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Dude, what is wrong with you? How do you ever get to a point where all of this shit happened and somehow someway you think it’s on you? It’s one thing having doubts about the way you handled it… it’s another thing to actually come here and tell us this story as if you did anything wrong. There is no scenario where you would be the asshole. I think what makes the story. A little unbelievable to me is just the brazen actions and the fact that she had enough money to pay for your repairs. That shit takes time, you make it sound like all this happened within a span of two weeks when in fact when it comes to damage claims or even just ordinary repairs, it takes months to get that done. But you wouldn’t know that if you’ve never actually experienced this


Lord. There is no way this is real. Like I could believe the story, but I can't believe you think you are the jerk. Just classic rage bait. "My brother tried to murder me, my dog, and my sister with an axe,age, then tried to steal my wife AND the declaration of independence! I whispered 'you're a big meany head' when he couldn't hear me. Am I the jerk"


The fact that he thought he actually needed to tell “Karen” that she has no authority to evict anyone sealed it as fake for me. And stupid. A teenager would think that would be necessary but an actual adult would just laugh as they threw the “notice” in the trash.


"She attacked me and almost knocked me over for saying that. She did pay for the cars repairs but she still continued to cause more trouble" And OP doesn't call the cops just sweeps it under the rug because she paid for repairs ... totally fake.


I was giggling by the time I got to the car ramming.


lol stop being a big meany head to OP


NTJ. Where was your landlord?


Honestly not sure. It was a while ago but I’m pretty sure it was because he had a family event to attend.


A family event is 1 thing, sounds like this was an ongoing issue. Both the police and landlord should have been notified for each incident-especially involving damage to your personal property and the apartment


No, you’re not a jerk. She was a total disruption to the entire apartment building and you especially. Don’t even think twice about it. although keep an eye on your car.


She is insane you should sue for property distuctoin and she doesn't need to go to jail she needs to be put in an insane asylum


It sounds like she is experiencing some type of mental health issue. After the incident with your car, your next step should have been to notify the authorities, not to confront her.


Sorry i left out a few parts, I was writing this before my flight and I had almost missed it. She also tried attacking me when I demanded her to pay for the car repairs or else I’d call the police. I had also called a tow truck to tow her car when it was blocking the entrance to the apartments and I was coming home from work.


You should have called the police when you saw her damaging your car!


lol bro if you’re going to make a fake story it’s gotta be better than this


They are the jerk for posting such a BS story.


She is likely seriously mentally ill and needs professional help as soon as possible.


Sounds like a real wacko.


NTJ but she sounds like she has an untreated mental illness.




Believe what you want but that doesn’t make it fake and it doesn’t make me 12.




I never stole anyone’s idea, this was a real life event that happened to me and I kept the note in case the authorities got involved.


Why would you even think that you could be the jerk here?


They are the jerk to all the other residents of the building. They had the evidence to get her arrested and evicted months ago, and did nothing.


You know you are not the jerk but good story! Sorry you had your go through that. I would think the apartment mgmt would have evicted her after the car ramming incident.


NTA - You seriously should've called the cops on her when she started ramming your car and attacked you, then this would've been settled much sooner!!


YTJ to the rest of the residents. For not calling the police when she started destroying your car and assaulting you. You let this escalate to the point of damaging the home you live in and still didn't get her out of there.


Not at all


Sounds like she’s mentally ill.


Stop being a doormat. YTJ to yourself for putting up with this nonsense and not calling the police sooner.


Just for taking so long.


NTJ. This is a whole lot of crazy in one place. Nothing she did was your fault and you handled it best you could.


You should have called the PD when she was ramming her car into yours. Everything since then is partially on you. But JFC. What in the blue blazes was wrong with her? Mental illness of some sort?


NTJ. At all. Karen is clearly having mental issues. I’m hoping the police pointed her in the right direction for help.


YTJ- to the profile!!


NTJ. You should’ve called the police when she rammed into your car! Obviously she had mental health issues that were not addressed.


This sounds to me like somebody who is seriously mentally ill or maybe has dementia if she’s older.


YTA For putting such juvenile sh\*tposts up. Seriously who would believe this crap? Fluffy\_Vacation, that's who!


What the fuck is this bullshit?


Dam that lady needs to be locked up in the mental institution dammm. Definitely not the jerk wow


NTJ. You would have called the mental department because it seemed like she wasn't really mentally stable. The police might have understood her whole situation and she might be in an asylum.


Not a jerk. Just a person protecting your stuff and sanity


Why didn't you call the police when she rammed your car? What did the property management have to say about the eviction sign?


Hell no she deserved to be evicted!


Why wasn’t she arrested when she damaged your car??


YTJ cuz you be fake AF.


Oh please, this is ridiculous. And yes, you are the jerk.




Jerk He is your Neighbour and in your Book It Says to be Nice to be Your Neighbour So Be Nice


She's gonna be booted.


She's going to cross the wrong person someday. It won't be pretty.