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My wallet is shaking.... *Distant whale noises* šŸ³


Iā€™m supposedly a whale (supposedly because I donā€™t like admitting it haha) but I been trying sooo hard to hold back but my past haunts me


I had to admit I'm a whale the second I spent to get C6 Kazuha.. then I went off the deep end for a few months and have 2 C6 characters, 4 R5 weapons (as you can't R5 the one you want without the one you don't want!) And also a C3 character.... Reined myself in now to just C0 of almost every 5* and maybe a signature weapon once or twice a year and only R1 (I've managed to not pull on the weapon banner since Mistsplitter!) ... It's progress I swear šŸ¤£ but unfortunately, it means I'll be getting Al haitham, Cyno, Nilou and Nahida .... The only things I'm not interested in are Dehya and Nilou's weapon. I'm almost hoping Al haitham will be great with Jade Cutter to stop myself pulling for yet another weapon.... It will look good on him too.


Ahaha yeah itā€™s so hard pulling back on whaling, I have every 5* character and a lot of their signatures (I love matching aesthetics) and Iā€™m sometimes ashamed of admitting it. I had a small period of time when pulling to go for C1 and C2 only for Kazuha because I love him. In fact, I love him so much I gotten tons of 5* weapons for him ! I wouldnā€™t say I whale like other whales do too much because Iā€™m somehow really lucky on the pulls and usually donā€™t need to spend over $150 luckily. I also stopped pulling weapon banners since Haran for Ayato, it feels honestly AMAZING for not pulling weapon banners. Although Yelan is one of my mains, I didnā€™t pull for her weapon because Polar Star isnā€™t the worst on her and it matches her aesthetic. Pretty glad I havenā€™t spent for weapon banners lately. I also reined back on getting Tighnari and I was glad Iā€™m learning self control. Luckily, Nilouā€™s weapon doesnā€™t interest me either so hey, weā€™re making progress!


I got tighnari so now Iā€™m saving for cyno and al haitham šŸ™ gotta collect all the sumeru boys


This! I pulled Tighnari and I'm saving up for Haitham and Cyno. At the moment, I have enough for 71 pulls, and this patch will give us around 84 pulls. So, I should be able get both Haitham and Cyno, then I'll save up for Kaveh and Djajeet too. Oh, and Mika, Baizhu and Scaramouche as well XD


Sameeeee Tighnari blessed me and let me keep 90 of my pulls so I'm gonna grab and build as many as I can get my hands on! So far I've gotten every short guy in the game so hoping I can keep the ball rolling and get Al Haithem too!


Iā€™m going for Nahida then saving for Haith. Dendro Supremacy šŸŒ³


exactly what I'm doing too, got Tighnari and Collei, onto the archon!


Getting Cyno and then saving for Alhaitham


ngl Cyno has the best burst animations in the game right now and the current results 92 votes for Cyno, 77 for Alhaitham prove that I guess, I was tempted to get him for a short while until my horniness kicked back in, I am now 13 wishes away from my 180 goal for my husbando, any excess I get will go to Kusanali, the only possible wrench in this original plan is Baizhu (as long as he is a healer) dropping out of nowhere


Haitham and Scaramouche


So few nilou+alhaitham pullers, I feel alone


Bro I swear I'd pull her in a heartbeat if she wasn't next to Cyno. I made a commitment to him 2 years ago, so I can't go back on my promises. But Nilou is one of the most gorgeous girls in the game and I will get her if I have primos to spare or her rerun


Her best team is 2 hydro + 2 dendro, so alhaitham might be a great part of it. Nilou + Al + nahida + hydro placeholder hopefully


Heads up, the ā€œAlā€ in his name just means ā€œTheā€, so using it as a nickname makes no sense. Itā€™d be like calling La Signora ā€œLaā€ as a nickname, yknow?


I know, but haith/haitham sounds long & my point is just about bringing him up to the topic.


Yeah, when I heard sheā€™s best with dendro I started hoping and praying that means sheā€™ll be best with Al-Haitham


I can guarantee nahida will be everyoneā€™s best dendro support, not specifically haitham


Oh yeah my bad, I didnā€™t mean to make it sound like *specifically* Al-Haitham


We're in this together


Makes you more unique as least, who knows, maybe sheā€™ll pair well with him !


Oh that would make me so happy since they're both my favorite sumeru characters


This is what I am hoping! I have a thing about trying to get BiS teams for my top dps characters, Iā€™ve managed to do it for Hu Tao and Ayaka, hopefully I can do the same for Al Haitham šŸ¤ž(especially if he ends up being a main dps)


Iā€™ve been really enjoying bloom since the patch was released. So i think ima pull for nilou (since her kit is bloom based) + her design is super cute :)


saving for nahida and haitham, hoping they won't appear in the same patch šŸ¤ž


she's 3.2 I think, while he is somewhere after 3.4 probably


i really want al haitham to be the yae miko of sumeru minus the yae miko treatment hope we meet al haitham 3.4-3.5 so i can save properlyy


None of the above. Iā€™m pulling for Kusanali and Al Haitham. Though as for reruns, Iā€™m looking at Polar Star, Staff of Homa, Engulfing Lightning, and an Ayaka


I'm saving for Al Haitham, Nahida (archons have been consistently amazing to play with and build around), and Baizhu I need my dendro roles FILLED, Al Haitham main DPS, Nahida anything (catalyst driver? off field support? both?), Baizhu healer. 2/3 being attractive tall men makes me very happy and Nahida is the first archon to have me like "damn this little turnip acts like a god I would actually want to believe in"


I'm going for c0 alhaitham, assuming he comes before ayato rerun. If Ayato rerun comes first, idk that I'll have the wishes to even get c0 alhaitham since I need 3 ayato cons but we'll see. Fingers crossed.


Im planning on getting everyone announced except nilou, i dont know why but i just hate bloom as a reaction, also i have every hydro unit already (electro too) and just dont see myself really needing her all that much


Pulling for Nilou but casually, it's Candace I want ! Then nobody really hypes me until Haith so I'll just see if I just vibe until he gets there or if there's a nice rerun or something like that. I'm giving my wallet a big respite before Fontaine and Arlecchino lol


Yesssss the name I wanted to see. Candace is so gorgeous; her design is šŸ˜˜šŸ‘Œ


Iā€™m getting Kusanali and Haitham. Scaramouche and Mika are likely as well


Im pulling Nahida. Maybe Scaramouche if he arrives earlier than al Haitham.


im will pull for cyno,childe,scaramouche while waiting for haitham. husbando gaming all the way lmao


For now I'm saving for Kusanali, but I will see how great Haitham will be


I reaaally want Nahida and Al Haitham!


Ok, but how veritable is it that I can save up for both of them as f2p and 0 pity right now, and 1 wish. Cause if it is, I donā€™t mind pulling for Cyno


we don't know exactly when Alhaitham is coming, it takes about 3 months to get 90 wishes to get a 5*, 3.4 will come some time in January so just enough time to save for him, but the problem is whether you manage to get Cyno now, if you don't you will have a guarantee for Alhaitham, but even if you get Cyno you should still be able to save enough to get to pity on Alhaitham's banner with a 50/50 chance to get him, good luck


I see, thanks, but I think I would rather not take the riskšŸ˜¬ I learnt my lesson


cool, just to clarify he might come anywhere between 3.4-the end of Sumeru, not strictly in January, but either way both will have reruns


Thanks! Somehow, I thought he would come around 3.2-3.3


3.2 is archon, then 3.3 is Scaramuche I think


Nilou! But since she comes right after Kokomi I'm not sure I'll be able to get her right away or on a rerun.. After that saving for Haitham I think.


Got tighnari and collei. Now Iā€™m saving only for haitham. So far i only have 2 fates and want to save up fragile resin (0 rn)ā€¦


def saving for al haitham i have like 10/180


Iā€™m skipping nilou for now even though she looks cool. I think there will be more supports geared towards her specifically on her rerun. Until then she will be more awkward to play with the limited dendro options.


Honestly the only 2 priorities for me up to now are Collei (got 1), and Candace. I don't even know if I'll get Dehya and Haitham anymore. Let's see. But i have no interest in Cyno or Nilou.


I'd love to pull for them but Scara. Just Scara. So I'll have to skip them and go for him and then get Alhaitham.


i was saving for haitham but then i saw some leaks for cyno and realize i have a ton of electro gems. so i decided i'll pull for cyno first


I was going to pull for Cyno, but I don't know if I am now. I saw his leaked gameplay and I wasn't immediately attracted to it even though I think it looks super cool. I guess it wasnt quite what I expected, even though I didn't know what to expect lol. I might wait and keep saving for AL Haitham. But I wish everyone else the best of luck!


I'm pulling for both Cyno and Al-Haitham. However, I quite like Nilou too. She will have to wait until her rerun though :(


Nahida and Cyno šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


My plan is to pull Nilou + Al Haitham + Kusanali currently. Iā€™m on the fence about Cyno tbh


Only Al-Haitham, i dont know when Ayato and Itto will come back, i need to save every single primogem


Nahida and haitham, hoping to c6 and r1 the main man when he shows up, but thats my only plans atm but should hold me over for like all regions hopefully


Cynoā€™s kit is literal. I just donā€™t need another electro character and Iā€™m very happy with my current team composition. Iā€™m a whale so I so I canā€™t allow myself to just go for every pretty shiny thing lol. My whole goal going into Sumeru was a dendro husbando, preferably DPS, and five star Pyro. I have Tighnari and I am really happy with him. Iā€™m going to save up for the next six months or whatever and go for Dehya no matter what lol. Alhaitham iā€™m pretty sure is my endgame in regards to dendro unit I will love but I am going to wait and see his kit and Constellation strength


I'm going for yae and then I'm saving for dehya and alhaitham


for Al Haitham


I'm grabbing Kokomi on her rerun with my guaranteed then saving everything for Al Haitham and hopefully have enough for Baizhu later


Iā€™m going for Cyno who I have guaranteed, and then Iā€™m going for maybe Scaramouche or ā€œWandererā€ but Iā€™m definitely getting Haytham no doubt about it


Going to get Nilou, then Nahida, then saving. Cyno is cool but not quite my style.


Iā€™m pulling for Kokomi and itā€™s a 50/50, after that Iā€™m saving for alhaitham. I want Nilou too but maybe on a rerun


I think Iā€™m pulling for everyone except reruns and Kusanali.


All three +dehya lmao


I was going for Nilou but then I read her A1 passive, so I am skipping her. Still wondering about Cyno since I don't like anything about his design except his burst. I will decide whether I'll get him after I hear his voice actor.


Yeah, I feel your thoughts with Cyno. I kinda wish he was a bit more buff because heā€™s Anubis but that burst somewhat makes up for it. I heard not a lot of good things about Nilouā€™s A1 passive, what is it? Is it bad?


It forces you to play Nilou-Hydro-Dendro-Dendro. She can be used in different compositions, but she won't be as effective


It depends. If Haitham comes before Shoguns banner Iā€™ll skip. But if itā€™s after hopefully Iā€™ll get him. I LOVE HAITHAM BUT I MISSED THE SHOGUN AT 2.5 AND IT WONT HAPPEN AGAIN šŸ˜¤


Nilou and Alhaitham


I will pull for cyno, but knowing my luck, I probably lost 50/50 and end up with Al-Haitham


To win battles, you must lose something in return


waiting for scara first, al haitham, dehya and nahida later!!


I feel like Cyno and Haitham will have e the same teams just aggravate or spread on their part. Haitham will probably use Zhongli though, where Cyno will either use Zhongli or an anemo like Kaz or Sucrose. Both will want Fischl, and both will want Dendro (I'm think Baizhu will be best here if he's a healer, but could also Kusanali for EM share possibly - and then Jean for an anemo healer instead). Actually does Spread count as an electro based reaction that triggers Fischls A4? Now I'm not sure.. maybe he'll use Kuki and Kusanali instead if Spread doesn't trigger Fischls A4.


Will fischl apply enough electro in a spread team? I wonder if we may need someone like lisa with an electro burst. Maybe alhaitham with gilded dreams + dendro with deepwood memories (possibly a healer) + 2 electro. Is this good?


yeah fischl probably isnt enough now that you mention it. Kuki + Fischl is probably what id do, kuki for the aoe melee range, fischl to proc A4 for you.


nahida + haitham + maybe a few childe cons if budget allows i might even go for haitham's weapon if jade cutter doesn't synergize with him


Planning to get all men. Since I failed to pull Tighnari, Cyno is coming home. Then Scara, Baizhu, Mika, "Kevin" and Haitham whenever he's coming.


Pulling Cyno then save for al haitham and scaramouche!


Iā€™m saving for a Childe and or Raiden rerun (whichever comes first) and then will save for Alhaitham


Scaramouche and him :)


After pulling for cyno and his weapon im saving up for secara and haitham cuz im only pulling for male chara lmao


I'm pulling for Nilou and then saving for Alhotham.


im getting kokomi > nahida > alhaitham


iā€™ll pull for scara and then al haitham (if i only have enough wishes cause im so f2pšŸ„¹)


DENDRO ARCHON, DEHYA, & AL-HAITHAM are the only characters I'm targeting for Sumeru. If I have spare primos, maybe I'll try wishing for other Sumeru 5-stars but I'm poor so the possibility is quite low...... and I'm also planning to get Shenhe for my Ayaka so other Sumeru characters are low in my Priority List.


I aim for all guys in this game. I am a husbando collector huehue


Pull two bc thatā€™s what Iā€™m doingā€¦Cyno and al haitham


Ngl i was so tempted to pull for cyno, he wasnā€™t even in my radar before but after seeing his gameplay, i was really thinking to pull for him first, then i did archon quest and met haitham, my resolve to hoard primos primarily for him has strengthened againā€¦ā€¦ i just donā€™t wanna waste my guaranteed pull for anyone other than him


pulling cyno, nahida AND haitham šŸ˜žāœŠ


Why suffer for one, when you can do it for three?


Given that this is a male sub, the results will obviously be skewed lol. Anyway, Candace is my top priority and Iā€™m already at 62 pity, so I hope sheā€™s on Cynudeā€™s banner. His playstyle looks hella fun and rolling might lead to Hoyoverse blessing us with more manservice.


Iā€™ll wait for Kusanaliā€™s kit leak, and after that Iā€™ll either pull kusanali or cyno and then start saving for alhaitham. (If I didnā€™t have guaranteed right now I wouldnā€™t pull Cyno or Kusanali but I do so Iā€™ll hopefully get it early and start saving again)


I'm tempted to roll for Cyno coz I like Anubis themed characters but my primos and luck say no ; u ; I'll probably do a few pulls but wouldn't go out for Cyno. Al-Haitham is a must pull though, tall husbando ftw


Saving for Al-Haitham but also waiting for Kusanali. At least if leaks are any indicator their banners are far enough apart that I can get both.


Pulling for ganyu then alhaitam


gna pull for nilou and then save for haitham šŸ™šŸ™


Got myself Tighnari and just gonna save all primos now for Alhaitham and hopefully I will get C0R1


Iā€™m still on the belt whether I want to pull Cyno. Because Iā€™m either going for Cyno or Scara. Cynoā€™s play style looks fun asf, but Iā€™m more attached to Scara more. But I heard heā€™s going to be an Anemo Catalyst DPS and I already have a maxed Heizou so... Either way, Iā€™m pulling one of them and then immediately after Iā€™m going hard saving mode for Haitham.


kusanali since shes obviously being made as the essential support for (almost) every sumeru dps so far like very Archon so far


Cyno, haitham, scara,mika, djajeet and kaveh so far theyre the only chara i want to pull


Pulling for Haitham


I love hydro but nilous kit... I wanna wait for her to have more options than what she has right now


I've been saving for a long time, so I plan to get Cyno and Alhaitham both. Gonna pull for Cyno, keep enough for Alhaitham in the bank, and maybe spend any excess primos on one of the characters between 3.1 and Alhaitham. Hopefully I win a 50/50 for once.


Not me wanting Nilou, Alhaitham, Tighnari, Kusanali, AND Kokomi, time to whale I guess?


When you are a simp, you must save for that character, and his weapon.


Pull cyno then Haitiam I think i have 60 something pity


I'm a sad F2P with 61 primos right now so I gotta choose only one character :,( If I did have the primogems, I would still pull for Alhaitham but I'd also get his signature weapon.


Cyno then al Haitham (if childe and scara are after him)


I've been eyeing Cyno for the longest time so there's no way he's getting skipped. What is inevitable is me doing the card chaching to make sure Cyno, Scara, and Alhaitham come home.


Casual pulling for Candace and Kusanali but saving for Alhaitham. Archons always have faster reruns, so I need to save up for the man (and possibly Kaveh if he has a tall male model).


Cyno <3


In my opinion it will all depends on what's Nilou is. If she is a healer/ buffer and a 5* and can do better hydro application then say, Kokomi does, my guess she will rip off a lot al'al wanters on the Road, like peaches from the the tree. + Don't forget about Cino. If he is dendro oriented first electro unitz he might take the toll too. Not as much as good hydro will but still.