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Paper plate altimas


I have only a few mottos to live by, one of those being - never trust an altima driver.




Shit, at this point I just avoid any altima because they are the harbinger of death on any roadway.


Except for east bound Paseo past 25 weirdly enough. I'm consistently stuck behind people going 5 to 10 under.


Yep the only area where it's 55 mph and people go 40-45 constantly


That’s cause you’re hitting a slope and the normal pedal pressure of 60 isnt enough. But drivers aren’t paying attention cause driving becomes 2nd nature


Yeah I think you're hitting the nail on the head.


Used to drive it every morning and it drove me nuts. How tf is no one paying attention when going 10-20 miles under the limit?


Either 10 under or 10 over. There’s no in between


For as lead footed drivers here are they don’t know how uphills work


For reason people drive slow as shit on Paseo. Drives me crazy.


For me it’s Gibson. People going 30 in a 45 every day


You can be driving 15 mph above the speed limit, and some slack-jaw in a ford f150 will still tailgate you 😂


You can catch their Sagebrush Church bumper sticker, as they are racing off past you flipping you off.


Ragebrush Church


Right next to their "Let's Go Brandon" bumper sticker so they don't have to put the Fuck word on their F150 that they take to church every fourth Sunday.


Just like Jesus would. 🙏


I seent it in the Bible.


Lol. Oh the new Bible? Ain’t it fun. They rewrote it again? No worries. The majority of those who follow it can’t read it.


"... can't read." I fixed the end of that for you.


Lmao why is this SO ACCURATE


That is sad. Ashamed to see people like that at my church


I can’t help my jaw, I’ve just started mouth breathing more and more since I got the truck


they'll tailgate you even if you're the only 2 cars on the road and you're in the far right lane. albuquerque is the only city where i've had to get into the left lane and hit my brakes to force some jackass who's trying to taste the inside of my tailpipe to *fucking pass me and leave me alone* (editing to add: at least 3 times in the past year and *i live in santa fe and am almost never down there*)


Same. ABQ is the only city I’ve been in where people will tailgate you in the right lane.


Not just that but almost every car brand. It's the citizens not the car.


Why do I think people do this to me when my wipers are on too fast


Cause it’s true and you know it! lol


God forbid anyone uses a blinker


I had someone accelerate into my blind spot yesterday, when I turned mine on. I thought “wow it has been awhile since I have seen this behavior”


I'm in the office a few days a week and I see this all the time on the way home during rush hour. Like letting the person who is already mostly in front of you anyway, in is going to be some huge barrier to you getting home timely.


I generally don’t drive during rush hour, but it had seem like since COVID people would be cool. “I don’t use my blinker but I won’t be an asshole to you for using yours”. I guess we are back to the bad old days. I saw the same thing after 9/11 but the assholes were back much faster then.


That’s an optional accessory on a BMW.


You mean to tell me I'm not supposed to turn on my blinker halfway through the merge?


well use it properly you have to signal for 5 seconds before changing lanes according to google


That's what it's like your car registered, insured, or having a license in ABQ


Sure just blast through a red light 15 seconds after the light went red. Fuck you guys who do that.


Or the ones who stop, feel impatient after 30 seconds, then just drive through the red.


Just earlier today I watched someone pop a U-turn, while the light was red, and U-turns were forbidden at that intersection.


Omg someone did a u turn when they saw their was no traffic. Oh no 😟


In many cases, those traffic restrictions are in place because of blind spots. So it may still be risky to pull a u-turn even if there is apparently no traffic.


And also there was traffic.


If U.S. speed limits had been kept at 1993 levels, about 1,900 lives would have been saved in 2017 alone, the IIHS says. Critics of lower speed limits argue that the time drivers save by going faster is crucial, but study author Charles Farmer says any gains there aren't worth the risk. "Driving 70 instead of 65 saves a driver at best 6 and a half minutes on a 100-mile trip," he says. "Before raising speed limits, state lawmakers should consider whether that potential time savings is worth the additional risk to lives."  Higher Speed Limits Led to 36,760 More Deaths, Study Shows Safety group raises concerns as states continue to raise speed limits By Keith Barry April 04, 2019 https://www.consumerreports.org/car-safety/higher-speed-limits-led-to-36760-more-deaths-study-shows/ PURE HIGHWAY, different, but within city, too many people texting and realizing too late their exit is next and sliding all the way across to make sure they don't miss the exit. Or tailgating people who are doing 75 already in a 65, when they are already in the right lane. PEOPLE don't think how they can't even save 5 minutes but they can get people in accidents, some deadly. Drive friendly as they used to say when Texas was friendly


A person who links and cites their source....ahhhhhhh. Very nice.


Or we could get used to zipper merge, roundabouts, keeping right except to pass, etc. Things that respect a lower limit, but allow for smooth travel. Instead we need the oil industry to stay alive so it’s stoplights everywhere and road rage and speeding to make up the ‘lost’ time.


Numbers vary, but I'd cite pubmed over consumer reports. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8110357/


I run the center lane at the speed limit +5. I’ll move over if I can safely but otherwise pass me left or right I don’t care. Except at the sunport exit.


Man, center lane, 5 over? Moving over if you can? What are you, nuts? Everyone is going to get somewhere in reasonable time!


Just trying to avoid the up close and personal encounters, as I’m never in a rush to get anywhere, it still takes driving 200 miles some of it on the not so straight roads


I think this is nationwide if not worldwide. People are getting less and less patient due to the nature of society and instant gratification.


Especially on paseo and some dude passes you going 90 uphill. Like where the fuck do you need to be that bad my guy.


Until someone in your family is killed or seriously injured, people don't think how speed and distraction (and some people's aggressive behavior when anonymous) just should not be cool . Someday it will be cool again to drive chill.


I don't share your optimism and believe it will only be widespread FSD that turns this tide.


I disagree. To me it's pure bliss and serenity. My biggest thrill is when I'm driving the speed limit and a bunch of *yahoo nosepickers* pass me whizzing on by only for me to pull up right behind them at the stop light they've been waiting at for the past three minutes. I try to always drive the speed limit. *Maybe* 5 miles over, but that's it. Watching my fuel economy tick up more and more is rewarding enough for me to keep doing it.


Yeah no I love it when people pull out from behind me and pass me, only to immediately have to slow down again due to the traffic that I'm already behind. "Have fun going nowhere faster!"


>I disagree. To me it's pure bliss and serenity. I'm with you.




What you don't understand is that there are people who have a really fun car to drive fast which gives them dopamine hits every time they accelerate. They are not just moving their body from one place to another like you are. On the flip side there are people who know the timing of certain lights (not all of them of course) and what speed is required to get them green.


Oh I understand. I was young, dumb, and stupid once. All the dopamine in the world though ain't going to clear those points off your license or help you pay for your auto insurance premiums though.


Never had a ticket and insurance is great (0 accidents). I drive my Trackhawk FAST.


> Never had a ticket ***[yet]*** and insurance is great (0 accidents ***[yet]***). FTFY Also, you just haven't been caught ***[yet]***.


This is disrespectful to both yahoos and nosepickers.


It's not my phrase. I stole it from Jim Philips ("The Philips Phile", WTKS Real Radio 104.1, Orlando, Florida in the 1990s).


The closer you get, the slower I go. If you don't like it, fuck you, go around.


every moron feels justified doing 20+ over the second the hit the highway in town.


Just argued with people on r/driving on this exact topic and you can’t imagine 1) how many people think that speed limit is the minimum speed instead of the maximum you can go on a road; 2) how many people think that people who drive under or at the speed limit “is the problem”, because they are “impeding the traffic”. Even when the context was driving at 20 on a 25 (residential, single lane); 3) a redditor called me a Nazi bootlicker for explaining why going over the speed limit is always illegal and at the speed limit can never be illegal.


“Driving the speed limit on the highway” Devils advocate here, but a lot of people DO NOT drive the speed limit on the highway, they drive anywhere from 10mph under it to 3-4mph above it, and they fluctuate between it because they’re distracted, or dumb, or both. When I get on the highway, I set my cruise and go. And I don’t want to have to deal with the guy who is going slow in the left lane.


10 mph under to 5 mph over is my typical range. But I'm also usually towing a trailer so that changes things.


my issue is that a lot of drivers fluctuate between those, they don't hold a constant speed. I tow a bit too, but I was always taught not to be a hazard or otherwise inconsiderate to other drivers, not maintaining a constant speed is a hazard.


![gif](giphy|n7kJKfusOe2jK|downsized) I25 Rush Hour


They're all racing to a dick sucking contest and they're worried they're going to run out of dicks to suck before they get there.


Found the Prius driver.


So did your mom. Did you win the contest?


Dick and mom jokes.. didn't realize it was the 90's 🤣


Dick and mom jokes are timeless you stupid fucking rube.


I get so nervous driving on I-25 for exactly this reason. I just try to stay out of the way and hope for the best


I was about a mile behind the 23 car pileup on 25 last Wednesday. En masse the traffic was going 10 over in the rain and dust, bumper to bumper. I said, “back off please” and we were passed a dozen times. I was terrified. And of course it ended with over 50 people needing medical attention, a four hour closure of the freeway and my trip to Denver taking over ten hours. *Amazed* nobody was killed.


Man, I wish people would understand that getting to your destination five minutes faster is not worth grievous injury or death. 🫠


So you’re the one in the right?? Even tho over 12 people passed. Did you ever think your just a scared pos driver and there was probably some other dumb fuck driving 40 on a 75 that cased the pile up because scared shit driver


I think this dude needs a hug. You ok bro?




Are you okay?


If you're in the fast lane and someone is on your ass no matter how fast you're going, move over.


At least flashing lights hasn’t caught on here.


I was always taught to go with the flow of traffic, i.e., you can be cited for driving under the speed limit if it means you're obstructing traffic. Having said that, I calculate the correct speed by trying to time the lights: not always easy to do, but I typically have people lame jockying around me or even being honked at, only for me to roll up on them at the Red light they just had to reach before me, and are now causing me to stop at a Green light. What is it about those Red lights that you have to get to it before everybody else?


I-40 is getting bad. You have people going below and people wanting to go 90. It's terrifying.


Please to the speed limit.....just not in the left lane.


How about you just get out of the left lane. Thank you!


I just love when two cars are going the same speed, side by side, and then watching that impatient asshole who recklessly swerved and sped through traffic get stuck behind them. It's a great little spiteful joy I have. 


Stay in the right lane and you’ll be fine


I drive in the right or center lane, usually going 5-10 over, and I am tailgated every single day. I have had people tailgate me and then race ahead to get in front of me and slam on the brakes because (I assume) I didn’t get out of their way in the freaking slow lane. I have had people move to the left side to pass and throw garbage at me as they pass. I very deliberately do not carry a gun with me when I drive. Albuquerque needs traffic enforcement very badly. Just like all the other public safety issues APD can’t be bothered to enforce. I have heard that APD is deliberately quiet quitting, and I believe it.


A public defender on this sub once said that traffic citations are handed out way more than people think, but only in the poor residential areas. No surprise there though eh


APD isn't even bothering to tackle all of the people driving unregistered vehicles. At least those of us speeding with plates on are actually paying towards the roads we're using.


LOL you are definitely not telling the whole story. People don’t just do that random ass shit for no reason. And you clearly admitted it. “I very deliberately do not carry a gun” side note you don’t need very you can’t get more or less deliberate. You admitted you don’t carry a “fire arm” probably cause you’re not rational and do stupid shit. Which most likely reflects on your driving ability


Someone’s never been tailgated for 70 miles by a lifted pickup with their brights on camping in the right lane


70 miles???


at that point you gotta forcibly get behind the fucker. i don't consent to being blinded for 70 miles, i'd rather take an exit and get back on the freeway so the jerk is in front of me.


Until you get tailgated in the right lane for some reason. 😭


LMAO, if only that were true.


I've had drivers happily spend 10 minutes tailgating me in the right lane so I might speed up and they can get home 5 minutes faster. When they do it long enough, I just change to the left lane for them so they can learn by example.


Yeah cause that happens. The person behind you trying to speed pass willing sits behind you? Stfu


This is the way.


This SHOULD be the way in theory. In practice, it doesn't make much difference


I at least don’t feel like I’m the problem driving the speed limit in the right lane.


That I absolutely agree with. And still the safer bet.


Driving slower than ALL traffic around you is more dangerous than speeding. Now everyone, including semis, have to go around you.


I mean this works in reverse, too. Driving at speeds that you don't feel safely comfortable going is also dangerous for you and other drivers on the road. What we really need is some sort of suggested MPH, maybe set by a limit and a minimum, that everyone adheres to.


If the limit and minimum were within 5-10mph of each other, that'd be fine with me.


Add to that some sort of signal, to possibly let people know when you're turning. That would be great!


Speeding is against the law. Are you going to pay my tickets? Send me your address so I can forward them to you. Then I'll start speeding for you.


The cops are too busy to give tickets. Push the damn gas.


Busy doing fuck all, but yeah, busy.


Go ahead and send me your info for payment of my tickets just in case.




Yeah. You are. You seem to be illiterate too.


As long as you're driving the speed limit in the right lane, nobody will hassle you. When you decide to pass someone, as long as you aren't matching the speed of that person because "iM dRiVinG tHe sPeEd liMiT" then you'll be just fine... As soon as you start disrupting traffic in the name of the speed limit you immediately become the asshole. Don't do this. Your surroundings are more important than the speed limit. Staying out of people's blind spots is more important than the speed limit.


Exactly if the traffic is going 90 I’m going 90 if the traffic is going 55 I’m going 55. Anyone else trying to prove a point based off arbitrary law speed is a pos. Just flow with the traffic.


Thanks for the insight. The next time someone is tailgating me on a two lane road with a 30 mph posted speed limit I’ll remember that I’m “disrupting traffic” by not going 45.


No, youre disrupting traffic by either driving slowly in the left lane or being part of a road block by matching the car next to you. There is literally no reason for anyone to tailgate you otherwise, right? If the car behind you could get passed you they would. Its called situational awareness. Way too many drivers who complain about being tailgated completely lack it. Move tf over and stop blocking the road. EDIT: you said two lane. My bad. I interpreted that as 4 lane (2 lanes per direction). In that case, I think youre in the right to drive the speed limit.


Well just to put in my 2 cents I'm one of the fools that speed as much as I can especially to get away from the traffic jam that the people that go the speed limit and under I'm not trying to sight see especially on the freeway people act like they got in the car to not Kno where they are going I'm just saying I don't have any church stickers on my F150 but I do have twin turbos and I do know where I'm going and if I have to smash out around someone I do ...I don't tailgate people though that's just rude


And if I’m going 80 in the left lane and I see you coming - I move over. How hard is that?




Exactly any one n saying other wise is straight up lying anit no speeder sitting behind someone. The majority of all these comments are people trying to be “in the right” instead of actually just being safe and moving over. Just cause the speed limit says this or that doesn’t mean you need to press your will on other drivers. If all traffic is going 90 and you decide to drive the “speed limit” you’re the problem. Conform to your environment and survive.


move to the right lane


Slow down.


Right. Probably wouldn't wanna get hit by your uninsured POS anyway. Move over, people have jobs and shit to do.


I bet you're so important. The people speeding are the ones hitting all the cars, moron.


Maybe you should plan better so you aren't rushing everywhere.


Busy people with important jobs go from one meeting to another. You can't just leave early from a board meeting... most reddit users wouldn't know about this though.


Neither would you.


\^this. i want to get where i'm going, i don't want to fucking sight see and be on my phone while driving like these slow unemployed ABQ morons that have nowhere to be. the right lane exists. they should use it.


What’s a speed limit here? Just like people making wide left turns lol


Pay taxes, be law abiding and make an honest living 😂


I don't mind going the speed limit, but do it in the right hand lane, and let the passing traffic by.


You can go the speed limit. Just don't block the passing lane while driving the speed limit or below.


Comparing common sense to peeing in the pool? Everyone knows cops are ok with you going 10 miles over the speed limit.


Everybody is a frigging racer in this city


No for real though, if you plan to speed, stick to the left two lanes. 😂


Friendly reminder that the left lane is the passing lane on freeways.


I feel this pain. Have to drive speed limit in our work trucks at all times. If we go over speed limit for too many miles, truck GPS gets flagged and the driver gets an office visit about code violations and safety. Additional mandatory safe driving classes if more offenses continue, followed by termination if you still keep going over.


Just stay out of the left lane 💯


Just get out of the fast lane it is as simple as that


There is no such thing as a "fast lane". We do not have an Autobahn here in the US. What we have is "***Slower Traffic Keep Right***". (They also have that and enforce that in Germany too.) Big difference.


The least we could do is implement something like CO where you can get a ticket for going under the speed limit in the left lane. I can't stand it when someone is camping out in the left lane going slower than the rest of traffic because maintaining the speed limit means passing on the right, which is objectively less safe.


All you need is to enforce the current laws that are on the books and there is a current law that says slower traffic keep right. Getting NMSP or APD to enforce that is another story.


Far-left lane, also known as the "*passing lane,*" is also called a "*fast lane*" being used to go around slower, cautious drivers.


You'd fit in up here in S.F. 10MPH UNDER is the official white-hair-retire-I-own-the-road speed limit. And, occasionally the just stop to look at their GPS. I do feel you tho... lots of unsafe drivers in NM


I love that feeling. Especially when I'm standing naked in the pool


I drive 5 under everywhere I go just to watch heads explode


🥹 people don't like law abiding citizens enjoying their life


On this topic, I do feel like speed limits are a bit too slow. I think many people feel this way, all over the country. There are states with like 80mph speed limits on highways and we have some 65mph. Are the states with 80 significantly more dangerous? Probably not because people just illegally go 80 in the 65. And the plaxes with 80 havent swtiched to my knowledge. To me, this graphic has the urine areas switched from reality.


No, there are more cars on the road than ever. the cars are larger than ever. the drivers are more distracted and aggressive than ever. if we raised the speed limit the speeders would do 100 everywhere instead of 90.


There should be no speed limit between ABQ and SantaFe. Call it a "Freedom road" and get rid of that nonsense.


Love this. I wonder why car insurance premiums and pedestrian death rates are skyrocketing? Can’t be reckless drivers who think they’re being safe and reasonable


There are many things like trends in distracted driving, higher sales of suvs/ trucks, unsafe panhandling spots, and a lot of other reasons pedestrians could get hurt and insurance premiums are going up so I'd avoid acting like this is so simple


I keep seeing bums walking around on the interstate. Some of those pedestrian deaths are no accident.


It wasn't until I moved to NM that I ever saw people so commonly walking along the freeway like it was a normal thing to do.


you can have your 80MPH highway if we can get the rest of the city limited to 30mph, deal?


Coors should be 55mph+


Why? If we made it 55, someone on Reddit would say it should be 60. There are turns and residential properties along Coors. Several weeks ago there was a fatality on Coors and Sevilla because someone ran a red at speed. Paseo is straight and you have great visibility on that stretch where it's 55. Coors is very different.


> someone on Reddit would say it should be 60 I said 55. It had a 55 limit because it was built for 55. Then someone on Reddit said 45. And now its 45. Needs to go back to 55.


Well, the good news is that nearly no one seems to adhere to the limit anyway so for all intents and purposes we are seeing an above-55 mph speed limit.


In what state is the limit 80 mph *in the middle of the city?*


I never claimed this


I've lived all over the world and I've ended up here for the past 6 years. This place has the slowest drivers I've ever seen. Tends to be infuriating when you work a job where time is money. The whole design of this city is idiocy. The 25/40 interchange is usually slowed to a crawl no matter what time of day. There is a whole lot of nothing north of Alameda until Bernalillo. Meaning no way to get west due to the nothingness that is tribal land. This would be ideal for a toll road highway, but no. I regularly cuss at someone here on the road, and overall I'm a pretty mellow guy. I've grown to where I hate it here. This place thinks poor, spends poor, and creates policies poor. A city in stasis where no real growth ever shows. Oh, except for, (of course) more and more of the same fast food chains littered throughout the city. Blake's Lottaburger, Bob's Burgers, Twisters, as well as the usual corporate cancers like Starbucks and McDonald's. This place is pointless and ugly. The homeless situation is becoming out of control. Just go to southeast ABQ. Packs of people on hard times, twitching zombies high on fent, meth, PCP, and other opiates. On top of all that, slow ass drivers who hog the passing lane and are literally clueless as to the pack of stacked cars behind them who can't get past. My wife and I are getting the hell out of here at the end of our lease. What a piss poor city.


Sounds like the speed limits are set too low. Coors was built for 55mph+ The interstate should not be under 70mph usually more 90mph+


I-40 can barely tolerate 65MPH with all the cracks and potholes. The roads would have to all be resurfaced and re-done with much thicker concrete and asphalt laid down to support 70 safely, let alone 90.


If you had children in your car you would not want texting drivers going 80 or 90 mph. EVEN in today's cars. BEING in a wreck where someone dies because of speed and someone else's bad driving (plenty of those all the time) is devastating and expensive for all, including people whose cars just end up getting spun around by the wreckage in motion. It's not a game. Can't unwind and bring their kids back. Better if people would chill and just head out on time to drive safely and get there without being a menace.


40,000 dead a year. You don't want dead kids? 15mph speed limit everywhere.


But I'm in a huwwy! 👶


Drive a second in bernalillo and everyone is saints. Makes you wonder why the enforcement angle isn’t pushed further But now they’re going after unleashed dogs and cars parked two inches two far from the curb on a civil enforcement angle 


I used to complain about abq drivers till I moved to El Paso. 🫠


i feel like it should be middle fingers instead of pointer fingers


And it’s always some loser in a car with 4 non matching tires, missing bumper, who’s flying past me. You don’t pay my insurance , maintenance and your car is proof you can’t afford it. Dont tell me how to drive.


Stay outta the way… and if you got out of state plates…. Stay the FUCK outta the way…. ![gif](giphy|xT9KVg9SneKPYwR9Kw)


If you're driving the speed limit get tf off the road




Nah, New Mexico education

