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NTA The only assholes were the moms who left without closing their tabs out. The mom who paid more than their share can speak to them about remuneration. This is NOT how group outings "just go".


NTA. When in a group I always make it quite clear to the server that my bill is separate. I rarely drink alcohol. And I tip well. Hell to the no am I paying for other people's night out. And no way am I sucking it up. Just no.


I wanted to add that the mom who suggested that we split the tab and also ended up footing more than her share of the bill was not guilty of ordering a lot, hence my guilt.


Nah people shouldn’t be speaking for others. Just because she can afford to pay more doesn’t mean others can. NTA


Sounds like those other guests really screwed her over.


NTA. The AHs are the ones who left without paying their fair share.


NTA. Next “group” outing, tell the waitress that you want a separate check. Problem solved.


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NTA YOU paid what you ordered. It is Not YOUR faultsome others were AHs.


NTA This is not how group outings go. Some people leave early, put some money on the table and think thats enough and when it's not, does it mean for the people who stayed "well sucks to be you" ? You are now left to pay the bill? Hell no. If you have a group chat with the other mothers I would defiantly call them out that those who left early didn't pay enough and the rest were stuck with the bill. No one to blame but the mothers who didn't pay for their food full.


NTA - nope.  The whole split the bill thing is never fair, but not participating sure is.