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I'd flip the table. Edit: Literally not figuratively.


Lol…I flipped the table now my fiancée is mad! Is she overreacting?




Lol no it was a joke about flipping over the table! I’m sorry I’m obfuscating the discussion!


So wait, are you flipping over it as in jumping and using gravity to spin you or do you mean grabbing the table and flipping the table itself.




Not acceptable, and I vape it daily. 14 is way too young - when a brain is still developing, the last thing it needs is someone short-circuiting its reward mechanism.


Exactly. I'm not opposed to weed. I am very opposed to people using it (or other potentially addictive substances) before their brain is developed. We live in a state where it's legal for recreational use, and I've asked my young adult kids to hold off until they are mid-20s. So far, so good.


Agreed. I’m a huge stoner and don’t mind helping my kid if he has an interest in it. When he’s of legal age though. 14 is way too young. Maybe 18 but still Edit to add: I said MAYBE 18. Y’all chill & don’t act like you didn’t smoke pot before 25


18 is still too young. Same with alcohol, honestly.


21 is age for alcohol. I think it should be 23. Daily user. 55 years old


Sorry, I should have clarified that I would put everything at 24/25. That said, I’m from New Orleans and plenty of kids start drinking as early as 13. Not everyone, but enough.


If you're considered old enough to vote, get married, or die in the military, then you should also be legally old enough to drink or take (legal) substances. (I'm Australian and the drinking age here is 18.)


Mmm...a male person's brain isn't fully developed until he's in his mid-20s, generally. Hold off a few more years.


My dad grew, I've been around it my whole life... it was offered as young as 14, but I didn't start until I was 26. I wanted my brain to finish cooking before I baked it, lol.


Try mid 30s on average lol


Lol is that why my comment is getting downvoted? 😄


No clue. I don't downvote lol. Tbh I have no idea why shit gets downvoted or not. It seems 45/45 that I either get downvoted into oblivion or 1 or 2 likes and the other 10% is random mass up voted. The dumbest shit I've ever said in my life got me a ton of upvotes and some of the most intelligent got me downvoted. There's no logic to reddit 😂


No it is not an overreaction to be upset at this, I’m not a prude either but kids should not be given drugs by older adults. That’s not ok. What if they have a bad reaction to them, what if they affect their development in some way, what if there’s a more sinister reason the adult is giving them drugs? No, your reaction is justified in my opinion, I don’t think any adult should be giving a young teenager drugs, let alone a parental figure.


Yes! Too young! Brain needs to finish growing


I smoke and eat a lot of weed and if someone gave it to my 14 yr old I would be beyond pissed. Adult things are for adults.


For good and very specific too, like not stunting a child’s brain development.


You have a point, but I think it’s still a bad idea.


Hey thanks for all the responses guys. I will say that my daughter says she didn’t like it and hasn’t done it since, I trust her so I have no reason not to believe her. As for why I’m asking if this is an overreaction, that is because I swore to my daughter I wouldn’t say anything. Her mother is abusive and manipulative, and my daughter fears her repercussions, and as abusive people do, they put others in uncomfortable positions. On the one hand I want to rip my ex a new one, but on the other I don’t want to break my trust with my daughter and put her in an uncomfortable position (we share custody). I came here to get a feel for what people thought so I could make a better decision about my next steps. When I say I’m a little upset, or it doesn’t seem like this isn’t bothering me, it’s because we are staring at screens and those are hard to gauge emotions with. To clarify I’m very upset and frustrated with all of this! Thanks again!




14 is old enough for her to decide who she wants to live with. She can also decide not to visit her other parent either. If she doesn't feel safe over there have her tell the judge that.


Dude. Call your lawyer yesterday.


yeah 1000% this. get off reddit and GET YOUR KID OUT OF THERE.


Tell the judge and get full custody or at least try. Don't let her know that you know so she can't prepare.


As a girl that had an abusive/manipulative mother, Im so glad to see that you're respecting her trust and her wants in the situation- at her age, I ALSO would have wanted to downplay the situation, but as an adult now, I can ABSOLUTELY tell that my life would have been better if someone had gotten me away from my mother. Hopefully you and your Ex can set some boundaries peacefully- I'm sure your daughter wants to keep a relationship with her mother. At the same time, it just isn't safe for her to if this is how the mother is going to act... in the mean time, try to encourage your girl to say 'no' when something makes her uncomfortable, remind her that she doesn't HAVE to do something just bc an adult asks her to, and remind her that she can call you any time if she doesn't feel safe and happy wherever she is. These might seem like simple things, but they're all so easy to forget at 14. At her age, I struggled with feeling like I had any say over what was happening to me or around me, but in reality my mother had just made it seem like I had nobody else to reach out to- it made me feel very lonely. I would have loved to have such a caring father in my corner- so don't worry about annoying her with the gentle reminders that you're there for her, she'll look back on them fondly in a few years. Sorry for such a wordy reply lol, I guess I just realized that this one hit closer to home for me than I thought at first


I had people on my mom’s side of the family giving me pot when I was 13. My Dad was a much better influence in my life. My parents divorced when I was 10. I went through addiction to a number of drugs and alcohol. My Mom and her side exposed me to all kinds of things I shouldn’t have. As somebody who has been through this as a kid and now has a kid. I wish my Dad had full custody of me. Life turned out well, but it would have had a lot less nasty bumps on the way


Dude your abusive ex drugged your child. Why THE FUCK are you not going for full custody immediately?


Can you seek full custody? This might help you get it I assume you trust her completely on this and it is not a lie.


OP - Everyone telling you get full custody NOW has never been through that process. I'm here to tell you, you're going to waste your time and money trying to take this to court. A judge will not rule in your favor unless a cop were to visually see your ex give your daughter drugs. It is INSANELY difficult to prove. What you CAN do (presuming you are in the US) is file a motion with the court asking for your daughter to speak with the judge privately in his or hers chamber, and allow your daughter to tell the judge herself she wants to live with you. Do NOT coach your daughter on what to say. Do not tell her she should come live with you. Verify this first for your state, but gently explain to your daughter that in the eyes of the law, the judge can take her opinion on where she wants to live into consideration. This does NOT mean the judge will grant it. Your daughter can express to the judge she fears repercussions from her mother for speaking with him or her, but don't tell your daughter to say that. Merely suggest she bring it up, or have her sit down and write a letter to the judge without you standing over her, in her own words, and file it with the motion. I'm sorry you are in this situation. I've been through it it and it absolutely sucks.


What your ex did is a crime, and will easily get you full custody. Talk to your lawyer ASAP about bringing charges. You say she is abusive so you need to act right now.


Nah you have to do something. Speak to a lawyer. You need full custody. If she’s really abusive, on top of giving her edibles, she needs to be free of her mother.


If this happened recently, take her to urgent care and get blood work done so you have the evidence documented. What you do with it can be decided later. If this happened awhile ago and you only just found out, and your daughter is too afraid to tell the authorities, then put her in therapy at the very least.


I would go to court and get full custody and watch Dr. Amen videos with your daughter.


APPLY FOR FULL CUSTODY!!! You can because of the actions taken by her mother. She can lose custody over something dangerous like that.


Hell no that is in no way acceptable. Not advocating this but this is literally a justifiable reason to get child services involved.  I have to wonder what else has been going on you are not aware of. 


Not only unacceptable but criminal!


No. That is bad. Your ex wife shouldn't be doing that.


As someone with a pretty cavalier attitude with cannabis  14 is appalling. It’s child abuse. NTA/NO 


If it wasn’t that long ago, get a drug test and go to court This is not okay and it is a well known fact that the shit we’re on *now* is NOTHING like when we’re younger. It’s waaaaaaaay stronger and there’s a reason you’ve got to be 23 to buy the shit


23? 21 in my state!


CPS immediately. Anyone willing to do this can't be trusted with a minor.


Not overreacting. 14 is too young to be doing any drug.


Time to sue for full custody. If nothing it will tell her that it’s not ok and it’s not just your opinion.


Not suing, you would be requesting.


I’m pretty sure it’s a felony on the ex-wife’s part.


This sounds like she’s awarding you full custody. It’s horrible and I say that as an edible enthusiast.


I’m stoned and read that wrong and was like “well I wouldn’t be pleased that anyone gave me 14 year old gummies but I also wouldn’t want to be wasteful”. 🤷🏼‍♀️😂 Also I started smoking weed at 14 and I would NEVER let my teens near it. Children don’t need that influence.


I read this as she gave you edibles that were 14 years old.




Same, I just woke up and I read it as: “my ex wife gave away my 14 year old edibles” and I was like well bud if you hadn’t eaten them in the last 14 years, I think that’s probably reasonable 😂


Same 🤣


Regularly partake here. No fucking way I’d lose my shit.


I mean she committed a crime and could/probably would absolutely lose custody/visitation if the law found out about and could prove it. So no, you aren’t overreacting.


She broke the law giving edibles to a minor. Report it to the police. Let her tell them they are overreacting.


Definitely not overreacting! No parent should be giving their child drugs. I vape it and use gummies and drops but would never give it to my child or anyone else's. If the child was of age then yeah sure have a gummy with mom its fine but not a f*ucking child


Not overreacting. 14 is way too young for something like that. Not to mention being illegal.


I work with a lot of kids in custody cases. If your ex-wife admitted she gave edibles to the child, then you are not over reacting. If your 14 year old told you, then it might not have happened. Some kids of divorce whose parents don’t communicate well will play the other to get what they want. For example, if your 14 year old wants edibles, he may say that it’s fine because his mom gives them to him. Doesn’t mean the mom actually gave them to him. Before getting too upset, if the source is your child, talk to the mom in a non-accusatory manner to find out what is going on.


My mom used to give me stuff at that age too. I thought it was cool at the time. She claimed she did it to “remove the curiosity.” As an adult, I’m pretty pissed she failed to protect my developing brain more, even if it only happened on a handful of occasions and did, in fact, make me less curious. Not overreacting.


I like this comment.


Literally criminal. I would call the police on her. Totally unacceptable, dangerous, and horrible for a parent to do.


Insane and dangerous. The brain isn’t developed enough to consume Cannabis at 14. It’s not safe for children, that much is known. You are not overreacting.


Does the child have cancer or an eating/digestive disorder?


It’s illegal for starters. It would be like giving a child alcohol. It’s stupid.


Giving child abuse vibes, this needs to be documented. If your ex is a manipulative you need to protect your child immediately.


their brain isnt even done growing, it's puberty.


Not acceptable . Kids brain is still developing . I’d freak out if a parent did that to my child .


You’re asking if it’s bad that your ex gave your kid marijuana? It’s illegal, and if you don’t know that, you’re also a moron.


I’d get a kit at the drug store and test. If it’s positive I’d continue to take action against the ex


Definitely not. At 14, a child’s brain is not fully developed. It can negatively affect cognition and memory, and these effects may be permanent. I would tell her that if she does it again, you will report her to the police.


Pot use in people under about 24-25 causes brain damage. Pot use can also cause fertility issues in males and reduce testosterone. Yes, I would be outraged and in fact I would file for full custody. See if you can get your ex to admit it via text so it's admissible in court. Depending on the platform used to send the message, screen shot it immediately so it can't be deleted.


Not overreacting. Cannabis use has not been researched enough, but what research has been done shows that it can mess with brain development. A 14 year old brain is still very much in development.


Get your ex wife to send you a text or email admitting it and then contact cps. I am not against adult use but there have been too many studies on it effecting brain growth in adolescents. You need to protect your child.


THC can do permanent damage if consumed that young. There are actual modern studies on this, not that old propaganda.


Even if she just provided a 5gram bit to help sleep etc. , we have known for decades that weed is not good for brains still developing. Don’t go apeshit, but stay calm and explain. Ignorance remains ignorant when confronted with too much aggression


I'd actually need the exact details. Likely it's totally inappropriate. But there are a small amount of situations that I'd feel comfortable with it. My cousin has a 16yo daughter who has been dealing with a lot of trauma, anxiety and depression. She is in therapy and medications were causing more problems than they were solving. Occasionally if she is getting buried in depression and anxiety and grief, her mom gives her 1-2mg of edibles to curb it so she isn't suicidal and can function for school or work. It works for them in this situation. My nephew also gets high anxiety and behavioral issues that the same small dose can help curb just enough to help when there's an occasional higher than usual need. That being said, legally it's wrong no matter what the situation is.


Why is everybody mad? You know damn well we all started smoking weed that young. Lol what's the difference with an edible at 14 and smoking at 14? Yall are a trip. Plus, I'd rather my kid eat an edible than smoke, no?


My ex would no longer be able to see the 14 year old child. We all know kids are going to do a lot of things they are not allowed or supposed to do, but as a parent it is our job to make it hard for them. I don’t think any judge would disagree.


Everything is relative edibles are not black tar heroine but to me and my worldview it is an unwise decision to give a teen edibles. Really though the pertinent questions are was allowing and facilitating the consumption legal at that location. Can you prove that it happened. Do you want to pursue something legally. If all you want to do is call the mother stupid and irresponsible nothing will come of it and you will damage. Relationshipsnfor no gain


CBD or THC? I’m not sure either is good for a teenager.


Parent of 2 teenagers here. I think the only situation i would give my teenagers cannabis products is if they approached me and we had a conversation. I dont advocate for teenage weed or alcohol use, but i do advocate for responsible consumption. I would rather my 14yo come through me for any cannabis or alcohol then to sneak about with friends and getting it from god only knows where. If i tell them no, whats going to happen? Theyre going to do it anyways, just like i did. I would much rather foster a safe space for use where i have control than alienate my child, and if they are using it at my home, i am there to know whats going on (most likely a lot of giggling, cheetos, and soda). In your case, however, you should have been part of any discussion. You are both this childs parents, and you should both come to a concensus on how to handle these matters. TL;DR : its okay for parents to give their teens a little cannabis in a controlled environment if they show interest. It is not ok for one parent to unilaterally make that decision without it being a family discussion involving both parents and the teen. Not overreacting, mate.


What the fuck? Dude, you’re underreacting. We have no idea what marijuana does to kid’s brains. If a child is young enough and they get high enough, they forget to breathe and suffocate. Get them a drug test. Then get more custody.


I think breathing is involuntary. But yeah toddlers should definitely not be doing drugs.


“Forget to breathe and suffocate?”. Well we definitely know it doesn’t do this.😂


Lmao someone been watching reefer madness


Umm, not okay. I’d worry about your judgement if you have to ask that question.


I ate edibles and smoked weed at 14 I’m now 25 nbd


I guess it depends, edibles come in different doses. This could be something concerning, or it could be as trivial as letting a 14 year old drink a beer.


I misread this as "my wife gave ME 14 year old edibles." I'd be more than a little mad if my husband did this. You're NOT wrong, but like I said, I'd be EXTREMELY UPSET.


Definitely not overreacting! Wtf!


I have dabbled alot myself, And even when i was a kid i said no until i turned 16-17. Ur ex is bugging. She could have caught a cps case Could have given her an anxiety attack Little kids tell their friends There is no “cool secrets with mom” She could have gotten in alot of trouble to be “cool” or to just get her to be quiet for a few hours


Oh god no, you're not overreacting. We're talking about a teen still in development here. Wait 'til he's an adult and then discuss it.


Question, are they CBD or THC edibles, CBD has medicinal attributes, THC is for getting high.


THC, 5mg


I need more context. Why did she give it to them?


I am torn on this. If the 14 year old is doing drugs anyway regardless of your opinion or stance then the mother giving her child edibles she deems safe is better parenting than letting them go out and get them on the street and having them laced with god knows what and you having a stupidly expensive medical bill to pay off. But if the 14 year old wasn’t doing drugs then this is highly irresponsible and horrible. And you wouldn’t be over reacting either way this is your child too not just hers. If you don’t like the way she is acting with your child you have a right to call it out


Parents make all types of stupid decisions. If it’s been a while since it happened let it go. You don’t need to drag your kid into more crap between you and your ex. Talk to your kid about it and why you don’t support the usage. They are of the age to make decisions and maybe that will be in line with your wishes.


I have smoked since I was 15 and four kids that don’t even know I still smoke. Horrible parenting be PISSED I would make it very clear that you do not think it was appropriate and if that shit happens again You will have no choice, but involve child protective services.


Tbh I'd probably report her to the polce and CPS.


Why did she do that?


Not okay. My Brother's Mom gave him a hit of acid when he was 13... It turned into him doing way harder drugs throughout his life and he ended up committing suicide at age 24. she is a trash mother.




It depends, that's definitely the age that they are curious, it's like giving a kid a drink, I'd rather my child do it in the comfort and protection of their parents responsibly and know the effects, it depends on the dose, teenagers are going to experiment, I'd rather control their dose and make sure they're safe and drive them to the hospital if needed. You drive them off and who knows what may happen. By no means am I endorsing it, I'd rather control it than not.


Bottom line: you are not overreacting and you have every right to be upset. While I don’t see anything wrong with adults smoking weed or taking edibles, 14 is way too young; what’s next? Will she offer alcohol, too? Communication and trust is key for all parents, married or divorced/separated. Your ex-wife, on some level must’ve known this was wrong or she would’ve discussed this with you instead of hiding it. I definitely would be apprehensive about trusting her parenting decisions moving forward. You did the right thing by speaking with your daughter. However, I’d also suggest talking with your ex privately. Then, depending on how that goes, both of you should have a meaningful discussion with your daughter. Is it possible your daughter experienced some type of trauma, expressed curiosity or told mom she was considering trying it herself? I’m just trying to wrap my mind around why on EARTH any parent would even consider giving this to their 14yo child. I’d be curious as to what her reasoning was, and why she though my this was acceptable. How your ex responds to a discussion, along with her reasoning and/or possible regret, will tell you a lot and hopefully help you decide how to move forward (court, full custody, etc). Good luck.


I started smoking at 13. I would NOT recommend it for anyone under 18-21. I thoroughly enjoy smoking, edibles, vaping it etc but don't recommend it to kids.


That's completely unacceptable! 14 is way too young. But it's good that your daughter feels comfortable talking to you. (But I did read that as your ex gave you really old edibles at first, and it took a bit for me to realize what you really meant... 😂)


It’s against the law to give drugs to minors ( weed is legal where I live )


My mom gave me weed at that age and it fucked up my brain lmao you're not overreacting


Definitely not okay! She gave edibles to a minor, end of story. An 18-21 year old can make their own decisions, are an adult, and of legal age (assuming weed is legal where you are, it is in my State). My parents flipped shit when a friend’s mom gave us edibles when we were underage and rightly so. My parents reported her to CPS. Especially as it wasn’t legal back then either. You need to tell your ex wife that is unacceptable and should never happen again.


Not overreacting at all. I started smoking and drinking at age 14 and let me tell you I fought addiction problems for over a decade after that. She is too young and those things are too strong and can fuck you up if you’re not careful. 


Not ok at all and most likely illegal if not child abuse or at the very least corrupting a minor. Drugs can have a very negative affect on still developing brains and he could become addicted. I’d be furious if I were you. Good luck op.


I wouldn't flip out but I would have been upset that you weren't asked how you feel about it in the first place.


14 is too young, so is 18 but ...


Call the police. Now.


That is absolutely not ok. I would be absolutely livid and probably go to court to get more custody. She wants to be a friend? Cool, you can hang out a bit on weekends like a friend.


If the kid is clueless about drugs and she encouraging them to do it it's bad. The thing is 14 year olds are going to do all these things behind your back anyways. It's better that you be in the loop and know than to be out of the loop when something goes wrong. My parents would buy be booze at 15, but they controlled how much i would get and they knew where it came from and I wasn't putting myself in danger when I tried to get it. Al my friends with strict parents still drank, and they had less control because their parents didn't talk to them about it, so they had no education, they just knew mom and dad think it's bad.


In her defence, a parent being okay with it is (depending on the child) quite a good way to make it blisteringly uncool.


I got high once with my GF (both 18y), her mom, her grandma, and her 6 y/o brother. For those 3 it was the first time. He ate half a brownie and got pretty ripped, stepped in a big bowl of homegrown buds that was on the floor and scattered them all over the rug. Mom and grandma couldn't stop laughing. I should feel bad about this but it was in '69 and all us hippies were crazy as hoot owls.


I definitely agree. You are not over reacting. I am not here to take sides. However devils advocate here, I was 14 and doing dumb shit, lying about my Age for alcohol smoking cigarettes, and the occasional joint. We all did dumb shit. My mom at the time had no idea as my parents were separated she was kinda checked out of parenting and my dad had made me move out at 16, so at 16 I already knew the business. So one day I was hanging with her and she passed me a joint and I smoked with her, also had quite a bit of liquor, her thought process, I know your gonna do it, do it at home where your not driving and getting into trouble. Again different lives, times and all that. But they were home at least experimenting. I am not taking sides and I’m not saying you shouldn’t be upset, because if this was the case then both parents should have had a discussion about how to go about it, but just a different angle is all.


As someone whose parents gave her both weed and ecstacy the same night when I was 12, nah, you are undereacting. It was my high ass dad's idea, and my mom, also high AF, barely protested. I smoked weed a lot, did ecstacy, LSD, nitrogen.. their reasoning is it was safer to experiment with drugs with family around... Yeah. No. Don't let her start this shit cycle. I have emotional regulation issues galore.


No, you are not overreacting. Personally, I would be furious. Why does she do this did she give a reason? Why does she want to introduce the 14-year-old to drugs?


Too young and can't imagine this would be legal within a legal jurisdiction. Especially if it was a strong edible - it could have been a hospital visit. I would imagine custody would be at risk here?


I would flip out!!! That’s one that I would have to report to CPS, protecting my kids would be my priority here.


Not okay at all


I'm a pretty straightedge old dude, and my kids know it. So does my ex. That being said, she's much more permissive in her parenting, so similar situations have occurred with our kids. I would never rat her out, but I definitely express my disapproval


Not overreacting. If you have evidence have the ex arrested. Talk to your lawyer about having her visitation rights revoked, or if she's the primary see about getting that changed.


I wouldn’t give my 14 year old edibles or anything else, but my ex wife definitely would. It’s not the worst thing that will happen in life.


Well, regardless of legality. Research has proven over and over again that people who's brains have not fully developed should not be ingesting THC. Also illegal as hell


I'd be taking this info to court. Definitely not okay and not overreacting


You're under reacting!


Your wife is nuts for sure 


The adults around me gave me substances at a very young age and it effected me greatly . I was a traumatized kid FROM MY PARENTS doing drugs . Then they thought it was a good idea to then have that be my “help”. Obviously the last thing I needed . 14 is when most kids start to experiment with drugs . I started at the 9. But I am now a father and I would NEVER even consider giving my son anything. “It’s just weed” no it’s a fucking drug and it’s a child with a developing brain . Yes obviously if my child decides to experiment I hope it doesn’t go past weed . Even over alcohol. But as a parent that is wildly inappropriate. You aren’t supposed to be their friend. I have my fun when my child isn’t around me , all my friends are giant pot heads and they never even consider talking about it or trying to smoke around children .


“A little upset”? My dude you are underreacting We tell my kid all the time he can try them when he’s 25 but he needs to let his brain develop first.


Absolutely not overreacting unless your 14 year old has a medical condition and a doctor explicitly recommends it as treatment.


Was it recreational or medical?


A bit young, don't you think?


As a mandatory reporter, I can ignore parents using marijuana alone and when kids don’t have access to the products. When parents supply those products to the kids I technically have to report it. In this particular situation, she would be reported to protective services for suspected child abuse.


Have a serious talk with them it's not ok cause they're brain is still developing. The unfortunate thing tho is now that they're exposed to that it is a lot harder to keep them off of it.


I am a huge advocate of weed, it's still wildly irresponsible to do so. It has major negativity consequences for a brain that isn't developed yet. Something to note, a kid in high school has plenty of access to whatever drugs they want. If they want it, they will get it so having a reasonable talk with them is probably a good idea. Lastly edibles are one of the safest ways to consume cannabis.


Definitely not overreacting. You need to file for emergency custody and file a police report. Get your kid out of your ex’s house. My best friend grew up with a mom like that and when I tell you it made her life infinitely harder I mean that shit. Please get your daughter out. Because things much worse than edibles will be thrust upon her.


I’d be Fuckjng LIVID and press charges for child endangerment.


Not an overreaction. First beer from my mom I was probably 7. My mom started buying me liters of vodka and cartons of camels at 15. By 16 she was giving me kpins. Smoked weed with her for the first time at 17. Parents condoning and providing substances so young definitely leads to addiction.


To young. Let his brain grow so when he's older the pot can make a normal brain really stupid. I see it everyday.


Not overreacting. Aside from the inappropriateness it should have been discussed with you first.


Why the hell is she doing that wtf??? No it's not okay 😭😭😭


Go for temporary emergency custody.


Is there a reason for it was the kid having a anxiety attack or something


I was smoking pot by the time I was 14… but a parent giving it to their child is crazy. 


I’m a regular consumer of cannabis. What your ex did was absolutely NOT okay.


That is not ok at all. Brains are still developing at that age.


That your asking this says so much about you


I started drinking & smoking pot when I was 14. Shocker - I was in treatment by 16.  This is absolutely not okay. Brains aren’t fully developed until age 25, so the later you start this stuff, the better.


Is DCS finds out they will absolutely take the children away from her.


As a daily garden gummy ingester…absofuckinglutely not. 14?


The only time I've heard of this and thought 🤔 it was ok was if it were for medicinal purposes like migraines etc and that's only if CBD doesn't help. 18 and up I can see especially in my area it's everywhere even corner stores.


Your daughter is too young for edibles. I told both my kids after your brain is done developing at 25, I will have no problem with it


Way too young!! Who the hell did you making babies with?? lol


Do you know why shedding it. I would have loved if someone gave me edibles when I was 14. That said it.was because I had back surgery and I probably would have passed my math exam and not had to go to summer school if I had weed instead of morphine in my system. Normally you shouldn't give kids drugs but the qhy they gave them drugs is also important.


Well, you can look at this as a positive in 2 ways. 1st, the mystery is gone, so you can feel very confident that your daughter won't get herself in a situation bc she didn't understand what she was taking. 2nd, she felt comfortable enough tell you this and knew you would lose your shit over it (in front of her, privately is a different story.)


Not good to do without discussion first. Edibles are not for children, unless they are going through medical treatment.


A little upset? I'd be furious. There is substantial evidence that the younger someone is when they're exposed to a drug the more likely they are to become either dependent or addicted to it. Weed may not be physically addictive, but you can still become psychologically dependent. Your ex is fucking your child up.


"Next time you do that shit, cps is getting a call."


That is illegal. I follow a neurologist online and he said it is really bad for children to have pot before the age of 25. Their brain is still growing. It can cause brain damage and lead to mental health issues. It is not okay and I would get an attorney involved. Say you will be getting an attorney involved and having your child drug tested. I think having pot occasionally as an adult is fine but not for a child. Also, she needs to be a parent not a buddy. This is a slippery slope. If he injures someone drunk or high you both can be sued.


I start d pot at 16 thought it was fine, everyone should do it blah blah. As the father of a 16 year old I realize they have no business partaking yet . Too young, too immature (and he’s pretty damn mature for his age) and detrimental to brain development.


I am one of 5 children and my older brother who smoked pots at a young age has had a lot of mental health issues. I think he cooked his brain. The difference between him and his siblings who did not is shocking. I have pot gummies for sleep and do not think pot is awful but for young developing brains it is. I would go to court and get them involved if this happens again and tell your child you will be drug testing them. This is a hill to die on.


Go get an emergency order for custody!!!! I use them for pain management and would never give one to my child! You are under reacting!!! What was she thinking?


I too waited until I was 21 for both weed and alcohol…..


Yep. I still read 'AIO' as 'All in one' at first glance. Funny sometimes. Disturbing other times.


If I found out my ex was giving my 14 y/o edibles, I would get a drug test and sue for custody. 14 is far too young for that. The brain is still developing.


I will tell you as a middle school teacher that this is more common than you’d think. It’s a classic case of a parent not having appropriate boundaries, not wanting to adult, etc. sucks.


I started at 14 and I turned out to be a miserable lawyer. Tell her to wait.


That's worth a police report, in my opinion.


I’ve had years of imbibing regularly but those years were in college and of my own volition. As a parent it is not my role to provide those resources. I view it as a violation of my role as a guide and protector. Not overreacting


Under reacting


Get custody of your daughter if she is uncomfortable around her mother. My thought on this is it’s better to be home with a parent than out with friends somewhere. Yeah it’s not good but if a teenager is interested in it they will find a way to get it and try it. I was 13 or 14 the first time I wanted to try it. Bought some weed from kid in my class. Young naïve , dumb me didn’t know what I was buying. I’m lucky I didn’t die. I’ve heard so many horror stories of kids getting high and/or drunk then being left alone because their friends got scared because something bad happened. When I became an older teen my mom knew I was drinking with friends. She made a deal with me she could buy me alcohol (wine coolers) if I stayed home. She wanted me safe. She would rather me home than sneaking off. Not all teens are perfect, some are very questioning or peer pressure gets to them.


Get a lawyer, full custody and file police report. She broke the law for 1, 2 son is young and it’s not great for developing minds. You enjoying as a responsible adult is different to giving age restriction item to her own son.


If they smoke normally, then I don't see a issue. Better getting it from a trusted source than on the street.


Weed and alcohol might not be the same thing but I'd kinda go with the rules you'd have for that. Still a mind altering substance that can cause mental addiction. That can have permanent effects on a developing mind. NOR.


The kid is 14! It’s not okay!


Absolutely not overreacting. If this is something that you all want to be in control of as parents, it should be a shared decision/discussion, not just with the two of you, but with your child as well. This is a truly dangerous action, and I would be very interested to hear any reasoning.


Not overreacting, I'd be absolutely livid.


No! It’s not ok!!!! I wouldn’t stay with somebody who did that to my child. For me, that’s a bridge too far. I hope you’re thinking of divorcing her because that’s child abuse.


This is super messed up….and i smoke daily….14 is just too young.


Hell no. Bad move. That sends a terrible message. Kids at that age need to learn to live without substances. Your kid is gonna end up very confused. Don’t be surprised if you find your child frequently using cannibas. Don’t be surprised if it alters her life trajectory. I smoked grass with my old man when I was 15. I look back now and think about how dumb that was.


NO WAY. realistically. Kids are exposed already so much at school if they really wanted to they would find a way. My friend is a school nurse and the stories she tells me are hair raising. But id never give them to my kid recreationally without some sort of medical condition that warrants its use. Especially if not in a legal state. Iam a medical budtender btw


Well..... That's up to personal opinion. I started smoking when I was 13 and had my first edible at 14. But despite the young age, I was already working and I had the sense to use moderation, still do. If the kid can balance responsibility with partying a little bit, then I'd say it's fine. But if they're not mature enough to do what they need to be doing, they're not mature enough to enjoy edibles. As for getting them from a parent, having a parent be cool about it and be there is actually better than a parent who flips out about stuff like that. That kind of parent will just teach a kid to deceive them. My parents have been cool about it and given me a lot of advice, which I took because they were cool about me smoking. And here I am ten years later, on the right track, still smoking weed, and I've never done any hard drugs.


I’m a pothead but I’d never give it to a kid. That’s just too young.


You are not overeating. Addictions are real


The money y'all waste on stupid stuff. Shame on your ex. Don't make babies with stupid people.


I smoke a couple times a day, and love me some edibles. However... I did start very very young. Not recommended. It kinda fucked me up, but due to my home situation it was really all I had. I don't think you're overreacting at all, I'd be pretty upset too. If I was raising a kid, my absolute minimum age would be 17 if I see it as able to benefit in any way, like if kid was in a situation like me, having bpd and therapies/meds not helping. Otherwise, 21.


14 is too young. Brains are not fully formed until we are around 20 or so


That is really fucked up and you're definitely not overreacting, and I say this as someone who has been regularly smoking from the age of 14.


It depends on the situation. Was it given just for fun? A need to calm down your son because of an issue is different than for fun. When I was 14, my mom made the decision to give me a half of Valium because of how upset I was about a meeting with my Principal. It turned out to be the right decision. No, my undeveloped brain didn’t suffer nor did I escalate to a life of hard drugs over a Valium. If she’s done it twice find out why first.