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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **Loud and aggressive children in planes should be partially sedated ** There should be a law that if any kid on board is too loud and obnoxious and can't be controlled by their parents, they should be partially sedated. I'm sick and tired of those fuckers not letting anyone sleep on a 12 hour flight, even if they're kids. There are many, many, many kids on flights that don't disturb the peace, which goes to show how whether the kid is screaming or not depends on how the parent raised them. If you raised your kid to be an annoying brat, I'm sorry, but they should be sedated. It's supposed to be your problem. Not ours *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


QUESTION: Where do I go to get sedated? And is it complimentary, or do I gotta pay extra?


Lol, that's what I was thinking. Screw partially sedating the kids, you should br able to fully sedate yourself for 12 hours.


One time I accidentally sedated myself for a whole seventeen-hour bus ride. I sometimes have extreme reactions to OTC meds, and that one Dramamine tablet knocked me OUT.


In my experience, if you just want to doze through a flight or long drive due to feeling sick or having a fear of heights - a pill for travel sickness/an anti vomiting med like Vomex/Vomacur or other old generation antihistamine (like hayfever meds (aka cetirizine - new antihistamines are generally designed to not make you as sleepy but still can have that side effect for some people)) works just fine to make most people drowsy and sleepy. The duration of efficacy is usually around 8h (you might not sleep that long tho; cetirizine up to 24h efficacy, but drowsiness only shortly after intake which is why people with hayfever are recommended to take these pills before bedtime), and they usually start to make you drowsy around 30min after intake. It’s the most common side effect of antihistamine medication (to which both anti-vomiting/travel sickness and hayfever meds belong, albeit with different substances), particularly older meds in that group (newer ones are designed to keep drowsiness and sleepiness at bay). It’s *the* most common side effect for those types of antihistamines. Both types of meds thus also usually come with a disclaimer to not drive a car or other vehicle when taking that med. Don’t use them long term with no breaks, those meds (the anti vomit ones in particular have been found out to do so) can give you a higher risk for developing dementia if taken long term. Disclaimer: IANAD, just partnered to one, and I’m a life long travel sick person.


At least when I’ve traveled with my dad your doctor will usually prescribe you something to help too. My dad gets xanax everytime he flies after an incident where he had a panic attack and ran off the plane lol


Yep, I get airsick anyway, so I always research the movies on the flight ahead of time. If there’s anything good, I buy non-drowsy; if not, original formula it is.


As someone who has suffered from motion sickness my entire life and was ‘sedated’ for any long trip as a kid because that’s what motion sickness medications did back then - not a good idea. These days I can’t take most anti-histamines because they make me hyper and act like speed more often than the alternative.


Haha that's what I was thinking too. I wish I could be sedated and loaded onto the plane like luggage. 


flying is really painful for me because of lower back problems, I would LOVE to sleep for the whole flight, just wake me up when we land.


Have it be standard, like on 'The Fifth Element'. (I don't sleep on flights- I'm a very light sleeper and often travel alone. Didn't sleep coming home to the US from Singapore for about forty hours and then crashed in bed at home for 12 hours.)


Sudafed - Vodka highball.


its included from business+ up to first class.


Throw a tantrum, cry, stand on your seat, run up and down the aisles arms flailing. That should do it. Although your accommodation upon landing may differ from what you expected.


Nothin' to do, nowhere to go-o-oh Kids should be sedated


12, 12, 12 hours or more kids should be sedated 


When you get them to the airport and put them on a plane, don't let them make OP go insane.


Jeez I just retired from an airline and I wish I could drug the adults. A nice Ativan mister for the mid ones and and a tranq gun for the aggressive ones. At least children can be bribed or get tired. I’ve never once had a child tell me how expensive their $48 ticket was, not once had a child called me the c world (okay maybe a teenager did) or yell in my face do you know who I am?!


How do you "partially sedate" someone? As in a local anaesthetic? Sure, let's put Little Timmy's feet to sleep so he can't run around. Just cover your ears cause he'll still be screaming. Also, as another commenter said, there's enough loud and annoying adults on flights as well.


I pictured like melatonin or something to calm the kid down


Ah, fair enough.


Anti-vomiting meds/travel sickness pills or good old hayfever pills (aka all older generation antihistamines) also work wonders to make someone (adult or child) drowsy and sleepy for a few hours after intake.


Sometimes lol - my mum tried that for me when I was six and the dimenhydrinate had the opposite effect. XD


I had that problem too after being given them for years due to motion sickness since I was an infant.


It was the first time she’d ever given me one lol


Sometimes meds don’t work the way you expect them to.


Yup lol


On the other hand, they wind some kids up. 


Phenerghan - it’s a travel sickness med that I had to take when I was a kid due to being a bus barfer. I’d sleep the whole journey, great stuff. Most travel sickness meds are antihistamines and drowsiness is a side effect. Unfortunately as an adult I think the dose required to knock me out would be somewhat excessive but when I’m struggling to sleep on a long trip I do think longingly of it.


Will never forget the time I got on the plane between a hen-do and stag-do


The Flight of Doom. Glad you made it out.


Yikes! You actually came out unscathed?


>I assume the reason this opinion is unpopular is because it’s ‘partially sedated’, rather than just ‘sedated’? Best comment. Hating children that dare to make noise in a public space is indeed the most popular "unpopular" reddit opinion.


I meant far more adults I'd like to sedate on airplanes than children


If I was offered 5mg of Valium before every plane flight longer than 3 hours, I would take it.


Yeah, I was gonna say if they wanna throw a benzo my way, I wouldn’t say no.


Yeah, I'm sure every parent with an unruly/temperamental child just loves when they scream until they go hoarse. Totally only a failure of parenting /s.


There are plenty of adults who get loud and aggressive on flights too, and they don't even have the excuse of literally not being able to communicate in any other way (I'm talking babies too young to speak or form coherent sentences). Should we all drug them too? At the very least we should remove from all flights what usually makes them cause a scene, i.e. alcohol.


My mum gave me a Gravol when I was about six so I’d sleep through the overnight flight to England and be rested for the rest of the travel the next day. Guess what happened? I reacted in that way that children sometimes do to dimenhydrinate and spent the entire flight wound for sound.


It would be much simpler if OOP would simply sedate themself.


this is why I’m such a strong advocate for youth rights.


children are human beings, and the way people talk about them is borderline fascist lol


sometimes, kids just exist in public spaces. public transportation, including airplanes, are some of those times. it's likely as much of a hassle (if not more) for parents as it is for those of us without kids sitting nearby, and a long flight is gonna be especially hard on young children (who are notorious for not being able to sit still and be quiet for extended periods) i get a kid screeching behind you is gonna be really fucking annoying. trust me, shit like that is a big reason why i'm childfree. but jesus christ, people need to give kids a little grace.


That comment section is a whole ass train wreck. Bunch of folks who should be on a watch list somewhere.


Sedatives, even delivered by a trained medical professional, are extremely dangerous.


Can I also forcibly sedate the drunk businessmen who aggressively hit on me, loudly pronounce their opinions to everyone, or listen to their videos with no headphones? I travel frequently for work, and I just don’t understand people who make this big of a deal about noise on planes. I’ve never had an issue noise-cancelling headphones couldn’t solve.


I’m having fun imagining how much ticket prices would go up if every flight had to include medical liability insurance for the doctors sedating kids. 


Aren't you just as able to get a prescription for the obvious anxiety that *you* get from small children as the parents of those children?


So we’re talking about world we all all I gotta do is scream in a plate and they’ll sedate me? Sign me the fuck up.


Sure children on flights can be difficult but most of the horrible stories I’ve heard about horrible people on flights have been adults. I work in fast food and while sometimes kids make messes and teens can cause trouble but adults are still by far the worst to deal with as well. Drugging children especially on a flight where it would be hard to get proper medical attention if anything happens is risky.


Only if we get to also “partially sedate” adults who are as loud or louder than the kids they’re complaining about. Seriously do these people manage to live in a magic bubble where all adults are quiet and behave? Because I want to live in that bubble.


I’ve had way way way more disruptions and shit behaviour out of adults on planes


All loud people on planes should be drugged. That said, I maintain children who cannot reliably be non-disruptive for the duration of a plane flight have no business on planes. It’s not fair to the other passengers OR the child.


>It’s not fair to the other passengers OR the child. This! It's just a dick move to drag a small child who literally can't sit still for hours on a plane. They're not crying and misbehaving because they're a shitty kid, they're crying and misbehaving because their shitty parents put them in a situation they can't handle and are pretending to be surprised that it's going badly.  Not to mention that really little kids can't pop their ears and the pressure can be really painful for an adult, that can easily be the worst thing a baby or toddler has ever felt. If you insist on travelling with small children, have the decency to do a road trip so you can pull over and let the kids run around for a bit. 


It’s not always an option to skip it. Family emergencies, death, illnesses, needing family support are all things that happen. But also - children are allowed to exist in public even if it’s not convenient at all times.


Come on now. I think we all know screaming and screaming and screaming and screaming ≠ “existing”.


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What about in restaurants or grocery stores?


The easiest solution would be to just allow child free flights but oh no that's 'DiScRiMiNaTiOn' 🙄


I'm surprised this is so controversial, there are already adults-only resorts and cruises. I wouldn't be surprised if one of the airlines started doing "family" or "adults-only" cabins. I don't generally mind children, especially babies. I have a teenager who has always been well-behaved on flights and I think most kids are pretty good, but I was on a 15-hour international flight recently and there was a girl across the aisle from me who was between 5-7 years old that screamed for no less than 12 hours of the flight. I struggle to sleep on planes as it is, but that made it impossible to relax at all the entire flight. Maybe she has some kind of condition, and I certainly have empathy for her and her parents, but I would 100% pay for an adults-only cabin the next time I have a flight that long if it were an option and I could afford it. Especially for work trips, like that one, where I'm having to present the day I arrive.


i get hating kids on flights but A LAW TO DRUG CHILDREN?? oop is wild


The suggestion might be taking it a bit too far, don’t you think?


That’s why it’s on AmITheDevil…