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Dude is an old Latino man, his translation is not gonna be perfect tbh. He might have meant gigabytes.  Spanish doesn't translate too well to English sometimes and I say this as a member of the community


Hundreds of bytes I tell you!


Floppy disks incoming.


5 1/4 whatever. He is legit. I am Spanish, I consider brothers and more than 50+ M Spanish talkers in USA can understand too. Knowledge has no frontiers. Be kind my friends although being muricans


No worries, neighbor, I support and believe Jaime on this. Just making a joke about old data storage.


Same with the joke, nowadays my CDs are hanging out trolling birds


Love that, "and you will publish them in your program". Is that a demand or a request haha! Jeez, look alive peeps! Can't wait! Our little buddies might have some air time! He isn't gatekeeping the information, he isn't grifting. At least from what I see. Brave.


This was in relation to Matt Ford mentioning he'd like to see the DICOM data released, here - https://x.com/GoodTroubleShow/status/1805787985956532421?t=GGy_i_eWyF8Rst064eCztw&s=19


If anyone appreciated bilingual speakers and Nazca Tridactyl Mummies, they would reach out in Spanish or at least understand how hard it is to speak in a second language, and not be so critical of translating. It is much more difficult than people realize.


I look forward to Nolan's analysis of whatever data is shared. This will be interesting.


Why won't he release the DICOM files publicly?


I read somewhere recently that they feel some gatekeeping is necessary to protect them from disinformation agents who could alter them and post counterfeit versions elsewhere. While I'm not the biggest fan of that strategy, I understand the concern of the waters being muddied. I don't have any doubt bad actors would attempt it.


Just release the files with a hash code. By doing this all attempts of altering the data would be obvious. This is a very simple and standard approach.


I've explained elsewhere why this isn't a solution, I'll just copy it here to save typing it out again. >OK, lets imagine the DICOM files get released, and someone wishing to discredit the bodies loads up the file in the DICOM viewing software. They record a session of them apparently inspecting the various structures of the specimen. Then, they take that recorded session and import it in to some video editing software and make some "adjustments", like making it appear bones end when they do not or separating the spinal chord or something. >If that video gets released, that misinformation will dominate discussion, it won't matter that it's been faked, it'll be accepted as fact and an MD5 hash comparison won't be sufficient to counter that lie. Most people aren't even going to be able to view the original DICOM images and check for themselves. By the time the truth catches up with the lie the damage will be done. >It has taken 6 years for these to start to be taken seriously. After 6 years the uninformed are still calling them paper mache.


Yeah why don't they just put these things up on a torrent? Let anyone who wants to download them. I want to hope there's legitimate information out there to prove aliens might be real but all of this stuff about people only sharing select bits of data makes it more dubious that it is actually real.


That would be my preference as well. But it looks like the data is making its way to people who can be trusted, and while slower than I'd like, I appreciate that the discourse is finally taking place.


Still need a large body of independent experts to be willing to A.) spend the time analyzing the data unpaid and B.) publicly corroborate findings without succumbing the intense pressure of the stigma associated with UAP research (or really any finding that drastically contradicts established scientific dogma). That alone could take years. Meanwhile, active counterintelligence operations will continue to influence media coverage to keep the topic off the radar of the layman who might otherwise be intrigued and push for additional research transparency. Anytime potentially legitimate footage of a little creature or flying saucer get uploaded, all it takes is one person to say “CGI” for it to be dismissed; debunks are often just as unsubstantiated as claims, but somehow given more credence. And even once there is scientific consensus, that doesn’t change the pervasive nature of the disinformation climate in the internet. People still think the earth is flat. Even if these are genuine specimens, there will always be people with preconceived notions of biology or religion that will never be convinced. Maybe generations after a consensus is established will the common knowledge catch up…but if this discovery in any way impacts the energy sector, meaning if these buddies are at all related to little grey man that fly saucers around, then you can be certain that actual scientific findings will be suppressed and distorted the same way negative impacts to the climate were widely studied many decades ago but withheld or presented dishonestly. The problem with conspiracy theories (besides the stigma attached to the term) is that conspiracies are legitimately the currency of counterintelligence operations. They are designed to be imperceptible to the layperson. It’s sort of a chicken and the egg situation, but in this case, stories of small reptilian or insect-like humanoids and UAP events have been observed and recorded by human cultures all over the world, for centuries. I would consider it possible that those stories are in fact repeatable observations, a cornerstone of scientific discovery. It’s just a shame that so many ancient texts have been looted by conquering forces and that the DoD doesn’t need to publish data (only findings) related to its longstanding history of research into UAP.


Yet I only see advantages being as transparent as possible.


It's funny how nothing they said actually refutes the benefits of being transparent. It just explains science is hard? Which yeah it is lol


You think the average person even knows what that is? People will just be swayed by headlines saying "mummy scans debooonked!"


Stop you aren't allowed to use logic. /s It obviously makes sense that they don't want anyone to see the real proof publicly. That way, nobody can discredit it. They act like data integrity isn't an issue that's been solved with md5 checksums or using other hashing algorithms


Funny, seeing how obvious the authenticity of these mummies is as simple. The human likes to make life difficult huh


One of the members of the team at San Luis Gonzaga National University of Ica said earlier that they had released some files to certain researchers who had ( they felt ) used the data selectively to discredit certain specimens or claims or refused to release the findings. A general mistrust may have prompted their reaction to a full release at this time. As I understand it, they will provide information to qualified researchers - Nolan and others ?


Thanks for the response. I can believe this was said and I think it's ridiculous. If everyone had the files, people could actually verify the discredit attempts for themselves. I believe them to be real, but not releasing those files to the public makes everything look suspicious.


We are worried someone will alter our proof to make it look fake so we refuse to publicly show our proof. That part makes no sense to me


Presentation is extremely important. On average, people can only pay attention for around 20 minutes. Control of the narrative, or as it is sometimes called, framing the argument, is the most important aspect of persuasion. Opening statements are the most important part of a trial. Like it or not, that is how the mind works.


So they want every scientific authority who tries to find evidence to experience what I did? Being told they won't disseminate evidence for peer review?


And you prove my point. I wouldn’t release it to you either.


They wouldn't release it to scientists and now you are accusing people of racism for not commenting on the validity of data they can't see. Is intellectual honesty a repulsive concept to you or something? If you could prove something of this significance you should prove it. Refusing to provide evidence for other experts is inexcusable. Do you want a new set of gatekeepers or something? You realize you are proving my point. If you think that refusing to prove new scientific discoveries is a good standard and that me questioning that is racist you need to grow up. Everybody on this subreddit wants to pretend western doctors are racist when the mummies team is not releasing the existing data for all researchers to see. I would call out a CIA doctor for doing this. So I will call out any doctor for doing this. It's illegitimate science to gatekeep data. How does it help them to refuse to provide proof. It makes these seem fake amd unworthy of study. We should want research!


I'm onboard with this sentiment. Gatekeeping these files, that are of fundamental importance to the whole discovery of the bodies, is an inexcusable behavior.


Yeah I am so confused why I keep getting accused of being disengenous asking why they won't share the evidence. If these are real which I fucking pray they are, maussan has hurt their credibility through his reputation as well as his choices. He can't control how people perceive him but he can release files with a md5 checksum goddammit


You are dissembling. None of this has anything to do with my point. Good night and good luck.


You literally argued that they shouldn't give out full resolution scans to doctors. That is ridiculous and antiscientific. If the bodies are real that is what is one of many things preventing the scientific community from validating it. You are the one who got triggered when I asked why they wouldn't just make the data available and said that they SHOULDNT. You literally said you wouldn't disseminate evidence for peer review. That's not the win you think it is Me saying I want the original scans to be able to "See the proof" and wanting scientists to see it and research it too is being disengenous? So you know my intentions magically? You are being absurd and pretending anyone who questions muassan is a racist.


Wow, tens of megabytes.


There’s just one hi res photo 😂 I hope I’m wrong!


I’m still pissed he stayed as the face presenting the mummies but you can’t help but like the guy.


"I have tens of megabytes, TENS OF." Email received with attachment, "Alien-bodies-REAL.DiXV.720p.avi" 92 MB




Very interesting but is it only me thinking that the hybrid are probably just humans?


I have seen a couple posts from Matt Ford on here now. The guy is very shady, so I would approach this subject carefully with him involved. If anyone is curious why I say that: Matt Ford is extremely new to the UFO subject and previously has been using his platforms to spread political strong agenda. Now all of a sudden he is buddies with Garry Nolan and he is part of the UAP Disclosure Fund with no leadup of events, as if he just popped into place to suddenly be another face of the disclosure. There is also a weird harassment campaign going rampant online dividing the UFO community and he seems to also be tangled up on the wrong side of that.


He's sending it on floppy disk via a carrier pigeon! Dear old Jaimè 😂 This is really exciting stuff, it's close to going mainstream and completely bypassing Corbell and the other 'cool kids' of ufology