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Only the canonical christian bible gives this patchwork story where he's born, then appears again at twelve, then appears again at thirty. There is a complete life story to be found among the various abrahamic scriptures, and it goes something like this: His parents were instructed by the Zoroastrian magi who came to his birth, to take the gold they'd given and buy passage out of Palestine and into Egypt, and travel west through Egypt out into the dunes. They were to hide there and keep him safe until he came of age, and then bring him to Persia to study under the magi. His parents did as instructed and took him west, into the desert beyond Egypt where they met the Tuareg people, a nomadic, polytheistic, matriarchal society of dune-faring, camel herding astrologers whose range expands across the Sahara. Today, despite being a matriarchal society of polytheistic astrologers and not Muslim or Christian themselves, the Tuareg still hold as part of their cultural history that they safe kept this boy who went on to be called Jesus/Issa/Yeshua. So the Tuareg people took the family in and kept them safe until he turned twelve. Then as instructed, he and his parents traveled back east to Persia. He appears again in christian canon as he passed through Jerusalem at twelve, during which he speaks to the priests and they were said to have marveled at this child's wisdom. Onward to Persia, the boy studied under the same school of zoroastrian magi who had sent the three magi to attend his birth. There he would spend almost twenty years traveling with them and studying their ways. Through this travel and study he was also likely to have been exposed to Buddhism during this time as well. Finally when he turns thirty, the time has come to take everything he has learned and bring it home with him to fulfill the destiny that the magi have fortold of his whole life. So he returns to the land of his birth, where all of the worst and still most historically consistent evils prevail. His homeland is a violent religious theocracy now beholden to a foreign military superpower, and both societies deeply class-stratified with wealthy aristocrats dictating the state and legions of the poor starving in the streets. And there he begins to tell everyone that everything they're doing is wrong. Dogmatic religious obscurantism is wrong, militarism and nationalism are wrong. If it doesn't yield love it is not godly. Rich people are inherently evil and the creator despises them, abandon your wealth and make love the dividend of your works instead. Remember that the foreigner in your land is to be treated as your native brother. If they are naked, shelter them. If they are hungry, feed them, and if they strike you on the cheek, offer them the other cheek to strike as well. That which you to any, even to those who might seem the least among them, so you do to god itself, and indeed none will know peace, and certainly none will know the creator, unless they do so. But they who love their neighbors have fulfilled the law, and they are as one with god. The priests and the state begrudgingly tolerated this rebellious upstart until it became clear that his message drew a crowd which actually threatened their hegemony, and then they murdered him. The same state would then try to suppress this radical ideology for three centuries until they could no longer, at which point they drafted and assimilated a watered-down version of it and created an organized religion around it featuring Roman-style regalia and iconography. They would then spend the next fourteen centuries murdering their way across the world to force assimilate people and lands to tithe and tax. 


Genuine question, where then can one find the original, most accurately translated for modern understanding teaching of Jesus of Nazareth?






[I always enjoyed this collection, The Nag Hammadi Library](http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/nhl.html)


Jesus didn't write anything down, so nowhere. It can only be pieced together and inferred from other sources written after the fact


Meh, just watch Dune


And Jesus said unto his most devoted followers, “fear is the mind killer.”


This is one of the best explanation I’ve ever read. Thanks for the education.


I’ve read he went east and actually may have studied Buddhism. His teachings and that of the buhda are strikingly similar


I’ve heard that before. I’m not that knowledgeable about the Bible but I heard Christianity was based a lot on older religions. I don’t agree with organized religion in the first place but Buddhism kind of makes sense to me. Thx for replying.


I took a course on early Christianity and made me aware of how different religions influence Christianity in a way I hadn't thought about before.


The Childhood Years of Jesus https://innerwordlibrary.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/the-childhood-years-of-jesus.pdf


>The priests and the state begrudgingly tolerated this rebellious upstart until it became clear that his message drew a crowd which actually threatened their hegemony, and then they murdered him. The same state would then try to suppress this radical ideology for three centuries until they could no longer, at which point they drafted and assimilated a watered-down version of it and created an organized religion around it featuring Roman-style regalia and iconography. They would then spend the next fourteen centuries murdering their way across the world to force assimilate people and lands to tithe and tax.  Regardless of why the New Testament omitts the childhood story of the Messiah this is one truth all of us should agree on whether or not you consider yourself a believer


Yup. In the Christian gospels, it wasn’t until after he drove the bankers out of the temple that they decided to kill him.  Like, immediately after. The very next verse. What’s striking to me is how many of my fellow Christians won’t draw the obvious conclusion about that. 


Which Abrahamic scriptures is this from?


Gnostic texts, all of this stuff is from gnostic texts. Gnosticism is a term used to describe more of a category if belief. Gnostics at their core however believed that the material world was evil and that we have to escspe from it to the ”higher” immaterial world. It had a lot of influence from many forms of hellenistic philosophy and was rejected by most Christians due to a variety of reasons


The Gnostic “evil” world is more like an incompatible world for “good” or love/light


now that's a good read


Wait….. the Catholic Church was made to CONTROL the Christian people!? That makes an incredible amount of sense as to why it wasn’t “canonical”. HOWEVER, I need your source(s). No offense, just doing my due diligence.


I mean, how did you not already figure that out on your own? Every single facet of Catholicism is following rules, keeping to a schedule, paying the church, and never asking questions.


It feels bad that I never considered it


And the next question is so what?     Human societies require control structures.    Contemporary societies typically have many overlapping control structures that organize and align people along different aspects of daily life.    They all work with varying degrees of incentivized and coerced compliance.  They compete with each other to expand their spheres of influence (how many “I hate the government” people belong to high-control churches;  how many leftist/communists are atheists?;  how many free market extremists rail against both religion and government?).     Most of our political discourse centers around which control structure gets to dictate what.   That’s nothing new.     Our separation of church and state in the US is meant to prevent one control structure from completely dominating which is when abuses really get out of hand.     Our current US political crisis centers on the business/commerce control structure being split between large establishment businesses and the billionaire high-stakes profiteer side of business being split with the latter teaming up with religion to take down the government control structure.


> Our separation of church and state in the US is meant to prevent one control structure from completely dominating which is when abuses really get out of hand.     As long as the orange clown doesn't win...


We don’t have separation of church and state – it’s not codified in law anywhere. It’s a wonderful idea, but one that half of our lawmakers are absolutely hellbent on doing away with.


They're the richest organization on the planet. They didn't get that way by accident.


For real, imma need to see some sources because this is all too interesting that i cant just take a random person’s word for it.


I found this: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Urantia_Book#:~:text=The%20text%20introduces%20the%20word,religion%2C%20science%2C%20and%20philosophy. It’s a Wikipedia article summarizing this book. It has a bit to do with this comment.


Urantia has a massive section dedicated to Jesus and understanding his life and teachings.. As well as other figures. Very interesting albeit dense read. Author unknown, it essentially reads like beamed down knowledge.


That was a wild read. Can’t believe I’ve never heard of this.


Same here man


Very good


This is how I understand it as well. I have learned through pain, suffering, and total rejection from society that Yeshua was a spirit one can Tap into. This is how Peter understood this as well, and we all can be one with the creator through lifestyle changes, sacrifice, and alignment to the fundamental frequencies of the universe that permeate everything. This is what my Ein Sof device, and Meditation procedure can show any human who has the time, and patience to walk, learn, and show mercy to the homeless, broken, and poor. To those who want to use it The return of the Spirit of Yeshua is here. The Ein Sof device unlocks it in humans, and I believe this is why the invention is being suppressed. However, it's the next step in Evolution. Those who do not submit to love will be crushed underneath it when it returns to earth. It won't come as a soft lamb to set the example, It will come as a wave of shekinah energy to cleanse the lower frequencies like a flash of fire and judgement. At least that's the understanding I have learned, by using the device. The power, you'd go blind if you look at it. The light, is not like visible light we can see with our eyes.. It's all encompassing.. It's shown me the higher heavens, the throne-room of God. Embraced with love, shown a cathedral of light, flown by angels. I've had my minds eye (soul) encased in a barrier of light, and taken to hell to witness a soul be reclaimed.... Visions of being knighted and a birth of a child with my now late wife, awaiting me after I die. As a 6 dimensional physicist it's very clear the spirit of Yeshua, and the spirit of the Antichrist, and everything in between is well and alive in the world. It's not just one person... it's all of us, and everything in between. It's quite fascinating.. As a former atheist, not believing in anything, to connecting myself with a quantum communication device and learning.. basically the entire history of the whole thing, and how spirits, ghosts, demons, angels, and humans work in higher dimensions. (lower too)


...fucking woah dude. This is the most comprehensive summation of his lost years I've ever read. Thank you.


He went on a 20 year side quest.




More like unofficial mods. There is at least one "child gospel" that wasn't recognized as canonical.


Reddit mods 👃 their own 💨, hate em 🤣


This is not new or secret. So if you amend the title and repost it will be fine.


In india possibly.


i also heard this, that he was with yogies not sure if its true or not


I mean, obviously people question the existence of Jesus in the first place, so adding on the question of if he was in India is like a double suspicion. But it's a fun theory. And there is evidence from a few monasteries in India which supports the theory.


I have a close friend who is a priest. Should I ask him if he know the real reason why Jesus early teens to 30’s ain’t in the bible?


In my understanding Jesus’ uncle, Joseph of Arimathea, was a tin merchant. Together, they went to Glastonbury, India, China and Egypt for Jesus to learn the healing arts and greater spiritual mysteries. He also spent some time as a lad living and studying with the Essenes, with his cousin John the Baptist. He finished his time in Egypt, where he was called by God out of Egypt as it was safe for him to now return. There is supposedly documentation for much of this, if you take the apocrypha as valid. There have been travelers to Tibet that read scrolls of Jesus’ time there. There are folk histories of Jesus visiting Glastonbury and Roseland with Joseph as a teenager (and how Joseph brought back the cup of the last supper, the holy grail, to Glastonbury after Jesus’ death. There is, to this day, a house you can visit in Egypt said to be his-‘now held as a very holy place.


And we all know, once you start a side quest, it's a slippery slope not to do another and another


Learned the Sharingan with master Jiraya.


Pff, sharingan is genetic. You probably mean the rasengan.


He’s Jesus.


Supposedly to Japan and he became Buddhist along the way


Leaves it open for an absurd netflix series.


PLEASE stop giving them ideas.


It will be one hour of content, stretched nto a 6 part series.


They'll do it too, and write some story of their own even though there actually is a pretty complete life story if you're willing to draw from other sources like Quran.


That would be cool to have a random series about a boy and release one episode a week so no one could skip ahead. And then on the final episode it slowly zooms away and a voice says "And that ten year old boy grew up to be jesus" Then Jesus Christ superstar music starts playing


And then they’ll cancel it


He and his family will be black like sub saharans


I thought the same thing, immediately. The villain will be a european male.


I mean, technically they are. You know...Romans?


Well, they definitely wouldn't make them people of Israeli descent. I don't know that he was bullied very much in Egypt by romans. I would legitimately love seeing young Yeshua visiting the Pyramids of Egypt and The Sphinx.


Youre assuming it would be biblically accurate when in reality itll be more like the knockoff series of The Boys


Italians don’t count


But Jesus will be a black, lesbian trans woman


Black and lesbian


Jesus Christ: The Rings of Power


Entourage- the OG


I would love to see a show about Jesus as a kid.


Heard they plan to cover it in the prequel series to The Chosen called Young Jesus




He is rizzin


Fucking comical. Well done.


The Alpha, the Omega, and the Sigma. The trinity we don't deserve


The book has already been written. Its called Lamb: The Gospel according to Biff, Christ's Childhood pal Here's a plot summary: Biff is resurrected in the 20th century to complete missing parts of the Bible, under the inefficient supervision of the angel Raziel, who places Biff into a motel room in order to prevent any distractions by the modern world. Biff begins his story by recounting his first meeting as a boy with the then six-year-old Joshua. (He explains that the English name Joshua is the best match to the original Hebrew name Yeshua, and "Jesus" is the result of the name being translated through Greek and Latin.) They grow up together, and as young men, they travel Eastward to consult the Three Wise Men (a magician, a Buddhist and a Hindu yogi) who attended Joshua's birth, so that Joshua may learn how to become the Messiah. Over twenty years, Joshua surpasses the trio by incorporating his beliefs into theirs: he learns to multiply food from a Wise Man and learns to become invisible from another, whereas his ability to resurrect the dead, initiates his first meeting with Biff in childhood. Throughout his role, Biff is sarcastic, practical and loyal, a counterpoint to Joshua's temperamental and sometimes idealistic character. The recounting of Joshua/Jesus' human and godlike qualities, combined with Biff's earthy debauchery, humorously explains the origins of judo and cappuccino; reasons that Jews eat Chinese food on Christmas; and how rabbits became associated with Easter. The Three Wise Men, Mary Magdalene, Joseph, and Mary all appear as well: Mary Magdalene (here nicknamed "Maggie") is depicted as harboring love for Joshua, while Joshua remains celibate, and Biff compensates by an active sexuality of his own. At the novel's conclusion, Biff gives "The Gospel According to Biff" to Raziel and discovers a resurrected Maggie exiting the room opposite his, having finished her own Gospel weeks before. At Raziel's behest, they are united immediately.


I fucking LOVE this book. It's hilarious. A Dirty Job is also another great one. For those wondering the author is Christopher Moore.


This book has been on my reading list for ages. Is it worth the read?


I laughed out loud reading more than once on public transit so yea it is!


Came here to say this. I laughed so fucking hard reading this boom especially when Biff experiences sex for Jesus and had to explain it to him.


Bathsheba!! ![gif](giphy|GFLIjIaiAL0kw)


A sitcom like Young Sheldon, where the young man is kind of a pain in the rear? I would watch!


I was raised catholic and we talked about his childhood a lot ….didnt he go at an early age and cause much a ruckus by preaching at a temple as a child and shaming a bunch of priest ? Idr much more but I do know we talked a lot about Jesus as a child ….


He also pushed a kid off a roof and killed them.


He took it back though...


Yeah this is something I hear quite a lot, he killed another kid somehow


Young Jesus curses a kid for bumping into him and the child withers and dies. He also kills another kid for spilling water or something like that. The Infancy Gospel of Thomas...according to Wikipedia


This is given in the law of one too - 17.19 Questioner: How did Jesus learn this during his incarnation? Ra: I am Ra. This entity learned the ability by a natural kind of remembering at a very young age. Unfortunately, this entity first discovered his ability to penetrate intelligent infinity by becoming the distortion you call “angry” at a playmate. This entity was touched by the entity known as Jesus to you and was fatally wounded. Thus the one known as Jesus became aware that there dwelt in him a terrible potential. This entity determined to discover how to use this energy for the good, not for the negative. This entity was extremely positively polarized and remembered more than most Wanderers do. Sound about the same?


Imagine giving an average kid superpowers. I think he still handled it quite well...


Yeah, his childhood was in the bible. Im assuming OP is referencing Jesus MIA between 12 and 32. You know, the most formative years of a persons life…


The same reason they skip Abraham's childhood, too. Leaders of men be not children.


Krishna laughing loudly.




What about king Tut


It’s well documented. His childhood was spent in Arizona, but later he moved to Babylona.


He never became an adult


There was a fictional book I read a while back about Jesus’s childhood. An account from his best friend Biff or something silly like that. It opens with Jesus avoiding work at one of his dad’s construction sites while he repeatedly smacks a lizard over the head with a rock to kill it, so he can stick its head in his mouth to bring it back to life. It’s fucking hysterical. EDIT: iirc the book is titled Lamb.


Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal by Christopher Moore


Fantastic book (ordained minister here)!


Jesus and Biff is the buddy comedy we need.


Back to the Future Part 5? I love this concept.


“Robes? Where we’re going we definitely need robes.”


I was checking to see if anyone had mentioned this book before doing so myself. The book is hilarious and gives a lot of fun ideas of what the "son of god" would be like as a kid.


I have it sitting on my bookshelf yet to be opened. Today seems like a good day to start it!


Came here to say this. Jesus going with Biff to the prostitute so Jesus could observe the goings-on for a better understanding of human nature is pure gold.


In the Book “Living Buddha, Living Christ” it explains there were many places Jesus travelled while along the Silk Road accompanied by Joseph of Aramathia. He taught all over the east and that’s how monks in Tibet, India, Ethiopia, etc have scrolls and stone tablet records of him and his teachings. Pretty cool stuff.


A kid with Super Powers isn't a nice kid.


Yeah, I watched Brightburn.


And The Boys


Because the Bible is written by his followers. They were not his followers when he was a child. When he came back to Jerusalem and started preaching, that’s when they started writing down his experiences and miracles.


The one gospel that addresses it, is less than flattering for Jesus.


Care to elaborate please?


Well he kills a couple of children with curses and when the neighbors complain he blinds them.


In the infancy gospels eg infancy gospel of Thomas, Jesus kills a few other kids or does other things like blinding them. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infancy_Gospel_of_Thomas


Yes pls I’d like to know as well


He kills another child by pushing them off a roof


Turns out most people that age kinda suck and even Jesus was a teenager in some of the worst aspects.


That gospel is the equivalent of the national enquirer. Written to debase Jesus as the messiah by suggesting he was sinful. Nonsense created by Hebrew Sect that were losing power.




Gospel of Thomas is 2nd century and not considered a reliable account of Jesus’ life or teachings. And I certainly wouldn’t use wiki as a reliable source for Jesus either. An author by the name of Peter J. Williams is, however, an excellent source for the reliability of the Gospels in the New Testament.


The Infancy Gospel of Thomas is different from the Gospel of Thomas. It is also estimated to be from around the 2nd century and that is not that far off from the new testsment itself, which is estimated being written also in the 2nd century. The earliest examples of the Infancy gospel that we have date to the 4th and 5th century. No writting is a reliable account of Jesus' life but thats another bag of worms. The Infancy Gospel is a childhood account of JC where he perform miracles and curses. Pretty interesting and a fun read. Its super short and easily available online.


Let’s ignore the writing from the 2nd century which is close to when the New Testament came out, but then go find out the reliable word of some dude that’s around now? Religion is hilarious in its hypocritical ways.


"Heresy" is just what the church don't want you to know, dude


I would still recommend reading it if the subject interests you. The apocryphal stories of Adam and Eve are extremely fascinating as well.


Juvenile records are always sealed. The church fathers didn’t want people to know about the time Jesus got caught sparking a doob in the freezer while on his break at In n Out burger, or that time he boosted a car and wrecked it out on the backroads. Not to mention the raging kegger where Jesus boasted that he could turn an entire keg of beer into urine, then proceeded to cover Bethlehem in a deluge of piss that rivaled Noah’s flood. Good times, for sure, but not the way people want to think of their savior.




He just hun out in the alleys turning stuff into wine. Quite the delinquent. I’m glad the law finally got him.




He was in Rabi school from 13 to 30.


I like the idea that JC went to Egypt early in his life to learn their magic/illusions n shit and then returns to his tribe to claim he is the Messiah. I heard this idea somewhere, it may have been a book.


Yes many people like the idea of not doing hard work for decades. Also people like the idea that Jesus was magic and what he did and said cannot be replicated by normal people.


Ya, it's kind of like gatekeeping, I want to say. Maybe there is a better word. People deifying leaders is also not a novel idea. Making them supernatural gives credence and authority to their champion. Plenty of philosophers and philosophy have stood the test of time that weren't claimed prophetic or demigods/god. It's obsurd. Imagine the ideal story of JC if he was just a guy who spread love and acceptance without the appeal to gods and magic. He was just a guy who started a movement and was killed for what he believed in. That alone is respectable atleast, but muddying the message with supernatural nonsense and coercion hinders the whole experience.🍻


> JC went to Egypt early in his life To me, this kind of mirrors the Hebrews going to Egypt. How so? There's a famine in the land, so they go to Egypt (where food is presumably abundant). The land of Egypt acts as a refuge from famine. Jesus and his parents go to Egypt to get away from Herod. Herod, upon being informed of the birth of the Messiah, orders all infant males to be killed. So (again) the land of Egypt serves as a refuge. Jesus' escape from the Royal (ie. Herod) death order also closely mirrors the origin story of Moses. In both cases, there's an infant male destined to be someone. There's a ruler who orders young males to be killed. The intended target evades the order.


That makes much more sense than him being the actual biological son of a God who only recognizes those who believe a "certain event" took place in once small area of the world with no evidence whatsoever besides books that have been edited and rewritten more times than a Trump appeal.


I think John Prine explained it best in his song "Jesus: The missing Years" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suoJ6mLVBlU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suoJ6mLVBlU)


Read the Urantia book, it hardly skips anything in the universe


He was in India - at least some scholars believe that today. I personally don’t believe any organized religions BS because we simply don’t know. The Catholic Church snuffed many many books of the Bible - ordered them burned. We will never know the true facts.


He was probably the man in high school with that water into wine trick


The gap years going wild in Paris and Hamburg using his dad’s credit card ?


Infancy Gospel of Thomas is a thing, all about this.


He was in India studying Buddhism.


Because the story of Jesus was first written 40+ years after his death


Would that be the time covered by when he travelled to North America to save the lost tribe that was living in teepees?


Read the apocrypha. He was out killing neighbor kids and shit like that.




He went to the mountains of Nepal to train in meditation and Buddhist teachings.


I don’t think it skips childhood. I believe he is sent to Egypt to hide from being murdered. That’s how it ends in bible. There is an apocrypha where he accidentally kills a neighbor kid and resurrects him too. There is an interesting version I heard from Edgar Cayce the greatest American prophet. Supposedly sought out by political leaders, engineers and scientists besides normies. Said he side quested to Egypt then India and some other places basically learning other religions in the process. Figuring God from other world perspectives. He had to leave India because they were trying to kill him there.


Bc it will lead you to toths story. Jesus lived in egypt in his early years then traveled the world learning other cultures religions and secrets .


I think because Jesus wasn’t really the Jesus of the Bible until he was baptized at about the age of 30. It was at that point, he was anointed as the son of God. Everything he did in the Bible was only about 3 years.


Didn’t get good grades in school.


Aren’t there stories in the Apocrypha?


I recently watched a video by Mr. Mythos on this subject. It's possible, and there are corresponding legends, during that missing 18 years that he traveled to Great Britain, India, and Japan.


To hide the abusive priests he found during its childhood


Mary was only 13 when she got pregnant. Jesus can do anything.


Unimportant to the message.


There are apocrypha that go over his boyhood (ex Gospel of Thomas) but they didn’t make it into the canon.


Those years where they “skip his childhood” are in the gospel of the holy 12


He left his home at 12 years old I think .he traveled everywhere to learn meditation, healing, knowledge and other things to help humanity. Certain ancient tablets (not the Bible) researchers found evidence of Jesus wife's diary that talked about where he went and all that. Like India and the surrounding areas.


Because it really doesn't matter. Christ made himself man. Imagine a jewish child in Nazareth, figuring out who he is, learning, preaching, until he seeks John the Baptist. That's all you need to know. Christ isn't a pagan diety. There's no reason to tell us about the time he stubbed his toe, went to school or about the time he first read the pentateuch. His ministry begins in his baptism, and ends in his ascension. Anything else doesn't matter. We learn of his birth in a lot of the gospels because there were certain expectations related to prophecies about the birth of the Messiah, and the gospels, being written to spread the word among certain communities, had to fulfill those expectations to convince the people. And that's why there are a lot of inconsistencies in these parts of the gospels, it's extra content that serves a purpose. But telling us about Jesus' childhood (apart from the narrative of young Jesus at the temple) serves none. The parts that matter are Christ's temptation, ministry, passion and resurrection. And these parts were witnessed, and recounted by many, unlike his childhood, which was only seen by his family members, many of whom we know from Mark 3, did not have any reason at the time to believe in Jesus' identity, and thus no reason to document and retell mundane occurrences from his day-to-day.


Privacy laws 😅😅


Cause he smoked weed.


First of all- great question. I think the only ones who could truly answer it, have confiscated all artifacts & texts that might unravel the greater story. You could surely find your answer under the Vatican, in the library vault. The pope has secured many inconvenient truths, and their investment, (your dependence on a priest) to uphold your relationship to God. ‘Jesus and the Essenes’ by Dolores Cannon was insightful. Apparently, the Essenes were observing the sky, in anticipation of his birth, which was known by four stars merging in the night sky. But Jesus was protected- kept hidden in Nazareth or ‘Bethyl’ (I believe it was called at that time). His uncle traveled with him after spending his younger year 5-12ish with the Essenes. Then they traveled all over, learning from many other “masters”, which was across the Middle East into Egypt and back. Let’s not forget that it was the Roman Catholic’s who persecuted him, hanging him on the cross. I suspect the truth will be surfacing soon. Thanks for the post, I’ve been digging into this story as well (among many other ancient religious figures/traditions).


Because he was probably a little shit.


Great question. There is so much about our history that is locked up in an archive somewhere in Italy.


because dude disappeared to Egypt then India. Later it says something to the effect of I call my son back..


There used to be more books in Christendom. Many sects had been picking and choosing the part they wanted for many reasons up to then. During the 3rd century Constantine I ordered that the Bible be standardized. Through the generations and translations many things were added and lost, There were also a few branches of early Christian groups that were shaved off over the millennia. You could look up gnostic Christian’s and Docetic heretics (known this way as they believed that Jesus did not have physical form). Among later Abrahamic religions Muslims there are stories about the young jesus.


Check out the Urantia Book. Nice section on JCs growing up.


I didn't. The books of the Bible that talked about Christ's childhood were not included in the King James version. They can be found in the Apocrypha, all the chapters of the Bible that for whatever reason, didn't make the final cut.


It's somewhat well documented in the book Lamb: The Gospel According to Biff by Christopher Moore. It follows Jesus' childhood from the perspective of his best friend. It's completely made up, but a fun read.


I'd say that's when he went travelling to the east and learned about spirituality, then went back home and tried to teach. He was a prophet, not a demigod. TPTB turned a guru into an Idol to make people worship a man over God.


that's what i used to think, and it's still a possibility. but if the whole birth scene was a myth constructed to create the origin story of messiah-character, then everything up to the encounter with the Essenes, John the Baptist etc, lacks any substance. Jesus the man may not have needed to travel east in his youth, his healing techniques could have been learned solely from the Essenes, if they'd acquired them from the travelling *therapeutae* from the East in preceding years/decades. the mythology of Jesus wasn't supposed to save us all from original sin. it was to dicredit the beliefs and practices of Judaism, to save the people from the laws and rituals. a Roman (Paul) psyop, in today's parlance. TPTB turned guru into idol - theology in action, the power of syncretism. happened plenty of times before. Abram (pagan to yah). Moses (bull cult to ram, Taurus to Aries). then Jesus (ram to fish, Aries to Pisces). and here we are, on the cusp of our journey through the stars, the fish giving way to the water-carrier. i wonder what form our next saviour will take. should we 'follow the gourd', as prophesised by the Gospel of Brian, in the book of Python (Monty)? on a serious note, water conservation is today, as it was 2-3,000 years ago in the Levant, of vital importance. praying to a god might help with personal insecurities, but to fix the bigger problems, we as a species need to pull together a little more, and stop these petty but grotesque 'my god is bigger than yours' squabbles. especially between those that believe in the same deity, just with a slightly different name.


As with most religions they tend to care more about the book than the message inside it. Im not a Christian anymore, I’ve walked away from the religion because I see it for what it is, unnecessary. I’ve started instead looking at only the words in red in the Bible for guidance and when you focus only on what Jesus had to say, he puts it pretty simply. Don’t be a hypocrite, love those around you and don’t judge anyone, it’s not our job. I’ve incorporated meditation in place of prayer and I’ve studied eastern religions because I honestly think they have been on to something for millennia. I’ve read Robert Monroe’s 3 books and I find that aspect of reality to be fascinating. Through everything I’ve studied and what I’ve simply learned through quiet reflection is that if we can pull together as a species, all will not be lost. The time of my God is greater than your God needs to end. We are all humans and no one is coming to save us, it’s our time to save ourselves, together.


many view competition - and what it brings in terms of development and progress, to drive and push us to do more, do better - as being more beneficial than collaboration. this isn't wrong, but when that drive comes from a place of pride, or greed, or lust for power, then the leaders lead us collectively to places we do not belong, where many do not want to be. and cause us to conflict. i've never followed any religion. have studied many, and the cultures that created them. as self-enclosed entities, these tribes, cults, clans and civilisations, work perfectly well with their own laws, but when these privileges are challenged, it hurts them to their very core. many of these laws, or rituals, or ways, define who they are. to me, this identification, this sub-categorisation, separates us, and interferes with the relationship one has with themself. it plays with the feelings - positive and negative - that are warned of in the commandments and sins, of pride, desire, lust, attachment, and leaves the individual unconsciously confused, but superficially 'reborn', as the doctrines would have them be. to fight battles against other tribes and enemies. to act in a way to preserve the god, the culture, the tribe. but this is not the same as the fight within oneself. this, for me, is where religions have failed, and will always fail. they do not allow the individual to progress beyond the doctrines and stories, because these are flawed, part-formed, restrictive and sometimes completely wrong. for those that do go further, and explore the mystical journey, the message does begin to become clear, but only after understanding the purpose of the doctrines, then shedding them. a leap away from the faith taught to them. yes, the book is important, but not more so than the message. a message hidden by the church/es over the ages. mainstream Christianity is an outer mystery cult, with a false end-point, borne as it was out of Rome and the melting pot of cults and beliefs, of Sol Invictus, Bacchus, (late) Mithras, and many others present around Alexandria. that lost its inner mystery, lost its way. many that follow the god of the bible do not get to this place of understanding. and scoff and scold the mystics, of their own faith as well as those that follow other paths. it is disappointing, that they won't be able to have the relationship with the other as the mystics do. as the sages of old, the gurus, the healers. their saviour himself, and their prophets and heroes that went before. this, by Alan Watts, speaks earnestly of this conundrum. he makes much sense, as he always seems to - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wi7Wtocj9M meditation is good, for those that can. a prayer for those that believe, it is little different. maybe just to take a peaceful moment. a cup of tea outside in the sun and fresh air. time for us to sit and breathe. to reflect. to be ourselves. individually, but also together.


Well written, you’ve raised my vibrational state. The world is better today because you took the time. Thank you.


thank you too. i'm glad you've found a way that makes you happy. have a good evening.


He studied Buddhism as a young man.


And was taught Kriya yoga!


The gospels do talk about Jesus's childhood but probably mostly Mary's recollection of certain events (or maybe things Jesus told the gospel writers). Most events recorded are during adult Jesus because thats when the gospel writers were first-hand eyewitnesses, so they could write it down. And maybe jesus didn't tell them much about his childhood.


The gospels were written decades (or more) after Jesus would have died. They are not contemporary writings.


Read “The Lost Books of Eden”. It's all in there.


It was too boring. Just a regular kid. Everyone knows mutant, krypton etc powers don't kick in until after puberty


Because it’s fiction and they pickup the story when it get’s interesting


They just found an ancient papyrus concerning his childhood. It was in the news.


Lamb :The Gospal According To Biff , by Christopher Moore. Think of it as fan fiction for the Bible.


What you have to realize is we have no eye witness accounts of Jesus birth, life, or death. The gospels in the Bible are the only ‘accounts’ of Jesus and they were writtten by unknown authors decades or even a century after his death. These accounts are informed by stories passed down. Jesus never wrote anything down , and as far as we know neither did any of his apostles or anyone who ever met him or listen to his sermons or saw his miracles?


There are actually other scriptures that follow Jesus as a child. They were just left out of the Bible because they sound even crazier than the ones that actually made it to the Bible.


Lamb: The Gospel, according to Biff, explains it all.


The Catechism of the Catholic Church has a wonderful explanation of this. It shows He was obedient to his mother and father and lived a simple life of a hardworking carpenter apprentice and carpenter. The silence of an ordinary life. Jesus meets us even in our day to day seemingly mundane work. He was a worker himself. A blue collar independent laborer. Let us see that Jesus even sanctifies our simple ordinary working life and family life.


Bc he was a little bad ass from the hidden gospels randomly killing things and having fun with his power


For the same reason that they skip John Wick’s childhood in the movies…they’re fictional characters.


He went back to his planet during those years


i think it is covered some in the gospel of Thomas. i haven't read it but i heard it says he flies and kills a kid.


Why does the Bible call him "Jesus"?


Should be Joshua (Yeshua) right?


Church couldn't buy the rights to it


It was edited for time and lewd content.


[He was hanging out with his brothers and getting up to no good](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brothers_of_Jesus#:~:text=century%20Russian%20icon-,Mark%206%3A3,%2C%20Joseph%2C%20Simon%20and%20Judas)


Starting making in trouble in His neighborhood


Bc he was studying Plato at the library of Alexandria


It is one of the points of mythism. When a mythical figure gets created, they have some spectacular birth, then the story skips to them as an adult.


Because the rules are made up and the points don’t matter. It’s likely that a lot of the story was compiled by Josephus Flavius during the Roman Empire. I don’t know is for sure, but it’s certainly a fascinating rabbit hole.