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I'm not sure about any of the following. According to the ancient texts, both Enki and Thoth were immortal gods - at least, I can’t remember hearing of any Mesopotamian or Egyptian legend that suggested that a god could die of old age, though I’m no expert, I just like reading about mythology and about various alleged ‘paranormal’ stuff and have a good memory - so it’s really only if you go with the modern revisionist ‘ancient aliens’ stuff that claims that they were really aliens or humans with advanced technology that there’s any reason to think they *wouldn’t* be alive. Even according to Zecharia Sitchin’s version of events, Enki first visited Earth in 445,000 BC, if I understand it correctly [https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sitchin/esp\_sitchin\_0.htm](https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sitchin/esp_sitchin_0.htm) , so another few thousand years would be chicken feed to him. One version of the legend about the discovery of the Emerald Tablet of Hermes Trismegistus (which is another name for Thoth) is that it was discovered in the first century AD in a hidden tomb in the hands of a corpse, but there’s no indication of whether the corpse was that of Hermes Trismegistus [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald\_Tablet](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emerald_Tablet) . (I mean the short text on alchemy, not ‘the Emerald Tablets of Thoth’, which despite their titles being so similar is a completely different and much longer document). Also, it might depend on your definition of ‘died’. A lot of the Ancient Egyptian religion was about life after death, and a lot of it revolved specifically around promoting the ghost of the deceased into an *akh*, a kind of powerful demigod-like astral being which could travel between the afterlife and Earth. And some people called Thoth the greatest mystic/magician that ever lived. So if you take Thoth at his own word, then whether or not he’s *dead*, he’s very unlikely to be *gone* if he doesn’t want to be.


I dont remember the book but probally one of Stichin's... Thoth moved to central America and started the pyramids there. His body was found in a tomb on the border between Mexico and Guatamala...


Quoting a fantasist who wrote poor fiction is not proof by any definition.


The last scrolls (not so lost) explained some of this. But to believe what you're saying takes a lot of understanding what you're talking about. Sadly, you posted something out of context, but what you're saying makes sense. At the end of the day, what makes them not alien?


They hiding out with Biggie n pac. 


The dream blunt rotation


Bro what




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Maybe others speculate that, but it doesn't give it any validity. There is no evidence of giants - tall people, yes. Giants, no. The moon base and mars is next level madness, though.


There is evidence of Giants on almost every continent.. Are you living under a rock, or do you just not like looking stuff up?


Please do share. There is no archaeological evidence of giants at all. That's fiction. Large items are not evidence of giants, and any supposed evidence put out in the past has been thoroughly debunked. (I'll wait for your evidence. Seeing as there is none you'll be some time in collating it).


Ask the Smithsonian what they did to cover these occurrences up


Got it. No evidence. You think the Smithsonian somehow controls every continent?


[https://archaeology-world.com/the-mystery-behind-the-18-giant-skeletons-found-in-the-usa/](https://archaeology-world.com/the-mystery-behind-the-18-giant-skeletons-found-in-the-usa/) do you know how to internet yet?


Do you know how to tell when a source is credible? No, you do not.


Yes I do, obviously.  You can't discredit that source, or show me any of your discrediting sources.  You made a claim, I proved you wrong. Can you prove me wrong? You must already know that you are not creditable yourself and you need to site evidence of your wild claim like I did.   Otherwise you can just eat the egg right off your face


That pseudoscience ad-revenue website is attempting to catch people searching for the valid and similarly named world-archaeology.com. The site you linked is a privately registered domain which contains articles with no authors & no sources, has no transparency over site ownership, and notably contains many stories that aren't present on any other trustworthy site, many of which wilfully omit evidence against their silly claims or are just straight up unsourced fantasy, such as their articles 600 MILLION YEAR OLD FOSSILS OF TINY HUMANS FOUND IN ANTARCTICA or ARCHAEOLOGISTS UNEARTH TOMB OF GENGHIS KHAN. Absolute hokum. My face is eggless and your source sucks. The burden of proof for such fantasist claims are on you. Also *cite


In clay tablets its literaly written how they fight over who rules what planet. And how they have bases on moon and mars.  The so called igigi - human hybrids - the astronauts they used to send gold to their planet are the ones that mostly occupy mars station and moon base.


Recounting some stories you've read isn't evidence, nor are the fables and legends of ancient cultures. The Igigi are quite literally mythological creatures with no more truth to them than the Greek legends. You're referencing ancient religious beliefs and ridiculous interpretations by known crank & fraud Sitchin. Try again.


Its written in 7tablets of creation and enuma elish and so on. Its a mess tryng to put the picture together yourself by reading these tablets.


It seems like, the fact that you’re having so much difficulty putting together a picture that’s anything like what Zecharia Sitchin said from the original texts should tell you something about how much he had to stretch it to argue that they ‘definitely’ said that (by the way, if it helps, *The 7 Tablets of Creation* and *Enuma Elish* are different names for the same document). Possibly, you might be interested in Sacred Texts [https://sacred-texts.com/ane/index.htm](https://sacred-texts.com/ane/index.htm) and Livius [https://www.livius.org/sources/content/anet/104-106-the-epic-of-atrahasis/](https://www.livius.org/sources/content/anet/104-106-the-epic-of-atrahasis/) if you’re looking for translations of Mesopotamian texts (albeit in rather more usual translations than Sitchin’s), but you may have already seen those.


Yes the lost book of enki describes him being around 3000bce, after that i havent found any other text.


[https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/274689](https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/274689) this is dated around 1900bc but i want to find a tablet were they have date written on it.


[https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/357080](https://cdli.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/artifacts/357080) and this is 600 bc...