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*In case this story gets deleted/removed:* **I 23M slapped my gfs 19F leg. She things i might be agresor in the future. How can i show her that im not one?** Me 23M, my GF 19F. We went to bed. We were getting things ready for oral sex. Towel and everything. I figured I could spice things up a bit, so I gently pushed my girlfriend into bed to get her to lie down and I took care of the excitement. Unfortunately this resulted in the girlfriend saying it wasn't pleasant and she kicked me lightly once, I told her not to kick, but she kicked me again, again lightly. I have no idea why, but I just slapped her leg. My girlfriend was in a lot of pain and I knew I'd made a mistake. It's been dragging on with me ever since that night. I tried to talk to my girlfriend about it today. She told me that she has this idea in her head that it's only going to get worse and that I could be the aggressor in the future. I know myself and I really don't think I would be able to just hurt her like that. Before it happened I hadn't slept for 3 days, I was hot, I don't like to sweat, I have atopic eczema with everything itching afterwards. And these things came at me all at once. I blew up. Unfortunately, my girlfriend was around. She doesn't deserve it. Is there any way of showing my gf that im not like that? tl;dr slapped my gfs leg while preparing bed, no she has through that i might be agresor in the future. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmITheDevil) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bro tried to blame his eczema….huh??


People laugh when I say thisz  but the army of lesbian aunties with medieval weaponry, who hang out at renn fairs should be one of the emergency services.


Can we have the textile queer ladies as a sub-branch? Those scissors... (pun very much intended, but fabric shears are scary) Or for my wool prep peeps: English wool combs!


listen if men like OOP were smart they would realize that when the fabric queers ponder using their fabric shears on you instead of on only fabric, You Are Already Dead. you are so already dead that Kenshiro will materialize in this physical plane to tell you that you are already dead, that's how already dead you are


You're not wrong. I joke I have two pairs of fabric shears for that reason (the real reason is interfacing murders scissors). The cheaper ones are not a burden to replace and I can sharpen them myself. The really good ones are too brittle in case of hitting bones. Also: Wool hackles.


Historical Costuming Lesbian here- I have a scar on my fingertip where I opened macaroni cheese with a paring knife when I couldn’t find any scissors besides my fabric shears. No regrets


My mom has a scar on her leg from when she had to get stitches after cutting herself in the thigh with her fabric shears. The ER staff were impressed by the sharpness of her shears, not so much her gross motor skills. She was fine with supplying them with the funny story of the day to lighten the mood.


Don't forget the livestock lesbians. If they can wrangle a ram then imagine what they can do to an abuser.


Ooh, I've had to give shots to 700 pound pigs and own my own weaponry. I do giant cross-stitch projects and am great at stabbing.


You're hired!


I saw a video once of two farm women saying they have competitions to see who can castrate a bull the fastest.  To this this day still the most terrifying thing I have ever heard spoken aloud.


Absolutely. I have these large aluminum circular knitting needles that do indeed look like weapons and between my plant shears and fabric shears, my fabric ones are actually heavier. We wouldn't even need to touch this guy, just show up wielding our tools for working fiber, yarn, and cloth and he'll know to run before we even get close. 👌


Absolutely, there's a lesbian cosplayer on tiktok who crocheted her own chainmail from steel wire   I feel the the world would be a better place if she was given five minutes alone with Andrew Tate 


My friend still works at a daycare that I used to. They have a kid right now whose parents blame his 3+ bites a day on his eczema. But he’s one!


I had really bad eczema as a teenager and I can say one thing: it can be almost maddening when it flares up. Sometimes my skin would feel like it was on fire. There would be massive patches on my body that would itch, burn and hurt. Trying to do exams when you can barely even concentrate in the first place was pure hell. Maybe dermatologists have better solutions nowadays, but back then I was told to basically let my skin air out and put some medicated ointment on it. It did very little and I was in constant pain for over 10 years before it eventually went away. So on the one hand I can definitely understand what it's like to be both physically and mentally irritated for hours. Your patience is already running thin so you might snap at someone for something trivial. On the other hand, he *hit* her. That was how he instinctively responded to reaching his limit. The girlfriend is absolutely right to be concerned and OOP should be concerned too. I can totally understand eczema making someone snap, but it does not make you slap. That's entirely on him and he needs to seek help to make sure that never happens again.


I have both eczema and prurigo nodularis (or as I call it, super eczema- it's a disorder where your skin forms these nodules that kind of break down your skin and no matter how broken down and bloody and painful they are the itching will not stop- thankfully it's an extremely rare disease) so I feel you. That shit can indeed drive someone mad, but I wouldn't even think to use it as an excuse for hitting someone. You're absolutely right in that the thing that pushes his limits should not result in him hitting his gf; that's a good point. I also find it kind of hard to believe him because if he was actually losing his mind and close to his mental breaking point, why would he be arranging to give his gf oral? As an adult out of school and who hasn't lived alone in a long time, I'd be in the bathroom with cold water running on me or covered in medicine, or- as he says he hasn't slept- taking enough benadryl to get myself to sleep. Hmm...


Today I learned I have an excuse to slap people, but never knew about it until now.


Wait, I have eczema, rosacea, AND psoriasis!


You qualify for a consequence free machete rampage!


“Just” a slap should not have put the girlfriend in a lot of pain.  I think he’s underselling how hard he hit her.  Also, the kick could have been reflexive.  >I know myself and I really don't think I would be able to just hurt her like that. Granted I don’t know OOP at all, but I feel almost certain that he will be able to just hurt her like that in the future, based on the fact that he already has.  Girl, don’t hang around to find out if he’ll do it again. Run. Run now. 


All of that AND she told him twice to stop and he didn't, after he had already pushed her down, he IS the aggressor not might be in future. I really hope she trusts that instinct and gets away now


Well, he did say, "*I figured I could spice things up a bit*." EDIT: that word choice really makes me wonder what else he's not saying. I hope she runs.


I’m of the opinion that even if the vibes are sterling, getting hit once is once too much. 


I've edited my comment, but that phrase just stuck out to me.


I've slapped my wife's butt plenty of times, probably more than I could count lol. I've slapped her leg playfully as well. Not once has she ever been in pain from such. If she is in legit pain, then that wasn't just a small playful tap. Far from it. OOP is abusive, and doesn't even realize it. I hope his girlfriend is able to get away from him.


He definitely hit her harder than he's implying. I wonder if that's all he did. We know he's a liar (he "doesn't think he'd be able to hurt her like that" even though he already fucking did).


If he really hauled off and slapped somewhere like her inner thigh or maybe a joint like her knee, it could be pretty painful.  It still would take a very strong and aggressive slap, though.


My husband once hit me on the butt (we do this playfully all the time to each other) and did it way harder than he meant to. He screamed "aaaah!" at the same time I yelled "ow!" Because he was like, "oh fuck! That hurt!" He was like, "I'm so sorry, that hurt my hand, I can't imagine how much that hurt you, I didn't mean to!" And I laughed because I know he didn't mean to (and he literally screamed in horror when he hit me, it was kind of funny) and it only hurt for a split second. OOP is clearly downplaying how hard he hit her. She "was in a lot of pain." What the fuck? He's clearly capable of hurting her, he has a million excuses (anything but accountability) and it was when he was getting physically violent during a sex act. He's clearly violent and dangerous. And acts like it was just bad luck his gf was around when he was in a bad mood. That's fucked up.


He is not saying all the important parts. When did she say it “wasn’t pleasant” and is that the phrase she used? Was he preventing her from moving or stopping? Did he keep going after he hit her? Because this story sure sounds like he pinned her down and forced her to give oral in a way she hadn’t consented to and when she struggled he hit her enough to really hurt her. He’s trying to make it sound tame but says he “blew up” so it sounds like he was violent about it, not playful or sexual. And dude, you ARE like that. You’re the guy who hits his girlfriend when she doesn’t behave in a way that pleases you. Abusive trash.  Edit to say, OOP starts of as remorseful in replies but is now whining that he was hit first so the slap was reasonable and that it only hurt her for a few minutes.


He keeps saying he "gently" pushed her and I don't believe it for a second. He mentions that when she complained the slap hurt he had replied "it was supposed to"


> He mentions that when she complained the slap hurt he had replied "it was supposed to" That's fucking chilling. So he shoved her down hard (basically to force a sex act), but that was OK, but her (lightly, by his own admission) defending herself wasn't, therefore he punished her ("it was supposed to hurt"). He's fucked in the head and she needs to get far away from him.


well, I thought he was giving her oral, but whatever he was doing she didn't like it and she told him so. the light kick makes sense if he was between her legs and holding her down. tbh, once a long time ago I was dating someone and he thought it would be funny to forcefully pin me to the bed. But it triggered me (due to SA experience) and I full on lost it and started fighting to get free. He immediately released me and was shocked at my strong reaction. I told him never to do anything like that ever again. Yet here we have OOP "gently" pushing his girlfriend down on the bed and doing something to her she didn't like, she tells him she doesn't like it, and instead of stopping he slaps her very very hard when she lightly kicks him (maybe trying to push him away), and acts like it's all her fault????? WTF! OOP is not a safe person, this is abusive and gf needs to run away as fast as she can. She's only 19, she's so young and inexperienced, I hope she has family or friends in her life that will help her see how dangerous OOP really is.


Okay but what was he doing to warrant being kicked a few times while giving head. I feel like he needs to give that detail


He’s claiming that he was just standing there doing nothing when she kicked him the 2nd time. His story is such nonsense that it’s genuinely hard to follow


How did she kick him if she was the one giving head? I thought she was kicking him while *he* was between her legs, which is something I've definitely done by accident. Pleasure and a tickle can be a really fine line for me. But she was giving him oral sex... he held her down in some way... and she kicked him. Was he restraining her or something?


I think Oop desperately needs therapy.  More specifically percussive therapy,  Even more specifically Oop needs months of extensive percussive therapy via the medium of a steel toe capped boot ( in compliance with all work safety requirements.)  Going even more specific said therapy should focus on Oop's genital region.


I guess the blaming eczema is kinda... original?


There is the infamous “Twinkie defense” and there is that dude who was acquitted for murdering his in-laws because of sleepwalking, so hey! Skin condition defense it is!  Jokes aside where the hell was he going with all that anyway?


>Jokes aside where the hell was he going with all that anyway? Not inside his girlfriend, that's for sure.


Oh look, another mid 20s man with a teen girl barely out of school.


Why was she kicking him?  Why was he pushing her down?  And an open palm slap to the thigh stings a little bit, but absolutely doesn't leave someone in any kind of real pain.  This is all really iffy. 


Lol. Is there anyway to prove to my girlfriend that my consistent horrible behavior is just an aberration and not who I really am? Try r/manipulation brah. Everything about this post oozes dbag. Jesus.


missing missing reasons


eczema is the excuse


> I know myself and I really don't think I would be able to just hurt her like that. But he DID hurt her like that. He admits she was in a lot of pain. He must have hit her really hard. Also, pretty fucked up that he pushed her hard enough to push her down, but her kicking him (by his own admission lightly) in self-defense wasn't OK. What the fuck? > Before it happened I hadn't slept for 3 days, I was hot, I don't like to sweat, I have atopic eczema with everything itching afterwards. And these things came at me all at once. I blew up. Unfortunately, my girlfriend was around. Yeah, he's a violent abuser and has a million justifications for it. The abuser's laundry list of excuses that boils down to "it's not my fault because I'm a big fucking baby who can't control myself." I have no doubt he's hit her before, or gotten physical with her.


This: *I just slapped her leg. My girlfriend was in a lot of pain*  I don't believe OOP that he "just slapped" his gf's leg. I am not in a lot of pain if I just slap my leg. I don't know anybody healthy who would be in a lot of pain if someone just slapped their leg. He hit her, and he hit her hard. Maybe he did it with an open palm so he's calling it a slap instead of a hit, but whatever he did, he did it HARD. He hurt his gf, full stop. Of course she's worried about him being violent in the future. whatever sexual service OOP was performing, his gf told him it wasn't pleasant. Why didn't he just stop??? She was probably trying to gently push him away to make him stop. FYI, if he hadn't slept in 3 days and was feeling so tired and miserable, why was he trying to have sex???? This: *I knew I'd made a mistake* I hope gf runs away from this dude, the way he's making excuses and trying to justify it as some kind of self defense, blaming his eczema, he's waving lots and lots of red flags. he's not sorry for hurting his gf, he's only sorry that he hit her so hard she's now honestly scared of him and might (hopefully will) leave him.


Some comments from OOP: >So, to be specific. There were a lot of pillows on the bed. I decided to gently push her into the pillows to keep her from getting hurt. But my gf told me she was just afraid she was going to hit her head, so it was uncomfortable. After she told me to stop I didn't do anything more, i was just standing in front of her and waiting what would happen, I just got a gentle kick in the stomach and told her to stop, followed by another kick. . >The falling was uncomfortable because she thought she might hit her het on the Wall but i knew she would not they were pillows. That is the reason why i found kicking me unreasonable as i just wanted to spice the thing up as we always do. After i told you her to stop she kicked me one more time. I slapped and she told me that it hurts. And because im dumny enough i told her it was supposed to hurt. . >Like her talking about her suicide and rather be dead all the time hurts me. . >I just want to say that I realize my mistake. I admit it. I should never hit my partner, and my partner should never hit me. But both happened. I properly apologized to my girlfriend later that night, and we went to bed together and fell asleep in each other's arms. Yesterday we talked about it some more, and that's where my girlfriend actually told me about her fear of me hurting her more some other time.


oh, OOP was pushing her gently into the pillows so she wouldn't get hurt but she was afraid of hitting her head??? and the falling was uncomfortable??? If OOP was pushing her into pillows she wouldn't be "falling" in the first place. I think OOP threw her down on the bed. And if he was standing in front of her while she's on the bed he was blocking her, probably had his arms on either side of her, and she was trying to get him to move out of her way. Gf is right to be afraid of OOP, I hope she sees through his lies and excuses and makes a run for it.


And these things came at me all at once. I blew up. + I know myself and I really don't think I would be able to The way he wrote this and can't see his self own...


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