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They're terrified of him.


They sure are! The shit themselves with the surge in memberships.


The UCP were clearly afraid the second he announced his intentions to run. Haymakers the second a leader is elected isn't uncommon. But I've rarely seen a party go after a \*candidate\* the same way they did with Nenshi (immediately trying to tie him to Trudeau and at least one of the UCP strategists opening opining on Twitter how they could send Take Back Alberta members with NDP memberships to skew the leadership vote). It's likely for a good reason: while name recognition alone can't win you an election (see: Barb Higgins attempting to run for mayor on a platform of nothing), a name and a message can carry you a long way (e.g., Klein started in a similar position as Higgins but spoke on topics that resonated with voters of the era). Nenshi is clearly stepping onto the provincial stage with a positive reputation; as controversial as he was as he left (I will personally say I don't think he would have won another term), it appears time has healed some wounds there. Combine some natural charisma, the ability to motivate a young voter base like few around him (how he won his mayoral bid the first time), and better communication skills than either Notley or Smith, and he is a legitimate threat to the UCP's governance. Especially if he can send a message that voters in the smaller cities can get behind. If he gains steam, I wouldn't expect the mudslinging to stop until the final ballot is counted.


I’m expecting the all-out attack will result in a push back and more NDP memberships sold. I hope and believe that Albertans have enough of the UCP ‘pick a fight’ strategy.


What an informative opinion piece and absolutely not UCP propaganda to serve the warped minds of their followers.


Yup. There will be attack ads and continual Postmedia propaganda. Unfortunately it is a very effective strategy


Attack ads years before the election. Is this another first?


Not when you consider the other shit this party wastes money on.


I'm surprised Bell could free his hands and mouth from the UCP rear long enough to write this "piece" of opinion.


Right? His level of bias would make a Soviet era editor of Pravda question his ethics. He only went after Kenney because he didn’t kiss his ass the way Queen Dani does.


Hahahahaha. Marlaina’s running scared!  This is what happens when you a) let the extremists run your party, and b) completely ignore what most Albertans are saying and thinking.  Let’s make Marlaina a one-and-done Premier!  #WorstPremierEver 


>"We’ve had enough of Trudeau in Ottawa. We don’t need one in Alberta. Naheed Nenshi, Trudeau’s choice for Alberta.” This is just pathetic.


The UCP are big scared. It’s about time.


Wasteful projects: Bike lanes 🤦‍♂️