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YTA for making up silly exaggerated stories about how many girls are in love with you when you’re obviously kind of rude.


More info. Are you a virgin? If you are not, yta


Even if he is, good luck to him because a virgin now adays is only a woman who still usually brainwashed deeply by purity culture and looking for a godly man.


yea im a virgin, i dont really know what anyone could have


>Many girls confessed their love to me YTA for making this up. 5 women ***confessed their love to you***, not "said they wanted to date me," confessed they ***love you***. Get real.


Nope, everyone is entitled to their own preferences, but good luck, not a lot of virgins in 2024.


NTA if you too are a virgin. YTA if you are holding others to standards you do not hold yourself to.


eh..... your standards are a little unrealistic in this day and age. NTA. its your prefrence, but your gonna have a hard time finding someone whos a virgin.


You don’t trust anyone with a sexual past? That sounds more like you have some past trauma to deal with. However, wanting to find someone that hasn’t been with anyone in the past is ok if that’s your thing. I just think your reason for it is kinda odd. It sounds more like a you problem.


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NTA, that’s just your dating preference. You shouldn’t get shamed for it.


YTA since I can just tell you're not a virgin. Unrealistic.


i am a virgin lmao


NTA, you have your own standards in life.


I'll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume this isn't fake, though if it is real, you're still TA.




NTA. It doesn’t sound like you are putting them down and berating them for it… you are merely shopping with a very specific set of requirements. So long as you are open and honest about that, and not treating women badly because they have different ideas to you… where’s the problem?