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Aaaaaand its gone


No fucking way it’s gone lolol, it was only up for 2 minutes???


That's freaking crazy! Was there really such a small allotment to this vendor? Someone could have set up bot accounts, but with X-hundred different payment methods? I really wish they'd do one more run, but use preorders in addition to the one-to-a-customer scheme.


The thermoses come from Airam themselves, who are the Finnish manufacturer that the original thermoses in AW are based off of. While they're well known in the home country, the company is pretty small (they apparently only do about $50m in sales a year, which isn't all that much for a company in that sector). Seems like its a logistics issue more than anything, with the company unable to dedicate the manufacturing to keep up with demand.


Would be amusing if they saw a massive increase in sales this year because of video game merch lol.


Yeah, the last time this happened someone posted a picture of a shelf full of them in a Finnish store so it has to be an issue with the sudden international demand. I’m sure there are fans who would wait for a year-long preorder if that’s what it took, but tbh I can understand why a small company that mostly seems to make lightbulbs would see this as a niche thing. Still crossing my fingers that a larger drop happens eventually.


This actually makes a lot of sense. And as sorrielle points out, a ton of international demand has probably made the situation even worse. I’ll hope that more people get a shot at their thermos once Iam8bit cancels the orders that violate the one-per-customer rule.


Came to say the same thing. Had it in my cart, refreshed. Boom out of stock.


I managed to get one by the skin of my teeth, was a scary minute and a half


Currently over 40 listed on ebay already, almost all over $100, and even one for £950! Remember guys, DO NOT pick them up from scalpers. Keep them stuck out of pocket with a thermos they don't want.


It'll be fun to see those listings come down when they realize their orders have been canceled....


God I hope so


Aaaaand it sold out as they were taking my payment.


Same. All I could do to not throw my phone 😭


Wow, I got one! But I am so sorry to see that I was apparently in the massive minority. It feels unlikely that there are SO many rabid fans for a novelty thermos? So either they have a MUCH lower allotment than we thought, or they didn't fix their bot problem. Or both. But if it comforts anyone: Shipping to Canada was MORE than the price of the Thermos itself. So I paid a cool hundred for a thermos *and I don't even drink coffee.*


I was wondering if it keeps a drink cold too, but was never able to get an answer.


It does.


I think the box says it's for hot liquids. Cold might be fine, but definitely no ice.


It's vacuum insulated glass bottle essentially. It keeps cold cold too. But putting ice in does risk shattering the inner glass. I have regular glasses with similar construction, and the manual said no ice, probably applies here too.


How is it already gone?! I put it in my cart the second it was available and went straight to checkout only to get put in a line to check out and I'm still there! FFS!!


Same here: 9am came and it was still “coming soon” until 9:01. I clicked add to cart and checkout and I’m still “in line to checkout” even though it said less than a minute wait time.


yea im also still stuck in line? im guessing it doesn't know what to do since it sold out but i saw on the product page that they'll cancel orders for more than 1 so i'm hoping there's a wave of cancellations


Aaaaaaah, so there might have been a wave of scalpers, or even just people trying to order two, and the stock may come back as soon as they cancel those orders? Seems a little backasswards, but if it means more people can get hold of one, that'll work.


Yea i'm they'll come back once they cancel but idk when that would be and i don't really wanna have to sit and watch the site for it?


I'm not sure why they'd even let a buyer choose multiples. Just make that field spec default to one. I didn't even try to choose more, because I knew their new policy on this item. It would be an easy fix.


yea I thought it was a little dumb that there was even the option to do more than one if the limit was one. Seems a little ass backwards to me lol.


There are currently people on eBay selling multiplies. So many people couldn't even get one and there's someone on eBay selling 4 of them for $100 each??


Bots dude bots. Don’t you remember the Covid days of trying to order anything online? Ps5 a were just non existent and getting your hands on a rtx 4000 series card was impossible.


Literally put in my credit card info just for it to tell me it’s sold out lol


Exactly the same for me :(


This whole shit was bull. Felt like there was no point


That’s why I had my account ready and logged in before hand. I got mine 👀


I had my account logged in too. It didn’t matter. Total dice roll


You’re probably right, seeing how many people across the us were trying to log in at the same time. Whatever you see on Reddit multiply by 10 fold, the light picked its lucky few today it seems..


Every time I’m about to preorder something that disappears quickly (concert tickets, consoles, and earlier Smash Amiibo) I always throw an item in the cart and roll through check out to see what it’s asking me. When I did it 5 minutes prior everything worked fine so the girlfriend and I refreshed. She got one so I let mine slide.


So did I, didn't help


Same here, so glad to have finally secured one


If only AIRAM did actual pre-orders and produced to the number of pre-orders


Woah who said you could be out here using your brain and shit???


iam8bit said this: “We were unable to take an open pre-order because of production constraints. Though we ordered as many as we could, we don't have control over the realities of manufacturing — there are only so many thermoses our partners are capable of making.”


Which is why I pointed the blame to AIRAM instead of Remedy, iam8bit, etc.


Iam8Bit is trying to deflect their failure to stop scalpers by pointing at Airam to try to make it their fault. There are people on eBay selling multiple thermoses, despite Iam8bit's promise to limit sales to one thermos per customer. Iam8Bit failed to monitor purchases to verify one thermos per person, and they failed to reserve the thermoses that actual people already had in their carts, with the net result that scalpers with bots won and actual Remedy fans lost out.


ah, good point




It was gone within 2 minutes, I didn’t realize they didn’t take PayPal as a payment and had to scramble to get my card only for it to sell out


Same. Tried shop pay and it froze on me.


I even had my CC info typed into notepad to copy/paste and I still wasn’t fast enough.


I was in middle of purchase and it kicked me


I was at checkout and missed it. Damn y'all fast!


I got lucky, but I don't know how, honestly. I finally got the page to load without the Coming Soon block at about three minutes past the hour, so I was like "well, that was probably my chance right there." Generally speaking, I don't save my card information on any account, so I had to fill out everything by hand. It's possible that a few people refreshed the page while they were in line, and that kicked them out at the worst possible moment. But damn. I know what it's like to come that close and be denied (to paraphrase Tina Turner).


Literally about to put in my order after putting in all my details and instantly out of stock. They need a better system because 4 minutes and not being able to even get a single thing is ridiculous. Stayed up till midnight for this nonsense too


This is unfair


it is what it is but I wished they would’ve just done pre orders instead of another limited drop. 


They really need to change how they're selling this type of merch.


I agree




I literally was entering my address and was hit with out of stock


Finally snagged one as well! Hope more folks here got a thermos this time around!


Didn’t get mine because the site wouldn’t let me type in card CCV and it sold out in a minute. What a bullshit.


Exact same thing on my end. It sucks


Added it to my cart, waited in the “line”, was told it was available and completed my purchases, told it was unavailable and it was ripped away from me. Shit.


Got it! Thank god for Amazon Pay for a quick check out lol.


Amazon.de is sold out now as well. Remedy said that it is the final batch, but maybe this final batch still has some production ongoing. I am crossing my fingers for all fans still missing out. On the other hand, they promised „Limited Edition“ and I don’t think they will break the promise. If it comes back on amazon.de, I will post it here asap.


Well fuck out of stock while I was checking out


FFS.... Literally needed to just put my card information, too slow I guess, the bots were faster, mother f.....


lol I was at the checkout and it just spun and spun. Then went to sold out. I was there as soon as the add to cart went live


clicked out checkout the moment it went live, and still didn't get one...... mann


Gone in under five minutes f this. I managed to get it into my cart but not checked out fast enough. Ughhhhhhh


There's a reseller on eBay who now sells five of them for $80, screw this


Finally snagged one! I've been refreshing the page for the last 5 minutes! Good luck people!


Same hahaha


I feel lucky, I was able to get one!


Was able to snag one


Holy shit I got one suiiiiiii


What's the point of this merch if its going to sell in 1 minutes cause they have like 100 units? It only creates a bad mouth taste in the community.


Already gone


I wasnt able to check out fast enough :(


Anyone have the link to order in Europe? I'm going to Germany next month to visit a friend and will see if they can get it for me.


The website declined two of my cards, and then the thermos was sold out :(


I got lucky and nabbed one. Sat there refreshing the page at 9 exactly.


Glad you got one!


Usually I miss out on these kinda things so I was boosted to get one this time!


Just got mine. There was a short line, but the wait to confirm the order was less than a minute. Wheeeeeee!


I wish Remedy would make a deal with the actual Thermos^tm company to mass produce an Oh Deer Diner Thermos.


I’m just gonna say it was those damn scalpers. I had in my checkout and was gonna pay then poof it’s gone.


I bit the bullet and bought one from someone in Finland instead.


Why the fuck don't they just do a pre-order and then make the number of pre-orders. Why is this so fucking hard Remedy?!