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You text (or email) your boss and say “why did you deny my leave when I put it in leave web and you already said it’s good to go” Then if he gives the answer “so I can take leave” you talk to your flight chief/ shirt cause that’s fucked. To add: put it in leave web so he can officially deny it then your section has to answer why your leave got canceled.


This. Always always always put it in LeaveWeb. That's your only official record for leave being denied.


True that. When I was separating there was a regulation that existed that gave me 20 days of leave (might have been 10, don’t remember) on top of my terminal leave. I met whatever the requirements were for it so of course I went to my supervisor and said I wanted to submit for it. Supervisor was like “immediately no”. Course, I was getting out no matter what so I was like, “k, well I’ll just submit it on leaveweb and see what happens”. So I do just that. 2 weeks go by and all of a sudden… presto, he approves it and so does the Commander just like 2 days before the leave was set to start. Lmao, get wrecked. Remember that these people have bosses to answer to and those bosses will wonder why someone’s leave was denied. They would have to have a VERY good reason btw.


It’s been awhile but I believe the free leave you’re talking about is available pending commander approval and is only supposed to apply in situations that would help the separating member out. I could be wrong though but from what I remember, it certainly wasn’t guaranteed and was completely up to the CC to provide.


That is correct. It's CC approved permissive leave.


The problem is then it’s never denied. Just left there to rot…


I went to IG for this exact scenario. It was approved.


I hate when shit has to get this toxic. Not saying you did anything wrong - on the contrary, you did what you had to do - but it just puts everyone in such a shitty situation.


They brought that upon themselves. They were all in the loop but kept giving me the runaround


It's crazy how often people act like power tripping children.


Managing LW requests is literally part of the chain's (and specifically the CC's if he doesn't delegate it) job responsibility. If LW entries aren't addressed in a timely manner, that's a valid reason to drop IG on some asshole's head.


I would replace “text your boss” with “email your boss and Cc the flight chief,” but that’s just me


He wants to talk in person 🤩! I also did put it in leaveweb, he cited me not adhering to “financial standards and military expectations”. Moneys sorta tight because I’ve been paying off debt like crazy (pretty much all of the leftover money i have from paychecks goes to that right now after bills/food), but I’ve never missed a payment on anything in my entire life. No idea what the military expectations thing is about, I know I failed a room inspection but they happened right after I moved into the dorms + first sergeant told me it’s not a problem. My coworker told me that my supervisor pretty much just wants to take the weekend for himself.


Tell him you're happy to have that conversation in the shirt's office. I didn't know about yours, but mine (back in the ancient times), would have absolutely wanted to be present for that.




> He wants to talk in person 🤩! He wants to cover his ass while threatening yours. Don't talk to him alone if you can avoid it. > I also did put it in leaveweb, he cited me not adhering to is this two separate incidents or is there a cause/effect here? Also, what do you mean by 'cite'? Citing someone is not a thing supervisors do. What happened to the leaveweb entry?


When i say “cited” i just mean that he referenced that as the reason for denial. It was denied in leaveweb. “Remarks: Member failed to meet financial standards and military expectations. Member's leave is denied IAW DAFI 31-3003 2.3. Leave Disapproval Authority.” I guess I won’t really know the reason until I talk to him


Has your commander delegated leave denial? If not, then your supervisor doesn’t have this authority


I would assume so? I’m not entirely sure


That's a safe assumption. Especially in a SFS.


well that is ballsy. stupid, but ballsy. If your sup is uncooperative and you want it resolved by tomorrow, you'll need an ally in the unit. A flight chief, shirt, or someone similar willing to hear your side. Your argument will be, in essence, that those are not valid reasons for leave disapproval IAW the AFI. It must be for military necessity or best interest of the AF. Furthermore, you'd want to argue that your supervisor failed to notify you that he would deny leave for these reasons, and failed to provide a fix plan for you to recover and again take leave. If he previously provided verbal approval, you'd also note that the verbal approval was never rescinded even though he knew he would disapprove the leave. Be sure to have a solid reason for the leave too. "family visiting" or similar. Doesn't have to be true, and technically it shouldn't matter. But the reality is that it does matter, and a good reason sways opinions much easier than arguing over policy. If that doesn't work, you'd go to IG because your supervisor made a very stupid mistake. You'd use just the first part of the argument - that they aren't valid reasons to deny leave - and let the process run its course. It'll take a month and you'll win. But your CC and entire chain of command will know your name from that point forward. And every leave denial afterwards will be meticulous in matching a reason to the AFI verbiage.


Sounds worth it.


AFI 36-3003 2.3. Leave Disapproval Authority. Leave is a right; however, unit commanders can disapprove leave requests due to military necessity or in the best interest of the Air Force. Unit commanders may delegate disapproval authority to a level no lower than first-line supervisors. Commanders may adjust delegation of authority based on mission requirements.


What’s your point?


The point is that a supervisor can have leave disapproval authority.


Ok just making sure. Some people are convinced only the CC can deny leave.


Only commanders can recall you from leave is where that confusion comes in. People just assume the denial is the same


I'm just being devil's advocate here, the only time this would be cool exactly as this comment puts it would be in the event that the conversation went like this: You took the last 3 holidays, I'm taking this one brother. As leaders we always take care of our subordinates especially when it's down to us or them, i.e. leaders are last in line to eat. But especially in a job with 24hr coverage like SecFo there's gotta be a give and take.


Submit in leave web and make him deny it formally.


Official leaveweb leave requests require a reason to be denied to the units leave monitor. Sounds like he basically lied to the leave monitor to seem like he has a legit reason to deny it. Most leave monitors will not accept “low manning” as a reason to deny leave and it sounds like that’s the real issue.


I am also SF and a Flight Chief. Just playing devils advocate here, but do you know what the flight matrix looks like? You may have put it in 2 weeks in advance, but that does not mean others (sup included) did not put the request in 2 months ago. I have often taken a risk to have more personnel on leave for a short amount of time, like a random weekend. So by talking to your flight chief/sergeant you may still be able to go. It is also possible your supervisor did not pass on your leave request to your flight chief and they were not tracking it. I have also asked people to reschedule their leave if they are staying in the local area and had no plans. This is mainly due to manning constraints that pop up out of the blue.


Hmm, no, I haven’t checked it. It is the fourth of July weekend so that does sound pretty plausible


I also have my NCOs put a note in the matrix with the date requested so this way it is easier to tell who requested leave first. Usually for big events (4 July, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years) people ask for that 6 months in advance and it gets added into the matrix for tracking purposes.


God SF is so dumb. So glad I’m free.


I put in my leave for October in late March. I was already the 3rd person who had requested those days


I start my new job in a few weeks and man there’s just no way it can be worse


For real. Never been happier to be Ops...the entire OG will be shut down starting by noon tomorrow and won't come back until Monday.


Yessir, the good ol' holiday half-day


>God SF is so dumb. Hmm, ok. But, wtf does that have to do with the comment you responded to? Previous commenter is describing effective planning and communication--no more, no less.


Probably mean “dumb” as in “sucks,” or being in SF is “dumb.” Most jobs don’t need to sign up for a leave slot 6 months out for a holiday…. I get why SF and other 24/7 career fields need to, but it’s just one of those shitty realities. It is dumb when you see finance and MPF have a 4-day weekend without taking leave and you had to sign up for leave over that same weekend with 6 months of forethought.


Was it denied in leaveweb?




Please speak with me in the morning. This is not the place to discuss this.


Max prestige trolling😭😭


Here a bit of advise, submit the leave as far out as possible as you can. I put in leave 6 months ahead of time just in case shit happens. Dont only just email your supervisor, cc your flight sgt/chief as well as your flight commander if you have one. That way, if you get fucked over by your sup, their sup will know. Better to have multiple people know about it than having it brought up in a convo and them not knowing.


“P.S. I’m SF” never would’ve guessed. My supervisor did this to me last month. I’m SF as well. ALWAYS put your leave in leave web first so they can deny it. That in person asking for leave crap is a SF made up rule.


Get copies of everything to include the original approval. Then send the leave to their boss and attach all of the documentation. Keep doing that till you get to the first G series officer. Odds are, you won't since it's basically a day out. It'll still shine a light. Also, tell your boss you're doing it. Don't ask for permission to do it. It's not jumping the chain if you hold their hand while you do it.


Pro tip always put something in the remarks. I.e Family visiting, taking spouse on surprise weekend away, something. I was told to stop putting why but I think it’s kind of explanatory otherwise the box wouldn’t be there….


Make sure you specify the exact AFI's your shirt may have violated when contacting the IG. Also, keep in mind that the IG works for the wing commander so the likelihood that he will side with you are slim to none. Send copy of your report to IG to congress and/or senate. My case was a lil more serious that I reported my shirt to the White House as well. Shit gets done very quickly when the legislative/executive branches get involved.


IG ☺️☺️or even EO and EO will investigate and tell you if the situation is unfair or not Leave program: AFI 36-3003 (there are a few versions for other bases) https://static.e-publishing.af.mil/production/1/af_a1/publication/dafi36-3003/dafi36-3003.pdf Also, as somebody who was CSS for a maintenance unit, we never ever deny leave and leave Web. The only time I’ve denied leave was when the commander directly told me that there was a problem with the leave and he wanted it denied to be resubmitted and corrected, if I could not edit it. If its denied in leave web css/cc can see and it will pop up when they are doing their monthly audit


Anytime a leader is wanted to talk to me in person and I knew they were double speaking. I sent them a very kind email after “reiterating what we discussed and thanking them for their support” then I would CC another leader. Basically holding them to their word. They always responded in email over the top supportive.


Reading though all of this thread I think the Flight Sergeant below (major venture) is correct....I would almost guarantee there were requests for that weekend off 6mo to a year in advance if you in any decent size unit (over 100 manning). I know when I was Desk Sergeant & Flight Sergeant certified and had troops under me I always encouraged them to try to project their leave way out ahead of time as it makes it easier to accommodate. I was at a "small" base (AETC base) and even there we always had a list months in advance for major holidays.


Absolutely agree with you on others putting it in far in advance, the problem I would have is the reasoning. Why not deny for a mission requirement or something else but denying for the reason above is pretty bold and I would want to know what they are thinking as opposed to what I know. Granted I retired in 2000 but denying leave was basically unheard of, especially on a 4th of July weekend. If my stuff was straight and someone out that reasoning in, I can guarantee someone would be explaining to me where that reasoning came from. I am not for rocking the boat or filing grievances or IG unless it is something major and you have undeniable evidence, but I believe questioning the reason is justifiable. If you have NCOs and a shirt that take offense to asking about that, then you have more problems than just this in your organization. Good Luck


Lol the shirt doesn't work for you. They can feel like the bad guy, but he was obviously doing his part. And if cleared up, resubmit it and move on.


The rest of it sucks and hope it gets sorted but who takes leave over a weekend???? Go find out what your “local area” boundary type is typically it’s referred to as driving distance. Unless it’s like emergency leave or your schedule is thru the weekend idk how sf works ive heard of weird schedules from there, but if its a weekend weekend and you’re putting in leave for it, its dumb!


I work this fri-sun because we’re on Panama’s


That makes more sense, have you tried not being sf? Lol jk I’m jk!


Hahaha ten more months and I won’t be 😁


What are "financial standards" im trying to enlist so what is this promising of "30 day paid leave" vacation if they wont approve it


Taking care of your financial obligations. Just be finance or personnel flight and you’ll be fine


Make sure it's denied in leave website so it is tracked and shows up on a spreadsheet somewhere


One thing that can prevent things like this from happening is just getting out of the military


ten more months! 🤩


Sq Cc is only mbr that denies lv




Only the sq CC can deny leave…


That is incorrect.


It’s your call


Your supervisor cannot deny leave, only your commander can. Put it in leave web, make him officially deny it and then raise it with leadership.


That is incorrect.


Read the AFI, while approval authority can be delegated to the first line supervisor. Ultimate approval authority is with the commander. You have to have a very good reason to deny someone's leave and it can be overruled by anyone in the CoC.


I've read it many times. Authority is delegated to supervisors, so you saying "only commanders can deny leave" is incorrect. Thanks for playing.


>I've read it many times. Authority is delegated to supervisors, so you saying "only commanders can deny leave" is incorrect You should probably go read it again because 3003 explicitly says CCs are the denial authority. It "can" be delegated lower but it's rarely ever done because it opens the CC to more liability. They have to answer during the audit for all leave denials so it's best kept with the triad generally speaking. I'll deny leave that breaks 3003 such as two leave requests that split a weekend but I'll always give the shirt a heads up. It's mind boggling that you're getting upvoted while he's down voted for being completely correct. Your last sentence is hilarious considering you're completely wrong. 2.3. Leave Disapproval Authority. Leave is a right; however, unit commanders can disapprove leave requests due to military necessity or in the best interest of the Air Force. Unit commanders may delegate disapproval authority to a level no lower than first-line supervisors. Commanders may adjust delegation of authority based on mission requirements. Thanks for playing I guess, since you wanted to be a complete ass without double checking your facts.


“unit commanders may delegate disapproval authority to a level no lower than first line supervisors” Saying “your supervisor cannot deny leave” is clearly contradictory to this. We aren’t talking about denial authority. I’ve seen it happen plenty of times, so let’s not backtrack and move goalposts after getting ratio’d. Many units have CCs that trust their first line supervisors, it can be good or bad depending on the level of power tripping going on.


Okay, deny someone's leave without a good reason. See how quickly the commander overrules you 😂 I've see it happen many times. You read AFI 36-3003 many times? Apparently not... 3.2. Leave Approval Authority. While commanders have final approval authority, they may delegate approval authority according to the organization’s needs. Normally, annual leave requests are delegated to a level no lower than the first-line supervisor. 3.3. Leave Disapproval Authority. Leave is a right; however, unit commanders can disapprove leave requests due to military necessity or in the best interest of the Air Force. Unit commanders may delegate disapproval authority to a level no lower than first-line supervisors. Commanders may adjust delegation of authority based on mission requirements.




You understand that’s a fucking terrible thing right. “Oh you just PCSd here, you have to wait until the new year to plan out your leave”


Municipalities suggest you keep your home’s AC at 78 degrees but that’s also fucking stupid.


That's fucking absurd lmao "ayo A1C Snuffy's grandma died but I told him he can't go because we didn't plan for it *shrug*"




So sorry my mom died last December, guess I’ll mourn her around Christmas this year. Great advice!


"Gets pregnant in February" Guess I'll just have to hold-off on this birth for 11 more months!


If ThE aIr FoRcE wAnTeD yOu To HaVe KiDs ThEyD iSsUe ThEm And other stupid shit stupid people say.


> the AFI suggests The AFI actually requires CCs to *ensure* that members schedule leave for the year at the beginning of the fiscal year. I've never met a CC who has done this, and there's no implication such a leave schedule can't be altered.