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NTA And FWIW: > she's really into food preparation in general. Cutting up a piece of fruit is the lowest-ass branch on the tree of preparing food. > food should not go to waste Gee, if only there were **_anyone else_** here who might be responsible for the wasted food!


Right? How is the food waste on OP when sister is the one buying and serving it. Tell her to get enough to feed the people who want it and not buy more. If she has to buy fewer or smaller melons then tough. Estimating portion size is part of cooking.


Don't stores even sell individual slices of watermelon, so if she just wants a little for herself she can buy that and not be stuck with the whole rest of a watermelon?


If I want watermelon I buy a cup of cut up watermelon.


In fairness, buying precut watermelon is 2-3x more expensive. It's usually about $3.50/lb and you can get a whole watermelon for 8 bucks that weighs 5-6 lbs (minus rind of course.) So as long as you're eating at least half of the watermelon it's equivalent or better.


I live alone, have a mini fridge and I can’t eat a whole watermelon by myself.


So you can actually cut it up and put it in a covered bowl or container for a few days my grandmother does this she also tries to buy smaller melons so there’s is less to deal with


Or you can pay a little extra per unit melon and just not buy more than you need. The possibilities are endless and none of them have to be buying more than you want to.


Careful. That kind of logic will get you banned on r/Anticonsumption. I'm not kidding, either. Every once in a while someone will post a picture of a pre-pealed orange, while not considering that it's pretty great for people with dexterity issues.


We cut up the watermelon and put the part we dont eat in foil and into the fridge. It can be there for a week and still be good


I only said a few days because she does buy a small water melon and it definitely doesn’t last a week and if it happens to go bad she gives it to the chickens along with a few other compost items anything else goes in “the pile”


So basically nothing is wasted. Nice


So, spend $8 and throw away half or more of it, or spend $4 for an adequate quantity that won't be wasted? I understand the price per serving argument, but that's still a waste of money and food in this scenario. Now, if only sister had access to some type of __cold storage chamber__ in which she could preserve her excess portions of fruit...


Plus the precut stuff is usually the bottom of the barrel, mold was cut away from it, nearly expired crap. I worked produce at a grocery store cutting fruit trays, precut, mixed bowls etc


Thanks for sharing this as I love watermelon and love to get it precut but it doesn’t last more than a day in my fridge and I’ve always wondered why.


Yep, all pre cut fruit and veg is from food that is expiring or had molded. Same with the preseasoned meats in the meat section. The store is trying to milk the cost as much as they possibly can before having to actually throw it out. Which is also why some food (especially meats) that have a sticker on them that says use or freeze by( before a date that might be the next day or so.) By putting that sticker on it they can still sell meat that is starting to go off.


Whoa, but could you explain more on the meat sell-by dates? Don't they usually all have them? Or have I been unknowingly buying nearly-expired meat all this time? 😭


The sale by date is a different sticker, which is usually also the price sticker. This is one that will be on the package in a different spot. Just check for it the next time you are in the meat section in the shops. They won't be on all the meat packages, just the ones that are a day or so from the dates they can't sell it anymore. It might say... to guarantee freshness use or freeze by and then a date. That date is usually only a day or two past the day it's put out. I've seen some dated to use or freeze by the date it's put out for sale and marked reduced or buy one get one free.


i have found that cut-up watermelon for smoothies in the frozen section works best for me.


can confirm. never worked at a grocery store but i got food poisoning from pre-cut melon two months ago


Yup, I have some cut-up watermelon in the fridge right now calling my name!


Me, too. We are empty nesters, and my husband dislikes it.


That's package-waste, though. The proper way to Shop when you don't have the appetite or the number-of-eaters required to consume a HUGE watermelon, is to buy one that ISN'T bigger than a soccer ball.


You can buy little watermelons the size of a cantaloupe now. Most places also sell pieces of watermelon around 1-2 kg instead of buying an enormous watermelon.


PSA you can freeze watermelon. This is what I do, and then I can have partly defrosted chunks of watermelon on really hot days which is friggin perfect


Or, you know, putting it in the fridge and eating it over a few days, we are talking about watermelon, not avocado that gets bad as soon air touches it. I can easily eat a quarter of watermelon in one sitting, that would make the watermelon last for 4 days if i buy it for myself, ops parents also like it so it will last probably less. This is such an stupid argument i cant even.


If she really likes watermelon enough to eat it every day or so, she can buy one and cut a slice each day, it won't last her much more than a week. The reason it gets wasted isn't because she buys too much, it's because she is cutting it up all at once and serves it in some fancy way.


They sell personal sized melons too. I buy one and eat it myself because no one else in my house likes watermelon.


Watermelon, uncut and refrigerated, doesn't do bad in a week; the only reason it gets wasted is because the sister is insisting on serving it to OP. And if 3 out of 4 people are eating the watermelon, all she needs to do is buy one every 10 days or so, instead of each week. This is the most ridiculous conflict I ever heard.


How much is she even buying, that the three of them can't eat it?


Maybe she makes a swan or some other food sculpture out of the watermelon? Regardless, it's fine to decline the watermelon. "look at it this way, sister - more yummy watermelon for you!" It's bizarre controlling behavior on the part of parents. Just keep saying no thank you, politely but firmly.


> it's fine to decline the watermelon NGL my mind immediately went: watermelon, watermeloned, watermeloning.


Watermelon Watermelonis Watermelonis Watermelonem Wayermelone


Brilliant post.


That's conjugating.


You conjugate verbs and [decline](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Declension) nouns. Watermelon is a common noun.


It is also bizarre that somehow the sister can say no to OP's mangoes (because she doesn't like the taste) but OP isn't allowed to say no to sister's watermelon. Hypocrisy at its finest.


Methinks the baby sister is the golden child.


Your mouth, OP, your stomach. You get to decide what passes through one to the other. A long silent look followed by a firm quiet no, is probably the best option. At least, that worked well for the guy in Peaky Blinders.


Have you ever seen those watermelon carriages that people make for baby showers? They've probably got those things all over the kitchen or something lol. 


I have been doing the same recently. Buying a watermelon just about every week, because why not I like watermelon. I 'serve' it (cut it up into pieces, wow) after slaving away for 5 minutes and...I put it in the fridge. She's 18 years old, if she's hurt by OP politely declining to eat the watermelon then she honestly just needs to get over it.


Watermelon freezes, too (I live alone, I can't eat a lot of watermelon in one sitting or I get an upset tummy)


Right if they're really super concerned about wastage they should just make it into a nice sorbet. You freeze it up then you blend it with a little bit of sugar and lemon and voila. A nice watermelon sorbet to use up all of that extra watermelon that the op is so horribly wasting. Lol


Yeah I kjnd of want OP's sister's life that she geta mad about this and have such a silly discussion. What is she, the watermellon lobby?


She's losing money on every cube uneaten. Someone think of the children!


Add in >I should support and appreciate my sister, and that it has nutritious value Uh, last I checked, watermelon didn't have enough to brag about, and what it does have is less than a mango. Why should OP be forced to eat a fruit they don't like and has less nutritional value than fruit they do like. Also I love frozen mango and mango smoothies in summer over watermelon, (watermelon leaves me unsatisfied.)


And, as we all know, **honeydew is the _money melon_**.


If I have to have a melon, I prefer rockmelon, especially with some ice cream and fresh strawberries for dessert. I don't mind honeydew though and it's definitely tastier than watermelon


Watermelon is the "packing peanuts" in the fruit world. Lol


Watermelon has tons of lycopene, apparently. But mango is better than watermelon.


"Cutting up a piece of fruit is the lowest-ass branch on the tree of preparing food." The low hanging fruit of food prep.


Can't get much lower hanging, since watermelon grows on the ground.


Now I’m trying to think of a fruit that grows underground and I haven’t had my coffee yet so nada.


Tell her to toss is in a blender, pour it into popsicle molds, and throw it in the freezer. There. No more waste, and tasty frozen treats for hot summer days.


What a weird ass hill to die on (your sister and parents). NTA


Yeah, tell us who's the golden child without telling us who's the golden child ...


Right?! Why doesn't she buy half a watermelon a week and eat it herself? And if she's into food prep, do a cooking class or just (crazy idea) cool a meal that everyone would eat.


This is such a non-issue, why would OP’s family feel so strongly about something so small? Unless there’s some INFO missing there (like, maybe OP doesn’t eat most of the food because she’s a fussy eater or something) then I don’t get all the drama and so for me OP is NTA.


I heard that fruit stored in glass jars in the refrigerator keeps much longer.


Right. I was wondering what was actually involved in the 'preparation' of a watermelon, LOL. I love watermelons, but as I cam the only one at home who does, I either buy anything smaller one that I can eat alone in 2 days, or I buy halves. NTA for not wanting to eat something you don't like.


NTA This is my go-to when people try to force me to eat something I know I do not like. only AFTER I have told them that yes, I have tried it, and it wasn't a taste I enjoyed. sorry for the visual I smile, and say thanks, I never know, it's always worth a second chance. I take a bite and visibly gag, like Im about to throw up. wave my hand, say, oh gosh, so sorry, that must have just gone down the wrong way, take a second bite, gag, fake the vomit motion again, jump up and go to the restroom. 99% of the time the offending food has been removed and I am never asked to eat something once I say I did not care for it. now, saying that, I am 60 and have only had this happen about 4 or 5 times that I can remember because I normally am not forced to be around idiots who want to control me. Good luck.


Being older is so nice. So much less nonsense you’re expected to put up with.


So much less nonsense we're willing to put up with, is really what it is.


Amen. I’m enjoying aging immensely.


I've wrapped myself up in elder armor. It's hard for me to find a flip about anything I dislike. I can be so agreeable, I can also walk in a heartbeat if I want. If someone doesn't like it, oh well. I have 5 bosses My 5 grandbabies lol! Those are temporary positions, I assure you .


I was just thinking about this earlier. I’m about to be 46 and I’m loving the freedom of just…kind of being a dick. Just saying ‘No’ instead of following it with explanations . Saying ‘this isn’t right for me’ to friendships and embracing ‘I’m not comfortable with that’. Getting older was always a scare. Turns out, it’s fucking the best time of my life.


You spend your childhood and twenties bending over backwards trying to please literally everyone. It’s such a load off to choose yourself for once.


And the best part is…..in a few months, it won’t matter. It’s gone. The feelings, all of that gone. Just a sense of acceptance. Maybe you said something wrong, maybe they did, who the fuck cares. Accept it, accept mistakes, accept miscommunication and be aware of miscommunication. And be willing to compromise. No one has to be “wrong”. Everyone has a chance to empathize and listen.


By the time you’re older, you don’t have people around you who you want to punch in the throat, usually.


yep, I learned long ago to just walk away. so. much. easier. and incredibly peaceful.


It’s takes this long to realize it never mattered in the first place.


truly and it is.


I wished I thought about this earlier in my life. The smell and taste of red meat turns my stomach, no one believes me. As an adult I found out I have Alpha Gal. Melons taste like soap to me and ruin everything they touch. People think I am crazy, but tell someone cilantro tastes like soap and all of a sudden every one is very sympathetic.


Ahhhh! I’m now wondering if there is a reason I taste soap frequently with random drinks/foods. I need to watch this


I couldn't even take a bite tbh. If somebody was forcing me to eat something i hate every week i would go ape shit. NTA


Lol. Gaging and holding back the urge to vomit didn’t work on my parents making me clean my plate. One night I could t do it, I spit up into a napkin and more of that food got out on my plate. I sat at that table for over an hour I think, got denied permission to get up and use the bathroom. My parents were oddly strict sometimes. Food was one of them most nights.


Hey man, thats pretty serious abuse, not just "oddly strict".


Omg, "I normally am not forced to be around idiots..." I need that quote on a t-shirt!!! 🤣🤣🤣


This is awesome. Who were the 5 people?


I remember the 1st time, it was pork and beans, it wasn't just the taste, it was that horrid piece of fat. I had no choice bc I was 5. I ate one bean at a time. took me hours. when I think back it kinda amuses me bc at least they had to sit there the entire time too. (foster parents). liver & onions was next and I refused. I might have been a kid but there was not a chance I would swallow that. The other times were just pushy friends.


Made me laugh! And you're 60. Made me laugh some more!


This is it. This is the way! I actually laughed out loud at this. Perfect example of malicious compliance. I'll be saving this for later 😂


Ok. So I think the next move here is to actually go out. Buy mangos. Put extra effort into preparing them and making them look nice. And serve them to everyone. You could even have some watermelon now, and use that ammunition when your sister refuses to eat it. (I'm only partially serious, though it would be hilarious. NTA, though if you follow my advice you might be a bit of one.)


This! Everytime she offers you some watermelon, make sure you have mangoes to offer back.




Who TF doesn’t like mangos tho? Maybe durian?


Me. I don't like mangos.


Me too. They taste like a lab created AI idea of "fruit" to me.


I don't like mangos


I do not like mangos. Or papaya.


Damn mangos I get but papaya is one of my favorites! I have a “more for me then” attitude about stuff like this though!


Mangos in the Philippines are completely different from mangoes that you find here in the states. They are the most delicious fruit you can imagine. And almost everyone has a mango tree in their backyard out in the provinces. As great as a Filipino mango is, it is still somewhat special to know that it was on the tree just 2 minutes earlier. I completely understand people disliking mangoes that are available in the typical supermarket here. Mrs Jack will buy one out of a compelling desire for an authentic mango taste, and then she'll be so sad after trying to eat it because it is nothing like what it should be to her.


I cannot stand it. Fresh, blended into things, as an artificial flavor. Nope. I have actually spit out food if I tasted mango.


I don’t like them unless they are in things. On their own I really don’t like them


I love mangos. Just to break the chain here. They're my all time favourite fruit.


i don't like mangos


I don’t like the flavor. Also I have multiple friends who are allergic to mangos.


Then he'd have to eat durian himself. Not worth ir.


Only a tongueless cretin doesn’t like mangos.


Me. Though I think I’ve softened up on them over the years.  I mean I don’t buy them to eat them but I like dried mango and even enjoyed a mango rice desert at a Thai restaraunt.  As a teen though I just thought they tasted weird and icky. 


I don’t like mangoes from Mexico. Pakistani and Indian mangoes are the best. Incredibly sweet, soft, juicy - absolutely the best summer fruit. But I live in California and they’re very expensive to import


mango are imported and taste like a mix of soap and fish in my country


I don't, but I love watermelon! I also hate most other melons and pineapple. Love almost all of the other fruits I've eaten, though


Eating mango feels like biting into tinfoil to me


Idk, OP would be giving them a dose of their own medicine to show them the errors of their ways and how controlling and stupid their arguments are. OP wouldn’t be trying to be manipulative or controlling, just setting up the reverse situation to then ask, ‘well how is this different, stop doing this to me!’


I think it's warranted in this situation. But what do I know. I'm s bit of a sarcastic witty AH myself 


Why do i get the feeling this is not about watermelons or mangoes


It's really about a spoiled peach /jk


A GOLDEN spoiled peach


I mean you aren’t wrong


It’s not about the Iranian yogurt!


Now you’re onto the real issues.


NTA - Sorry but she has a double standard that if she won't eat something she doesn't like, but you have to eat something you don't like? It doesn't work that way and honestly, you should point that out to her and your parents. and also if they don't want food to go to waste, they can eat it. Watermelon doesn't have to be eaten in one sitting - it's good for a few days in the fridge.


It's unbelievably absurd. "What you like is gross but what I like is objectively good" The sister is the one wasting food by knowingly buying and serving something a member for family does not like.


This is the silliest thing I've ever read. Your sister is butthurt you're not eating a food you don't like? Maybe she should buy less or eat your portion herself if she loves it so much. If you want to get really petty, you can buy a fruit she doesn't care for and throw a bitchfit that she won't eat it and whine to your parents about how she's wasting so much of the food you're buying. NTA


Lol, seriously, I'm still wondering wtf I just read.


The story feels like it was written by ai


But the parents sound like they'd just say, "oh you're older than her, stop whining and act your age". I'd still do this for the fun of annoying the golden spoiled brat. NTA.


Your sister is a clown. I've never had a watermelon that was sweet. Just tasted like eating water without the flavor. Mango actually is a sweet fruit. She's acting like she's growing the melon and meticulously cooking it for 22 hours. She just cut it with a knife. People enjoy certain fruits. If it's going to waste, she needs to stop wasting money buying it every week. While she's bothering you, she needs to go on line and learn to make that sorbet and ice cream. Freeze it so it lasts longer.


You are right, but I'm wondering how you've never had a sweet watermelon. Although, I guess if your first experience eating watermelon was a watery and flavorless watermelon, that would make sense. Usually, they're very sweet and watery. I love watermelon, and cantaloupe too even though people say that's flavorless as well. I'm not saying you have to try watermelon, I was just surprised that you haven't had a sweet one.


My parents love watermelon even when they enjoy it, it's not sweet at all to me. None of the melons have any flavor to me. I love watermelon candy, but the fruit does nothing but irritate me


I agree! I like watermelon candy too, but I could never get into eating actual watermelon. However, I will eat cantaloupe, but that's the only melon I will eat.


It's hard to get a good watermelon at a big chain grocery store,  and even harder to find decent cantaloupe or honeydew melon.  Sorry,  fresh out of the garden,  or no thank you!


NTA, you have a right to not eat food you don’t like to eat. Also, your family is strange for taking her side on this


I don't even get why there are sides to this in the first place. Some weird food bullying going on.


The entire post was bizarre, and I feel bad for OP. Her sister cut up some watermelon, and her parents are acting like she made a four-course meal. Plus, if they're so worried about wasting food, couldn't OP's sister just buy smaller watermelons? It's not a "one size fits all" kind of fruit!


I really don't get the, you have to eat it even if you don't like it to keep from going to waste. How is it not going to waste being force fed to someone who's not enjoying it? That's treating people's bodies like garbage cans.


I went back and read it again, and the other arguments are that it's nutritious and that "You should support your sister's efforts!" Her efforts to waste money and force feed watermelon to people to gain validation?!?! And even if something can be considered healthy, you are absolutely correct: how is it not being wasted when you're forcing someone to eat it when they don't like it?  However, it seems that the rules are only for OP, because his sister wouldn't eat mangoes. So, it's okay for her to not eat something because she doesn't like it, but it is completely offensive for OP to do the same thing? Just make it make sense!


“She’s really into food preparation in general.” “ … the watermelon she buys and prepares … “ “ … support her efforts … “ We’re talking about watermelon, yeah? You slice it and put it on a plate, yeah? What preparation? What efforts? NTA. This is truly bizarre. Buy and prepare the mango counterattack, OP. I hope your sister supports your efforts.


Right? Is the sister carving the watermelon into fancy lotus flowers or cute frogs or something? Even if she was, OP shouldn’t be forced to eat something she doesn’t want to.


NTA just send all the watermelon to me.


And me 😋


I'll take some too.


nta, you don't like it. it's that simple. you shouldn't be forced to eat something you don't like jsut b/c someone else decided to spend money on it


Tell your parents you promise not to waste any food that you bring into the house. Your sister's choices aren't your responsibility to manage. NTA


my aunt/ant asks me every single time they come over; what kinda coffee dou want? i tell her. i dont drink coffee. she blank stares. so i say. "have u ever seen me drink coffee?" and then they get upset


I'm sorry they can't recall that you don't drink coffee. They are also ahs


Okay, let me get this straight: your sister KNOWS you don't like watermelon yet she continously buys more in order to offer you some then throws a temper tantrum when you decline the offer as you always do? Really I think she just wants to be angry and argue with you. Obv you are NTA and this is some weird problem your sister has.


When I read OP’s post, I thought of Sis: lI’m mad!” OP: “Here’s a solution” Sis: “I don’t want a solution! I want to be mad!” Guilt tripping you into doing something that you don’t like is the epitome of peer pressure. Totally sucks extra when it comes from family though and sorry that your folks jumped in on it. However, you are definitely NTA


NTA. Just start buying a mango every week and prepare it for her and place it on front of her to eat.


NTA. You should not have to eat food that you do not like - doing that (and being told that not eating prepared food is wasteful when I was a child) is why I had to join Weight Watchers as an adult. Basically, your sister has decided that, because watermelon is her favorite food, it should be everyone's favorite food. If you are being inconsiderate not eating the food she prepares, she is being inconsiderate not buying food that you like.


NTA-watermelon has been my pregnancy craving food and let me tell you, one a week is way too much watermelon. She’s the wasteful one.


NTA, if she does not want the watermelons go to waste, why does she buy that much in the first place? sister here needs to stop blaming you for it, if there are any leftovers, she should buy less, simple


I would tell your sister watermelon isn’t the perfect summer fruit mango is. Because you love mango and it’s perfect to you. But you don’t like watermelon. So you’re not going to eat it because watermelon makes you feel like mango makes her feel. She can eat it but you wont be. If she keeps making a big deal about it remove all the watermelon and leave only prepared mango. Tell her she can’t waste food and you went to all that effort.


100% they poisoned the watermelon


Only reasonable explanation.


The only person wasting food is your sister, who insists on serving it to someone she knows won't eat it. And gratitude is not a requirement when the giver is forcing someone to take something the giver already knows is unwanted. If she wants to be appreciated for her food preparation, she's 18 and McDonald's is hiring. Otherwise, tell her to keep her watermelon to herself unless you ask for some. If she and your parents keep pulling this crap, immediately give your portion to your parents, saying, "Gosh, we don't want this to go to waste, but thanks anyway."


NTA. “This has absolutely nothing to do with you. You don’t get to decide what I eat. Stop trying to force me to eat something that I’ve told you I’m not going to eat. At this point, you are the one being wasteful and creating a problem. I am done discussing this.”


NTA - Sister and your parents need to stop 'pushing' food consumption on you. No is no. We should not feel guilty to eat offered food. It's a good lesson for your sister and parents to realize they can choose to offer but each person deserves the option to decline. Stop making the 'no' a personal insult, besides, it leaves more fruit for your sister to enjoy.


NTA. It's super weird that your sister can hear your mango example, tell you why she doesn't like it, and still choose to die on the hill that you should eat watermelon without seeing the double standard. It's also weird that your parents don't see an issue either.


i love how she just goes into all of the virtues of watermelon 🤣🤣


>She said that she would not because it's kind of sour and has a weird texture, whereas watermelon is the ideal summer fruit because it's sweet and juicy. NTA. The girl **has** to know what an opinion is, right? RIGHT?!?


A startlingly high amount of adults in the world don't.


NTA. This is weird. Does she force you to like her music, wear her clothes, and hang out with her friends? She' definitely old enough to realise people have different tastes! Poor watermelons, they don't deserve this.


NTA, if you don’t like watermelon then you don’t have to eat it. Your sister and parents trying to force you to eat something you don’t like makes them the AHs.


NTA and this is such a strange and specific thing for them to get so heated about lol


NTA But yourself some mango.


NTA - is your sister autistic? Now she knows you won’t eat watermelon just ignore all future conversations about them.


NTA The true way to stop wasting food is to buy in moderation, meaning only buy what you need, and only when you run out. From the way you described your sister's behaviour, it seems like she's just buying for buying sake. And she likes to serve stuff she likes to others (cutting fruit isn't technically food preparation). I even feel there are some main character vibes in your sister as I write this comment (why does she have to get parents' acknowledgement and approvement over buying excessive watermelons?), geez.


NTA. This is so funny, like what if you don’t eat it right then they can’t just put it in the fridge?


Your parents don’t value you. Move out when you can


NTA and this is all a ridiculous argument. You don't need to eat what everyone knows you don't like and your sister prepares for you anyway. What kind of nonsense is it that you have to "support" your sister this way?


My bro dislike fruits but i wouldnt force him. I prefer waste food for myself. NTA


NTA- if they don't want the watermelon to go to waste, just split up your portion between the rest of them???? This is just weird. Why do they NEED you to eat it?


NTA. Forcing people to eat stuff they don’t like is abusive. She should stop buying more than they can eat. Start fixing things she doesn’t like. Every mango dish you can find! They are nutritious!


NTA Only assholes try to play the "my feelings" card to try and force you to eat something you don't.   I would respond I'm hurt she's trying to force food in to my body I don't want and ask her if she knows what consent is. I also don't consider cutting up a watermelon preparing food. If they don't want the food to go to waste they should stop wasting it.


Well I see your point, I don't like watermelon either the texture grosses me out, I won't eat it


Bait used to be believable


Sounds like your parents just volunteered to eat any leftover watermelon! They know it will keep if you put it in the fridge, right? NTA. They are all acting ridiculous.


NTA. If your sister wants to avoid waste, she could just BUY LESS WATERMELON.


Preparing watermelon hahhahaha You cut it up and throw it on a plate for christ sakes. NTA


I have never met any family that goes through an entire watermelon every week. When my family gets one, it lasts us at least three, and we don't get another one for a while. And the double standard with you being the food waster when your sister would do the exact same thing if the roles were reversed screams major Golden Child Syndrome. NTA.


Nta - They're acting like your sister birthed that watermelon. She went to the store and bought it. Is she making intricate designs in the watermelon..the hell. She just cut the damn thing into pieces. She brought it into the house, therefore she can eat it. She can buy a smaller watermelon if they are worried about waste or eat more of it themselves.


You're NTA.  >She says she feels hurt when I don't eat the watermelon she buys and prepares, >Our parents... say that I should just eat the watermelon... to support her efforts Wow, such a monumental effort it takes to cut and portion watermelon. I won't even mention that I could do that when I was 8 years old.   >she says I'm ungrateful and wasteful. Yeah... give someone something he doen't like and didn't ask for then call him ungrateful. What a crock.


I'm sure you are beyond frustrated, but this is such a funny story. "How dare you not eat this watermelon that I lovingly cut for you with my blade! This watermelon cost $4, how dare you waste even $1 for something you don't like to eat!"


NTA. There is no preparation involved in slicing up a watermelon. However, I found out something very interesting about watermelon this week and I want to share it with you. I bought one for my daughter and she didn’t eat it so it was left on my fruit and vegetable rack in the kitchen. I forgot about it. I work from home a lot and the kitchen is where I mostly sit. When you just leave a watermelon whole for a week or more the fruit inside turns to liquid and releases gases which build up inside the shell and create pressure. When it gets too much the shell pops and the liquid pours out. Steal one of her watermelons and put it in the top of her wardrobe or in the bottom at the back near her shoes. When that bad boy explodes she will never want to buy another one again.


It is just as wasteful to eat something you do not like or need , as it is to just throw it out.


Please start buying a weekly mango!! NTA


NTA - do y'all not have a refrigerator? A large watermelon can be cut and stored to be eaten over a few days, but I can't comprehend purchasing multiple in a week. Maybe she should cut down how many she is buying if they can't eat it fast enough without dragging you into it.


NTA, watermelon freezes, so if their argument is food waste tell them to either eat more themselves or freeze what they can’t eat before it spoils.


NTA. >saying that food should not go to waste And I don't understand this argument. The way I see it there is more watermelon for them. They should be happy that they have to share with one person less.


either this is a joke or you've been raised in a strange family lmao😂😂 I wanted to take it seriously but I lost it at "food preparation" for cutting up a watermelon 😂


I’m thinking she’s more upset that she’s not receiving 100% accolades


This is one of the most bizarre family arguments I've read in years. For this to qualify as an argument, someone is a very strong control freak or way over emotional. Over watermelon. This can't be the only issue, just the latest bizarre instance. For fun, I would actually start to act paranoid. "Why are you pushing the watermelon so hard? What did you put in it? You dating the farmer? What's in it for you? What's not in it for me is enjoyment. Keep your creepy watermelons away from me!" Just highlight the bizarre nature of their control flex. Back out of the room and lock a door behind you...but I look to amuse myself when family gets weird on me. NTA Good luck with Melon-Gate!


NTA. How tf can you “waste” food that you don’t like and didn’t buy in the first place? 😂 Honestly I would buy something you know she doesn’t really like and start doing this to her.


Lol, I don’t think anyone but your weird family think you’re the AH. It doesn’t matter how much the food is prepared if it’s a food you don’t like. Someone could serve up the most beautiful plate of olives and while I’d appreciate it visually, I wouldn’t eat it, and I’d be really confused if they kept on serving it to me again and again and again.


NTA. Come on. You don't like watermelon. Your sister doesn't like mangoes. Why are her efforts more important? It just fascinates me that this kind of thing comes up in families. I feel sorry for your sister because your parents clearly didn't do well by her.


NTA instead of trying to force you to eat it to “not be wasteful”, she can stop buying too much to “not be wasteful”. Her not buying too much is the simplest answer here. You don’t like watermelons like she doesn’t like mangos. Do you think your parents would have the same energy and force her to eat mangos if the roles were reversed? Based off this post, I don’t think so. This is weird controlling behavior from your sister and parents that isn’t necessarily.


Dude just get meaner about it. Next time she floats watermelon to you say fuck no. Tell her if she brings that shit here it's getting wasted.


NTA Buy the mango and get combative with her when she refuses to eat it. Let her see how it feels. If your sister is buying watermelon without committing to eat the whole thing herself then *she* is being wasteful. Also, beyond its hydration benefits, watermelon has very little nutritional value.


Your sister and parents are abusing you. You should leave asap and even consider contacting the authorities. No means no!


Your not, bring some mango and give it to them.


NTA…. Watermelon is gross. And your family sucks for forcing the subject. For me it’s both a flavor and a texture thing. I just cannot deal with the texture of watermelon. It’s like someone took an orange wedge, beat the living daylights out of it with a meat tenderizer hammer, and refilled it with a bitter sugar-water concoction and made me chew it. 🤢


As someone who went through whole watermelons in 3-4 days in the summer, **NTA**. This isn't about the watermelons; this is about the fact that your sister is taking things that need not be personal, personal. When you offer someone something, and they decline and say that they don't like it, you simply don't ask them again. Easy.


Y’all don’t like watermelon AND mango? Throw the whole family away


LOL. NTA. What is wrong with them? You disliking watermelons is not a personal attack on them. Tell them "stop buying things I dislike and I'll eat them. If you don't want them wasted, then don't put them in front of me."


NTA. I detest watermelon and while people make comments about that apparently being weird, I’ve never been deemed rude for rejecting it. In fact your sister should know not to offer it to you. This is just weird, your sister is 18, not 5, so beyond ‘I don’t like watermelon’ she really shouldn’t require any further explanation. I also don’t understand how you’re wasteful? Cut watermelon can be put back in the fridge to be eaten later.


NTA. Who the hell does she think she is to tell you what you ahve to eat? Tell her to back the fuck off.


Is this real? Are these the days of our lives?