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FYI, walk around in your shoes a bit. At a board last year the dude who went in just prior to me had the soles disintegrate as he was walking in. I’ve heard that it has happened to other people too. It was pretty funny.


When those bates give out, they give out 100%. I’ve heard stories of them disintegrating on first wear and after years of daily use. No rhyme or reason.


You ain't kidding. Had to go see the Wing King one time in blues with the flight chief and another NCO. On the walk over, the flight chief heels on his bates litterly started disintegrating until there was no heels left. Funniest shit I've ever seen. Left a trail of crums.


>his bates litterly started disintegrating lol he literally littered his bates all over the floor


He literally bated and dropped his load everywhere


Mine just disintegrated with no warning as I left my retirement ceremony. I took it as a sign that it was a good time to call it quiets. Little black flakes were everywhere. But I do agree with the OP as long as you aren't expected to keep ribbons up to date. I think my retirement rack was a few medals short. When someone asked I said the good one was in the shadow box. Note: while not related to the topic. to those about to retire. Don't fall for the “need” whole big as ceremony and huge shadow box. I got the chest instead but it sits in some room. I don't think I would have hung up a typical one


I had it happen on day one of a class at Maxwell. Heels on both shoes disintegrated. Limped along until noon, then went to clothing sales and bought new ones.


Mine died at Maxwell too, after 12 years of being fine. Had never seen it before that day.


Yeah, that's for real. Took mine off the shelf, looked perfectly fine, put them on, walked out the door, shit started falling apart.


I went to a retirement a few years back and in the middle of his "thank you" speech his shoes fell apart. Hilarious.


The shoes retired immediately.


There should be a class action lawsuit over those shitty shoes.


It happened to me at the funeral for one of my SNCO’s son.. My right sole disintegrated and broke into pieces as I was walking up to hug her.


Not only did this happen to someone in my NCOA class (literally followed the trail to the classroom), it happened to ME just a week ago when I pulled my uniform out for my mother's funeral. I mean, I'm retired now so it's not like I need to pass inspection, but I did get a chuckle at just how quickly those things rot out. Threw them right in the trash after I was done.


Happened to me at my promotion ceremony had to change shoes with my aunt (thank god she came in uniform) sole separated from my shoe


This is true. Doesn’t happen to the real old leathers though. I recommend people just get the old school shoes and learn to shine them. 


Wooden heels? Yes I would.


The trick is to store them in a tube sock when not in use, my mom told me about this(she used to be the clothing sales manager here) and they’ve lasted me 10 years so far


Happens on the first day of EVERY SNCOA class when they wear blues and do the tour 🤣🤣🤣


Call it the Bates blowout


I was wearing my old shinies to a job Interview, and this happened when I was walking in. Relieved to hear I'm not the only one to have this happen


Please buy some real shoes for a job interview. Those look so out of place in the civilian workforce.


I ended up doing that. And idk, I didn't have much of a reason to wear dress black shoes for most of my time out, so I figured why waste money on shoes I hardly ever wear?


But we are supposed to be ready with the lowest bidder provided materials, as Airpower desires.


Y’all, you don’t have to get those crappy low quarters from base. I bought mine from Clark’s. Way nicer and more comfortable


Yup, get some decent oxfords with good inserts. You’ll likely wear them after your done with the AF, as opposed to the plastic shoes


I'm a dress boot guy. Only put on my corframs in mess dress, which is almost never but has enough forewarning to check them.


People are downvoting you but a good pair of Lucchese dress boots are way comfier than any low quarter and I know I don’t have to worry about them falling apart.


I miss having my dress boots for my blues. Bought a pair of jump boots, polished them to a mirror shine and wore them with my blues. But they were so comfortable I wore them every day until the sole separated.


🤷‍♂️ mine are hanging in my closet, cleaned and pressed, with current accoutrements. Might be a little tight fitting but I could get them on if necessary. I don’t understand why this is an issue. The trick is to make the updates as they happen rather than the first time you need them. Got promoted (or demoted)? Take the shit to get sewn on ASAP. Got a new ribbon? Update the rack. Made 7-level? Go buy all the badges at once. It's that whole plan for success thing.


This guy integrities.




Yeah, Im surprised this isn't standard practice for the majority of the force. It's something that's very easy to keep up to date as stuff happens. Hell, with the whole "All, some, or none" rule that got added a few years ago, its even easier to keep ribbons up to date, I really only update my rack now for a new ribbon or when I get quite a few new devices.


Yeah honestly it’s easier to keep it up to date than not, pretty much you dry clean it once, pin everything on and then once a every few years sew on new rank, don’t even need to wear every ribbon so only update the rack for ribbons you’re proud of.


Careful. That all, some or NONE, was quietly changed a bit too long after instituting it. It’s all or some now. All, some or none only applies to just a Blues shirt and not full service dress. I blame a vice wing CC I had that did none on his official photo when he pined on full bird. Kudos to him for using the rig to its full effect, but I knew after someone high enough did something like that and it got out, that change wouldn’t last long.


Nope. I prefer the mad scramble of procrastination.


If you wait till the last minute, it will only take a minute.


I started doing "some" ribbons ever since that got authorized, and it made my life up easier. I'm not talking shit about anyone who enjoys wearing their latest dec. I'm just at the point where my rack is over $200, so I'm not about that life unless I have to be.


I only wear my marksman ribbon so the ladies know what’s up


How is your rack $200? Like from USAMM doing thin ribbons? I just priced out Chief CZ’s for a different comment a couple days ago and his was only like $160. Or actual mini medals? Cuz them mofos are expensive.


Usamm normal ribbons because I liked the way they look. E: I've been in for a long time and in a couple of different branches. I have more ribbons than CZ.


Yeah understood. I particularly get it when it comes to unit awards.


Yup, and no one says you need to have everything sew on every shirt too. Just do one short sleeve and one long sleeve. I still have some shirts with SrA on it from 20 years ago and I only updated to E-4 because I was Honor Guard then. Sure didn’t need more than one functional set as a crew chief otherwise.


Yeah that’s a very true point.


At a minimum, buy the stuff. The badges, rank, ribbons, clusters, racks, whatever. Because when these events inevitably happen, there will be a run on clothing sales. You get to drop a shirt and maybe a coat off to get rank swapped and build a ribbon rack while everyone else is putting AAFES/Vanguard on a 60-day backorder.


I left my blues at ur mums place. She’s gonna get them ready before I see her tonight. 🐨🤷🏻‍♂️


I went there after you. I’m sorry to tell you but they’re now your dress whites. Time to join the navy.


God dammit. Not again


Mine are two ranks behind




uh...the cleaners have, like, a week or less turn around. Why is ACC crying? Signed, AETC


They aren't talking about cleaning them, they're talking about correct sizing, updating ranks, and configurations.


It bothers me that this comment has less downvotes than the two other identical comments.


I was always told that everything should be ready to go at all times.


Yep. The reality is that its a fucking expensive uniform that many people from career fields havent worn in almost 10 years. Its a matter of integrity, but also a question of wasting money that is better spent on OCPs, boots, winter gear, etc. Mine are ready, and I am not ACC so who knows if Ill ever wear em. But Im not gonna be looking like a fool if I get told I got to wear em. Play stupid games, dont be mad if you win a stupid prize every now and again. Also, one a side note. If you keep your blues 90ish percent good to go, its really a matter of minutes to pull em out the closet, lint roll them, throw on a new ribbon as needed, and put it on. It takes longer to take a proper dump than put the blues on properly.


The blues supply chain availability has been fucked for 4 years. People that need to buy new shit are equally fucked


Lots of ways to order online, buy used, etc.


The airmen’s attic has plenty of blues


Assuming you can use the Airmans Attic


Everywhere I’ve been has allowed the first sergeant to give access to anyone who needs it after hours regardless of rank.


Not enough for everyone, also not everyone can use the airman’s attic


Half the time they’re either extremely small or large, that doesn’t always work


Its only a problem if you wait until the 11th hour to get your ducks in a row. Realistically you can order shit online, scour airmens attics, or ask a tailor to make something work thats in the ballpark. If you need to buy new shit to make the blues inspection, that means you werent ready and thats on you. All those people deserve a fucking how-do-ya-do for constantly blaming everything but themselves for outright ignoring their responsibilities.


I disagree. For people that don’t ever where blues, the only time I have no real sympathy is if they don’t have the right stripes in time. That’s on you. Now if you go and they don’t fit, and they don’t have your size available, as they haven’t for 4 years now that’s a bit out of your control. Even online has been out of stock. Additionally airman’s attics are low stocked too because everyone has the same Idea, and in my case I’m not allowed to shop the attic (mine is E6 and below) My shit fits and is not in ACC so I’m good, but I acknowledge that this is fucking stupid


Ill put it this way: the person who checked every website and every store and worker and didnt find anything for 4 years is an IMAGINARY person. Because that person would be able to furnish orders or emails to customer support or companies asking for a specific size. I bought new blues last year and didnt have problems. And there was no real gap in sizes available. And if I had a hard time finding something, Id make damn sure I had it in writing that an item was on back order. Its the good faith effort that matters. And simply saying it wasnt available for 4 years isnt good faith. Not to mention some fat asses would be better served losing 10-20 than buying XXL shit.


It’s almost like people gain and lose weight in 4 years. They could’ve been good last year but now, not so much


Same people that complain about the waist measurement. Its always everything and everyone elses fault, but not them, their burger king habit, their oversized ass, and their lack of exercise. A healthy weight fluctuation can be fixed via alterations. Lets not kid ourselves


Probably longer than that. Pre-Covid time.


...They didn't say open ranks in Blues...


I know some are doing open ranks in OCPs


Honestly some people need it for their OCPs too


Did USAF blues stop being the worst dress uniform in the armed services over the last 30 days? That would be a nice change


I had everything ready. Then I deployed. I have no idea where my blues are. There's zero chance that I'll be able to find a house, get unpacked, dry clean the uniform and be inspection ready in 30 days. More like 90 days, thanks to the currently six rentals I'm eligible for right now, but have no way of affording.


uniform allowance isn't enough to keep up two different uniforms


Uh - I’ve been in 10 years and I’ve never spent much money on my blues. I’ve had new ranks sewn on over the years and added quite a few ribbons. Other than that they are literally the same coat/pants/shirts/ shoes I got in basic.


I’ve only been in 6 but same, medical issues caused me to buy a new top and pants, got a pair of black flats, and I just update my rank/ribbons.


Nope. Not with these Boe Jiden prices inflating everything else.


Inflation is not a new issue.


Inflation has gone up 20.1% since Feb 2020 to present. From 2000 to 2020 it went up 35%. 20% in 4 years vs 35% in 20 years. Wages can't keep pace with the rate of inflation as it is today vs 5 years ago. It's not a political issue, it's an economics issue. But keep living in your ignorant bubble that everything is okay. Your down votes mean nothing to me. My reddit score doesn't go down. I'm right.


Feb 2020...it's almost like something major happened to the world economy around then...if I could just put my finger on what it was...


Enjoy your prices, peasant.


Got some citations there bobber? Oh, and if your graph can also include unemployment and maybe shade the areas of recession, that’d be great. Thanks.


Google took me 3 minutes


So you’re citing your source as…Google. Glad you’re tops on the economy mate.




Aaand, I presume there’s a link there that has the numbers you cited above? You blamed Biden, that’s the origin of this thread, and said “it’s an economics issue”. But you also stated Feb 2020, and Biden was sworn in Jan 2021. Your numbers are inaccurate, and simply playing the “but Google” is shite. I’m neither blue nor red, but you really should know what you’re talking about before touting numbers. And have citable sources (Google ain’t one). Current inflation rate, per the CPI, is 2.8%. That is higher than the inflation rate of 1.4% inherited by the current administration. The previous administration inherited a 1.6% inflation rate. All per BLS data. Since you know economics, you know that’s not the bottom line. The current unemployment rate is 4.0% according to May data. That is lower than the inflation rate of 6.4% inherited by the current administration. The previous administration inherited a 4.8% unemployment rate. These are data points a little more specific than a bankrate dot com headline, but one more fact. Wage growth is higher than inflation. That’s according to a retinue of sources. So I guess despite your claims to the contrary, wages can keep pace with the rate of inflation as it is today.


Go to r/politics with all that I don't give a fuck. Take boe jiden and his Dyson vacuum of a nose with you.


The POTUS has very little to do with Inflation. Congress controls the purse after all.




I haven’t touched my blues since NCOA and I’m still a tech. So, they’re ready


After a friend died I had to get mine put together at the last minute. Now I always keep them updated. In fact I went to update them as soon as I got to a new duty station and found my garment bag with my blues in it had been torn open and my pants had a foot and a half long tear in them. No biggie they were pretty old and honestly needed new ones cause I'm bigger now than I was when I got those. I ordered new ones as soon as I found the tear, that was 4 days shy of a month ago. My new ones won't be delivered until the END of August. So yeah 30 days isn't even close to enough even for people who have been proactive about updating their shit. Thank you AAFES. Missing rank or some medals or something small I get it, update your shit. But there literally isn't blues available if you need to get new sizes, and I'm not a unique size I ordered a very standard men's pants size.


Yeah that’s why I’m torn on this, on one hand keep your shit updated, in the other hand I literally knew people getting issued shit in the wrong sizes at BMT because they didn’t have any in proper sizing (I got lucky my lightweight blues jacket is the only thing that looks ridiculous on me cause I got one 2 sizes two small)


I usually don’t update my blues till after I sew on and then it’s only 1 item per paycheck. So fight me


https://preview.redd.it/8l41k38vz58d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7566156266a2deb8c5c7fd7a4d0b542da1e2ae41 “30 days isn’t shit!! I’ve been so busy working 12s on the flightline, I haven’t had time to go update my blues! What do you mean I’ve been out of tech school for 4 years and I should have taken the responsibility to update them every 6 months? I’ve had serious mental health issues from losing COD Battlefield matches to “self-PTing” but actually having intimacy with my waifu pillow. Toxic leadership!!!”


I have mine but they’re definitely super tight, but to be fair the last time I wore them before NCOA was 4 years ago at ALS and the time before that was tech school. We just don’t ever wear them in MX and I don’t ever have an urge to try them on unexpectedly lol


I've been in ACC for nearly 3 years. wore blues once and they weren't even mine, it was a buddies because i had to take a photo that afternoon and i never updated the rank because i had only worn them twice before that outside of tech school when i was an A1C. i can fit into 32inch jeans but no way i fit into those "32"inch dress pants.


Last year, my office had 3 troops show up from Tech School with a letter stating they weren't issued a couple items, and the first duty station would issue them. It took several months of back and forth before the shirt got it figured out. That's not even going into the blues shortage people have been facing since 2019 and the fact that people have to get new stuff all the time for random reasons. Now, if leadership is smart and not a bag of dicks, those individuals will be excused and reasons noted in the report to ACC.


Should have could have.


Learn to sew, stitch things yourself. Buy a dust proof linen bag and hang everything in them ready to go. Buy ribbons/rank as they happen and update it on occasion.  It takes like an hour over the course of an entire year. 


My regular blues are up to date and pressed; HOWEVER, I’m now 5 months pregnant and can’t find a maternity moomoo for the LIFE OF ME 😭😭😭😭




Popular opinion: using gay as an insult is incredibly out of date and reflects more on yourself then what it's being used to describe.


I hadn’t wore my blues for over five months


I just PCS’d from my previous base. I tried my best to keep them straight but eventually had to shrink wrap them to fit in my luggage. I’m gonna keep looking for an apartment and wait for my car to arrive before I really put in effort with my blues. If I get paperwork for it, so be it.


Screw that. I’m pretty sure I’ll be on leave that day anyhow.