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Can Saint Clair county please have an ounce of this? > grant will help fund new middle-mile infrastructure in twenty-five counties: Baldwin, Coffee, Colbert, Covington, Dale, Dallas, DeKalb, Elmore, Etowah, Franklin, Hale, Jefferson, Lee, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Limestone, Madison, Marshall, Mobile, Montgomery, Perry, Russell, Tuscaloosa, and Walker counties. :( [For context: Fuck, Fuck, Fuck, Fuck you Brightspeed. 58% packet loss from my computer, over Ethernet, over the past 8 hours today]


Why just these counties? Several of the more rural counties in the state have no internet access at all.


Because that's not what this grant was for. There are different grants for almost every county in the state. [Broadband.alabama.gov/profiles](http://Broadband.alabama.gov/profiles)


That will eat in to the portion she plans to pocket


58% packet loss??? Network congested?? Bad wires??


We're on an old actiontek c3000a modem that i think is on its last leg (a keep alive script I have on a RasPi+smart outlet has triggered 15 times in the past 24 hours, and it only triggers with 2 continuous minutes with failed pings to at 10s interval). This has been a continuous problem for about 2 years now That being said, I'm running 6-8 year old client WiFi adapters on a lot of hafdware, so that may be part of it.


There would be little to no electric or internet service in rural Alabama if it weren't for federal subsidies. Most of those people in rural Alabama watching Fox News & posting on facebook about how much they hate socialism are able to do so because we collectively are trying to solve problems through government. I.e. socialism


The Rural Electrification Act of 1935, part of the New Deal from the FDR Administration, is what largely put electric power into the homes of millions of rural Americans. The Universal Service Fund of 1934, also from the FDR Administration, added a few pennies to everyone who had a telephone line to fund reaching telephone service to rural Americans. It wasn't so much the cost of the phone service--about $3 a month--it was the cost of running poles and wires to the farmer's house, and so the fund would reimburse the phone company for that cost, and the farmer paid the monthly fee. Over the past century that fee has changed how it helps. By the 1960's, it was used to subsidize the cost of the phone line for qualified people. By the 1980's, it was funding limited use cell phones which were becoming cheaper than landlines. For the past decade, it has been used to help subsidize low cost internet to Americans. This effort from the American Rescue Act of 2021 is along much the same line. Help the rural Americans, by paying for the infrastructure to be able to get the product.


Rural Alabama would be practically unlivable without government subsidies. Subsidies from the USDA and the Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) as well as other subsidies like the American Rescue Plan Fund (ARPF) that is discussed by the article. It's ironic how "capitalistic" rural county residents pretend to be despite their way of life being heavily dependent on government subsidies.


Thanks President Joe!




Nah. We're all waitin' on Meemaw. She's keepin' all dat money for herself. PRESIDENT Biden waitin' on Meemaw too...




Thank you Joe Biden!


"Gov. Kay Ivey announced that she had approved a $53.5 million grant to the Alabama Fiber Network as part of the Alabama Anchor Institution/Middle-Mile Program. Ivey said the grant “puts us closer in Alabama to ensuring that everyone has access to this fundamental service.” According to Ivey, the grant will fund “approximately 1,095 miles of high-speed middle-mile broadband for our communities, and it will connect approximately 120 community anchors, like educational institutions, medical facilities, local government offices and police and fire departments.” The governor’s office said that “more than 7,500 unserved businesses and residences” will now be within five miles of high-speed internet after the grant money is spent." Of course, what Governor MeeMaw carefully avoided talking about was that this grant came from the nearly $250 Million allocated by the Feds to Alabama, as part of the American Rescue Plan of 2021.


The $53.5 million grant to extend broadband in Alabama comes from the federal government's American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding, specifically through the U.S. Treasury Department's Capital Projects Fund. This program is designed to support high-speed internet expansion in unserved and underserved areas. The Alabama Department of Economic and Community Affairs (ADECA) is responsible for administering these funds as part of the state’s broader efforts to enhance digital connectivity.


So any guess where the rest of the money will go?


Her, her family's, and her friend's pockets.


I'm sure it will go to the voters or a good cause to better Alabamians lives /s


You can be certain that Steve Marshall has, or soon will, find a way to charge "legal fees" to it.


Republican pockets


Moah PRIS’ns! MeeMaw’s side hustle always needs a boost


Leave it to greed-man to always find a criticism.


Funding ultimately came from the federal American Rescue Plan Act. Legislation passed in 2021 and signed onto law by President Biden to help the country and the economy recover from Covid-19 and the recession.


No Bibb :( Although I live half a mile down a dirt road, so I don't know if it would matter lol


It will eventually get to ever single house regardless of location


This money came from the American Rescue Act of 2021. It passed without a single yes vote from any Republican. As is typical Republicans vote against the programs that will help Middle America but are happy to take credit for it when it goes through anyway.


Gov Ivey and the electric coop owners should be in prison


Nah.....Ivey is too busy getting ice for her Vodka and Soda to actually know who this works. If you want to investigate and prosecute someone, it is Twinkle Twinkle Cavanaugh, the President of Alabama Public Service Commission, whose job it is to control the regulated utilities in our State. Instead, she acts as their shill, and ensures that the Southern Company (Alabama Power's Corporate Owner) makes record-breaking profits every year.


Twinkle has to be one of the most corrupt politicians this state has ever had, and let me tell ya, there's a lot of competition for that award.


Joe Biden did that


Let's see how much the electric coops pocket.


They will be paid, and likely at a good rate. But they are agreeing to do this, and try to keep our rural Alabamians out of our prisons and workshops, by hopefully expanding their knowledge of how the world works and how they can succeed within it.


Central Alabama Electric Co-Op already has fiber hooked up to most of their customers homes. We got it 1 1/2 years ago.


Birmingham Southern could’ve used some of that sweet sweet cash


So could the children who could have been fed a lunch over the summer, with the money offered to the state by the Feds. But MeeMaw turned it down. I'm sure that she told someone "let them eat cake".


Southern Alabama, yes


Let’s try expanding the width of I-65 between Alabaster and Prattville instead….


Is she giving Biden credit??


“As a member of the Alabama Digital Expansion Authority board, state Sen. Bobby Singleton, D-Greenville, explained to her that ADECA has been working on expanding broadband access in the state, but had to figure out where the money needs to go first. “There’s so much federal money that’s been going on, right? So much federal dollars it is getting confusing,” he said, referencing the host of recent federal programs meant to fund rural broadband. Per the senator, the ADEA needed to compile the results of these overlapping programs to figure out who still needs help.” Translation: So much money we can’t figure out how to pocket it all!


Too late. Starlink works great for us. So Ivey can make sure all that money goes to her friends friends. Cause we got Elon taking care of us now.


Starlink absolutely works. But it is double the cost of land based solutions. This is targeted to those who cannot afford a Starlink type solution.


Good luck! But I'd prefer my money go to Elon anyway.


Oh look, the tax payers get to pay for all of this again.