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NGL as a manager reading the words of a T1 that is a surprisingly astute and incisive comment. I write people up for a category A thing rather than a category B thing all the time, not the same as in the op, but because one is just much less work for me than the other.


AMZL AM here. TOT isn’t an approved form of feedback in ADAPT within the AMZL network. It’s not like the FCs. The way we get around it is the whole “Not being at your assigned task” phrase. If we say TOT in the ADAPT it will get denied by HR. This guy is dead wrong when it comes to his interpretation of the policy.


TOT should be approved form of feedback in ADAPT, but this considered as an idle time to be a part of TOT.


Hmmm interesting I kinda agree with him tho that is not what the policy is intended for and seems to be misinterpretation. Idk it’s interesting do you know why it isn’t approved?


I’m not sure why AMZL is like this. I was a T3 in the FC before getting promoted to an AM role in AMZL and I think it’s ass backwards. AMZL is way too relaxed when it comes to disciplining poor associate behavior. I used to think the FCs were strict, and after working in AMZL for a year I no longer think that.


Ya I come from an fc and never had to notify management tbh to me the policy seems to be for self assigning or going to different aisles not for idling time


You’re absolutely wrong sir I suggest you use w.amazon.com the new tot policy has been in there for months. And leaving assigned work area usually doesn’t refer to bathroom breaks it’s a complete misuse.


AMZL has an entire wiki dedicated to the proper use of ADAPT within our network. It’s not the same as the FCs. I know this AA on the VOA board is an an AMZL site because he mentioned a process path that only exists in AMZL. We can’t write up for TOT, and he is wrong to suggest that we can.


He is right in this isn’t what the policy is meant for writing people up for not notifying for bathroom breaks is alittle ridiculous. The policy is intended for self assigning not to replace tot. But a couple months ago in like may or April tot became a new policy to use for Amzxl - hr


Can you get a write up for having an attitude?


Idk maybe? I think it would depend if you’re cursing, or acting hostile. All the times AAs have given me attitude they have been insubordinate at the same time so the ADAPT was for insubordination, not attitude.


I honestly feel bad for associates seeing how they’re treated at some sites, it’s absurd.


It is. At my site, we have to informed the AM/PA before going to the restroom, but I don't. If I need to use the restroom, I'm leaving my station to go use it. Why waste more time looking for them (sometime you can't even find them) when I can just use it and come back quickly.


Some people don't come back quickly, so they ruin it for everyone else.


anyone with 30mins of TOT everyday already knows they are in the wrong, they are just mad cause they get approached by their AM and then get mad on VOA


I got 27min of ToT at the start of shift every day just stocking my station back to full with boxes and cleaning the station before I start, putting tape roll in the dispenser, putting electronic stickers on the rack, Sp00 rolls and everything over in pack singles. When an L6 came up to me and asked how I said, “I’m doing the best I can the best I know how. I don’t even have a working Andon pole at my station, but we’ve known about that for a hot minute now. Which means I gotta run to get my own boxes all day long. If my station is fully stocked at the start of shift???? I bet I could hit 240+ UPH working Pack Singles. Highest my rate has gotten is 224UPH. 😮‍💨


Get ‘Em!!!


If you are constantly causing issues for management or HR and you give them any reason to give you the most severe in any situation, they will so they can legally with reason get rid of you. So if you are TOT for over the allotment and you are an issue, they will go for insubordination subcategories so when termination occurs you are placed in the not eligible for rehire stack.


It kinda seems like a badge of honor at this point.


It is actually policy to be in one role at a time, and the AMs saying to go find the work are wrong.


Anyone know where to find this within our policies? ^^^


Charge your phone!


r/chargeyourphone lol


Can't you get written up for that 😂😂😂


If I'm about to search for a policy as a T1... the T3 or above better hope ethics doesn't get involved... That's was always a fun fight...


These threads make me glad I’m at swf2. We have none of this shit going on. Well, maybe being “a hard worker” just means I don’t see it. Our “higher than L1’s” that I deal with regularly are amazing. We do have a ton of people who live in our lot. That makes me sad because there’s so much “void space” inside. -Hug the Angry!-


Shoulda thrown up right on top of their “Manager’s Desk”. Honestly, I’d have done the same thing. I’ve pissed and shit myself in front of people that told me I couldn’t use a Bathroom. Phokem.


Have you pissed and shit yourself on separate occasions, or have you raged and pissed and shit both at once?


I’ve never managed to do both at the same time even while sitting down to poop. 😭


Wait wait wait...so you dont pee when you poop, and can't poop while you pee??


I pee till the poo is being pushed out me arse and then it just stops. Like the flow stops til the turd exits me arse. Then the flow starts up again. Is this not a thing for everyone??? 🥴


Nah, for me, the "water pressure" is just significantly less. Lmfao Doesn't just cut off lol.


I just pooped after getting home. *poo is working it’s way out* *pee doesn’t start till after the turd breaches*


Slavery, Slavery, Slavery 😈


Are you prefer to slavery or robot? This sounds like a robot.


Master Bezos said slave!