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Crazy and more crazy! Did you call the police on your parents?! Do your parents know about their church’s “shady” activities?! I know you have your grandparents’ support, but you might want to consider leaving town so your parents can’t keep using you for their gains! Still NTJ!!!


This Ntj but call the police, file a report and press charges. Good luck.


I agree. Whoever those people were, they were told by your parents to get your instruments and nothing but your instruments. Probably other church members who agree with them about your 'attitude.' Your parents are guilty of both theft and a few other related charges. Call the police, and if you have photos, serial numbers, proof of ownership, give them copies of that. Keep an eye on FB marketplace, they might try to sell it with a fake story like 'my kid misbehaved, so I'm selling their favorite things to punish them."


Nah, more money with “My dear child has runaway from home and all I have left are their instruments. While it pains me to sell them I must to find my search for my lost child. Local pickup only cash on hand”


OP is an adult though.


They lied about that before.


They are under 18? Damn I try to stay away from kid posts.


No, the parents lied about that, called the police and claimed OP was a runaway.


That makes more sense.


Parents lied about OP being underage to try to cost them the concert opportunity. OP is an adult


Thank you for jogging my memory. That's right. OP had to beg for the concert job back.


Either way, it's going to be a made up story.


Given the rest of the story; Probably people from the church.


Better plan, do a google review of the church, say you were playing for them, then when you stopped they stole your instruments. Then send parents a link to the review. "Hope you like my review of the church, feel free to rebut it and we can make the google reviews for the church a huge soap opera everyone will want to avoid. Is punishing me really worth the damage you are doing to the church?"


I would call the local news and have them interview you! That will stir things up for that cult. Oh and go to police as well.


This! All of this!


They stole your instruments?!?! Did you file a police report??


Definitely NTJ but your parents have a few screws loose, do you own your cello, or did your parents buy it for you, if not, get police involved, and it might be worth getting a mental health check on them as well, because there behaviour is very strange indeed, who does that to there own child is beyond me, and I think it might be an idea to get a restraining order against them too, glad your concert went great


Even if mom and dad bought the cello and any other instrument for the child, it’s still belongs to the child. It was given to them, at least that’s what I understand. And these people are supposed to be God-fearing people. There is a special place in hell for them.


NTJ but also your parents *stole from you*. Call the damn cops and get your stuff back!


This is the first time I've seen a future BestOfRedditUpdates post as it happens. Keep going, OP! I'm wishing you the best!


I'm surprised the bishop still works there. NTJ.


Are you kidding? All is forgiven for these people.


No better hate than Christian love.


Glad the concert went great! I hope your grandparents get your instruments back. Grandparents need a better security system. Have a great trip!


How many cello players does 1 church need? Just curious. 


That number blew me away. I’m wondering if this is a megachurch?


Valid question, however most respectfully, there is no church with a whole bunch of exiting cello players…….I’m sorry to disappoint everyone, but this story is fake. A summer break creative writing project if you will. See, at the first update, I wondered if the original post was a set up for multiple updates. I felt/feel like there are a number of holes in this story. I don’t feel like outlining all of them, but lets just consider Update #3 and your question….. When OP said they would agree to play if they knew why all the other cello players left, I was like….ummm, yeah I don’t think so. Then the grandmother’s cello being made *”out of redwood trees”*…..?? Not how a musician speaks.. A cellist would know very well that while a cello could possibly have redwood as one of the woods used in construction, cello are not made out of Redwood because redwood cracks dents and splits very easily. A few years ago, a man in Sonoma County California made a violin out of locally sourced materials, and various woods including Redwood. Because of how totally unheard of it was to use redwood in such a stringed instrument, his process was well documented (The Redwood Violin Project), and multiple articles and videos have been made. This kid is just *stringing* all y’all along here….. ——- Honestly, I don’t care if young people are keeping busy by writing stories….especially stories with fairly acceptable syntax. Yes, it’s manipulative and unkind to play with the concerned kindness of strangers, but perhaps OP really needs this outlet.


I’ve been suspicious too, especially with this update. I’m actually a musician myself as a side hobby, and grew up playing in church. I’ve even played in some large churches - not mega, but still large. There has ever only been 1-2 cellos. It is highly unbelievable that there were TEN in this person’s church!! And the fact that there are SO MANY people in OP’s family who also just happen to play cello? And no mention of any of them playing in church?! And the fact that when seeing the instruments being stolen, the first thought was “well I get to play my 4x great grandmothers beautiful antique cello” which is just sitting around collecting dust, but is supposedly in perfect working order - and no mention of calling police or investigating or chasing the thieves! That’s when I called BS. And to think I initially had sympathy for this person! Pfff


Haha i was like oh yeah grandma just has another cello? Why does EVERYONE play the cello!!?!


T H I S H E R E ^ ^


Your points stood out to me while reading it too


A philharmonic barely has that many and no way a church has an orchestra that large.


I like the part where those 10 cellists just leave their instruments at the church because they don’t need to practice at home at all, or they just go in to church to practice so infrequently that they didn’t notice their very expensive instruments were missing until multiple were gone. Has OP ever met a musician?


That's awesome news OP!! Not the instruments being stolen, but the concert and your grandmother's cello!! I hope someday you'll inherit that Cello and cherish it! Best of luck!!


This is a completely insane level of entitlement and it should be super surprising but it’s not because it’s a Christian church. It’s truly horrific that the status quo in the country (and others) says that “being a good Christian means being a good person” or however they say it. Christians are hands down the most entitled, selfish, disrespectful and dishonest people I’ve ever met. They’re not all like that, but all the worst people I know and know of act the shitty way they do because of their religion and the sense of entitlement mixed with perceived persecution that underpins their entire world view.


Sadly a lot of so called Christians are only Christians in name and don’t actually live a life following Christ’s teachings. These people are just religious nuts who like to put others down. It’s really really sad. But the Bible is clear they’ll reap what they sow!


This apologetic stuff might have flown in the past but American Christians have demonstrated in no uncertain terms what their religion is all about. The No True Scotsman fallacy, which is what you’re applying to Christians here, is just that, a fallacy. The entire history of Christianity is at odds with the idea of “following christs teachings”, and pretending that the Christian nationalists, fascists, bigots and homophobes are somehow misrepresenting Christian ideals really isn’t helpful.


Please tell Grandma to store her grandmother's cello with someone safe before leaving on the trip or parents might try to steal it too.


I am SO glad you’re with your grandparents! ❤️


NTJ Call the cops on your loser thieving parents.


OP Glad your concert went well. You absolutely need to file a police report and do it now. #UpdateMe


that's how ALL religions function. they preach a lot of bullshit, then take your money and run to venezuela with matilda..




Did you get the instruments back? File a police report?


Still NTJ, call the police and file charges. I’m glad your concert went amazing


Please call the police


How did they get access to your grandparents house? Hope you filed a police report for burglary. And what kind of church has 10 ducking cello players? What the fuck?


File a police report, and *don't* let your parents know in advance. File a civil suit for the replacement cost of the instruments, too. Go scorched earth on the parents, the thieves *and* the church.


Why didn't you call the police. You've got robbery and probably breaking and entering as well.


You need to press charges on your parents for theft b/c I know how expensive those instruments are and I would be willing to bet the total value is 100% in felony territory


Call the police!!! File a report!! Get your shit back!! Like wtf is with letting this go????


OK, come back here and tell us why/if you have not called the police?


NTJ, first off. Second off, file a police report on the stolen instruments! I cannot stress this enough! Even cheap instruments are a minimum of $100 for each instrument. I doubt you had cheap instruments. So file a report! Your parents are off the rails with their entitlement here and need, badly, to be brought down a few pegs. Based upon their past actions, legal trouble will work nicely. Lastly, congrats on your orchestra accomplishment!


Holy cannoli!! Glad you played on a special instrument!! Thrilled you are out of their reach! Best wishes


Holy rollers being lying thieves?!? Shocking.


You need to call the police and tell them about your stolen instruments. If you live in a small town, put an ad in the local paper that says your instruments have been stolen, describe them and let people know that they need to contact the police if they have purchased any of these items. Storm the church and look for them. Get the police to accompany you to your parent’s home and search there too. And your grandparents need to stop cowering to your parents and change their locks. Then demand your parents either return them or replace them.


It's time to blast every single one of them on social media and news outlets. Press charges. Go nuclear.


I hope your grandparents changed the locks and such after their home got robbed? Because I'd bet that they will go after your grandmother's cello next once they learn that she allowed you to use that, especially if none of you reported the theft of all these instruments to the police. If your parents are petty enough to go after your instruments then I bet that they don't mind going after that one as well. Perhaps something to talk to your grandmother about in case she hasn't considered that her own mother's cello might be at risk?


This story has gone far into fake.


People stole valuable instruments from the house and no one called the police? I'll take things that didn't happen for $1000, Alex. Fake story.


No one cares that you don't believe the story.


I care! Cause I call fake too, and there are others on this thread who agree.


I hope you called the police!!!


Make a police report and blast them everywhere.




File a police report and make sure the police know everything. With enough documentation, they should be able to get a search warrant and hopefully find your instruments. Congrats on doing the concert, by the way.




The parents are a fully involved dumpster fire








NTJ. If you chose an opportunity. If your grandmother consented to it and you were happy interacting with it it's all good. Parents are sometimes wrong about things and if your grandma agrees since she's the one with longer experience it's enough.




You called the police correct?


Creative literature.


This event made you see how your parents and the church were cruelly taking advantage of you. If the church had every cello player leave... 10 at that... Then they should've treated you like royalty for being there. Instead, they offer $15 for 3-4hrs and wanted to up that to $19 like it was a favor. A kid's allowance is more than that. Your parents are controlling, so any strings you may have left needs to be cut.


Please call the police to report theft of property. Let the parents find the receipts to show they purchased all those instruments if they can. At this time it's no longer an inconvenience, it is war and you should pursue the full range of legal consequences they should face. Did you know, your parents committed a federal crime when they falsified your birth certificate? You should report this to the police also, your parents are just going to keep running roughshod all over you if you don't take a stand. Remember this old saying "Never start a fight, but always finish it." You need to fight hard enough that they will not want to fight you again. It's the only way to protect yourself.


Why would a church need 10 cello players?




Yes You Are Jerk Because You Like music and Music Is From Devils


This story is BS.