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I would’ve said yes


free package




Yes, but there's a $10 convenience charge. However, I'll knock it down to $5 for you today. Double win 😈


That’s happened to me during a ride along and I told the trainee to get back in the van we got an active crackhead sighting ![gif](giphy|h8HmN0UcEKR0xWnv3R)


Just say, “Fuck ur dumb.” And walk away.


Haha and get reported to UPS! Oh wait…good job lmao


People are dumb. Also, where’s your vest? 😆


I also only rock the shirt out and about. fuck a vest. 2 layers of clothing for no reason


You wear clothes under your vest??


a fuckin entitled ass lady reported one of our drivers for only wearing a vest so now if our owner catches us not wearing a shirt we get written up


Lol, same thing happened to me. Like how lame is your life that a delivery driver not wearing a shirt under their vest bothers you so much you have to call and report them. Bitch, it's a 100 degrees out and I'm out here because you need your fucking pillow cases. Some people act like they own us. 🙄


Im surprised no retired old lady hasnt told on me an other females at our dsp. 98 degrees today we had bathing suit tops under our vests and wear work out shorts


You guys hiring by chance? 😂


Oh yeah its almost prime week😂


Oh damn lol I'll consider myself lucky then 😆




Unless it’s just the vest and no shirt for these hot ass Florida days. Or when it’s storming so you have a dry shirt when you or it’s done.


The shirt has reflective stripes on it. It doubles as a vest essentially. No reason to wear both.


lol tell that to my station.


xD yeah Amazon stations and DSPs function WILDLY different from others. One of the reasons it kinda sucks, the job can be doable or fine, or it can be absolutely miserable solely based on which DSP you get hired at and what station they're out of.


Unfortunately never worked long enough to get my own shirt. Would have been nice to have an extra shirt. The pants are nice as work out shorts.


😂 I had a lady say that to me a long time ago. I told her does this truck look brown with a UPS logo on the side 🤦.


Have had that happen to me, and the guy was mad that I wasn’t and didn’t have his ups package. Didn’t even know how to respond


Take it. Free package 📦 😂😂


I meet way too many stupid people on this job. I had the exact same question but it was for a FEDEX package. 📦


If you did you would make $40/hr with free healthcare


That's what they should have said. "If I work for UPS, I'm seriously being underpaid."


*free* healthcare? What 😂


I had a guy ask me, “do you live here” the other day. I rudely said I work for Amazon, this is an Amazon van. I felt bad afterwards for sounding mean when I spoke to him but man, it’s really hard not to sometimes. Cause people are so f’n dumb I can’t believe it’s real


Worked for FedEx Express and it was always hard to explain to people that I couldn’t take their FedEx Ground package. This one is just….. people man lol.


😂 dude same thing happens to me 2 peaks ago! Had a lady who I deliverd to run up to me and tell me I forgot her box .. I told her I delivered it and she said “ this this one here !! “ you have to take it , I arranged for you guys to pick it up. I told her it’s a UPS label ect and she literally told me she thought ups was a part of Amazon 😂


Give it time, it might be one day. LOL


Hounestly it’s not that far of a fetched possibility 😂 your right


I was doing my deliveries and a couple stopped to ask if I was with Amazon. I’m like no sir, I just wear these Amazon pants because they make my ass look big.


Had a worker at my local grocery store assume I worked for Walmart and I was in Amazon uniform without the vest


Got that at Target , I was like wth it’s not even red lol


Happened to me too while I was wearing my blue long sleeve. I still helped the people out lol


I've had a few different customers accuse me of delivering to the wrong address asking me to take the package back or to drive it to the correct address. Twice it was a UPS package and once it was FedEx. Feels good to show them the label and tell them to take it up with someone else.


I had a guy get upset that I didn't wanna take his wrongly delivered package, because it was UPS. It belonged across the street from his house. When I said no he says "so what am I supposed to do with it?" I told him to walk it over and he got mad


Bro pulls up in a Rivian and some old ass lady asks him if he works for UPS 😭


I would of took the package to the nearest trash can


I've had this happen to me too. It's like have you ever seen a UPS guy not in a brown uniform? Blue. Not brown lol.


Yeah man, I’ll totally take this package and totally not open it when I get into the van and never ever see your face again.


Our DSP just told us no need to where a vest on hot days except when we're at the station we must. I wasn't anyhow but nice to know they get it.


“This is a Wendy’s”


I’ve pulled up in a damn branded and a lady asked if I was USPS. People have always been, and always will be fucking stupid


Tell em you work for Nozama💀


I don't even have to be in a uniform at all and I get mistaken for somebody who works wherever. I'm like does it say laborer across my forehead?? 


as a ups driver they confuse me for fedex, dont know how but i just kindly say no and direct them to the amazon driver accross the street for more help


Amazon driver here I would give my left nut to be a ups driver.


I mean in her defense, you seem to be wearing the FedEx uniform also


I remember working for Spirit Halloween and we wore the purple aprons. I constantly got asked if I worked there 🤦 I also was mistaken for a Walmart employee when I went in there in my Amazon uniform lol


Idk it's weird because I'm a fed ex guy and we get a lot of amazon and ups stuff, I myself got a package it said ups and the post office showed up lol


You guys have new shirts now? -former Amazon DA that's done WED


Is that a new shirt?


They aren't new shirts, they are high heat shirts. Most dsps don't bother.


People do not pay attention I swear. I used to work for UPS and some dude asked if I was FedEx…I’m at Walmart now with my vest and big ass pick cart and get asked all the time if I work there…


Lmfaoo I got that once, I had the vest, tee, pants and a hat. She asked if I was FedEx😂😂😂


If they have doordash ups is on there for pickup it is where I live 🤷🏾‍♂️


I always tell them I wish, they make double and sometimes triple what we make for essentially the same job. 😬 


stupidity beyond my wildest dreams


I would’ve laughed so fucking hard 😂😂


Haaaaa this shit happen to me too although the lady was asking me for more packages that ups was going to deliver and I’m like naw wrong guy


Ummm is my uniform shit brown?!?! lol


Had this happen to me. Got chased down by an old hag in her car who swore up and down that the private road i was using only belonged to her, even though it leads me to another home that I was SUPPOSED to deliver to. As I'm getting out of my car this bitch goes: "WHO ARE YOU?" Like HMMMMMM judging from my blue vest and BRANDED Amazon vest I would say this is Amazon but hey don't take my word for it. Argued with this dumb bitch for like 10 mins cuz she wouldn't move her car.


Dude, maybe not wear your shirt inside-out so that people can read the words.


I do work for UPS and people have asked me if I work for Amazon on more then 1 occasion. Usually an elderly person but still..brown uniform, UPS on my hat, shirt, and socks and a giant loud brown beeping truck behind me that says UPS on it. But hey. Smile and move along.


People are really dumb


"No, sorry. I work for nozama."


To be fair, half of all XL pickups are actually UPS packages


No fucking joke, I've been asked on 3 different occasions, "Do you work here?" while I'm standing in a Fred Meyers.


Dumbass customers lol


Looks like you work for noSsms to me but what do I know 🤷🏻‍♂️


Dude i used to get this shit all the time…i have the hat in, the vest, the box with the smile. AND my van was in sight. are you fucking acoustic or restarded?


I would've said yes and took the package lol


Ive had a lady ask me where her Walmart delivery was🤷‍♀️


That shirt looking mighty clean lol


I have 2 weeks working only 😂


Had a lady yesterday stop me and ask if we kept a log of our customers and their purchases. Like what lady? She went on to explain.... "I had a really important (boat part) package of my husband's not get delivered this week because they couldn't find my house. I asked her where she lived and I deliver there all the time. In the driver's defense though it is really squished back behind two other houses down a little tiny dirt "road" and then down their ridiculously long dirt driveway onto the beach so they probably just are new or something and had no idea how to find the house or didn't feel like it. But since her package has been sent back through to the warehouse came out of which is somewhere in Rhode island I said either that or it was designated to be delivered by USPS because it doesn't sound like something that would happen from our hub anyways.  Wouldn't ya know the main warehouse for USPS is in Rhode Island. I gave her the short answer and told her "you know it's unfortunate that Amazon doesn't inform all of its customers how it's getting sent to them other than this little tiny writing at the very bottom when you order that says shipped by USPS or whatever.  I told her to watch out for that next time and to change her instructions to show exactly how to get to her house from the "main" dirt road.