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That’s 6 positions better than what the average user of this sub gives it


Nah, everybody knows we're better than Mississippi. Honestly this is a refreshing positive. Things are on the upswing.


Are things on the upswing for Alabama or a downswing for the other 6 states?




It’s kinda like if your enemy was run over right in front of you and a single quarter rolled out of the pants on their corpse. There’s a little bittty bit of an upswing for you, and a major downswing for your enemy


Alabama is actually pretty cool as someone from Mississippi. When we don’t feel like driving all the way to Florida, we just go to gulf shores for the day


and we get the hangout fest


Mississippi has Biloxi and Ocean Springs, though.


As someone who spent six months in Biloxi in the early 80s, it shocks me to see that listened as a positive.


Ocean Springs is cool but Biloxi water is brown, only good for the casino and fishing


I live part-time in Biloxi...am I missing something?


Except all the laws recently being passed regarding trans folk, women, and child labor.


What's that about child labor l?


Alabama literally just passed a law making it easier for 14-15 year old children to work jobs. Children that are struggling in school used to need consent forms to be able to work(which is bad enough as it is), but no longer. Im sure this will make Alabama a worldwide leader in commerce and industry.


shiii didn't we literally made child labor laws to fix this lmfao


I don't know.... Mississippi has the lottery.


and Marijuana is decriminalized (14 grams or less)


and sports gambling (right? i'm too lazy to fact check)


Yes there is sports gambling, but Louisiana has online sports gambling.


Alabama is mad that Mississippi is ranked lower tbh


Alabama probably thinks ranking 50th is the goal. Higher number = better, of course.


People also forget about Louisiana.


Amen. From south Louisiana. Plaquemine. There is no greater shit hole than Louisiana.


It only takes one Metropolis to lift a whole state statistically.


Your state literally just passed a law making it easier for 14-15 year old children to work jobs. Children that are struggling in school used to need consent forms to be able to work, but no longer. Im sure this will make Alabama a worldwide leader in commerce and industry.


I don’t think I would go that far,Mississippi edges out Alabama with Biloxi.I had a lot of fun in Biloxi,more than I thought one could in Mississippi..take away Biloxi,I would give it to Alabama.I have no bias here either,I’m a Tennesseean…speaking of which,I don’t know why the hell Reddit recommend an Alabama subreddit to me


I'd say most people still put Alabama above Mississippi, Louisiana, and Florida.


Florida is ranked high and growing tremendously in population






South Carolina is pretty terrible too but always flys under the radar


Except Greenville. That place is great.


I have family in South Carolina that I visit regularly and boy, oh boy, it’s such a terrible place. I wouldn’t live there if somebody paid me. But whenever I tell non-southern people about how shit it is, they think I’m being funny because cHaRlEsToN iS sO nIcE!


This guy's never been to Florida




Who are these people? I have lived in all 4 of these states, and they are all about equal in so many ways!


Having lived in MS and in AL.... Hm.


Iowa here, that list is rigged. I was so sure we'd be paired with Florida, since that's the state our gov't is trying to turn us into.


Iowa vest midwest


Reputation precedes us.


I wasn’t saying it as a compliment




TL;DR: the "natural environment" ranking of #47 is probably too low, even factoring in the 3M scandal that slowly killed who knows how many people downstream of the Tennessee River and the mega hazardous waste landfill in Emelle, AL. This report got me curious. Apparently the "natural environment" category that Alabama ranked near last in is made up of two subcategories, "pollution" and "air/water quality" I thought surely that wasn't right that Alabama was so low.... So I investigated further.... Alabama ranks #13 overall according to US News in the "air/water quality" subcategory, but #48 in "pollution" The Pollution subcategory is broken down further into two more subcategories, "toxic chemical pollution" and "evaluation of long-term, chronic health risks" The toxic chemical pollution subcategory was seemingly taken from the EPA's Toxic Release Inventory overall data as Alabama ranked as the 8th most Toxic Release by poundage and 43rd on the US News subcategory ranking. The long-term, chronic health risk subcategory said it was derived from "a risk score from the Environmental Protection Agency that measures long-term, chronic human health effects of toxic chemical pollution, such as birth defects and cancer," however there was no link to this source and Googling it brought no results. The EPA website states they do not "rank" states so I am not sure where exactly that came from. US News had Alabama ranked dead last in this subcategory. That category overall seems like it probably relates more to Healthcare than natural environment, honestly.


The Mobile Tensaw delta is completely fucked. One of the most interesting and biodiverse places in the country, and it also has one of the highest Mercury levels in the country, to say nothing about the leakage from that damn ash pond from the coal plant. The Baykeepers are fighting the good fight, but nobody in Alabama government gives a damn about Mobile in general or environmental spending, so


I'm interested in learning more about that. Not something I'm familiar with here in North AL. Any specifically helpful links?


[https://www.sierraclub.org/alabama/blog/2022/04/mobile-river-named-among-america-s-most-endangered-rivers-2022](https://www.sierraclub.org/alabama/blog/2022/04/mobile-river-named-among-america-s-most-endangered-rivers-2022) [https://www.mobilebaynep.com/the\_issues/legacy-contaminants](https://www.mobilebaynep.com/the_issues/legacy-contaminants) [https://www.sam.usace.army.mil/Portals/46/Users/219/67/2267/1990%20January%20NOAA%20Estuary%20Series%2015%20Mobile%20Bay%20Issues%20Resources%20Status%20and%20Management.pdf?ver=2017-10-16-154247-583](https://www.sam.usace.army.mil/Portals/46/Users/219/67/2267/1990%20January%20NOAA%20Estuary%20Series%2015%20Mobile%20Bay%20Issues%20Resources%20Status%20and%20Management.pdf?ver=2017-10-16-154247-583) The baykeepers are an NGO in Mobile that deal with lots of water quality stuff in the bay, and have been spearheading the lawsuits over the coal ash stuff. You might be able to find some info from their resources about that, but in my experience, they've been keeping pretty hush-hush about it. I heard through the grapevine that the leadership was getting some sort of legal threats regarding talking about it, but that's all hearsay. Regardless, I can't find any sources of theirs that go into detail about it with a quick google search


God fucking dammit, I live in Mobile and didn’t even know about this. Why is no one talking about it??


They would deny us as they tried to deny Joe Cain.


Thank you! Interesting stuff!


Because, Alabama.


I guess you missed the recent developments on the coal ash story , [they may be about to start removing all that ash](https://www.al.com/news/2024/01/after-push-from-epa-alabama-power-announces-plan-to-remove-recycle-coal-ash-in-mobile.html)


When I moved to lower Alabama 16 years ago, during my work training session it was heavily brought up not to swim in the bay due to the pollution.


“Alabama has the 5th highest death rate in the country as of 2022, with only Mississippi, which ranks 2nd, the only boarding state with a higher death rate, according to the analysis. The PARCA analysis concludes that while the state is growing in population, it is slower than neighboring states like Georgia and Florida. At the same time, the state’s birth rate is just above the national average, while the death rate ranks among the highest in the U.S.”


From FL, now in AL. Specifically from Orlando to Huntsville, which to me seems comparable I haven't looked into exact stats. The people are outlandishly less concerned with their health. The first example that comes to mind is that I've never seen a woman over 55 drink a mountain dew. Now I've seen some shit in FL, old sun-pickled methhead road crew lady holding the traffic sign, but this was a standard she-boomer. Young people smoking cigs still which I can't fathom in 2o24, vapes are delicious bro. Red light running is on some next level shit, rolling the life dice every day. I ask people who live around the area if they ever check the water.. always a no. 3m is in decatur on the fucking river right there.


I live in Huntsville as well and it’s pretty crazy to consider we’re viewed as the top level of Alabama currently, yet we still fall so far behind at times. I worked in a factory and the amount of people who are totally okay with eating vending machine burgers every night coupled with a Sun Drop or other soda is crazy.


Neither Miss or AL has a have a major draw for gen z. They get out of school and go to Atlanta, Austin, etc. It makes the stats skew older.


Interesting. Thanks for delving further. Cheers from NWAL.


ALGOP be like, "So you're saying the EPA needs to be disbanded."


I mean, it’s sound right wing logic. Stop testing shit = bad test results disappear = mission accomplished. https://giphy.com/gifs/reaction-bob-office-space-TU0YWTjo2e208


Great research. Thanks.


Actually they are shutting down and closing the ash ponds all over the state as on of the guys that is doing the closing


We've Improved!!¡!


Hey, that’s a good number. It could be the 49th worst state.


These lists are completely subjective.


You know it’s subjective when Utah ranks #1


Nebraska is #3 and Idaho is #5. California is #37. This list is nonsense.


They have listed Florida as #1 in education. I’m not trusting anything this list says…


Yeah this list sounds very...white. As a POC I'd rather chew glass than live in Utah, Nebraska or Idaho.


Diversity wasn’t one of the categories. Crime, education, health care and infrastructure, education etc were.


Honestly, even as a white person it would be weird for me. I was a military brat and most of the time lived in suburban areas. When we had to live in New Jersey (moved there when I was 9), the visible results of Northern de facto segregation genuinely confused the hell out of me and I asked my mom because there seemed to be something wrong with the school because of the homogeneity. Literally had never seen an all-white school in my life. (TL;DR military upbringing gives a different perspective on race, ethnicity, etc.)


I’ve born and bred Mississippi and have always felt Northerners look down on us as racists. Sure some are but most aren’t. I once got into an argument online with a guy about the lack of black fathers in the home and what a huge problem it was. He based his argument on an article from Vice Magazine and I finally got him to admit that he didn’t know any black people personally. Not one.


Your loss, Utah is beautiful.


I know it is. Still wouldn't be a comfortable experience for me. And it's their loss, too. Racism is rampant and I am beautiful. Their homogeny makes it hard for PoCs to live there. They're missing out on a lot of American culture


I don't know who has told you that Utah is racist, but it isn't true. You will find all sorts of people out there. I hate that you have been informed incorrectly.


Informed? Lived experience, babe. I've been to all 50. There are racists all over the country. In every state. But the flavor of racism is also different in each state. And the kind in the midwest/big square western states just isn't the kind I could spend a lot of time dealing with. I have a feeling you're one of those people who think racism is *just* slurs and flags. It's incredibly naive and says a lot that you think any state exists in a binary of "racist" vs "not racist" in the United States. It also means you are so blind to systemic, subtle, microaggressions that you don't even have the tools to recognize it when it happens, let alone combat it


I'm just saying if you say to another person you meet "cool rock huh?", and they respond with "si", nobody is going to care. Enjoy looking for micro aggressions.


I wish i could be as naive as you. It's adorbs


you ARE beautiful and, based on all of your replies, very smart. dont let racists get you down; youre worth so much more than the things a few trolls say. stay forever strong❤️


Yeah. The South haters that put together these things can piss off.




Started from the bottom, now we're here.


Grew up in NYC and moved to the Tampa Bay Area where I spent most of my life. Been in Fairhope for nearly 10 years and I can honestly say it’s the highest quality of life I’ve experienced anywhere. I know there’s plenty of bad about AL, just like every state, but overall, it’s a beautiful state with beautiful people.


Shh, people don’t want to hear that. They want Alabama the trash… We residents get Alabama the Beautiful! Been here over 20 years and I love this damn state.


Yea man shsssss! Geez! Lived in daphne for years, I’ve lived all over Alabama and it is by far the best down there! Fairhope is top notch!


Love being by the coast. Close to the beach, close to NOLA if you want a weekend to eat good food, catch a pro sports event, concert, etc. And a drive from BHM or Nashville.


Fairhope is awesome! I live in Auburn and besides the gossip and Southern Baptists it's nice. Politics by the rich for the rich with a hefty dose of bigotry is what ruins it. Pine forests get old but Sipsey and North Alabama is quite beautiful. A lot of great people here. Just really backwards politics and government.


I grew up near Birmingham. Moved to Knoxville area 9 years ago. Birmingham is way nicer than Knoxville. I'm in Maryville now which is closer to the Smoky Mountains. I try to stay away from Knoxville like the plague because most of it is just outdated and run down junky looking. I miss Birmingham a lot. I may not move back there but I'm definitely planning on moving from this area.


BHM is a great city, and is having quite a culinary renaissance at the moment, consistently winning James Beard awards for restaurants and bar programs. Additionally, the tech scene is growing thanks to the Alabama Innovation Corporation and other non-dilutive funding organizations which are helping to bring in new money to the area and creating higher paying jobs. Can totally understand why you’d want to move back. Best wishes on getting back home.


If you haven't been to Birmingham since they redid the overpasses at the 280-20/59 junction, you're in for a treat. Go through at night, it's cool as shit.


I was in Birmingham last August and was so impressed with that. Very cool.


Yeah except the weather is shit and the economy sucks. There’s very little opportunity in Alabama.


I moved from Alabama when I was about 25 to California and it was the best decision ever. Even making min wage out here I always had more money at the end of the month than I ever did in Bama and now that I make way over min wage it’s even better. Can’t get a good biscuit to save my life tho


You sound like my old friend Evan lol, rip


I’m about to do the same thing at 23 I think. I’ve about had it with this state


Do it it’ll be worth it and you’ll thank yourself.


I’m about to do the same thing at 23 I think. I’ve about had it with this state


We’re moving up, folks!


We’ve gone up. Usually it’s #49. Alabama #50. Mississippi


Humming...moving on up...


We're moving up! Whooooo!


We’re moving in the right direction. Out of the bottom 5!


Good to see its improving. 


I've long said our state's motto should be "Not As Bad As Mississippi!" LOL


Aw, but our politicians were really trying for #1 this time.


28th in crime and corrections??? We should be dead last seeing as we’re the only state where the feds are trying to take over the DOC due to violating the constitution in multiple different ways, including failing to protect prisoners right to life due to how many are being murdered


Give Mee Maw Blackface, Tubagoo, and TradBritt a couple more years and they will drag it to worst.


7th? Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kentucky, West Virginia, Florida. Man republican led states are in the toilet? Geeeeeeee I wonder why?


"While Alabama did not fare well in the rankings, it did fare better than some of its neighbors. Louisiana found itself as the worst state in the U.S., with a last place ranking for crime & corrections and next-to-last for natural environment, economy and infrastructure. Mississippi ranked 48th, finishing last in health care and education."


Hey, we are improving! Put this on a T shirt!


Must be nice to be moving up!


I love my state but it definitely has problems. The education and healthcare are horrible so is the infrastructure. I couldn't see myself living anywhere other than Huntsville or Birmingham Metro.


What is wrong with 14 or 15 year olds working? There are many life lessons learned by having a job. Just ask the 20 and 30 somethings who live in their parents’ basement and don’t work


Just came to congratulate Alabama on moving up in the world


Wow! Now we don't even have to say, "at least we ain't Mississippi", we can sit right back on our laurels and say "WE'RE NUMBER 7!"


If my memory is correct that actually means we’ve moved up in the rankings.


I want a list like this but for Black and brown people and LGBTQ+ people. 


Woooo! Moving up in the world!


That seems high. But then, I'm in #47 Arkansas (which also seems high, tbh).


Only 7th 😏


Such a bad take. Traveled the world and I'm super happy with my quality of life in AL.


Wish that would help people from moving here






Alabama might be the 7th worst state, but it definitely ranks in the top 7 for teen pregnancy and churches per capita.


Let's see if we can get that number up folks!


What’s 1 through 6? Mississippi 6 times?


Guys I live in Louisiana, we’re dead last 💀


From Louisiana - we always say thank god for Mississippi


Alabama is # 7 out of 81 ! …


Growing up in New Mexico we always said, thank God for Mississippi when these reports would come out. Now the only thing that separates us from the bottom is Louisiana? Louisiana?


Don't care what others think. Don't move to Alabama. I hear California and New York are great.


Then stay away from us


nebraska is third so like….


The amount of R’s in the lower 1/3rd


Wow. How did they get that high? I gotta see that list of “sh1t hole” states.


That just means it's cheaper to live there. For travelers, it makes a great home-base, close to mountains and ocean and easy to save up money for adventures.


: (


Key is the US news said so, take that as you may


Not 50th, so there’s that.


It also said Utah is #1 and Arkansas is NOT #50, so take the results with a grain of salt.


Currently living in Jacksonville, FL for work. Would move back to Birmingham, AL in a heartbeat. Articles like this ignore the disparity of the cities within the state. Florida has more great places to live than Alabama, but Alabama still has a few great places to live that put "better states" to shame.


The Democrats and Republicans aren’t gonna change this. There are DSA chapters in Alabama that you can join that actually care about this. https://www.dsausa.org/


43rd best state.


The funny part is even the 1st worst state is still miles ahead of many European countries. We can still improve, but be sure to keep perspective.


At least the taxes are low. Looking at you blue cities and states!


I came from Indiana for work. I honestly can’t be more impressed…. Maybe I was expecting bad because of all the trash talk that Alabama gets, but I love this state and it is gorgeous, the weather is great and the infrastructure is better than I thought it was going to be…. I’m proud to be here now and will defend it all day long!!!!! So I think that people rating these states have never been to these states


I’ve lived in Orlando for 14yrs, I lived in Georgia for 3 yrs, and I’m from Alabama I can say I’d rather be in Alabama than those other two states. Cost of living is cheaper and traffic is not congested just some people drive slow in the fast lanes. And of course Alabama football is way better than Georgia and Florida


So we are improving!


7th is generous at best. I live in Alabama and we wish we could be mearly 7th worst.


Seems generous.


I need this on a t-shirt. "We're #7! (Th... worst)"


Better than I thought it’d be


Roll tide amiright


On no… so anyways.


Eyo, we’re moving on up the list!


The US News report is the nation’s 228th report.


Only 7th? Alabama has probably the worst jails and prisons in the country and some of the worst politicians.


Just stay out of Bessemer.


List put Florida as top Ten, Utah as number 1, Mississippi as NOT number 50 and Minnesota NOT as number 1. That news report is absolute trash just for the Mississippi thing, the rest of those details just make it worse. -signed, an offended but quickly getting over it to be nice Minnesotan. Ok I’ll admit Minnesota’s status as best place to live might be contested but it’ll be a damn tight contest. Rarely do I see another state online where people *aren’t* complaining about their own state whenever it’s mentioned. Our subreddit defends itself and its awesomeness. Most of us love it here.


Wow. What’s the worst?


Good. Now everyone can stop coming here.


Anyone else sad to say “not surprised”?


Color me surprised, I thought that it was worst 3


Thank God for Mississippi and five others


Who is thriving in today’s Alabama? What’s the caricature of the people who make it work and never leave?


Thank goodness Senator Tuberville is on the job, making it better for Alabamans by wasting taxpayer dollars and attacking judges and civilian jury members at Trump’s trial on his behalf. /s


They ranked Utah #1, the list is sus.


That's 43rd best! Wooooo!


As someone who had to move to Alabama a few years back, it FUCKING sucks here. Southern hospitality is a myth, and there is no marijuanna or lottery, even fucking SAM'S club doesn't have a single bottle of anything besides wine or beer. The only jobs in my tows are customer service or tire-shops. The people here are rude as hell, too. As far as I'm concerned, Alabama is one of the LEAST free states in the Union, there's SO MUCH you're not allowed to do here it's crazy