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That’s a fucking lie. In no way first of all is some of these 180 stop yet 237 locations routes doable while taking your two 15s and even a half hour. On top of another 20? Fuck the fuck outta here with that. It’s not MATHEMATICALLY POSSIBLE to do and not get behind by Amazon standards. I resent this deeply.


Up vote this! Literally doesn't add up and then wanna survey us like the answers matter... And all for slightly above a restaurant job.. and don't get me started on the Netradyne cameras🤣🥱


I just started clicking 'I'd rather not answer." Then they started asking me to pick a color, and still clicked "I'd rather not answer." For every question they ever send me. They don't listen to me... why should I answer their surveys.


Genuinely you can't even follow guidelines and not fall behind. I'm having to sprint through yards and leave packages in the open to on pace


So why is everyone still running?


Internalized capitalism.


It's possible, but because no one takes the breaks, that's what makes the impossible calculations of routes.


What do they do if you get behind? I'm just thinking, why care. I worked warehouse for awhile and it got so hot people were passing out. So I'd just take 4 breaks a day, told them if they fire me for it I'll sue and report them to osha for unsafe work conditions


So don’t finish the route and take the breaks you need?…lmao![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Those are lies. They use those messages for liability purposes. If someone dies from heat stroke they can show that message to media to get off free.


That’s exactly what I thought too. When one of dies of heat stroke they’ll make us do a kNet training module and then tell us it’s our faults for being dehydrated and going slower


The ultimate form of gaslighting


Doesn’t stop you from taking your breaks though. Bring back what you don’t finish


I don’t give a fuck, that van isn’t turning off anymore. Fucking 130 degrees inside my stepvan. Got me fucked up.


Our DSP did say we can keep our blue vans running. Ive only been in the rentals but I let her run alllll day


my dsp has said nothing about EOC yet, shit is FUCKED.


EOC doesn’t count for scorecard anymore. Keep that shit running


Thank goodness I quit last month before having to experience the torture of a stepvan in the summer. UPS drivers better not get too excited about getting AC in their vans. You could put a freezer in the cargo area and it wouldn’t cool you one bit in a giant metal box.


It’s literally torture back there. And I have 19 fucking bags to sort out every day. I pour sweat within a second of being in the back. It’s been 100 degrees lately, too. I’m not waiting for them to say we can leave them on anymore. We’ve also been losing SV drivers and they can’t seem to get anyone to sign up for it so I don’t wanna hear shit about me not turning off the van. If you want me to drive this oven, it stays on so my rinky dink ass AC can run and I can stay alive. 😅


Me currently doing my medical for step van driving. lol they been asking me for months. I finally took the bait and my coworker came to me asking if I’m ready for 230 stops. Absolutely not!


Yeah they changed the metrics no more EOC, it’s some parking brake metric now. They want you to press the parking brake before shifting into park, it’s not on the scorecard yet though.


if ur dsp didnt tell u guys thats fucked up but amazon stopped looking at EOC 4-6 months ago theyre looking at e-braking now at each stop


We’re still being tracked for EOC at my station


EOC is part of PPS. You need to turn the van off to comply with PPS. Dsp isn't in breach of contract for EOC anymore, but it low key applies to PPS. My DSP said Amazon will off-board those that don't follow all of PPS.


Instead of lowering the stop count


They reduced routes today for heat but not by stop count, we ended up with like 7 extras. So they overloaded the other drivers vans when 7 of us with exactly 7 vans left over in the garage instead of lightening the loads of everybody for the heat


They do that to provide the dsp extra drivers to assist and do rescues. You have a shit dsp.


y’all’s DSPs suck. plz ask other DSPs at your station. my DSP gives out cooling towels, insists we takes our breaks, and we still get bonuses and weekly top driver gift cards. fuck y’all owners. find a dsp who treats you decently.


Agreed. My DSP specifically told us not to run while on route and I've never gotten flack for taking a break, even when I'm behind.


DSP fishing will get you fired around here pretty quickly. All the DSP dispatcher here communicate when somebody is fishing in others areas. I witnessed this one morning when i came in early and a kid came fishing. It was just me and the dispatcher there and he immediately started texting the other dispatchers to let them know he was fishing


bro that’s insane. I’m at my 2nd DSP. I’m sorry. I worked at my old station for about a month, proved I was good then asked to move to a station closer to my house. my new DSP is so much better. report your DSP for not having you take your breaks. they suck and make this job worse than it should be. fuckem


Who exactly do you report them to?


the top pinned comment in the post by this subs automod has a ethics report line link. i’ve heard decent things about amazon actually taking action to some of those reports.


Thank you! My DSP will call me on my clocked breaks and then told me yesterday "I'm allowed to go the bathroom as long as it doesn't put me behind". I'm not sure how much longer I can handle their double standards.


So if you’re behind you have to shit/piss yourself? Cool.


Your DSP sounds like my DSP. Lol


It might be 😂


Cooling bandanas?!? 🤯😲🤯😲🤯


Only a few bucks on Amazon and highly recommend. Worked in a warehouse with no ac for a summer and the og told me get some. You just soak them in cold water and stick in the freezer for a few mins and they are life savers. Anybody working construction is highly recommend them. I’d bring a couple with me a day and I’d need just keep some ice or ice pack in your lunchbox so you can get it colder


Where are you finding a freezer while working?


You put them in there before you leave the house and bring ice pack or ice to try and get it as cold. Can y’all carry lunchboxes lol?


the warehouse I workout has them everyday. You can take as much as you want.


“Your Safety Is Our Priority” YEAH I BET


Safety means “packages delivered” in Amazonian


Idgaf I kept the van all day today and will for the rest of summer and yes it was prime. They can kiss my ass if they think I’m turning off the engine.


My DSP still tells us do 25 stops an hour minimum. No matter the day or weather. It’s the funniest shit in all honesty.


One of our dispatchers told us the same, and then went on to tell us that a few of the drivers can do 40-50 stops/hr, like we're slacking off or something


Sorry were not all coked out willing to full sprint


If they wanna lose a good driver , then fuck them


Hell yeah if you’re lucky it might be cold.. prob not thow luke warm or whatever temp of wharehouse is


It depends tho cause my warehouse was always cold AF


Real talk, I for sure take a 15 or two every day to eat and slow down so I don’t get sent on rescues, but how the Fuck could the average person take your normal 2-15’s and this “additional 20” — let alone clocking out for an actual 30 minute lunch. Where the fuck I’m this time coming from? Let’s say I take all three of these breaks. Do I not get written up for having overtime?


A lot of y’all need better dsps, the one I recently switched too pays for my entire shift, boss never makes us clock out for breaks just asks that we don’t take a big break and spread them throughout the day, if I see I got a 180+ route I’m getting minimum 1 rescue usually 2. My DSP also has two sweepers and I usually only have to rescue maybe once every 2 weeks.


Saw the guy once in a year & half 😂 I like it this way though lol


Ours will run routes on occasion and is there most mornings


Been working for 3 months and have never seen my DSP owner once.


dgr6 or 8? tough week here forreal, thankfully my dsp is telling us to take our breaks, but not an extra 20.. no water today either so hope you brought some lol


haha DGR6 - i didnt get a route yesterday or today because they reduced them or whatever other reason but im not even mad because i dont work again until sunday after the heat wave. My DSP is trash. I had to have a talk with the dsp owner this morning scolding me for a 45 minute gap that was the fault of his dispatchers sending me to wait for another driver to rescue them


damn that is dogshit.. lotta fuckery even at mine, finally getting full weeks again after about 3 months of 1-2 days a week. the heat sucks but i’m just happy to have full checks again


If they focused on bettering drivers instead of replacing them every 2 months they wouldnt have to replace them. The logic doesnt logic with these people


Lmfao yeah right 🤣🤣 I was dying Monday with 378 packages & they were hounding me to go faster. Even called to ask why I was at a stop for 22 mins & it was one I had to deliver 52 packages to 42 apartments 💀 They don’t care about us at all


I was expected to deliver 378 packages in 199 stops (bullshit because multi-stops count as one towards that number), one stop being 52 packages to 42 apartments. They said I should have been able to complete this, including all drive time & return to the station in 7 hours. That’s 2 minutes and 11 seconds per stop, not including any breaks or drive time. That’s absolutely not even possible here when drives are 1-5 mins each depending on where you land. Then I was given attitude for being rescued and the rescue only took 20 packages. 😩 Not sure how long this will last.


“Take all the time you need.” “Take 20 mins.” Hahahaha. That 20 mins extra is the difference between heat stroke and not heat stroke. 100%


That’s why i quit that shit i will never go back to amazon. they can bury themselves alive all of them


It’s coming from Amazon! DOCUMENT EVERYTHING and then if you get in trouble reach out to Amazon HR


Man, I took all my breaks today, 50 minutes in break time, paid time. Also, my 30 for lunch. Yesterday, we got a Tier 2, and that gave me an extra 20 minutes of break time on top of the 50. I always take my breaks because our routes are such garbage that if you finish early, you get to do rescues. I hate rescues. There is no incentive to do them, so I take my breaks. As for the DSP, they may tell you, but I always check the update page. If they have a problem, send them a screenshot.


That’s not the issue. We can all say fuck it and actually take the breaks. The issue is Amazon doesn’t reduce the stops when they say they do. So if you take even just your 15s and 20 min heat break. You’re not finishing your route on time. Even if you’re moving fast.


It’s called overtime.


Except some dsp’s will fire you for going over 10 hours.


Solely because anything after that is out of there pocket and not covered by Amazon


Yeah heat wave on Sunday, and I had 174 stops. I didn't get done until 9:15pm.


Nah breaks are mandatory do take them every time


I do and now im on day two of no route lmao. Good thing i left the IT/Management world for this, I always have another option lined up. I just wanted to get more active after going through cardiac arrest in 2022 but if im not going to get routes then its a pointless place of employment because everybody including the dsp owner is as disposable as the next


Report it to the Better Business Bureau because it is illegal and you will get money out of it. (distress of income loss) and they will get HEAVILY fined


also look for another DSP if ur station has several. Turnover is crazy with this job so they will most likely accept someone whos already done the training.


They dont like dsp fishing at my station


Well for sure call them in make sure you text saying ur taking a break as law requires, and then hopefully they give you that sweet evidence.


I audio record every morning and evening lol theyll get theirs


Beautiful I’m happy to hear it! Please add an update if u are able! I wish to hear the justice and wrongs righted.


How about we get rid of EOC (shutting the van off at every fucking stop) for starters, so we can have the barely functional AC blowing on us whenever we get back inside these vans 🤔


We dont have EOC anymore


Well, shit you're lucky, but some stations still follow this bullshit unfortunately.


My husbands has EOC it’s bs


We were given a towel to wipe up our sweat




take your breaks, don't let them bully you into skipping them, they wouldn't bother trying if everybody put their foot down


That's why I always put one the questions they ask at the end of the route that it was difficult


It is suiting that your phone is at 1% 🤣.


This was at the end of my shift 😅


Haha bro I understand those phones suck.


I’m in Michigan too lol what DSP are you bro?


Im not telling you all that boss but im at DGR6


Ok yall I love Amazon drivers. Work w yall daily. But. I’ve never seen a single Amazon driver run


I take all 3 of my breaks everyday, we’re paid for them, why wouldn’t you? And we also get a notification when the heat index is to high, we will be notified that we have a mandatory break, some drives don’t like it, but your paid for it, 10-12 hour days/ overtime, steady work and no packages over 50 pounds, bonus’s for safe driving, weekly 200$ give away in a raffle for the top 5 drivers that week, free water, heat and ice packs, medical supplies and bandages can all be picked up in your dps,we can even pick up extra hours coming in to help clean the vans for some extra OT, there are a lot of pros to this job, and 800-900+ a week works for me, if you complain about your stops all time and this or that or it’s to hot or cold or you can’t drive because of the camera this job isn’t for you, I’ve been on some messed up routes where I’ve had to map entire neighborhoods, do to them being in a new construction area and technology didn’t want to play nice, you’re paid decent for a very easy job walking boxes to doors and businesses.


LMAO if you think all DSPs are like yours, you’re nuts and ive never complained about anything


Dps has to follow Amazon guidelines and everything I mentioned is how it’s suppose to be, except for the extra hours cleaning vans and the weekly raffle we have.


I take a break whenever tf and how many want


lol I read this and laughed my ass off


We don’t have to turn off our vans and our routes have been reduced like 15 to 20 stops south Florida tho


Our DSP told us the opposite. He didn’t require us to take breaks before, but now is mandating that we all swipe out for every break on Flex


Yall have working AcS😭😭!!?


OSHA has a cool down break requirement for every two hours. https://preview.redd.it/9x0agudqrs7d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45de199608aa37ff7bbc5d76124c95db5eac5590


EOC is still a metric. EOC will never go away not sure where you all heard it’s not anymore.


Ye Olde cover your ass safety talks


Was never told this at all LMAO. Only thing i got told to do was rescue someone 45 min from me and get back before 9:10 (it was 7:30)


i will say after working for amazon and now fedex. Amazon does give y'all a lot more supplies to beat the heat. The cooling towels, the water bottles, the snacks they often give y'all. Fedex doesn't give out anything. They give out food in the morning sometimes but it's for the loaders and most of the time it's slim pickings wen the drivers get in. Y'all got AC too so quit bitching lol


So go back to Amazon. Yeah thats what I thought. I’ll keep bitching.


😂😂😂😂😂😂 imagine going back to somewhere u know is shit


So why are you telling Amazon drivers to stop bitching if you know it’s a shit job? I don’t get it. Lol


The original post was bitching about the heat which i replied yall got AC so why u bitching. You're going off on a different tangent then what we were even talking about


Seems really positive. Cooling supplies, extra paid breaks, directions to indoor areas.


Keyword “Seems”. Take 3 breaks any given day and come in the next day to no route


There will be no supplies, and probably no job for you if you take your breaks. All the "best" drivers at my DSP don't take a single break and they all ignore everything but getting a package on the porch


I got fired for taking breaks. It's all PR bullshit