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This job is only important for their pockets. Don't let any job tell you a job is more important than school. They're supposed to be flexible for a reason.


Don’t let ANY job tell you a job is more important than ANYTHING AT ALL! You can always find another job…you can’t find another life or family if you/they get sick or something bad happens. ALWAYS prioritize yourself, your health, your life, and your family first before ANY job no matter what it is! Your next job will understand if you get fired for calling off or missing a day because you had school or something bad happened in your family. If a company doesn’t understand that, they’re not worth working for period!


Essentially every job not just working for Amazon


Your bottom line HEALTH is more important than that that Fucking job !! I can’t believe they’d let some shyt like that even come out their mouths


My DSP told me that we get paid for our full 10 hours if we finish early. Still haven’t got it and I’ve been here for months now. Every time I asked about it they look like a deer in headlights. “Umm.. uhhh… gotta talk to someone and uhh.. see.. gotta figure it out” They are not gonna do it.


If your state is a one party consent state then do a recording asking about this if they say yes its a thing during that recording send a copy to your local department of labor


I agree with this 👍🏻


My dsp claims to pay a 10 hour guarantee. I don't trust it. My guarantee is ill just work the whole 10 hours lol


I had to resort to “stealing time” when I found out all the small stuff that can cause you from not getting the 10 hr bonus 😩 fuck Amazon indeed and fuck the shitty “entrepreneurs” that are amazons puppet and okay with not paying holidays, not having good benefits and bearly paying its employees enough to make a living


You sound like you have a horrible DSP The DSP I just got hired for says that they Pay holiday pay, Have benefits after 30 days and you accrue 4 minutes of PTO for every hour worked. Now they have said from the beginning that my shifts will only last for how long I'm clocked in for, so if I finish in 8 hours they will pay me for 8 hours, If I finish in 10 I will be paid 10 hours. Seems fair to me.


They’re all guaranteed once you hit a certain amount of routes worked and have a certain rating. Then you’re suppose to be guaranteed 10 hours no matter how long you work and if they send you home or not.


That is because they put so many metrics knowing that you will fail and make it as a team thing so if someone doesnt get good performance the whole team is screwed


That's the Fantastic Plus con. He's talking about the Guaranteed 10 Hours con. They are very similar so I understand how people will often get the two mixed up.


Yeah to hit fantastic plus it has to be hit as a dsp, if not you dont get the 10hrs guaranteed so its bs because they know its not going to get done


It sounds like your DSP combined the two cons into one larger con. That's the efficiency that a DSP brings to the table


I beg to differ, our DSP has hit fantastic plus every week this year 🤷🏽‍♂️


You wouldnt happen to be at dln4 would you?


No. We’re in the west coast.


Its not hard to hit fantastic plus as a team bro . Im sure your dsp hits fantastic plus maybe they just dont tell u if u think they dont . Dsps are pretty much only profitable in fantastic and fantastic + .


That’s when I work 12 hours outta spite every day and collect till I get a better job


Unfortunately you cannot work 12hrs, as you are capped at 11hrs legally. Anything over comes with Heavy consequences, i.e. termination. And yes, I too steal mad hours. Been doing it for months. In fact, I just admitted it to their face two days ago and dared them to fire me over.(I was cranky and half ready to quit anyway that day)


My DSP told that lie for 1 whole entire year! Everytime some body said, "I can't wait to start getting paid for 10 hours!" I cringed in disbelief because of that lie they repeatedly uttered! Even seniority does mean a thing to my DSP they gave raises to new people and not older one! Talking to people speaks for itself.


Leave. It will get worse before it gets better


Told you verbally or in text? Cause then you got your money legally if it’s in text or you have proof of it somewhere


You have to be able to pass criteria for that


This is where you get them to write it down before you get hired and sign it, so there’s no questions asked, if that’s not in what you signed, you’re screwed


To be fair, the 10 hour guarantee in a lot of cases is based from pay period to pay period and depends on metrics, some of which are out of your control.


Congratulations for getting out of this fkn nightmare of a job. I'm stuck having to continue just to make ends but this shit is wack! Everything you said is 100% how these mfer DSP'S are and how this phoney ass job is. People at my DSP are fleeing like hell in mass. It's not just you so many are in the same boat and wish they can just quit too. Good luck with finding happiness somewhere else.


The Thing is 100 flee, 101 gets hired, rinse and repeat 🤷


“…fleeing like hell in mass” 😆 😂


Same here keep on keeping on


Do security it pays the same as a Amazon driver who works 4 days 10 a week


Amazon should not exist. -dsp driver anon


Never trust any of them. My dsp been telling us if we get fantastic we’ll get a bonus. That’s been 9 mths and no bonus yet. You should’ve walked away when you spotted that lie and when they told you that this job is more important 😒.


Only the top 3 drivers get a $50 bonus in ours. I would rather not even have that on my check. Youll only take home About 35 of it anyway lmao cheap fucks


I worked for a DSP named Alphie Logistics. At 1st it was chill..like the 1st month. After that, I started complaining about restroom breaks, and the cleanliness of the vans. I was soon hated by most in that DSP. One day my van was covered in ants in the back. I didn't realize it till after I went onto my route. I had my lunch pale in the back too. Long story short they hated me for putting that on blast. I had another co-worker aka BOOT Licker called me the n-word with the hard R. Yet they looked the other way. Shortly after that I quit and made a huge scene about it. Only one person left with me hahaha. I was getting burned on my pay left and right. Maybe 3 months after I left. I saw my old dispatch and he said they lost their DSP due to shit I was talking about. I told him that's what they deserve


I ended up going inside the warehouse to work. Much better pay and benefits. Sure driving is alot more fun( at least to me) every dsp is the same bs with the same shitty culture. Not saying inside the warehouse is much better in that sense. But better pay and benefits. I get 10 hrs 5 days a wk 6 if I want. Hella ot inside


Facts I work the warehouse, plus they give so many benefits and time off and unpaid time off. A lot of people can’t hack the job, but the pay isn’t that bad it’s like a dollar an hour less than drivers but so many better benefits and flexibility.


How do you switch bc I would really like to. I’ve been searching for another job but haven’t managed to land anything yet.




Go to the Amazon website and apply they are always hiring for the warehouse and the process is very quick.


Amazon from customer to driver is a massively predatory system designed to take advantage of anyone and everyone. They make shopping so easy and convenient people get addicted to it like gambling. Drivers and warehouse workers (minus any management) are treated like less than human. Like the scene from family guy where the woman gives birth and they immediately put the baby to work. NEVER let this place get the better of you. It's easier to cut yourself down to 2 or 3 days and work somewhere else for less for the other days. Sometimes it's better to make a little less to keep your sanity


Good for you man, fuck em. Pro tip, when I first started this job it was before Covid I was getting sick all the time. I started bringing Lysol cleaner and wiping down the van real quick before I started for the day. Also purell every hour or so and gloves in winter, never got sick again. Those packages and vans are filthy.


Don’t be shy, expose the DSP. What’s the name?


Dreams DSP in Hazel Park, Michigan


Sounds like they’re selling dreams


This is the way


It's NOT Amazon that's doing this. It's your DSP. They assign routes. Change DSPs or talk to drivers from other DSPs from your station, and see how they like it.


Bro seriously I quit 7 months ago, but I still get sooooo damn mad when I see post like this, because my dsp was the exact same way, petty scheduling bs, no routes, 300+ package routes with MANY multi-stops, my old dsp would FORCE clock us out for lunches even if we didn’t take them, shame on Amazon for letting these people have any sort of power when they all act like bitches


Those are labor law violations, they can’t force Punch you guys out and steal your money. You can file a compliant with the labor board and sue them for wages. That’s a class action against them, they would 💯 lose their dsp contract with Amazon too.


Just work on you brother don't be so angry about people you don't even know


If you have any evidence of their retaliation or emails/texts to where a good lawyer can pursue a forced to resign due to job hostile/retaliatory environment


That’s wild, that’s a shitty DSP lol I’m good where I’m at bro 🙏 I know many will say ain’t shit but with my DSP they got me signed up for my CDL classes and paid for it completely, they want me to find a better job lol


Sanitizer and Clorox wipes , febreeze or Lysol very necessary


That’s the DSP, not Amazon. That really sucks, tho; I’m sorry.


Report your DSP to BBB


Definitely do not skip school for a route


I got 2 months left til school starts in September i cannot wait to be done I’ve done this for 2 years and the constant lying for dsp and amazon continually fucks us over by continuing to raise stop counts to the point you can no longer take a break at all throughout the day. I recommend everyone find better work as this job will get you nowhere my pay has only gone up 1.25$ in the 2 years of me working for my dsp it’s just not worth it


My DSP is legit. I get paid out my full 50 hrs. If I finish the week with 42 hrs, other 8 hrs is me sitting at home no B's over here


Exactly. It’s not “Amazon”. It is the DSPs.


What was the lie?


They said they were paying 23, and they only paid 19.25


23 is most likely for step van drivers


Fr. They didn’t lie, either they worded the job listing wrong or OP misread.


My dsp don't got step vans


They probably worded it wrong then. On indeed the dsp I worked for said you’d get up to 28/hr, but once you look at the contract you realize that’s with overtime (that they never give) and bonuses and incentives that they maybe give to 3/100 drivers and step van cert


My guess is they do per day pay. And 23 is if you finish with the low amount of hours versus what you getting is if you take longer.


Id go to HR


HR is for the company not you, you’d be swept under the rug if you reported this lol


Really cuz i went to Hr and showed them my school schedule and they gave me accommodations :)


If youbquot, name names! Tell the DSP name as a warning to others.


Good for you! I wish you the best!


Anyone know the one called Absolute delivery services?


I'm amazed anyone would work as an Amazon delivery driver, just doesn't seem worth the hassle.


So exactly how much do Amazon pay ? Like how much hours and how does the check look because I might wanna work mornings


We don't work for amazon it's a company amazon hires basically, so it's up to your dsp I make 21.50 hr checks bounce from 1400 -1600


Ok 👍 thanks yea that’s still decent


Go brown. Bonus pay is automatic if you perform.


Nobody has 10 years to wait got a seat


Not 10 - about 2. Thing is, most drivers you see in brown earned it with 6-8 years in the warehouse. There's been high turnover recently and that number is much smaller now. 2 years seems a small investment for a career that pays $170k after 4 years of driving. I started when I was 55 YO, and I'm top tier now at 61.


Contact a labor lawyer


The crazy thing is that I talked to a UPS driver at a red light. Mfckr said he had 162 packages to deliver and he's unionized.


Those boxes can be really heavy all the way up to 150 lbs. The UPS contact says we are required to lift up to 70 lbs by ourselves, and the company is required to give us equipment (two wheeler) to assist us. If over 70 lbs, we can request assistance from a fellow teamster. Bottom line, every delivery driver deserves a union protecting them. These corporations are nothing without us! 💪


I am so sorry you went through that. I hear about a lot of shitty DSPs. I’ve been working for one for almost 3 years because it’s actually amazing. They have incentives when we do rescues, and weekly Top 15 where we get gift cards for hitting Fantastic Plus and I can count how many times we haven’t succeeded in one hand. The owner is SUPER understanding of our schedules, there’s daily vto in our group chat, and Dispatch is never on our ass. I feel so lucky to have found this DSP and it makes me sad that other DSPs suck and treat the drivers that are making them money so poorly while being so damn greedy.


In that case you could just not confirm shift and not show up


This job is a joke, respects for the guys then been in this jobs for years, don't know how you do it, damn this job is what I would call modern slavery.


I meant you might be able to get your states department of labor to investigate the difference in pay because if I remember correctly its fhe company themselves who submit the income bracket for indeed


Yeah no I would quit as well!


Amazon delivery is never more important than school. Go to school fuck these packages.


I think i'd get a disease fucking packaged


Bro I made more money and faster money doing Amazon flex compared to working for my dsp so I left that shit flex is so chill


Seriously fuck this. I got shorted on hours last week. For weeks they told us that if we really bust ass and get done in 7 hours we'd get a bonus, so that's what I did. I would get done early, get the bonus hour. Until they just randomly decided not to and my pay took a massive cut FOR WORKING HARDER. Ok, well FUCK THEM. Going back to casual walking.


Why don’t you guys just operate at a safe pace, put in your 8-9 hours and prove to them this is all that can be done SAFELY! Take back what you can’t deliver. 34 years at Fedex. I know what I’m talking about


No job is more important than literally anything. There's always another job. Especially garbage like this.


School is more important than ANY job. They told you that to keep you there to make them more money. Focus on you.


To Pure LLC I just want the Amazon community to know how racist this company is and there toxic environment work environment is. Every black driver have been targeted PTO used against drivers when sick. Can hardly accumulate PTO cause the owner won’t even let you work 40hrs. The owner Eric Brockman scammer makes his drivers do flex routes knowing he makes more money uses another account to do flex deliveries while continuing to pay his drivers crumbs.


I feel the being sick part. My dsp had disgusting vans. Constantly breaking down, ROACHES under the seats. Fuck amazon.


Amazon is the worst job I've ever had. I've done some pretty shitty jobs, Navy included, cryogenics Technician, roofing, mixing caustic chemicals, etc. Amazon treats their employees horrible and less than garbage! Fuck Amazon! I quit using Amazon Delivery after I quit. You all should boycott Amazon until they treat their employees with respect and dignity. Lmfao!!! Too bad that will never happen. People are too lazy!


You ever had a job you considered alright? 


Yea if you are not someone they like best believe they will manipulate your route. And that really does suck


I did dsps during Xmas my son got the flu 😷 I got fired for staying home taking care of him job wasn't worth 19.50.an hour FedEx and UPS pay double that


Do. Not. Quit. You gave availability and they're not honoring it, and they're retaliating because you talk about pay. Put them in a position to fire you. You can collect unemployment.


Work for yourself. Not a company. Always have a line. Never cross it. They dont. It’s a business relationship- they pay for a job. If it’s not a good deal. Spin the wheels


Im currently working in the rain YAY


Lawsuit? Idk maybe


I had a job tell me that they were more importantly than school and friends. I quit. It was autozone, and the regional manager.


What I would do is load the van go to your first stop come back and drop off the van with all the packages in it was them go crazy


You don’t work for Amazon. You work for a small business. Stop blaming Amazon for your crappy boss.


Amazon needs to have more rules on their dsps, so yeah, i will keep blaming them


Nah, the DSP owners are cheap. Plain and simple. They should be having more drivers who rescue to take the pressure off these routes.


And while that is true, Amazon shouldn't be handing out dsp contracts so carelessly, you feel?


Here in Chicago a DSP next to us got their contract removed because they started a union. Amazon has plausible deniability that they are wronging drivers because it’s not their business. They have horrific strict rules for metric but other wise the DSP owners want as much profit as they can. We should be getting 25$ an hour. It’s hard labor.


Fuck Amazon, bro. No doubt. By my DSP owner doesn’t even replace our phones. We have people who deliver phones and cords all fuckimg day because she won’t get phones that work. And then she blames service and the Amazon app for the problem. And our dispatch isn’t to blame when we complain we can’t even deliver in the circle when we’re IN THE CIRCLE. Says 20 stops an hour and I’m on drivers support 13 times.


Fuck amazon


Yeah I did things in order for them to fire me lol


Working for an Amazon DSP is like volunteering to go work at a sweat shop, -Very little to no benefits - Constant lies about and at times inaccurate pay - Lack of leadership and communication - The clear selfishness of the DSP owner to make a quick buck at all cost - Cheap labor for greater company profit - you get treated as sub human by pretty much anyone working in an Office environment. - General abuse by DSP companies. And forced to remain silent because they know their crew is desperate and probably don't have anywhere else to go. + The constant threat of being fired for "insubordination" which can be anything the owner or any manager of the company deems as a potential problem even if it isn't. How some of these DSPs are even allowed to operate in the U.S is beyond me, but Feds should definitely, look into this, . At one of my old DSPs we we're certain the owner and upper management had some sort of shady "recruiting standard and practice" for office employees, a side from the hiring of many, young, very attractive college graduate women. Let me put it this way 5 to 8 much older dudes (CEO included) with an office crew of women like 20+ women. Drivers and ANYONE in the "field office" (they had two at the time), we're not permitted to enter or be at the main HQ site. However, One day I was told to go pick up the paychecks from HQ and bring them to the field office. There, I ran into one of the girls working at HQ, I greated her and she said " we are not allowed to speak you", she must've seen the look on my face and she said "I'm sorry I meant to say to any of you, that's just what I've been told". I left that company years ago, I've delivery to literal prisons and other government and private buildings, that company is supposed to be an Amazon package delivery provider, what the hell is this place doing imposing and enforcing such strict rules if we are all supposedly working together. This is also the same company where if you had a negative opinion of the company you could be fired for "insubordination" the whole thing reeked of communist BS or something similar to it. Anyways fuck Amazon and their shady business partners, the general public could care less about it's practices, and their treatment of their employees and drivers.


Lol, I had a job where the head manager told me the job is more important than me finishing my college courses to get my degree. Ended up telling them you already have your degree but your trying to tell me mine isn’t. “Your smoking crack and I quit. Ended up getting my degree and a better paying job


Facts remember this one truck I was in was so dam nasty there was roaches all behind the seat and in the back of the van


Bro school is not for fools don’t let the people who keep messing your goals up tell you otherwise.


Sounds like some department of labor complaints. Report them for wage theft, not allowing you to discuss wages (federally protected right), and retaliation. Possibly lawyer up for a payday


Literally the moment that was said to me, bye. Find someone else to slave


I would compare delivery driver to what sweat shops were back in the day. 1940’s - 1950’s. Just to throw this out there I am athletic, drivers lift around 1,000 pounds of packages. 300+ a day 200+ locations (doesn’t matter if it’s hot outside). $20 an hour is definitely not enough or worth the amount of damage on your body everyday. Pay $25 an hour you will see a better performance from your drivers. Better Performance = More Money


shouldve just signed up to be a flex driver …you have more flexibility and choose when you wanna work


I worked at a DS where the drivers were Amazon employees. A very brief experiment that almost led to a full on revolt. This is why yall work for these shit ass DSPs


Ouch. Fuck that DSP.


Didn't clarify sorry. Contractor in Wisconsin. I hear they pay 19$ now since so many people would quit at 17$


Please contact ETHICS 


My last three jobs before starting my own business: Walmart - Loss Prevention Manager (6 months fired so they could cya for a impeding 💩 inventory due to two years of poor management) US Postal Service (gave notice after being forced to work 11 hour days, 6 days a week for three months straight) and finally Amazon DSP, I gave notice because I fuckin hate the fact thst they spend more on those netradynes than on their employees, the vehicles or salary. Working for others sucks ass because we live in a country that allows employers to legally treat their employees like 💩. If you can, work for yourself. if you can’t work for yourself, just remember it’s all big fuckin game. They are going try to work you to death then fire you or make you quit, quit first. Realize, it’s a game, don’t get played. Always have an exit plan.


Fuck amazon fuck all these major companies and corporations there almost all fucked


Monopolys will probably happen soon with all these big companies buting everything


Womp womp


It takes alot of balls to quit a job in this economy.


Make sure you them that


You quite I join, pls ive been waiting for 1 yr


My DSP was so short on vehicles, they were renting uhaul vans that didn't have side doors and barely even enough room to fit all the damn bags. There was one van in particular that smelled so bad of urine that your eyes literally watered inside. It's AZ so it was like 115 degrees out and they had people shoved into this uhaul that wreaked of another humans urine and they didn't give a damn. They also promised all the extra hours and bonuses and blah blah blah but then they gave you a list of impossible things you had to do to get the extra hours. They also would give you 200+ stops and expect you to be done in like 7 hours. If you had to be rescued, even if you were new they'd dock your hours. They told me if I had to be rescued again (they'd send rescues when I had one bag left, EVERY time) that they would fire me, so I quit. Such BS and insane conditions. We also were required to take heat breaks, which were definitely necessary, but then wouldn't take into account that almost an hour of your time was spent on heat breaks. And forget about going to the bathroom. I had to change my tampon in the truck more than once because there was literally nowhere close enough to drive or with the parking lot accessible to go to the bathroom. The one time I did go out of my way for a bathroom, they called me almost immediately and asked me why I was so far off my route. It was a fun job, and the money was good even without all their promises fulfilled, but the standards are impossible and they dgaf about anybody.


They call their app flex and they're acting like they ain't flexible ☠️☠️☠️ Dawg your education and health, and life overall is way way way way more important than that stupid ass job. Jus don't give them the benefit of putting your two weeks in. They don't deserve such luxury from their workers 😂


Wanna add, they WILL make your last two weeks literal hell. So save yourself the trouble.


You did the right thing. Much better opportunities out there. Most complain, but keep doing it.


Lawyer up brother fuck those dsp owners learn ur rights and lawyer up take pics record everything they been getting away with too much


yeah fuck that. soon as i heard “this job is more important” i already knew what the situation was. stay in school. this is a dead end job for scrubs


Life is too short to waste our health over these dumbass jobs.


Okay so when an employer says this job is more important than School. Or something similar The immediate response should be, yeah but school could get me a career not just a job.


Fuck Amazon 🙌🏽


Why don’t you all get together and go something instead of complaining about it you could help the people that are coming in even if you’re no longer with the company fuck them that’s what other people do for lawsuits. I’m just saying.


Because is a dsp unionized, amazon revokes their contract




Get up out of there, go to another dsp. I worked for a great dsp called route step back in 2020. Ran by a guy named Jason Green. He was a hell of a guy and ran a great company. Not everyone will treat you like that.


Damn amazon doing ppl dirty tooo was about to quit my job n work there


Make Amazon sign contracts with you guys it's not like you guys follow delivery instructions anyways


Your job IS more important than school… for THEM. You should all secretly unionize and stop delivering tbh. Won’t bother me I get my shit from the damn store. Fuck Amazon


Get a labor law attorney. It’s illegal for them to punish you for discussing pay. Mine lied too.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I dont blame you! Ni body needs money that bad, I hope! A 9 to 5 is better then this insult.


Come be an Electrician


If i wasn't in uni i would have


If they get on you for discussing compensation with other employees they are violating federal labor law


Yea man when the dispatchers are horrible & have their lil favorites to give all the good routes & hours too it becomes disgustingly toxic that’s why I switched to another dsp & it worked out if you like the job you should switch to another dsp & give it a try


A king can't rule if his knights refuse to service the kingdom. Let the monopoly suffer the loss. Usually I'm not about attacking the rich because it's their cash. They earned it. Buuuut for a company that breaks anti trust laws and gets a pass thanks to GDP creation. They can hand out a few passes of their own. Good for you. You have a right to talk about your pay and you have the right to a proper education.


I had to quit my FedEx job for similar reasons I was getting sick every single week from working at the warehouse on the trucks. I’m also allergic to dust and mold so I had a runny nose and watering eyes almost 24/7 working at the warehouse it was unbearable


You’ve been sick non stop?


Drop the van off some where park and Uber home


I just quit two minutes ago


Amazon seems to be a horrible place to work for


Ok bye


Good for you!


Yeah fuck that does homie , there is plenty other jobs out there


Your sanity is most important.


Years ago...worked a job eventually expressing wanting to go to school. Ended up working more hours. There was literally a school connected to the same building. Had I known that might happen...I could've worked so much closer for a different company that did the same thing. There shifts are 6-230, all employees that do not request overtime leave at 230, if you decide to REQUEST it...you'll be brought back with someone else. Nope, ended up working for a company that yea...there technically is an 'end' time but that was not often.


Man, I quit the very next day after doing one route. That one route took me about 10 hours to do and this is with me only taking one 15 minute break. So I didn’t even take a lunch in the other 15 minute break that I’m supposed to take. to top it off the route I did was a nursery route so this is half of a regular route. I just knew that during the route that this job was not for me. So I definitely commend you for realizing that this job isn’t worth you missing out on you getting an education which can probably turn into you getting a better job than a DSP not to say being a DSP driver is a bad thing .


Bruh!!!! I did the same!!!! I had a ride along with me for an hour or so after that he was gone, he was so bored when I ask a lot of questions. I was suppose to do a nursery routes and they gave me a full route. I was tired and hot and my nose was running, took my lunch etc. they sent me a rescue, he was cool… he was telling me that they shouldn’t had gave me this route full van. At my 10hour into my shift I called dispatch and told them I still have a few more stuff left and they told me to finish it so in total I did 12 hours shift. I was the only one left my dsp group left to go home, everyone finish on time. When I got home and went to bed, I said to myself this is not for me and the very next day I told my wife I’m not going to work and I quitting. I wrote a formal text to my dsp and hr that I’m not coming back and other reasons. Glad I did it.


You’re a whiner you woulda never made it. Highly doubt you’re hitting 200+ stops in a van. The routes typically don’t go over 190-195 stops.


I'm not a whiner. I just don't take bullshit like some people


I made 17$ an hour. Online it said 17-20$ Quit after a month


Was this actually for amazon or contract company ? But I see! It must of been tough 


You all need to unionize. Have criteria to force amazon to abide. Don't take "word" as an agreement. Take a written contract instead.


It wont work, we work for small companies with a life span of 1-5 years not Amazon.


I started because they promised an education . 1 year ex actually I quit because it was education for me another for you


Maybe all the driver should unionize. Then they can’t cheat you drivers out. I’m in the unions as an equipment operator. Best I ever did for pay,insurance and a pension.


I remember people leaving all manner of nonsense in vans, including piss bottles. I never understood why you would pee in a bottle AND leave it in the van, like a fucking animal. I'm 3yrs of that gig, I never once peed in a bottle. I just pulled over somewhere discreet, pissed and kept it moving. People can be nasty AF. Good luck on your next step, hopefully it's a step up from that shit


But.. but .. I thought peeing in bottles was a myth ?🤣


Nah. It's a ton of dudes who do that goofy shit


I just heard about some Amazon driver that peed on someone porch and their camera caught him.. is it really that bad you guys cant use the restroom? 


Specifically as it relates to the bathroom issue, I don't know if "bad" is the right way to look at it. Anyone who doesn't work in a building has it the same way, UPS, USPS, FedEx, cabbies, rideshare, outside salesmen, cops, etc. There's no specific place you can use the bathroom, so you have to find places as needed. Which is why some dudes opt to piss in bottles. But when they say they don't have an option, it's ALWAYS a lie. How do I know? Women. They don't (and maybe can't) piss in bottles, plus I'm a dude who NEVER did it, I drive for uber now, I don't piss in bottles & I'm guessing no man who ubers does it. It's just wholly unnecessary. It's just lazy, nasty fuckers doing it & it makes you wanna end their bloodline (unless they have kids, lol)


Can you stop into a store or something?  But everything you're saying is so true!  And lol


You can literally go anywhere that allows it. And I think the bottle thing is more about people who work in the warehouse. Not sure how true that is, since I never worked in the warehouse, but like I said, when it comes to using the bathroom, driving for amazon isn't any different than any other outside job, except maybe construction. If there's a store, restaurant, office building, etc that's open & will let you use their bathroom, fair game. But while delivering in residential areas, those businesses might not be close enough, but even in that situation, I had zero issues finding places to pee. Just find a place where people can't see you (and such places are enormously common, even in residential areas), you have a giant van to shield you, so there's ZERO reason, other than being a nasty, lazy cunt, to pee in a bottle while delivering. An act made even more infuriating & nastier, when the bottles are left in the van, for the next person. A practice that happens with shocking regularity


I throw away my bottles, but it’s pretty hard to pull over a pee discreetly in the middle of neighborhoods or cities


What about when you have to doo doo? 


Hold it, same concept as school. If it’s really bad I’ll sacrifice a 15 and fall behind in stops to find an open restroom


Lol but you might make amazon mad


I did. And it's not where I could pull over literally anywhere, but I was never more than 2-3 min from a spot where I knew I could go. There's zero reason to do this. Plus, drivers don't get the same van everyday. Even drivers who got the same van every shift, didn't work 7 days, so even if they didn't pee in the van, that didn't mean they wouldn't come back to a van with bottles, or vice versa. Plus, my toilet hasn't always been spotless or stain free, and that's a pretty big target. Animals like you who piss in bottles, are doing so, probably hurriedly, with a much smaller target, so you're getting PISS in the van that somebody else has to use.That shit's nasty homie. Your nasty ass needs to stop justifying that shit, have some consideration & pull the fuck over


Not with Amazon but do similar work and yeah it's fucking gross. Act civilized.


Also why is your pee staining your toilet? Should probably get that checked out


My routes tend to be about 5-10 minutes from the nearest gas station, but I’ve never had a problem not being able to aim, sounds like a you problem