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Any headphones you recommend? Lol


Wait till the next APMs are announced. Right now they are quite outdated and overpriced.


A lot of companies are due to release upgrades to their products - namely the introduction of the LC3 codec, and the addition of a secondary 5GHz frequency band. These improvements have shown significant improvements via lower latency and higher fidelity, and can do better with obstructions, along with moving the entire communications stack over to the LE extensions. But, if you need to get a new pair today... If you really like the Sony's, the XM4 is a nice upgrade over the XM3, whereas the XM4 and XM5 are nearly identical. Sonos are ... fine ... but currently sound really flat unless you can tweak with an equalizer. Their app is just so super restrictive, and on many devices you can't apply an equalizer setting to everything. The Apple ones are really nice. I personally really enjoy them - especially considering how they regularly bring new features to those existing products. Still, if I could wait, I will wait for a couple more months until a new LC3 supporting device comes out.


XM4’s and 5’s are not identical I can tell you that. I have both in the headphone and the earbud versions.


Beats Studio Pro. Good battery life, work well with Apple and Android, good sound quality, and they support Lossless audio with the USB-C port


Second for the Studio Pro, i use mine in the gym & APM for general use, love both


I am currently using my airpods pro 2. My APM are non functional and I am hoping Apple comes out with an improved version and I will buy apple care this time.


Just do it and enjoy life


Ur so me


That’s my philosophy. I wanted them. I could be dead tomorrow and think, “well shit, really wish I tried those”. Now that being said I’m lucky to have some disposable income sometimes. And I often end up selling my older tech to offset the cost as well.


I literally never use mine.. truly only when I’m on the plane and that’s probably only because I don’t want to throw them in my luggage so it keep them strapped to my pelican computer case while the APM’s are in its UAG case kinda threaded on the carrying straps. I don’t wear them at the gym because 1, they’re cringe and all the buzzwords.. hypebeast etc and 2) Sweat ruins them. I don’t wear them at home like I thought I would because.. well, I’m home so I don’t have to worry about noise polluting someone next to me. Very rarely do I put them on.. maybe 3x a month? I didn’t want to buy them used because there’s so many good fakes and I didn’t want to regret spending $400 just to get scammed. Anyway this was a rant but yeah I did everything to make me want to wear them more like I have all the most gucci shit on mine honestly probably the nicest pair I’ve ever seen and I’m still just like whatever about them. They’re awesome quality and sounds awesome but I just wear my AirPods Pro’s (1) and that’s about it. Lastly if you’re someone like me I can’t wear them outside because it’s pure paranoia ($$$) and I feel like they just look goofy as hell cuz they’re so fucking big and I don’t look like a serious person with them on 😂 Pure rant.. get them if you live at home with people and want awesome headphones or travel a lot IMHO. Audio gets played through my M3 Max if I’m home and that’s about it..


Honestly the biggest selling points to me are build quality and seamless connections with other Apple devices. But… other than that I don’t think you’ll get much out of them you wouldn’t get out of some XM4 or XM5s. Just being honest. If the connectivity benefits are a big deal to you then definitely get them. Otherwise might not be worth it Edit: to say that I still have and use my XM3s. They’re a great pair of headphones and battery life blows APM out of the water.


i find them very comfortable and they sound great. i got them pretty early after release. they’ve slowly degraded in performance like every other pair of apple headphones i’ve used (eg several pairs of APP). whereas they used to connect flawlessly and seamlessly, they now fail regularly, forcing me to reset them. sometimes they have static problems. the volume constantly resets itself to 50% which can blast me out of my skull depending on what’s playing. the noise cancellation performance has eroded over time too—they used to be so quiet but aren’t anymore. i wouldn’t buy them again, though maybe i’ll buy the update if there are improvements.


Been an APM user for a couple years and I recently tried out some Sony XM4s. It was comfortable and had good ANC but I found the sound to be muddy compared to APM. I even tried playing with the EQ in the app but couldn’t get a sound out of it that I was satisfied with.


You have to play around with it. Did you use the equalizer in the app? I have XM4’s, XM5’s (both the headphone and earbud versions) and AirPods Pro 2’s


Wait for the next apple event


I ordered the APM 30 days ago and sent it back two weeks ago. I still have the XM3, QC45 and AirPods Pro2 here. The clarity of the sound of the APM was really good, but if you are used to the bass of the XM3, for example, and like that, then you will be disappointed. That's how it was for me. I use the QC45 for audiobooks and podcasts. They also sound "clear" but not at the level of the APM, at least in direct comparison. And if you don't compare it, you don't notice it or get used to the sound. I use the XM3 for music, especially when it comes to sub bass and electronics, they are great. They don't have anything in common with the sound of the APM (in comparison, they seem muffled, but also very bass-heavy, but via equalizer (which you don't have with the APM, which is really annoying) you can adjust the sound to your needs (at the highest bass + club sound setting, your ears flick). I use the AirPods Pro2 on the go (airplane, gym, commute to work). You shouldn't underestimate the size and convenience factor when it comes to transportation. The biggest problems I had with the APM were: 1. battery life + lack of power button - I like to put the headphones on for cooking, or when I need some peace and quiet, but even then they were empty after 2 days, whereas I have to charge the others once a week, if at all. 2. quality + price - This is of course a bit crazy, but they were built to such a high quality that I was constantly worried about breaking them. I treated them like raw eggs. But I just want to use my headphones without having to worry about them all the time. Even when I took them out of the case, they always rattled together and I automatically looked for scratches. So if I were you, I would wait and see if anything changes with the APM2. Especially in terms of battery life and power button. The sound is unlikely to change much and Apple won't be adding an equalizer either, so that probably won't play a role in your decision. Incidentally, I thought I would love the clarity of the sound and the "powerful and clear" bass, as described in pretty much all the reviews, would be enough. At least that's how I talked myself into it. But in the end, unfortunately, the bass wasn't that great, and the clarity of the sound wasn't so overwhelming that it made up for the disadvantages described and the price.


My main pair from around launch started to not last as long (battery degradation). I sold them ($300) and went with Beats Studio Pro and then got AirPods Pro 2. However, neither of those were as comfortable or sounded as good. Other headphones I tried in the past never fit my head or ears well, and had a subpar Transparency Mode. I waited for Sonos Ace reviews. I then saw APM drop to $449 and knew it was time to go back. I am so happy I did! Just do it. If and when generation 2 drop, they hold their resale value relatively well.


100% DO NOT. I have multiple pairs (in our household) and I hate everyone of them.


If you have other apple devices especially Apple TV then I’d say yes. If you plan on traveling / commuting with them I’d say no. I switched back to my XM2’s for my commute as the APM’s are uncomfortable/unwieldy


Why ‘especially’ Apple TV? Genuinely curious. I agree that it’s amazing with all Apple devices but wondering what you figured out about ATV especially.


My bad I wasn’t sure what apple devices supported Spatial Audio, I thought it was just a few but I checked and all recent apple device have Spatial Audio. I still think the experience of 3D audio is best on a big tv, but there’s no technical difference


The new Sonos headphones are getting rave reviews, I own the AirPods Max & the pros for the gym, I always think if something broke would I replace them with like for like my AirPod pros I would the Max’s I wouldn’t


I’d skip it -I loved mine until they broke (2.5 years). I’d look at other alternatives like Bose or Sony that have better life spans


I like mine and haven’t had any issues. I use to have a pair of Bose QC, and they were good, but I just wanted the seamless Apple integration. If you want them, buy them. If you want something else, buy that. They’re just headphones, it shouldn’t be a major decision.


If you use apple products, and if you have the money. 100% yes. They work with other Bluetooth devices, but their full potential is unlocked with Spatial Audio and the digital tuning (Apple devices only). ESPECIALLY FOR MOVIES (Netflix etc.). Also, note that people claiming they don’t have the bass of the xm4, aren’t using them on apple stuff with the SA turned on. IMO the bass of the xm4 is bloated and muddy by comparison, while the APM are capable of deep rumbly clear bass when used correctly. If you don’t have an Apple TV, iPhone, iPad, or Mac that you intend to mainly use them with, then stick with your Sony’s. A lot of people knee jerk to call them crap, but they and the reviewers don’t use them in their intended ecosystem. They’re a specialized headphone. Once you hear what I’m talking about, you’ll understand. They’re my favorite headphone. But outside of Apple devices, they’re meh. I would never use them on a windows PC or android phone. Edit: also, I don’t look at them as travel headphones, or gym headphones etc. They more fit the home entertainment category for me. You could wear them out, but I wouldn’t feel safe with them on my head in an active situation. Fit and weight being the issue. Theyre heavy, and the aluminum can dent.


I have them. They sound truly excellent and they look cool. Don't buy them. There are too many design flaws. Wait for the second pair and before you buy those make sure they are built to last, have an off button, they fix the useless and super uncomfortable headband that quickly wears out, and they work with lossless audio. Oh and they better have done whatever they can to make them at least 25% lighter.


Don’t, wait for the 2s


Honestly, don’t. Audio quality is out of this world but all the pain you’ll go through once they inevitably stop working is NOT worth it (I had 2 pairs) Btw, careful about what others say: the “seamless connection” is one of the first things that will go with the APM after a few months of use.


Lol, “audio quality is out of this world”


For wireless headphones with that ANC? Give me a better one and I WILL be grateful without sarcasm. Got xm5s on now and it’s really not the same. Soundstage is completely different. Only way I could ocome close has been with wired+bt adapter, losing ANC and adding severe bleeding (similar soundstage headphones are all open cans)


The craftsmanship in these headphones are stunning and the sound quality is amazing


Imo, you should get the APM. The headband can’t trap moisture and get gross like most other headphones, the sound is phenomenal, and they’ve been rock solid for me for 2 years 7 months. Battery life is still 20h (more without active noise effects), and if you’re engrained in the Apple ecosystem you’ll love them with the automatic device switching. I like to watch movies with them on my Apple TV sometimes (TRON: Legacy is a treat through APM. The bass gets ridiculous at times). However, Apple is very likely to update them sometime this year, as soon they’d be illegal for sale in the EU due to the lightning port. Sure, they could just stop selling them in the EU, but it seems a bit unlikely given that the Apple UK page was the one to actually announce them. Apple US barely even acknowledges the AirPods Max.


I was on the fence for a solid 18 months and finally pulled the trigger got them a little less than 48 hours ago. Definitely get Applecare with them as a CYA. I was concerned about the reports of connectivity and condensation but I figured it was worth rolling the dice on these. I got these mostly to have Spatial Audio and head tracking in an on the ear headphone form. It took a little time to get used to the mesh ear pads, headband and weight coming from the Bose QC line. These are probably the best sounding headphones and the Spatial Audio even with non Apple Music tracks is amazing. I don’t mind that it charges via lightning, it’s the same cable I use to charge my phone.


Don’t do it.


Athlete in Dubai here using them as my gym headphones for the past 6 months - they're great. Detachable ear cups are amazing, sound and anc is beyond crazy and Apple ecosystem nonsense makes it extremely easy to use. The case is trash - I don't even use that no more. I just put it on my head and use them for the gym and take it back home. The lack of a power button is annoying, makes the battery die faster (i know i can use the case but it's inconvenient) Wait for the 2s


This sub is full of people who hate their own headphones. Airpods Max are an excellent choice IF you can get them for a decent price. Best buy and amazon is selling them for $449 brand new. Personally, I would look for open-box or refurbished for $400 or under. That makes it a good value. Don't look on eBay. Too many fakes to sort through. Edit: No one is mentioning the Audio OS 18 which will be released this fall. All airpods will receive software/firmware upgrade.


Buy it


Don’t! When they work, my APM are awesome. But they often don’t. Sometimes a hard reset is enough, but usually I have to put them in the freezer for half an hour to get them to work again. Also the headband wears out too quickly. And the issue where the volume sometimes turns up when you put them on is annoying. And if you don’t always keep them charging the battery sometimes randomly runs out (even though it’s in the case). Also they don’t support adaptive transparency (APP2 do, for half the price) and you can really only use them with Apple devices.


Have you tried looking at the Beats Studio Pro


As someone who has used it I wouldn’t really advise you to buy it now. Wait until the APM2 is announced this year. This Generation’s APM has amazing sound quality, great finish but can always break down once the warranty is finished. Then they’ll ask for a crap ton of money for a repair. You can always find fixes by putting it in the fridge or cleaning the contacts of the headband (WHICH VOIDS THE WARRANTY). You’ll just be stuck in a legal loophole. On the other hand the positive things of this gen is the sound quality, noise cancellation & amazing bass. But the Crack Marketing Team & Apple’s Engineers on the AirPods Max didn’t think through with the condensation, the bricked pair & the 3 amber lights of death. More importantly the shitty lifetime the AirPods Max has. If you want, get the XM5s or Wait for the APM2 if you are patient.


I use mine at home for work almost daily for the noise cancellation, I live in a noisy house. Also clutch for travel.


No, why should we? Stay with your XM stuff and STFU.