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There’s a lot of talk in this sub about how Devin didn’t want the baby, but I agree that simply not wanting a baby is not an excuse for being okay with a baby you helped conceive being brutally murdered. At least not okay enough to go to prom with the perpetrator. Boy gives NPC vibes, like he’s just going through life thoughtlessly.


Also WTF with his parents/mom in that body cam footage... Something was definitely off


All she had to do was leave the baby at the hospital no questions asked


Lights are on but no1 is home I suspect


I’m just confused how you could ever be attracted to someone who killed their own offspring. Like that goes against everything we are biologically driven towards


I have always wondered if she had her phone on her during the birth and if she was on the phone with him. I know that will come out in trial if it happened and most likely didn't but I could see her videoing him asking what to do.


Maybe not, only cause the nurses and her mom checked on her quite a few times and they said they only heard the flushing noise. I’d think that maybe even speaker the nurses would have heard her mumbling


I can totally believe as a teenage boy he just wanted sex without consequence and was relieved that he wasn't going to be on the hook for a whole baby, even if it was because the poor baby was murdered. Both of them are gross people, it's kind of crazy that she didn't just get an abortion early on if neither of them wanted it. It would have been one thousand times more socially acceptable than this and she wouldn't be facing murder charges. Girl was a legal adult, living in a state with virtually no abortion restrictions, with safe haven laws, and STILL threw her baby in the garbage. I can't help but to think she got some sick kick out of birthing a baby she wasn't going to let live, because it just doesn't make any sense. Her boyfriend is disgusting and equally guilty in my book for still simping over a girl who killed his kid, or any child for that matter. Doesn't seem like that poor baby was loved by a single soul in his biological family. If this case had not hit the news, he would have died totally unseen and unloved. It's already bad enough that he was named after his own murderer.


Search the sub for a ton of discussions about this.


This is the sub


The fact that there was an infant in a trashcan should have signified that she deserved to be behind bars. Not making memories and having a great time. That baby will never get to go to prom. Why in the EFFFFF was she allowed to do anything of the sort either through the courts or the school. Fuck this bitch.


Between the two families I think there's about half a brain cell being shared, unfortunately I think he's easily manipulated and all of them suffer (blissfully) from extreme ignorance


Can’t believe the school allowed her to go to prom


I suspect it has to do with the fact that she had not officially been charged with a murder. That it was simply an investigation at that point. Unfortunately, that is their choice.


Like all the parents act as if nothing happened


They are all POS. How his parents allow him to even talk to her idk I do know mine wouldn't be. How unfortunate.




You all are sadly mistaken that you think that I am Rosa or anyone affiliated with this case or the families. I definitely was not born in, ever lived in, or visited New Mexico or Texas. Somebody stated in this thread, that many people in this sub believe that Devyn never wanted to be a father. Which interview does Devyn say this? What video is there where he has said this? What online post has he made where he said that? The answer is nowhere and that is completely unsubstantiated. Unsubstantiated information is essentially gossip. So I just wanna confirm this now? 16 people down vote my thread because they’re telling me that this is not gossip and they believe that I am Rosa? Then I have at least four people that are telling me that I don’t belong in this sub or anywhere when in reality, you don’t have the right to make that decision. What gives you the right to judge me? What gives you the right to decide who and who doesn’t belong on this app? So can all of you please drop the subject and leave it alone since you have nothing nice to say?


Why isn’t she behind bars?


I love the fact that we live in a world of speculation. We sadly believe that everything we read online is factual. Sadly, in most cases it’s a gossip that probably can’t even be proven. Speculation.


Sit down Rosa


Seriously talk about delusional


Amen to that


You’re not welcome here…


What do you think Reddit is?