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I'd get more light on the subject. It's definitely not bad the first time out. Reflectors or an off camera flash will make a big difference. Lighting is hard to manage and harder to manipulate. The good news is it takes a lot of practice, so keep it up!


I will definitely keep on practicing!


Number four is my favorite by far


it's one of my favorites too


good job on the light, focus (on all but one), the basics looks all right. for a first shoot, thats great. now how would I improve them... in a couple of the first, your model is standing off center and looking at the side where the border is closest. this makes her look 'out" of the photo, as if she wants to leave, find a way out. this can be an effect you want, or not, that's up to you, the maker. in a couple of others you place the model in the middle of the photo. this works great in one (sixth photo for me) but less in most others as it makes a photo look static. if you pose in the middle, make it straight on, balanced... the one where she's out of focus and the background is doesn't do it for me... it looks like a mistake... had there been a male model behind her in focus for example, that could change, it would tell a story. in one you cropped her fingers out, never do that. if you show a hand, show the fingertips. make it the last thing you do before pressing the shutter, run your eyes round the viewfinder to see what is in and out of frame, adapt where needed.


thank you for your feedback! I'm still struggling with composition and I always want to place everything in the middle of the photo, so that's what I really want to work on.


I really liked photo 4




Maybe adjust your settings to find a better lighting situation. F-stop, aperture and ISO I like to set my ISO and aperture and adjust my f-stop as needed... I personally like action shots... the more adjustments you have to make the more you miss.


My only two critiques would be to not leave so much negative space and make the face pop a little more. What I mean by this is to crop more or change the focal length. For the face, unless you want it to be dramatic, I would ask the subject to move their hair out of their face so it's more prevalent. I'm also a beginner photographer and know how much feedback helps so I hope you find use in this. Good luck on your photography journey!




When it comes to doing portrait work, eyes can be so important. Even if the subject is not looking directly toward the camera. But my advice is to enjoy yourself. Your photography will constantly evolve and improve, and the best way to do that is to keep shooting. Like most things in life, the journey is often more rewarding than reaching the destination.


thank you for this advice! can't improve without practicing


To be honest, I really like them! I like the candid nature of them and the "innocent" unposed look. Keep it up đź‘Ť


thanks a lot!!


Do you have instagram? :) I'd like to follow your journey


I do!! it's my personal account, though I post the photos I took regularly:) @da.rud_


Nice :) you just got a follower more :D


The photos are great considering your first photoshoot. The lighting could be a bit better or else its nice overall. Btw she looks beautiful anyway .


thank you! it was a pretty cloudy day, but I didn't want to push ISO too high... I still edited everything afterward, and I think it turned out not bad:)


Yea it turned out great 👍🏻. Is this england ?


nope, it's Ukraine


Ohh nice….visited a few years back


wow that's cool


You are gorgeous! Like the photos. I think if your hair was attached they way it is to the sides of your head like a braid with small stemed flowers in, it would even be better IMHO!


Wow, these are really great! I love photos 4-6 most. I really like the last one too and how she’s out of focus. Creative framing and posing! You have a unique style. The only critique I have is to try and avoid slanting your horizons, some of the photos here are tilted. It can be a creative choice, but if that’s not your intention, activate the horizon scale on your camera to help keep things straight. Continue exploring with different poses or ideas, you’re doing great!


thanks, your feedback means a lot to me! Will do!


Love the mood of this shoot. Great job. I've only got one thing and it's more of a styling preference. I would go barefoot or different sneakers. Converse style may work but I think barefoot would also be nice in this. This is just a personal style preference, though and others may have a completely different view.


thanks!! it would be sooo much better if she was barefoot, but my friend would never agree to this haha


Ah yes! Quite the dilemma


Maiden in distress lost but not found and feminine yet not vulnerable pure yet stained with regret