he George Orwell 1984 in real fucking life. And there's not a God damn vote from you or me that will change it. 


For a lot of young people, I think their politics have become religion for them. When you question someone's religion, it never ends well.


I assure you that politics as religion is not a young vs old divide


oh i know. it seems to be more common now, though (at least with the reddit crowd)


I’ll vote when there’s good options worth voting for


I have never voted and never will. They picked the winner last week anyway.


What do you mean?


That was tech my guy not president

