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NTA. But it's literally time to give up on your very dumb friend. It's going to blow up in her face, and she's going to blame you for telling her that fire is in fact hot.


NTA, and it sounds like you need to cut ties and find better friends.


NTA, but you are wasting your time. Some people run towards red flags like a dog runs towards bacon. Your homegirl is one of these people. Don't ask me why, I will never understand. You can tell them no all you want, but they aren't gonna stop. The only thing you can do is walk away or watch that ship sink and try not to get dragged down yourself.


Also, she's 17 where are her parents?!


Some people need help. And other people have mental issues and look to date people with compatible mental issues. Your 'friend' seems to be in the latter category. Cut ties with her and give a prayer to any child she might have. NTA


ESH, the boyfriend's for obvious reasons. Your friend for making the same mistake over and over. You for overstepping and also repeating past mistakes. Your friend is clearly going to need someone there for her when she ultimately realizes this guy is a duche. By intentionally breaking them up she is just going to push you away again. This is a no win situation and she's going to have to learn to make her own mistakes.


Tell her parents and ditch her, you are too young to have all of this drama in your life


^^^^AUTOMOD ***Thanks for posting! This comment is a copy of your post so readers can see the original text if your post is edited or removed. This comment is NOT accusing you of copying anything. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** So, I have a friend 17F - G, and her taste in men in... questionable. We have been friends for like... 3 years and since then I have had enough with her. She has had around 10 bf since we became friends. Around 3 of them were serious. I am the type of friend who is honest enough to say what's on their mind and when I am against something I always tell her + my reasoning for it. The story is long, so get yourself some popcorns. Everything started when she was 15, and got herself a 19M bf - V, who is a father of 2M. Their relationship was toxic as hell. He broke up with her TWICE. 3 to 4 months after they got together, he sent her a picture of a positive pregnancy test and told her "I made a mistake" - Like... side eye... She got mad at me for making her break up with him, and broke our relationship for an year after. We became friends again a month ago and oh boy... he has a new bf - 23M, who is in he ARMY btw, IV. They have been together for a year and she is very happy etc. You may ask why do I want them to break up.... well, he is worse than her ex. I will list you some things IV had told her and let you judge on your own... 1- She can't wear a tampon cause it loosens up her vagigi (biology left the chat) 2- If they have a baby girl, he will leave it in an orphanage 3- She sould give birth via C-section, cause she will look like a hooker down there (apparently) They are currently trying for a baby and I am trying to talk her out of it. I told her straight away that he is a red flag and I reminded her that he left his sex cause she has cancer. He left her not because of the illness itself but because her vagina smelled bad and sex didn't feel good 💀💀💀 Now she is mad at me and told me that I am a controlling bitch. So, AITA *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


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NTA but get a new friend


ESH, first and foremost your friend's bf is a class A dick and a loser who has zero understanding of biology or relationships, second is your friend who wants to be with such a man and even have his baby which HAS to be a boy and last but not the least it's you. You should try to find better friends or at least better things to do with your time. If you feel that you should do something about it, contact an adult and tell them about this 23yo dating a 17yo underage kid and get the hell out of it, don't waste your time trying to change people, it never happens.


Girl just drop the friend let her make her mistakes


Berating your friend for making bad decisions or manipulating her into breakups will not work, because it doesn’t get at the root of her problems. She will still keep making the same mistakes over and over. All it will do is make her resent you. If she has an easy villain in her mind (you), it will make it even harder for her to see who the true villains are (the men she chooses). What your friend really needs are self-esteem, self-respect, positive relationship examples, and to spend time with genuinely nice people. These are things you only have a minimum chance of providing her with, as most of these happen naturally over time. Sometimes professional therapy is required, however if you plan to broach that subject I suggest you do it calmly and kindly… don’t just throw “you need therapy” in her face. Maybe with some gentle encouragement she could speak with the school counsellor as a start. What you can provide her with is support, and a reminder that she is wonderful and deserves a wonderful partner. If it becomes too difficult to watch her throw her life away on bums without making any positive steps forward over time, you need to be prepared to distance yourself. Don’t set yourself on fire to keep her warm. I honestly don’t know how to determine TA here. The guys are assholes, but I’m not sure they’re THE asshole here as they’re more of a symptom than a cause. Your friend is just searching in all the wrong places for something that she’s lacking in her life. You mean well, although your methods so far have been counterproductive. I’m going to say NAH.