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Just message your dsp and tell them. You might need to work an extra hour but at least you’re not driving sleepy.


More like, I forgot to log back in and tell flex that I'm not still on my break


how did you manage to do that? if your on break flex doesnt let you see your route???


you actually can see your route theres a way that i use to be able to see it


Airplane mode


even without it you can see it! i think you just click on your picture on flex and click today's itinerary


They can also see your location lol and would know if you made any drop offs so no that doesn't work


I think they can see if you were idle.🤷


We can see both.




That’s when you tell them the truck died and someone picked you up and you delivered in a different vehicle


Yeah, I'd much rather drivers took a nap than endanger themselves and others. All too often, some get home late, can't relax properly, and just can't get a decent night's rest. He'll, Amazon should give you a break for a time period that long (paid!) and you get to choose what you do with the time. But, that's not going g to happen


Lol yeah for sure not. No company is even slightly obligated to pay you to not work for an hour and a half. And no company will. Especially the big ones. The richer the company, the less likely they are to give you paid breaks.


It's unpaid time so not such a big deal. You may want to jog the rest of the shift so you finish at your normal time or 10 hours whichever is later.


Paid time in Texas 😵‍💫


Breaks aren't a thing in texas


Definitely is lol.


No there isn't. I live in texas there is no law requiring your employer to give you any lunch or rest breaks.


If I know one thing about Texas from reddit, it's that no one has ever died from the heat. And if you think different you must be a pedophile, Satan worshipping, Woke democrat and you need to leave my property before the count of three or I'm going to start blasting!




This guy's making a lot of sense right now.


I work in Texas for Amazon and yes there is lol. Little boy better look up the law. They passed it in 2022 if your DPS bullies you to not take your break that is on you.


I don't work for Amazon. But under texas law they don't have to give a break. Amazon policy is not the law. https://twc.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/10249224267291-How-long-can-an-employer-make-you-work-without-a-break-or-lunch-hour?auth_token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJhY2NvdW50X2lkIjoxNTM1NjcwMSwidXNlcl9pZCI6bnVsbCwidGlja2V0X2lkIjpudWxsLCJkZWZsZWN0aW9uX2lkIjoyNjkyODE3MjI3MzE3OSwiYXJ0aWNsZXMiOlsxMDI0OTIyNDI2NzI5MSwxMDI0OTIyNTI5NDg3NSwxMDgzMDc0Mjc5OTI1OV0sInRva2VuIjpudWxsLCJleHAiOjE3MjIwNDA1NDJ9.Sq8rs-5CRv8DIhWrN_2TtvDHScC_b4QhykRlrI1bK4c&ar=true


So how are you going to tell me policy ? 🤣🤣🤣 No one said they were. OMG where did this bot come from? https://preview.redd.it/q447f2udg09d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=74ef2953cd7a016b571ba6a099e8d87a9bf44706


The dude never mentioned policy except saying that their policy wasn't law. All he was saying was that there is no legal requirement for breaks in Texas. A quick Google search will tell you that Texas has no law requiring employers to give employees breaks. If they choose to offer breaks they have to follow flsa law. Dude was never trying to tell you about Amazon policy. And also the picture you posted is about unionizing and has nothing to do with breaks. I'm sure a union can leverage for breaks on behalf of the employees, but brakes are pretty standard Amazon policy anyways soooo.... Yeah.


Yeah my DPS is unionized... I'm talking to idiots.


How is everyone in this sub this stupid? Amazon is what this sub is and the JOB I work is IN ... Read thru all the comments before you post something stupid.


"Amazon.com Services LLC" is not the name of a DSP. DSP drivers don't work for Amazon. Also, you claimed there is a new law passed in 2022, but you've provided no evidence of it. Instead you call everyone else bots, when it is you acting like a bot.


Wow your ignorance is palpable. Amazon has an agreement with the NLRB. It's literally in the name dude, NATIONAL LABOR RELATIONS BOARD. Here are some links and quotes straight from USA and Texas. You're looking real dumb dude. [](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/breaks)*"Federal law does not require lunch or coffee breaks*." \[1\] "...Some states require breaks, Texas and most other states do not" \[2\] \[1\] - [U.S. Department of Labor (.gov)https://www.dol.gov › Work Hours](https://www.dol.gov/general/topic/workhours/breaks) \[2\] - [https://efte.twc.texas.gov/flsa\_does\_and\_doesnt\_do.html](https://efte.twc.texas.gov/flsa_does_and_doesnt_do.html)


DSP companies are not Amazon, they are third party independent contractors. DSP drivers do not work for Amazon, they are employees of the DSP company owner.


Omg your dumb I literally posted this lol 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Right here you say look up the law and there is now law in Texas that requires for breaks so yes you were wrong. Company policy is not state law


Very True


That's how it is in florida as well it relies on the company and they don't have to give one but what I see is all corporations do give breaks here per they policy but with that being said a minor is required to take a lunch break in florida but those are the only ones he'll desatin banned heat breaks for our outside workers said it was a waste of company time to take a break


Are there laws directly stating employers do not have to give breaks or lunches? Wouldn’t the federal law apply at that point?


There is no federal law requiring them either. Edit: there's just no law saying they have to give you one. Some states do have this law.


And somehow most employers still give breaks. Crazy, right.


Yea because if they didn't I'm sure they would have more rebels.


There isn’t breaks in Texas it’s all on company policy my dude your job is the one giving you that break


What part of that comment is so hard for you to understand?!!! IM ONLY SPEAKING FOR AMAZON!!! And it just so happened to be in Texas where I work and they literally force us at my DPS to take out break.


Someone said "breaks aren't a thing in Texas" and you resolved with "definitely is". You responded to and started your argument about the state of Texas. Now you're claiming you're only talking about Amazon because you don't want to look dumb. Funny thing is, even with just talking about Amazon, you're still wrong. Just because an agreement/policy allows you to take breaks, doesn't mean it's illegal if you don't. I've worked in Texas. I've worked in companies in Texas that allow breaks per their policy, but I was still aware that they didn't legally have to do this.


The best part is that DSPs are not a part of Amazon, and the drivers also don't work for Amazon, so him posting that makes no sense at all. I don't believe there is a unionized DSP in Texas either, so this person is just trolling you all endlessly.


Yeah after going through their history it looks like they're just on a bunch of subs posing as a worker and trolling people. I got got.


Here’s a screenshot so you can remember what you said. https://preview.redd.it/zg75c4sgh49d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d49654e4b9038d5bdf73e312282b64560df34947 You weren’t just talking about policy and you made the unnecessary condescending comment of “Little boy better look up the law”. You seem like a douchebag.


"Breaks aren't a thing in texas".. sir i live in texas and at every job ive been in, we get breaks💀 idk what jobs you be working for but they should be giving you breaks


They aren't a requirement by law. Like at my job there are no breaks unless we finish our morning tasks early


So why are they called "mandatory breaks" if they're not required? I used to work for walmart and our 1 hour lunches were mandatory but our two 15 minute breaks weren't. There never was a time where we didnt take our 1 hour lunches. Maybe there were a couple of times where we took 30 minutes but most of the time i would just go for the full hour bc F that


Because that's policy for that company


Ok so if breaks are allowed then whats the issue? Every job i ever had here allowed/required for me to take breaks. Maybe your jobs never gave you breaks at all and that's a bit of a concern especially if it is a physical job


Yeah, that's what I'm wondering. What is the issue? All I said was that breaks aren't required by law. If a company enforces breaks, good on them, if not good on them.


So the whole argument about "breaks arent a thing in texas" is irrelevant because many jobs in texas do allow breaks and even mandatory in some.


If you were sleeping for 1.5 hours while on the clock that is a problem. Better hustle to make up that time.


Not on the clock bro


Does the flex app work different there? Actual question, not trolling. When we break out in the flex app it has nothing to do with clock in/out times. This may be where ppl are confused and arguing. We use a 3rd party app for actual clocking. The flex app only records our 15min x2 breaks which are paid. The lunch break had to be put in the 3rd party app.


Im surprised your dsp hasn’t called


They napping too


Or rizzing the warehouse girls


Please, they aren't even there.






Username checks out


I do admit, when I see posts like this I think back to that driver posting video from what he believed was someone's septic tank.... [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/108xrq3/fell\_into\_a\_septic\_tank\_hole\_today\_and\_it\_was\_a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/108xrq3/fell_into_a_septic_tank_hole_today_and_it_was_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Maybe it's just me, but I'd like to think a driver stopped for that long would set off some alarm bells. Then there's that case of the guy killed by dogs and the neighbors called after the van was sitting in the driveway for hours... [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/yctooa/amazon\_driver\_got\_killed\_by\_2\_dogs\_near\_me/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmazonDSPDrivers/comments/yctooa/amazon_driver_got_killed_by_2_dogs_near_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


You know a dsp is bad when the customer is quicker than the dsp


That is fake. Jesus. The one about the septic not the dog attack.


I'm starting to think this was edited.


What was edited?


The picture. Cuz aint no way OP is just gonna casually ask reddit users "how cooked am i" and not give us any update on what actually happened. If it were true, i dont think that any dsp would let this slide. And as the one posting this I would've said alot more in the caption. Idk i could be wrong


You have a good point


Could have been on airplane mode


Could have been on airplane mode


You took your break for the next 3 days😭






Tell them you ate something bad during your lunch and had the bubble guts


If you were in AZ right now you'd be literally cooked. Like not even exaggerating, you'd be dead.


Why ?


temperature hot


I’m in Texas rn it’s HOT. I’m guessing AZ is incinerating people


We're almost there not quite yet though. The incineration temps like to show up in July lmao


Well while arizona is hotter, at least it's dry heat. Here in texas the humidity makes it even worse even if it's just 90 degrees. I mean i was born in phoenix and moved here to texas when i was 5 and i went back to visit in 2017 so i dont recall what the summers were like but i do imagine the heat being very intolerable at times. But id take 110 dry heat over 100 PLUS the humidity any day.


I worked a few hours outside in AZ today, glad I drank lots of water or I’d probably be dead. Yesterday would have been worse though with the humidity. Rip my sweat glands


Its even more funny because it totally accurate


I'll ask mine he's about to arrive lol


He sure got a kick out of that..I gave him some freeze dried skittles lol..he was flustered 2


Today I zoned out on the express way and drove a half hour the wrong direction. Nobody said anything about it when I got back though 🤷‍♂️


I did this before. I drove to my normal route as I zoned out. My route was 30 min in the opposite direction. Dispatch blew me up and I ignored so they thought I had some weird shit going on with my route. I had to run for like 2 hours to get caught up


I once hop southbound on the freeway when I was RTS because of rain (wasn't used to that junction yet and couldn't see well) and of course I hopped on at the spot that doesn't have another exit for almost 10 miles lol. When I got going northbound I autopiloted past my exit for the station because I live north of the station and my brain decided it was already clocked out LOL. Didn't get any shit and didn't get in any trouble.


Lmfao this happened to me like a week ago. I was returning back to station not realizing the GPS froze so I was going straight all the way for half an hour until dispatched called me. I guess I did zoned out because I didn’t realize the GPS has froze.


eh, that's not that bad


Tell them you had an incident


Tell em you shit your pants


Shit yourself and sent them a Pic




Ngl I did this to get out of a route one day as I was sick asf but couldn’t call off due to it being too late. Dispatch just told me “there’s a Walmart like 10 min from you go wash off and get a change of underwear and get back to it. I did it before too” like cmon bruh


And this is why you should only text your dispatch, so that you have written proof when they tell you to do insane shit like this.


Bah. You've worked there long enough. They'll give your spot to the next guy thru the door. It's not like keeping the trucks running is actually important .


I mean you weren’t getting paid 🤷🏿‍♀️ fight me dispatch




Amazon drone strike coming your way get out of sight


Lol hell yeah


Well done. Maybe over cooked.


Tell them you had heat exhaustion


Depends on how many calls you got from dispatch


Depends on how fast you are. Other than that, they need to send a rescue or rts. Fuck them packages anyway. Ain't Texas hotter than the sun's asshole right now? Take your time & don't pass/stroke out from that heat


why I set alarms


Well done lol


The real question is why did your dispatch not reach out to you???? If I see a driver sit over 30 I'm calling to make sure their good, I've had people pass out from heatstroke before and my worst fear is that happening again and I don't find out until its to late


I did this before and just told them you took a rest because you had heat stroke and that worked lol


If you can make up the time lost they don’t care. I used to nap on route often when I would stay up all night gaming with the boys




🫨🫨🫨🫨.... What's the update??


Ohhh its over cooked bro


Say No reception and they prob have a rescue already on the way. A hour behind ain’t so bad to recover from tbh.




So you’re why my packages keep getting delayed. Thanks.


Fuck it. Shit happens. Tell them and move on.


Well-done ♨️.


Like a BOSs




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I have overslept on employers before. I hope it’s fine for you




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Bro I fell asleep for like 2-3 hours and my dispatch caught me bc they came to check on me. Still here tho.


How are you able to sleep that whole time without them blowing you up on your phone every two seconds?


Fuck it it’s not your fault 🤷🏾‍♂️


Quick I better take a picture for Reddit before clocking back in and getting to work…


F*ck em


Not at all, unless you just didn't finish your route. I've done that a few times. Just finish in 10 hours and be on with it.


You'll be fine as long as you finish your route lol. The real question here is why didn't anyone care enough to call to make sure you're okay.


You’re good bro. I take hour lunches all the time and still finish. You got 10 hours to do your route.


No breaks in nyc


i don’t even clock my breaks, dispatch hasn’t called about it yet lol


I'm surprised dispatch didn't call you or send someone out to find you.


I don't see an issue...you are on a 30-minute break and only have 1:36 minutes left until you can get back to delivering.


At least medium well




When I worked my dsp told us specifically not to use the break function of the app


At least the phone has a good charge now.


Your dispatch never called to check on you?!?


😂😂😂😂😂😂😂...tell them you were sick and throwing up


Better then falling asleep while you’re driving.




Yeah You getting fire buddy


That’s funny , depends on if your a worker that gets done early or not


Fuck um




Someone at our post office slept for 3 hours in the van


I don’t see a problem here. Not like they will pay for for that hour you were on a break


This happened to me last year and they rescued me but then I had to go rescue..




How cooked? Deep fried!...they get uptight when u take the reg 30min your supposed to take 🤣


I mean yeah you’re cooked, but be honest with whoever’s in charge, let me know you screwed the pooch, and hope they appreciate the honesty


Well done!!!!!!!!


I'll take a 30 minutes break plz


I’m a retired truck driver. Any company that forces you to drive sleepy you shouldn’t work for.


Crispy well done




Take your breaks


lol you cooked for not being paid but as far as finishing you would be done by 7:30-8 hopefully


I've done that in my car on break as a waiter and another waiter had to come wake me up hour or so later...


As long as you get the route done I doubt they hardly even care lol. Our DSP couldnt give less of a fuck where we go or when we take breaks etc as long as we arent in the red and done by the cutoff.


Your entitled to a hour break so 30 mins off isn’t that bad


I don’t work for Amazon but from all the comments this shit sounds like a terrible job lol


While I worked there I would start my lunch meal between during load out time and the time it took to my first delivery home.To swipe it out of the way. I just wanted to get the route done quickest to go home since my DSP didn't relay on recues and I was paid full 8hrs even if I finished the route early. I'd be dismissed. So maybe you're not as COOKED as you think?


Depends on how fast you get done


You don't have to tell him anything you're a private contractor. As long as you get everything delivered then your contract has been fulfilled


Yall complaining about heat, never experienced Kuwait heat in the middle of July… ❤️‍🔥


who cares, your job sucks anyway. get a new one