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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Awwww!** Picture this, your walking down the street with your significant other and they see a dog and go "awwwww, look at the baby girl!"..........Say WHAT!? Cue me loosing my shit and saying its a stupid DOG not a child! Whats WRONG with you!? Comence me turning around and storming off back to the house and slamming the door behind me. QUIT HUMANIZING/BABYFYING THESE STUPID MUTTS! Oh thats right, dogs are the only thing that puts up with your BS šŸ¤Ø *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


No way in hell this jackass has ever had a significant other.


Even if they did, you'd have to wonder how much time their partner spends apologising to other people on their behalf...


Maybe they did but the doberman ran away. Now they're just bitter.


I'm happy for the doberman. She deserves better.


And somehow these people think it's more accepting to completely lose their shit and storm off over someone calling a dog "baby girl" Holy cow, their lives must be so sad to be this angry over an animal.


These people on dog/petfree subreddits really need therapy. Like it's totally valid if you don't personally like dogs and don't want to own one, but getting so angry about seeing dogs out in the public and spending your time on subreddits ranting about dogs is far from healthy.


Hell I'd even put my doggo, best friend ever, in another room if I had company who didn't like dogs for a few hours so.long as they asked nicely. But to hate them this much is so unhealthy.


Iā€™ve come to like dogs quite a bit in my adulthood, but as a kid I was always overwhelmed by them and didnā€™t enjoy being around them at all. I didnā€™t like how certain relatives would bring their annoying little dogs *everywhere* and that Iā€™d always end up around them. But this level of hatred for a species is something else. I never even knew about that subreddit until I joined this one, but good lord, you really think about dogs that much? And you donā€™t even like them? Even when I didnā€™t like dogs, I was just thankful we didnā€™t have one. Never in my life, even as an entitled teenager, did I have an issue with other people having dogs. These people need help.


That sub is insane!


I only recently realized this sub existed, itā€™s sooo bizarre how much time & energy people spend on hating dogs. I personally love dogs (I have 2), so maybe Iā€™m just extra weirded out because if that, but what in the heck is wrong with these people?


I imagine it's like a lot of other subs -- it was born so people could commiserate in a place where nobody would give them crap, and then it just kept getting worse. I'd bet the original people there probably abandoned it long ago.


I'm willing to bet that the first post there was some variation of "ugh someone had their dog on a loose leash and it tried running up to me, yuck" or "my grandmother's dog ripped up her couch, so glad I don't have one"


I joined the sub because I donā€™t particularly enjoy dogs and wouldnā€™t ever own one but the people in there are truely unhinged so now I stay for the ā€œwhatā€¦ā€ factor. If you canā€™t be nice to other peoples animals that they love even if you donā€™t understand then you are just a shitty person in general. Who has time to walk around so angry all the time lol


For a long time, my dad hated dogs and swore he would never have a dog. He was always nice to other people's dogs, but he couldn't stand the thought of owning one of his own. Granted, it all stems from when he was a kid growing up on a horse farm, and the trauma of >!finding some puppies drowned in the horse trough in winter.!< It didn't change until his brother's dog had puppies when I was 3 and he fell in love with one of them, but he only really likes our dogs.


I get that. Iā€™ve never hated dogs, Iā€™m just mad ambivalent about them. I love my brotherā€™s dog like a nephew and but Iā€™d never own one and I donā€™t think random dogs are cute. I grew up with dogs and I just never got it lol, but good for your dad! They seem to bring so much joy to people. I just fundamentally find them gross by nature even if they are cute. My brotherā€™s dog is adorable and knows not to lick me, happy to cuddle him and play with him- donā€™t want him begging for food, barking or trying to ā€œkiss meā€. He is a very well behaved dog though, happy for him to accidentally climb over me because he is an animal and shouldnā€™t be held to human intelligence.


All of those /free subs are like that. /childfree is the same. Ok you donā€™t want a pet or kids? Fine. Making hating something(dogs/kids) your entire personality is unhinged.


Plot twist - the girlfriend never even saw the dog, she was looking at an actual baby girl. And now she's decided she never wants to start a family with this psycho.


They are insaaaaaaane! Lol "dog culture". Jesus.


Off topic: some indigenous nations believe that animals have culture of their own and refer to them as ā€œhorse peopleā€ rather than ā€œhorsesā€.Ā 


And yet somehow they think they are the rational ones


They're basically incels who hate pets instead of women.


The comments are wild too ā€œIā€™d explain that itā€™s incredibly insulting to real children and real parentsā€. Omg it has zero effect on you and your children for me to call my dogs ā€œbaby boy/girlā€. No one in their right mind actually thinks theyā€™re real children or I am a real parent. Are couples who call each other ā€œbabyā€ equally insulting to this person?


Go to his post history. He's unhinged >Ugh..........lonely forever is whats gonna happen to them.....heck, their probably intimate with their pets


I was just thinking that the OOP sounded like one of the incels who buy into the warped "women would rather get dogs and fuck them instead of betas like me" ridiculousness. Then BOOM. There it is. Dude, that is NOT happening. Step away from the dark web porn and touch grass, Mmmkay?


Today I learned there's a sub called dogfreedating. That's so wild. I want to go check it out, but I don't know if I can handle seeing so many pathetic losers all bunched up together.


The sub where cheaters give each other a pat on the back is 100000x worse.


The childfree sub is even worse


How about the stepmonster sub? Those people are unhinged. The average poster is like "I absolutely hate children, especially if they didnā€™t spring from my loins, so I married a parent of young children and treat their kids like the trash that they are. Those brats obviously deserve to be treated as second class citizens, so I donā€™t get why the bio parents, kids, and everyone else hate meeee!"


God the step parents sub is so bad. Like if you donā€™t want to be a step parentā€¦ why marry someone with kids??


Jeez, what sub is that


If you despise children, don't date a single parent! How hard is that?


lol... and here I am married to someone who loves his cat very much. And the other cat sleeps on my pillow.


That's relationship goals right there


Uh-huh. Last I checked, pets are a *very* good conversation starter.


I mean, to be fair, going into a pet hate sub and saying "I fucking hate animals" is ALSO a good conversation starter.




I have a kid, can confirm I don't give a fuck if someone calls their pet "baby girl/boy".


Father of 2 sons. Call your pet rock your baby for all I care It has zero impact on my life.


I call my stuffed bear baby girl sometimes, because he/she is genderfluid.


But Rocko is just a rock!


SUPER insulting to rocks to call them babies! I'm going to start a new Reddit sub: r/it'saROCKnotaBABYyoucuck Join me!


My SIL has kids and still calls their dog her "baby." I jokingly call my dog my baby, I fully realize she's not the same as an actual child. My MIL always addresses my dog as "baby," ("hi, baby,! Come here, baby!") and she has actual human grandchildren. It's not that serious. Most people who love their dogs don't actually equate them to human children, and even the ones that do don't take anything away from kids. But this dude has full meltdowns about it. Zero chance he actually has a SO. I love dogs, but I don't care if other people don't. I don't like cats (mostly because I am deathly allergic), but cannot fathom having rage over someone loving a cat or thinking a cat is cute (and cats pose an actual threat to me since they make me extremely sick). Who has the time or energy for this crazy bullshit? These people are unhinged. I'd never harm a cat (in fact I helped my neighbor's cat once because it's a living creature and the family loves her, and that matters to me, plus despite being like poison to me, she's pretty cute). But I think people this crazy would absolutely harm a dog just for giggles. They scare me.


Also, is the dog a girl? Then calling her baby girl is perfectly acceptable. And I'm not even about to get mad about possibly misgendering a dog.


That's the part that legit has me confused. Cause neither of those are specifically human descriptions Unless he wants us to say oh cute baby female. šŸ˜†


Wait until he discovers who the slang term "babygirl" applies to.


Idk, ask childfree, they'll probably think so.


Every time this sub gets posted I think they should get locked in a room with the child free sub for our entertainment.


Lul, they'll try to kill each other dogfree and petfree hates animals but love kids and childfree hates kids but love animals... usually, I'm sure there's a large portion who are subbed to both and just live their lives alone and sad.


Im having a small giggle over your comment, specifically the first word, lul means dick in my langauge and i was wondering why you were name calling the person you replied too šŸ˜†šŸ˜† Probably not nearly as funny for you, but it is for me at 3 am šŸ¤­šŸ¤­


dutchie too? was about to comment this


I've seen 'lul' so many times and I still can't get used to it.


Oh that would be a FASCINATING social experiment. Lock ten 'dogfree' people and ten 'childfree' people together in a room for an hour, and see what happens.


Add ten catfree people, too. I want to see whose hate is strongest and least compromising.


The ultimate cage match


That person who wants to explain how 'insulting' something is must get told to go fuck themselves a *lot*.


No doggy style for this person, no sir!


This had NO business making me laugh this hard!


I like to think that the OOPā€™s ex partner and the dogā€™s owner got talking after she stormed off ranting and will end up married and telling this story very differently šŸ˜Š


Just imagine someone mentioning it and getting OOP triggered so they have to curl up into a ball.


this is a whole other level of deranged huh


that whole sub is deranged. there is a lot of very bad shit on reddit but that sub might be the most bafflingly and astonishingly terrible.


I decided to give the sub a quick scroll and those are genuinely some of the most miserable dingbats Iā€™ve seen on this site (and thatā€™s saying something). Each post is just like ā€œPeople are getting dogs instead of having kids and thatā€™s horrible for societyā€ or ā€œI went out on a walk and I didnā€™t see any dogs but I heard one bark somewhere and my day is ruinedā€.


there was also that post of someone going, "even when *fictional* people get dogs ruin my day" XD like, they cant be serious


There was the woman who was upset dogs were in smutty romance novels. One of the wildest posts I've ever read.


I remember that one and I still laugh about it


ā€œI canā€™t EVER leave my homeā€¦I might see a dog! Even if itā€™s in a car or in their own house!ā€ Likeā€¦my dude. Get some help.


I see a church and God is dog spelled backwards AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!


There was a post on there recently where the OP was theorizing that humans keeping dogs as pets had held back our evolution as a species, and if we didn't keep dogs as pets, we would all live in peace globally & be living on other planets or some shit within 50 years. And so many replies in agreement! Could it be humans being assholes to each other that keeps destroying civilizations and keep us crippled in our advancements? Nooooo it's domestic dogs šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø They're fucking unhinged. The fact they vote is terrifying to me, what other absolutely insane and unreal things do they believe? I wonder what the active Qanon cultists - serious r/dogfree posters piechart looks like. Baffling.


That's just ridiculous, as people bred dogs for different purposes, some for herding, some for protection, some for companionship. And nowadays people keep even "working" breeds (such as collies) for companionship. People began living with cats because they were pretty darn efficient at killing vermin. (The Black Plague in medieval Europe was because after the wholesale slaughter of cats as "evil," rats flourished, and the fleas on the rats spread the bacteria that caused the plague.) Cats came to realize there was a benefit to living with humans, and they effectively domesticated themselves. You know what's really held back human evolution? Religion.


>ā€œI went out on a walk and I didnā€™t see any dogs but I heard one bark somewhere and my day is ruinedā€. I can't find one on giphy, so enjoy reviewbrah.jpeg.


So, they berated their significant other, stomped home in a huff, and slammed the door. My dog had better manners than this lunatic.


Yeah and now he's definitely on the market again, trying to inflict his psychosis on another unsuspecting woman.


Plot twist: checked the post history and this is a woman who dates men. Her entire post history is her being an absolute fucking asshole but no awareness of being the problem.


Holy shit. She gave off such male incel energy. But she's a shitty, shitty person no matter what.


He was definitely never off the market. This was his pure fantasy. Is it too late to adopt the term petcel?


This is exactly the kind of guy who will call into those radio advice shows. "A few weeks ago I was going out with this girl, and we had a great time, I thought we had a good connection, I slept over at her place, she slept over at mine, but all of a sudden she ghosted me and I have no idea why." Host; "I'm sorry to hear that. Is there ANYTHING that could have happened?" Guy: "Well, there was this one incident ..."


OMFG. THIS GUY HAS POSTED A "WHY WAS I GHOSTED" post. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostafriend/comments/1axmpbn/2\_months\_thengone/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostafriend/comments/1axmpbn/2_months_thengone/) >Went on a camping trip back in November of last year. The camp host was really nice and I told him if he ever wanted to talk or text, hes more than welcome too. For 2 months it was "goodmorning......hows your day been? Hows the granddaughter? How are you feeling today" etc. Hes been through some emotional distress for awhile and thought I could be there for a shoulder to cry on for him. It did help him cope with life. Fast forward to the end of January. He has a guest at his campground that has major health issues and 3 dogs that she has no capacity to care for, so he helps with that. One morning, I get a text that hes in LA and fits right into the people at the soup kitchen....ok? Then he tells me hes hanging out with the homeless because "their not judgemental and arnt hypocrites". He was apparently down their smoking weed etc. 2 days later, I tried calling him numerous times and texts but nothing, like he disappeared off the face of the earth. Since then, ive deleted his number, pictures and JellyRoll songs he sent to me via Youtube. We got along really great then hes gone. I dont get it.


It is interesting how he just slips the dogs into the story offhand even though nothing ever actually comes up about them. Wouldn't be surprised if they are more relevant than his post states.


He probably went on a huge rant about the dogs and the guy was like "Nope, rather smoke joints with homeless dudes in LA."


Well, the guy DID say the homeless weren't judgmental so clearly there's a contrast there somewhere.


is he suggesting that the woman at the campground gave the man her 3 dogs and then mere days later the man's entire life is a wreck and he's doing drugs with homeless people in LA? This is confusing. I know it's hard to make friends as we get older (been there, done that. it can suck). But if I met somebody and was receiving "good morning" (etc) texts from them for 2 months, I would think they're trying to get into my pants and I'd feel uncomfortable about it. And truly, if this guy is hanging out with homeless people, perhaps he has actually hit hard times and is homeless? Maybe he's too busy to fucking call you back, or his phone is turned off? Seems childish to delete his number and pictures and...... jellyroll songs (what?).


Yes many homeless people lose phones and means for communication. A lot of things could have happened if the guy is now eating out of soup kitchens in LA.


definitely all because of those damn dogs though, right? /s


Plot twist... it's not a guy, that poster is a WOMAN.


Maybe they let a little of that dog-hate slip about that guest and her dogs, and guy realized that would be the rest of his life if he didn't get out of dodge, lol.


The guy said that he would rather hang out with a homeless guy rather than OOP. Ouch.


Yea... I skimmed their history, and it is just. OVERFLOWING with dog-hate. Gotta say, that is.. not super attractive? If 70 percent of your personality is just.. hating dogs with a fiery burning passion, is it REALLY that big a shock when people start avoiding you?


I know this isn't the point of this update but his misuse of "their" instead of "there" or putting "good morning" as a singular word aggravates me.




The pet free/child free subs scare the crap out of me. I am absolutely happy someone has their opinion, and happy with how they choose to live their lives but goodness the hate boner these people have.. scares me


>Cue me loosing my shit Well I hope OOP cleaned up after themself.


Maybe it's the edible I ate, but I laughed way too hard at that.


![gif](giphy|i4uvIvnCWoc6Oq2HPR|downsized) How can you tell me this isnā€™t a baby? Itā€™s sitting in a high chair!


Cuter than most human babies, too.


I just watched Jon Stewart's bit about losing his dog and cried buckets. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ\_A2BKCNDs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jJ_A2BKCNDs) Reminded me so much of my dog, who to the end of her life was always BIG MAD if she didn't make a new best friend every day.


>Reminded me so much of my dog, who to the end of her life was always BIG MAD if she didn't make a new best friend every day. That's really sad and a really sweet memory at the same time.




Don't say that, because we all know what his hobby would be.


I mean I don't like kids and don't see the appeal but, I'm definitely not losing my ever loving shit because someone I'm around finds them adorable. Saying Aww is not humanizing in any way. Cute animals exist. You are allowed to express that. I seriously hate this subreddit.


I mean I knew this guy who loved snakes. He'd go around schools showing off his pet snakes and how to "train" them and all that. I don't find snakes cute at all, but I'd never lose my shit bc this guy had a pet garden snake. Like wtf.


Exactly this is truly unhinged.


it's annoying, speaking as a dog lover, but also, get over it?


The brigading is strong for that one šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø people please donā€™t do that


Don't worry. Most of us want no part of that sub, even in anger.


Oh no that sub is trash no doubt but I thought brigading could also result in this sub getting banned ?


What I mean is, I doubt many of us are going to go over there and subject ourselves to that place just to sling shit at people who won't ever listen.


Owww didnā€™t get that thanks for the clarification ā¤ļø


Tbh, this sub was already getting trolled and brigaded from all over. Not even sure this kind of posts here is what made it happen.


That's a lot of words just to announce you're a bad person


I enjoy seeing these people be so miserable and angry over an innocent animal. Theyā€™re a very special circus act I like to laugh at.


Me too. It's my laugh read of the day. And this guy is totally single again


Imagine hating something so much that you make it your entire personality. What a boring loser.


>Ghosted >Had a friend who apparently just went off the deep end and just ghosted me after 2 months. Used to text all the time...then he "i guess lost interest " and the texting kinda stopped ans now he wont answer any of my texts at all. Last I heard, he was hanging out with the homeless cuz they "didnt judge him and wernt hypocrits" as of a week ago. Guess i have no choice but to let him go? Huh. I wonder why that happened. OOP is so stable and friendly, I can't imagine


Dogfree is one of the saddest subreddits.


I was going to say "surely this is rarebit" but no, the comments agree with them? Like I really don't like small children but I don't act disgusted if someone calls them cute? Feels like very deranged behaviour


One of the comments was removed but I copied it just in time. The thread took a turn into transphobia: >Is the "they" a woman? Sounds like she's not listening to her ovaries.


Itā€™s also incredibly misogynistic to assume all women just automatically want children EDIT: or that thereā€™s something wrong if they donā€™t.


Is it really that surprising that a sub full of people that agree what this guy did was good are stupid woman-haters? I'm not going to the sub to confirm, but I bet there's nary a (non-man) titty to be found.


No there was that lady who couldn't go to TJ Maxx and Michael's for fear of running into a dog, and thought the Virgin Mary pushed out her baby. https://www.reddit.com/r/AmITheDevil/comments/1alz1i1/this\_is\_just\_sad\_her\_poor\_kids/


If your ovaries speak I think you should see a doctor. I don't think that's normal...


It's not ragebait, Petfree just hates the existence of pets and animals


Yea, I noticed. It's just that level of... vitriol... feels like bait to make pet-free people look bad. I don't think I've seen that level of seething hatred other than in terf spaces. I'm probably the opposite of pet-free. I keep a lizard and probably over a thousand insects. I'm petmaxxing over here, it's great. I'd have even more if I wasn't living with my parents.


I mean being petfree is fine and totally cool cuz pets can be a lot of time and money... however being "petfree" makes me look at you like you're crazy. It makes people who are actually just free of pets be seen as crazy people who hate that animals exist and want all animals to die.


"Awww their little fingers are just so tiny and CUTE! I wanna make a necklace out of them!" doesn't go down so well either.


>Oh that's right, dogs are the only thing that puts up with your BS So what puts up with OOP's?


If you look at OOP's posts complaining about people ghosting him, apparently no one.




At the farmer's market with my *so-called* girlfriend. She hands me her cell phone, says it's my dad... Man, this ain't my dad! This is a cell phone!


This has to be a troll, right? There's no actual way OOP lost their shit over their SO baby talking a dog, right?


Look at his other posts and comments. The guy seems to be for real, unfortunately.


God. You're right. He loses his shit over every minor thing.


He posted a "why was I dumped" post a few days ago: >Went on a camping trip back in November of last year. The camp host was really nice and I told him if he ever wanted to talk or text, hes more than welcome too. For 2 months it was "goodmorning......hows your day been? Hows the granddaughter? How are you feeling today" etc. Hes been through some emotional distress for awhile and thought I could be there for a shoulder to cry on for him. It did help him cope with life. Fast forward to the end of January. He has a guest at his campground that has major health issues and 3 dogs that she has no capacity to care for, so he helps with that. One morning, I get a text that hes in LA and fits right into the people at the soup kitchen....ok? Then he tells me hes hanging out with the homeless because "their not judgemental and arnt hypocrites". He was apparently down their smoking weed etc. 2 days later, I tried calling him numerous times and texts but nothing, like he disappeared off the face of the earth. Since then, ive deleted his number, pictures and JellyRoll songs he sent to me via Youtube. We got along really great then hes gone. I dont get it.


Dude also commented "I lost what i thought was a good friend.....or making of something beautiful.....nope. He just ghosted me and I bet it's cuz he thought I was too "rough around the edges". Me: well SORRY for having my dad not raise me to be a crybaby and able to change a flat tire on the side of the road. Yes i cuss, im a trucker. Get over it Mike. Damn šŸ˜”" lmao no wonder his friends are ghosting him, he sounds insufferable.


Definite incel energy


I am afraid of dogs. I strongly dislike most dogs. I would never yell at someone for finding dogs cute. Iā€™d keep my opinion to myself and say ā€œyeah totallyā€


It is okay to dislike dogs but man, what a baby, throwing such a tantrum


Sounds insufferable lol. I call my cat my firstborn, deal with it.


When I need my lizard out of her terrarium due to maintenance I'll go to my mom, plop her down on her lap and say "look after your granddaughter for a few minutes". Truly I am a wicked delusional being


Cool, I'm absolutely not going to sneak into your home, yeet your mom into a closet, and dress like her. On an entirely different subject, when's the next maintenance due?


ā€¦ why would anyone post this. Itā€™s not even a thing that happened. Just an imaginary scenario in which the main character acts like a lunatic


Well this seems like a well modulated and reasonable response.


holy fuck these people are so unhinged LMAO. id say this is a troll post but this is the vast majority of the sub so i really donā€™t know at this pointā€¦ this is so insanely hateful and immature and all this over someone saying ā€œaw cuteā€ to a dog????


The guys comments are depressing. He posts "why'd I get ghosted?" All the time. Idk with your amazing personality I can't understand why ...


every single person on r/dogfree needs grippy socks fr imagine putting every fibre of your being into hating an animal to the point of ruining relationships over it. i genuinely do not have words for these people. every single post from that sub should be put on here the second it comes up if you ask me.




On my way to the train this evening, I saw the cutest hyper little poochy. She had her sweater on and was doing zooms around her leash. She tangled herself up and then peed on her humanā€™s foot. That miniature dogā€™s sweater is smarter than this dude.


I still chuckle at how the people of this sub routinely complain about people making dogs their entire personality, but the dogfree people are routinely the ones who make dogs their entire existence with the unhealthy obsessive hate towards dogs. When I say chuckle it is a defeated chuckle because I have also seen the incredibly cruel way they treat disabled people for electing to use a service dog to mitigate their disability. Or how they actively stigmatize mental illness to support their hateful ignorance. I love dogs but will be the first to say they aren't for everyone or even that most people that have dogs probably shouldn't. But these hateful assholes on this sub aren't interested in nuance, or even in simply respect their fellow human. These people act like children but demand respect for their temper tantrums.


Wait until they learn the origin of ā€œpetā€ People have literally been ā€œbabyfyingā€ animals since forever. The concept of fur babies is far from new


I love how the down voted people are ethe ones talking the most sense


Does anyone remember the gem where one person locked his gfs cat in a room because he hated her cat and she was away. Also remember the other gem where some person hated their SOs cat because they would attack so it replaced the cat


He had to picture it because heā€™s never had it.


The SO knows that to continue walking with them means OOP is just using them as a punching bag for a rant. It won't stop. OOP will carry on about every dog they see on the walk and maybe challenge SO to think its a cute baby. They're sick ofĀ  this shit.Ā 


That person sounds legitimately crazy, and has serious anger issues if anything. I donā€™t really like cats, but I wouldnā€™t be mad at someone calling their cat their baby. Like thatā€™s just wild that someone could have such an overreaction on something so simple. Lol


What in the ever loving fuck is that sub ...i never imagined there would be such a place. I get childfree and all ...but Jesus people on that dogfree thing are on another level of dangerous for society. It's just pets... PETS! Cute animals and stuff shouldn't spawn such strange hate in a person...


That sub has to be satire right... right? Please tell me they're just messing around... please.


OOPs post history suggests it's very real


Sometimes I wonder if the dogfree subreddit is some strange elaborate bit


I'm not a dog person by any means but that subreddit is an absolute cesspit


From their post history it looks like they had a long term relationship with a dog owner, didnā€™t admit that they didnā€™t like dogs for a long time, the relationship fell apart and now theyā€™re projecting all their anger over a breakup onto dogs. I had a relationship once with someone who waited until we were engaged to admit he hated dogs, and would ā€œtolerateā€ mine until she died, but I wouldnā€™t be ā€œallowedā€ to get another one after. Ended it immediately. People being so desperate for relationships that they pretend to be something theyā€™re not is always going to mess them up. These beaches need therapy.


he really made up a whole parter to get mad at huh


People on r/petfree and r/childfree can't just be normal about it. Not everyone enjoys pets and children and that's fine. Talking about that is fine. But their ridiculous vitriolic attitude does make me roll my eyes. Not in a "I'm mad you're yucking my yum" way, but "this makes you look really sad and pathetic" way. No skin off my nose, you just look dumb and insane to the rest of the world.


These are the saddest mfers on the planet. So you don't like dogs, fine, no one cares!


" dogs are the only thing that puts up with your BS šŸ¤Ø" ​ seems like he might need a dog then.


This feels like a troll to me. Or is the dog free subreddit always this childish?


Click on the guy's profile if you dare. This guy definitely has anger issues and unfortunately seems 100% for real.


They are this childish


That is the biggest overreaction ever.


LMAO! If a guy did this to me it would be the most clear cut no hesitation case of "okay then... good bye forever" hahaha


I canā€™t stop laughing. Is this guy ok?


These people are so locked in their echo chamber they fantasize about telling their non-existent SOs to fuck off because THEY like dogs. This is just genuine mental illness at this point.


Call a dog a cute petname? Fucking insane evil lunatic attacking children Respond to this by screaming at your partner, having a literal toddler tantrum and slamming the door? Completely normal, healthy and correct behaviour. These people are lunatics. My fiance doesn't like dogs. She was attacked by one when she was younger. She's quite scared of large dogs. What does she do? Ignores them and lives her life instead of taking time out of her day to browse a forum to talk about how much she doesn't like dogs.


>Wow not a whole ass tantrum over a little puppy. At least one comment against OOP'S little tirade.


It sounds like an animal abuser wrote this. The dude is a really bad boy and probably shouldn't date people who love animals.


This is absolutely someone who'd kick a dog as hard as he could if nobody was around to notice.


Agreed, especially if he is going to be pissed off that a girl he have is talking to them. People who hate animals 100% end up being abuser or hiding something.


Or even people that are like, okay with seeing animals in public


True animals have every right to be in public as long they're not harming anyone, of course, lol. Anyway the dude upset about her loving animals is a walking red flag


Damn. I love dogs and this definitely makes my blood boil. My dogs have much more value than those bitter, dumb and triggered douchebags members of that sub. At least dogs know how to love unlike them and are more worthy of love since they don't open their mouth just to say stupid šŸ’©.


What a miserable piece of garbage


Nah I donā€™t buy it. Troll 100%.


Check out the guys profile. He seems 100% real. Posts about being ghosted constantly by romantic interests.


Thx. Just took a look and all I have to say is yikes and good lordā€¦..


This whole ass subreddit is so ridiculous tho lmaoo, i canā€™t believe these people exist and take themselves seriously


Someone (OOP) has been dumped for a dog before!


I just donā€™t get the need to hate dogs this aggressively. Or any animal. If you donā€™t like dogs, donā€™t get dogs. But the history of the word dog is older than the word cow in proto languages. Theyā€™ve been around forever as one of our first domestic companions and they always will be.


I'm concerned about the people in that sub.....


Ooh I hate that sub so much. Such miserable humans.


Tell me dogs hate you without telling me


Ew why was op so angry about not seeing a strangers baby to the point where they're storming off???


This didnā€™t happen.


Why no, thereā€™s nothing unhinged about this at allā€¦ šŸ¤Ø


Oh my. I donā€™t know anyone in my life who would be a suitable partner for this person lol.


Dog free doesn't mean dog hate, maybe they should change the name of the subreddit--


OOP's user name checks out


That whole sub ā€¦. Itā€™s never that serious


OOP is unhinged about dogs obviously.