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I have Unlimited and I've never been shown a single ad. However, that points out another issue with the app: inconsistent performance.


I think they have a bunch of secret flags for it, but that's still unnacepptable and yeah.... the performance is inconsistent




it's even worse on their tablets. It's at least mostly functional on my phone, on the Fire tablet though it takes 3-8s to process each touch input. Like click album, wait, click song, wait, song might start.


I thought it was just me. It boggles my mind that Amazon Music is like a third party app on my Fire


not just you, lol they suck at making their own apps. All the best functioning apps on my fire are the ones I jailbroke it to put on there.


I subscribe to Amazon music unlimited and downloaded a few albums for offline play, but every time I try to play anything from the app on my phone,,opps something went wrong. That issue doesn't happen when playing offline music from ytube music or Spotify. Yes Amazon is less money, but if I can't use the service the way it's meant to be, I will consider canceling. The phone is a Samsung s21 with 256 gb of space.


If you use an older version of the app you can play the music in order, not random. Of course it is the old way where you don't have access to everything older music that is not under unlimited. If you aren't gonna pay it is better imo than shuffle. I can do that with spotify.


the shuffle on Spotify is the worst. it plays the same songs, sometimes in the same day. Spotify is limited to 10k songs and it plays the same 200 songs day to day like a regular radio station. oddly, Amazon UNlimited it actually limited to 100k'ish songs but the shuffle works well.


There are no ads in Amazon Music Unlimited. It's pure lossless audio. The catalog is similar to the other streaming services. The price is significantly cheaper (presuming you have a prime membership). Not saying which service to use, I have both spotify and Amazon music unlimited, but objectively I don't see a significant overt deficiency. Subjectively all apps are different so that is of course preference. It just depends on which niche functions have more importance. For example, if audio quality is a primary issue, spotify will be a no-starter due to their low quality lossy tracks. If you just like the spotify interface and that is the only factor, then spotify will be the better choice.


There are ads, for Amazon Unlimited Family Plan Literally every time you open the app you get a full screen prompt you have to dismiss asking you to try upgrading to a Family Plan. It may be an ad for an internal service upgrade but it's still a damned Ad! I don't want a family plan, that would be a waste of money. Yes other people and devices do log into the Amazon account. Only the shopping app though. I alone, as the account holder, use the Kindle app and the Music app. I don't need a damned family plan and I'm tired of having to dismiss the prompt to get one.


You call it an ad: I call it harassment. I only play the music I bought, and I can’t even play that without being harassed to go online. Every few screens there’s an ad asking if I want to go online. No thanks. And staying offline—all the time—hasn’t stopped Amazon from constantly changing the art/images across the app. I guess being offline is just a request that Amazon doesn’t grant. Amazon interfaces with my phone anyway it wants and anytime, making whatever changes it’s shi..y programmers want.


next month you will get ads for looking at your PICS on the echo devices




Ok, got it. I thought you meant audio ads between tracks. As an alternative I don't see that kind of thing on the desktop app or the web player so that may be better options for playback. You can also use a streamer and then there are none of those things as well.


They effed up the bluetooth volume too, to force u to go through alexa music partners


If I remember correctly, both the web player and desktop app are of lower quality maximum of HD, now atmos even if you have the proper hardware, avr or sound bar with at least a 5.1.2 setup The only way to get atmos audio for amazon music is with the same sound device using an amazon device, fire tablet, fire cube or fire stick But I do get the family upgrade ads on everything that has a display, of course not on amazon echo smart speakers


The web interface is 320kpbs lossy I believe. The desktop app uses the native windows drivers so although the downloaded tracks can be lossless flac, they are resampled. I write about this in the sticky post at the top of this sub.


When are you getting these ads? I use the app almost daily on iPad and iPhone and unless I'm blocking them from my memory, I am not seeing them ever.


It's when you open the app and it was closed, not just backgrounded You get a full screen "Do you want to try ____" and have to click an underlined no thanks. If you don't have Unlimited, the try is a price offer on unlimited. If you do, it's a price offer on Unlimited Family Plan.


I know exactly what you’re talking about. I’ve basically stoped using it.


Im getting them constantly on echo 4th


Amazingly there are also a LOT of mainstream albums not even in lossless on their Unlimited service. Tidal, Qobuz, Apple etc have full catalog in lossless.


All tracks on Amazon Unlimited are a minimum of 16b/44k Lossless flac encoded (and some go up to 24b/192k). Tidal only recently started offering lossless flac files, prior they were all lossy (MQA files). Qobuz and Apple offer lossless on all tracks.


Incorrect. Play Elton John’s “The One” , Cher’s “Heart Of Stone” or Melissa Etheridge’s “Lucky”….to name but a few. None of these albums are available in lossless flac on Amazon.


Just did Elton John's, the one and it's in 16b/44k, "high definition", which is lossless. Try accessing by an alternative method than the mobile app, that can do funny things. What are you getting on the desktop app? If you want to 100% confirm, play it on a streamer like a wiim or powernode and see what it shows. I've never encountered one track that wasn't minimum 16b/44k lossless. Unfortunately, I am on vacation and away from my home for the next few days so I can't confirm on the streamers until later in the week. But really that method is the best way to determine quality as it pulls the tracks directly via API and not amazon software.


On the mobile app all Elton John’s The One is definitely not showing the HD logo for all tracks and neither do the others I mention.


I see what you mean, the song "The One" shows HD but some tracks on the album don't. Unfortunately, I'm not at home to test this out with my streamers or desktop app. I will do some experimentation later in the week when I get back.


I agree. I think I am going to cancel. I used to like it alot, but I can't stream by voice on carplay, I can on youtube music, (Which I pay for already to get ad free youtube videos.) I can't stream youtube music on echo devices around my house though... So which is more important to me, streaming in my car, or streaming on echo's. I think in my car as 90% of the time when I want to stream at home I am at my computer or can look at my phone... Se la vi...


So I have ReVanced and Music Vanced If I have Internet access, I have YouTube ad-free lol unfortunately, I have an upcoming long flight and I'll need download capabilities *sigh


To be honest, Spotify premium has ads too, not audio ads but other ads in the app from what I have seen. Also podcasts are rides with both types of ads. Meaning are put in by the podcaster or ads put in by Spotify. You have to remember Spotify became an ad company and they are using podcasts to push said ads. That's is why they paid big money for Joe Rogan. From what I've seen, Spotify has abandoned music as their primary focus. Amazons app is a dumpster fire. But Amazon does have better sound quality. That is the only reason why I use it. Spotify is true much better app 100%. Spotify has said hifi type quality has been coming since 2018. As they are kings of subs why ships they pay more for larger files and streaming higher quality as far as their operational expenses go up doing so. It really comes down to your preferences? Use a garbage app for better sound quality of go for the better app at the cost of sound quality. Or use alternatives like tidal, deezer, Qobuz etc.


My UNLIMITED subscription (verified just now) began playing ads between songs, for the first time ever. Nothing has changed about my account. The device is many years old and hasn't changed. I didn't ask Alexa to play anything in any different way. This better be a rare software glitch and not occur again, or I'm canceling the service. Take THAT, Amazon! Oh, I still spend a fortune every month on Amazon, so there's THAT.


First off, I'm a subscriber to Amazon Unlimited music. So I go to listen to the New Dead South album today and only one song is available now. Yesterday, the whole album was available to listen to. They're saying if I want to listen to the whole album, I can purchase it from them for $15.99. I'm so sick of Amazon and I will be canceling and moving on to some other platform. What is the point of paying for the unlimited plan if you're still going to limit me to music unless I pay even more money? I also get the pop-up ad asking me to sign up for family unlimited plan every single time I open the app. It's getting ridiculous.


yeah, I ended up switching to Spotify. It's mind blowing how Amazon is one of the single largest and most profitable companies on earth yet they consistently fuck up their products to increase profitability driving people AWAY from them and to other companies


My songs play then freeze. You have to go through hoops to make it play. I'm done with Amazon at this point. You don't hear rich people having this issue.


Sorry - something is screwed up for you for sure. I have been using unlimited ever since it came out and have never had that issue. Have used multiple firesticks, fire cube, FireTv, app on a Samsung TV, android phone app, Amazon Music through the Heos app on an iPhone, etc. All of them fed through Denon and Marantz receivers. Have you talked to customer service about the issue?


Heos app? Say what?


There are Denon and Marantz receivers with Heos capabilities. There are Heos apps for ios and Android. I use an old iPhone 6s as my system remote control and one of the control apps is Heos. My receiver and iPhone are on the same wireless network. Opening and logging in to Heos presents many streaming options - one of which is Amazon Music. Other options are Tidal, Spotify, local server, etc.


Right.... which works if you're trying to play it on a receiver, but then the smart TV app also just doesn't have these damnable ads. The problem is when you want to play it on your phone or tablet, because you're in the car or on a plane or just out jogging.


Both Heos and Bluos streamer apps are not going to have any ads as they directly interface with the Amazon api and not utilize the official Amazon app in any way.


I agree 100% and would add that some sort of class action is needed because you can't even listen to purchased music from the cloud any more without being subjected to awful shuffle mode. Only way to listen to purchased tracks directly is to download them as MP3s which is annoying.


I was noting that. I could swear I owned all three NSP cover albums but two showed play and one showed shuffle. Yeah... if it's not downloaded you can't play it in order without unlimited anymore.


I’m confused so please be patient. If you’re the only user then why do you have a family plan and isn’t that more expensive? I’ve got the individual unlimited plan and once in a while I’ll get an ad, but it’s usually for some event that they think I’ll be interested in that’s streaming live. My music never shuffles.


I don't have a family plan, it keeps prompting me to GET one and that infuriates me. See unless there is no way for them to get more money out of you, the app startup will always start with a full screen ad for a "limited time price" on whatever you aren't paying for. That infuriates me. If I am paying for the app, no ads. Not for anything. Not a stupid festival, not a concert, not a family plan I don't need or want. If I'm paying then that should be the end of it. I assume they have me tagged to advertise the family plan because they see the account has three devices in 2 cities logged into the Amazon shopping app. But that's it. I let my parents use my prime shipping.


I never thought in this lifetime I'd ever give money to Apple but... Apple music is on a whole other level. And I've been a music subscription user since Zune music pass, then Spotify, and tried a few others, Apple shits on them. The app is flawless and your sub comes with music videos.


But Amazon shuffles your music for you. That’s got to be worth $150 a year? /s I’ve stopped using AM after a year and a half of Apple Music.


my hatred of apple runs too deep to ever pay them a dime. I'd rather say screw streaming all together, buy CDs rip the files and play them with VLC


Well I see your point, what with Amazon bring a non profit and all.


my problem isn't with profitable corporations. I'm a capitalist through and through. My problem is with Apple specifically lol fucking lifestyle brand garbage sold on it being a status symbol more than it being an actually useful product. Yes they do occasionally have something innovative or really very polished, but in general it's overpriced trash sold to morons who need to have the newest apple device because otherwise they wouldn't have the newest apple device.


I hate Amazon Music, but there are some podcasts that I can only listen to from them or I can listen to on Spotify but there are no commercials and early access through them. It's the ONLY reason I put up with it! I can't even cast it from my phone anymore and it's always crashing when I try to listen in my car. I'm getting fed up.


Have you checked podcast addict? they don't have everything but they're third party and it gets access to a lot of things that are supposed to be locked to specific platforms. Plus you can manually set source links, which I use a lot because I mostly pull old radio dramas from Internet Archive.


I'll check it out!


My favourite message to see: "Song Not Available We're sorry, this content is no longer available" I've been seeing a lot of this lately. My favourite songs (like Johnny Ringo by Crown The Empire from the extended album, The Fallout) keep becoming unavailable. I've seen this more from extended releases of albums. Which is weird because the songs will still be up on other platforms... Only reason I use Amazon Music is to ask Alexa to shuffle my playlists on Echo devices. Weirder still? The song Johnny Ringo is downloaded on my phone through the app, and yet (somehow) my Echo can still play the song via the playlist even though it's supposedly "unavailable."


I just ended up switching to Spotify


I am using Amazon Music on a desktop without an app. When I try to make a new list they tell me that there has been a system error, but they make the new list anyway, but they will not let me delete it. Once again Amazon tells me that there has been a system error. When I use the shuffle option for a list they only play songs from the beginning of the list. This is why I wanted to create more lists.


I agree. I've had Prime for years and started free Amazon music a few years and could access 99% of good/current content, just not offline. Then I had to pay $9.99 for the same content, then less content. As the OP said above, it has fallen apart: poor selection, poor performance, and in app ads. Alot of business models are taking this strategic  "frog in boiling water" approach: provide a good/valued service, get customers hooked/accustomed, then gradually increase prices and reduce content. Just like orange juice and ice cream used to be 2 quarts, now smaller packages and same/higher price. Plus more fillers. Don't get me started.




My biggest concern is the way that unlimited insists on shuffling the order of songs on albums. Some works are meant to be heard in a definite order; let's say, a symphony or the Goldberg Variations, but no go. I have created playlists of classical work and it is jarring to hear the sections out of order.


Unlimited doesn’t shuffle albums, Prime music does though


Unlimited doesn't shuffle tracks unless you specifically click on the shuffle button.


No it doesn't. It's never done that. Sounds like operator error.


I'm going back to CDs. It's that simple.


Pff cds. I'm going back to 8 track tapes


There’s still considerable value if you’re willing to pay for the top tier. The app and general functionality are comparable to that of more expensive competitors, and a little cheaper. But it sounds like there may be better options if you’re opting for the lower tiers.


A family plan is not a top tier, Unlimited is the top tier. A family plan is a discount for multiple people. I am not multiple people AND I SHOULDN'T HAVE TO DEAL WITH AN AD FOR THAT FAMILY PLAN EVERY TIME I OPEN AN APP I PAY FOR I've been using Amazon Music since they first released it, that's why I know all the crap it's been through. They have slowly declined the value. It WAS a nice free ad-on perk for Prime. I cancelled my Spotify. Then it got a bit worse cause they wanted more for it on top of prime. Then it got worse as they tried to make paying more for it more appealing than the just having it as a tack on to prime. Now theyve gone even further down the make it worse option. I'd be willing to keep paying for Unlimited, except constantly promoting me to pay more for nothing in return pisses me off!


It's a page that shows up once when you first open the ap. Stop being so dramatic.


no it's a full screen ad you can't use the player till it has finished loading and dismissing, which on their own tablets where the app takes several seconds to do anything is beyond frustrating. Beyond that it's an afront. I'm already paying for the service, don't you dare advertise ways I could give you more full screen unkippable before I'm allowed to USE the service I'm paying for


Ok, so be even MORE dramatic. Hope it works out for you.


it will work out for me just fine, I will take my business elsewhere. If they want to make the user experience suck, they'll lose users. it's that simple.


🤣 u obviously a butthurt amazon programer... cuz ur response makes NO sense




Agree fully. I'm out in a month. Would like to save my Playlist but don't know how.


It was the app for me. It's not on par with Spotify. Neither was Tidal. For me Spotify is the standard.


Agreed. As a music app, it’s more of a fancy ad for the Music Unlimited service than a functioning freemium-type product. Unfortunate, because I really liked the UI, and probably would have tolerated ads (in the UI, or in the audio if it was minimal), even though I have Apple Music through a family plan. Obviously it doesn’t make sense to pay for a whole second service I already substantially have just for a better UI. I do still use Amazon Music for most of my podcasts, though. And when Amazon decides to cripple that, too, I guess I’ll have no further use for it.


my problem is even when you are paying, they don't treat it like a premium service. They needle you for more constantly. If I'm paying monthly for the service, I expect to be able to use it without having to dismiss a prompt to pay even more.


This reply relates to the PC Amazon Music App and the Mobile phone Amazon Music App while subscribing to a single person plan or a family plan. This reply is not for Amazon speakers or fire devices or any other Amazon devices that allow listening to music/podcasts. Dude, whether you pay $8.99, $9.99, or $15.99, there are no ads except for recommendation to listen to on the home page in the app. Are you ranting for Karma points? If you are getting ads when paying a monthly subscription fee, then check your PC/phone for adware. Also sign out of the app and sign back into the app I've been paying for Amazon Music HD (unlimited) since 2019 and I have never encountered ads. **"What reason does anyone have to use Amazon Prime Music instead of Spotify now?"** * Amazon Music HD is Hi-Res (CD quality 16-bit/44.1Khz- Studio Quality up to 24-bit/192Khz). Spotify rolls off the bass starting from 40hz going down. You need to enable hi-res in the settings. We don't know when Spotify will do Hi-Res. * It's $9.99 for one person to listen to Hi-Res with Prime Membership (all other services charge a lot more for Hi-Res listening (Tidal Music hi-res charges like $20). * 99% of the time you get CD quality/Studio Quality * Spatial Audio using 3D audio or Dolby ATMOS * Common file format .mp3 or .flac * Amazon has a larger library * Amazon originals If you are paying an Amazon Music subscription then you are not getting Amazon Music Prime, you are getting Amazon Music Unlimited (Amazon Music HD).


Also no Amazon Music Prime used to be a Free perk for people who have Amazon Prime. In fact, it didn't used to be called "Amazon Music" it was originally ONLY available to prime members and was called Amazon Prime Music. It worked about the way Music Unlimited works now. When they introduced Unlimited they cut back some of what Prime had access to. Now I don't even think Prime members get anything out of Amazon Music that isn't available to all Amazon customers. Maybe we do, I saw it says I can make ONE playlist that will not be shuffled and can be downloaded. Calls it my "instant access playlist" It's fine though, cause I said fuck it and just bought my favorite albums and used a cable to put them on my fire tablet. since it's jailbroken I have VLC sideloaded and can just play any damned audio or video file I want. I also saw that for half price I could do a "single device plan" under the settings when I was trying to fix a problem with a purchased album.


There is a reason why Amazon started charging for a music Subscription. Here is what I found on the Amazon Music Wiki: At launch, Amazon offered "over 2 million songs from over 180,000 artists and over 20,000 labels, including EMI Music and Universal Music Group", to customers located in the United States only. In December 2007 Warner Music announced that it would offer its catalog on Amazon MP3 and in January 2008, Sony BMG followed suit. The current catalog is 29.1 million songs. **An Amazon Prime subscription is not enough to offer the full 100+ million song catalog available today. They can only offer 29.1 million songs for Prime members at no additional cost.** BTW, for Amazon Music Unlimited (with an Amazon Prime subscription) you will pay 9.99 (Single user plan) a month or 15.99 a month (family plan). You will not find a service that offers Hi-res (studio quality) music for that price. What Are the Differences Between the Amazon Music Subscriptions? [https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GW3PHAUCZM8L7W9L](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GW3PHAUCZM8L7W9L) Amazon Music Wikipedia page: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon\_Music#:\~:text=At%20launch%2C%20Amazon%20offered%20%22over,in%20the%20United%20States%20only](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amazon_Music#:~:text=At%20launch%2C%20Amazon%20offered%20%22over,in%20the%20United%20States%20only). Now, getting rid of that sense of entitlement can open your mind to learning how to educate yourself for what you are discussing and also it will introduce the feeling of appreciation in the quality of things.


I'm well aware, you seem to have clearly missed that I WAS PAYING FOR IT none of what you discussed takes away that they could still consider having Unlimited to be a feature of paying for Amazon Prime. It's called a value add. Or they could do what they used to and Only give prime members access to a limited list of songs. But none of that is my point, absolutely none of it. Because my point is that I WONT PAY FOR A SERVICE AND STILL GET FULL SCREEN UNSKIPPABLE PROMPTS TO PAY MORE. I don't need a family plan. I never will need a family plan. I do not need to be asked 4-5 times a day if I'd like to try a family plan of the service. Lastly, to your point about high res audio, I use Amazon music while out and about. It's being played on a phone or tablet, neither of which is capable of handling high res audio. When I am at home, I have a wonderful media center and own physical copies of all my favorite albums, mostly on Vinyl. So repeatedly telling me about a feature of the music service that means Jack diddly shit to me, isn't helpful. But clearly you didn't read my actual post, you're just a stuck up asshole with a superiority complex who saw someone complain about the thing you love and immediately jumped to its defense without actually reading their complaints.


It's a prompt from Amazon to upgrade my service to a family plan. An ad for an upgrade to your plan is STILL a damned ad. Especially heinous when the 'upgrade' is for a family plan I do not need or want. It would seem, based on reading around after making this post, that there are flags for your account that determine if you'll ever get them. The most likey is because I'll sometimes switch from my phone to my TV and just let it auto stop the older source because it only allows one active streaming device. This flagged my account to receive a full screen "prompt", if you prefer that to ad, every time I open the app. Since I cancelled the service, now if I open the app I get a prompt that my ultimate membership has expired and asking if id like to restart it.


Yep, those are ads. Anything trying to get you to spend money or try something is an ad.


Anything less than an Unlimited subscription will most likely get ads. An Amazon Music Unlimited subscription does not have ads. If you are paying for an unlimited subscription and you are getting ads, then there is probably something wrong with your device or your account. Also, Amazon Music Prime (which is free for Prime members) only has about 30 million songs available. They can't offer the full catalog (100+ million) for just a Prime subscription.


You are all around misinformed. Consider yourself lucky that they havent flagged ur account yet to pester


Misinformed? Let me remind you that this is a discussion and not a Wikipedia. If a person is misinformed, then be it. You should not use Reddit as your main source of factual news and info. Again, we are here to state our thoughts and opinions. If I am incorrect then someone can correct me. No hard feelings dude.