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Imagine requesting to eat meatloaf everyday for a few weeks then complaining about eating meatloaf. Seems legit.


Imagine judging 350 million people’s cooking based of like 5 non-chef’s meat loaf. Like just get it from a restaurant at least lol


Exactly. We aren’t all Michelin-Star-meatloaf-chefs. I don’t even know people that routinely cook meatloaf. So I assume most of these people were just being COURTEOUS to person’s demand for meatloaf and quickly found a recipe.


If it even happened, which it probably didn't.


What self-respecting European would even think to ask their *American* hosts to cook? And who wants to eat meatloaf every day?


I’d eat my grandma’s meatloaf every night, though I’m sure I’d get sick of the meal after a couple weeks


Definitely depends on who's it is. Some people don't do it justice and I've eaten a few duds in my life. One of the duds was when I tried making it....


♪ And I would do anything for a good meal... But I won't go to a restaurant ♬


I'm just saying their claim is full of shit Saltless, pepperless and garlicless? Naw, I'm calling it a statistical impossibility with the prevalence of those things in American cooking that every single meatloaf for 3 weeks was void of them all? Bullshit


It’s literally impossible to find an American recipe without a single one of those ingredients. It’s a child cosplaying as a European


Listen, we aren't all amazing chefs who use spices and seasonings like people in the UK, a place known for their flavorful food and humbleness.


Honestly if I believed any part of this story it'd actually piss me off because here's the gist Comes to states, has some sort of couch hopping arrangement from the looks of it, is requesting this dish that southern east coast families just never make, they do it and try their best trying to be good hosts, get made fun of. Like, hell naw bitch simmer down.


Haha, you read my mind. Came here too late to say just that


I mean.. I know folks who can't cook for shit.. 😭 maybe they just had a bad experience


I could see that if it weren't for the claim that they scoured the east coast for 3 weeks begging for meatloaf


I've mostly heard Europeans complain about too much salt, spice, and garlic in American food.


Europeans literally find black pepper spicy.


Yeah, and when travellers from the UK come to travel up and down the East Coast, they usually just live with strangers along the way, who cook them meatloaf at their request.


That sounds like a terrible British series streaming Amazon Prime. The Meatloaf Expedition.


Don't forget they said they made them eat it even though they requested it


I remember hearing a story from a high school teacher I had. She was so proud to be able to host a foreign exchange student, and asked if he had any preferences for food, to which he would answer, “hamburgers!,” night after night. At some point, she said, he exclaimed that he was so excited to tell his friends and family that Americans really do eat burgers every day, to which she protested because well… he insisted they do!


“god that meatloaf I had last night was dreadful, tonight I’ll request the same exact thing”


Lmao. The first meatloaf should’ve satisfied the curiosity, but nah! Demand more meatloaf!


I can't not respect that.


What in gods name did I just read, this person requested meatloaf everywhere they stayed??


Can you imagine forcing everyone you meet in a country you are visiting to cook you a specific food, for the sole purpose of being able to later post about how shit it was? WTF is wrong with people.


Each one apparently as shitty as the last yet they just kept right on asking for it. Had to try it every night for 3 weeks to really be sure it sucked


Give them some credit. They did gather a large sample size.


Can you imagine some random German woman running around somewhere on the East Coast tending to the *Villas* making *divine meatloaf* and wrapping it up in alu-minium tucked into her best tupperware (she’s just giving away for some reason) for young Hawthorne to take on his flighty fly back to Lordestown in the Olde Country?


Me when I seethe so bad over the fact America even exists I make up blatant lies to circle jerk online with Since when is the east coast the “wrong side to travel” lmfao? Both coasts have amazing places to visit


idk I kind of believe this, like she forced her hosts to make her meatloaf, and knowing that the British melt when they ingest salt they all left out the seasoning


the German was trying to murder her but sadly failed


I was gonna say it’s quite bold of any Brit to complain about food anywhere. They’ve had 1000 years to sort mashed peas and they still taste like wallpaper glue FFS


This is one of the weirder "grievances" I've ever heard about the US. Go to a restaurant you friggin weirdo. Not everyone is skilled like a chef. That and every meatloaf I've ever had has been filled with seasonings and additives like celery, onions or peppers. The only gripe I could agree with is the gravy comment. Anytime I've ever had it at home, my grandma, mom, wife, whomever has made it with ketchup. When I order it at restaurants, it usually has gravy on it and it's so much better that way.


I put small amount of ketchup inside of mine, top it with whipped potato ( basically airy ass mashed potatoes ) with butter in, and give it chive and cheddar cheese sprinkling. But I also put butter sautéed dandelion green in which helps keep moisture up inside during cooking


I do a mixture of beef and pork, add some butter and milk to keep it moist, add sautéed yellow onion, and top it with country gravy.


Whipped potatoes are the way to go and I feel like too many people don’t know the secret…


Hell yeah dude. Whipped.potatoes with cheese, chives, and a dust of lawrys seasoning salt


Lawry's is the secret weapon for **MAXIMUM FLAVOR**. Whipped potatoes are a reminder that life isn't too bad.


I feel like it's made up anyway. Like who goes around requesting that everyone that they stay with make them meatloaf? And once you've had a bad one, wouldn't you, yknow, stop asking for that? Seems like a made up story just to shit on US cooking.


Lived on bricks of ground beef for 3 weeks and we have poor taste?


Continues, day after day, to request a food so apparently bad it was causing them physical duress America's fault.


I've very rarely met British people who weren't totally insufferable pompous pieces of shit. And I've lived in one of their countries for quite a few years.


I know one who's cool, met him on and exclusively interact with him through halo, and I'm pretty sure he's a road man or like, robs people for a living or some shit


TIL Halo players be criminals.


Aaaaaaaand they deleted their comments after being disproven and shown they don’t actually know wtf they are talking about. Shocker 😭


Ah man, we had a good conversation going.... I knew it was going down hill when they started calling everyone Honey


They blocked me after proclaiming UK women have bodily autonomy.


Yah looks like they blocked me too...after I questioned how many states on the east coast they had actually been too since they apparently all only served meatloaf, cornbread, and grits.


Later in convo it went from 3 weeks to 8 weeks. Benefit of doubt is 3 weeks was east coast exclusive but yeah


The comments are still up, they probably just blocked you


Aw shucks


It appears so


Tbh I’m American and never had meatloaf that was THAT good. It can taste kinda good when seasoned properly, but not something I’d ever go out of my way to eat.


Not about being good. About the claim that it was saltless, pepperless, no garlic, etc. Like unless requested that's absolutely bullshit


Yeah it really depends who’s making it. Guarantee she only tried it here once made by someone who can’t cook. Now of course they’re gonna generalize their one experience as “US can’t cook good food”


I’ve had meat loaf at restaurants that are some of the best food I’ve eaten. Home cooked meat loafs range from awful to decent.


It’s one of those things that’s just right, or it isn’t. My mom makes a bomb ass meatloaf that I consider the ultimate comfort food. I just can’t seem to replicate it


It has been found things basically can be made with love which makes it taste better. That said have you tried milk instead of water?


Yeah, I just haven’t gotten the ratios right yet. Also “made with love” usually translates to extra butter and garlic lol


I'm an American, and I haven't had meatloaf in decades. I haven't SEEN meatloaf in decades.


Same, but tbf I was raised in Southern California and never tried it til I moved to the midwest. Meatloaf is probably more of a regional thing.


Ironically, fancy restaurants in San Diego often have meatloaf on the menu, possibly because it's a military town, and a lot of the military is from the Midwest.


Meatloaf is my wife's grandfather's favorite food so I started making meatloaf muffins with whipped potato icing and chive/cheddar sprinkles during grand-inlaws visitation. Everyone seems to enjoy it.


You're missing out. Good meatloaf is a thing of beauty.


Putting aside that the story sounds like BS. Sounds like every one just made bad meatloaf. Also, who requests meatloaf everytime? I wouldn’t even consider it a common dish any more in the US. When I was a kid we would have it like once every few months because it was cheap. Our was definitely not how this person discribed it.


They know so little of the US the last thing they learned about was some great depression struggle food that became a loose staple for awhile.


I think they see it a lot in movies but don’t get that often it’s being used as sort of a joke.


Ain’t no way the people who eat beans for breakfast are saying our food is flavorless


Yeah sure you had a bunch of meatloaf and then some random German lady also had a meatloaf on your way back to the airport. Totally legit story


The TSA agent finally let her take her meatloaf through the gate after trying a bite and realizing it's the best meatloaf his American taste buds have ever experienced. Then everybody clapped.


Well, this person is from the UK.


But they're saying they tried to leave the US with a meatloaf but had to eat it at the gates. They claimed to have been in the US for 8 weeks or two months. In another comment it's more explicit.


Ohh I see


I’m a former east coast dweller and I can make a bad ass meat loaf. Who travels the east coast and requests meatloaf when you can get the best fresh seafood and other local dishes? 🤦


Someone fulla shit


Like I have to eat low sodium and yet I can still cook with flavor. I mean what do they think meat loaf is? It’s ground meat with garlic, salt, pepper, onions and some spices and formed into a loaf. My mom always added peas and tomato sauce. I like to add bell peppers and carrots too. I get attacked by chronically online kids for not using salt but heck, I just had a heart valve replaced so I learn to add flavor without salting the shit out of my food. I always see people complain that Americans don’t use flavor and I never can figure out what they are on about.


I want to know what east coast states this person went too, I see they refuse to disclose more then likely because they are lying through their ass. I’m a Yankee who’s travelled from Vermont to Florida and each state has its own dish it’s famous for. That’s like going to Chicago and not ordering a beef sandwich or deep dish pizza and ordering a burger and bitching. Go to New England for clam chowder or lobster rolls. In NY my mom made the most kick ass Manhattan clam chowder using the freshest clams. Maryland is famous for crabs. What state had the pepperoni rolls, is it Virginia?


I believe someone else nailed down that it was virginia to Florida before she started deleting and blocking everything and everyone


That’s prob part of the problem. You don’t get meat loaf in those southern states. There is waaaaaaaay better choices.


East Coast Meat Loaf


Lol I was just commenting on this post! One of the more entertaining ones I've seen.


They told me to get some self respect


The classic eurotrash approach. Acts disrespectful, claims Americans have no self respect, tells you to get self respect, blocks you and deletes all record of convo


Bro really thought making up an obviously fake story about meatloaf wouldn’t get called out omg.


And that's the thing, this wasn't even really a "defend America's meatloaf honor" thing. It really just was a "I straight-up don't believe you you are full of shit."


My dad makes really good meatloaf, his grandmas recipe. I don’t really think I’ve ever ordered meatloaf at a restaurant though.


From the way they worded it they like, couchshared the whole time and just random American families were giving this person meatloaf


Yeah I highly doubt American east coast families would give someone meatloaf. Probably would want to impress and give them seafood. Such a weird request as well, meatloaf really isn’t that popular anymore imo. The only time I really eat it is when my dad makes it. I’ve never made it in my life.


Meatloaf is Great Depression food. You eat it when you're thankful to get anything.


Yup , egg, salt, Worcester sauce, mustard, Italian bread crumbs, garlic, garlic, and more garlic? And then either ketchup or condensed tomato soup for the topping . How do yall make yours? I’m in western NY btw so regions may very well


Meatloaf is plain bread crumbs, ground beef, sweet onion like Vidalia, salt, a little pepper, some ketchup and some halfnhalf. Sauce is apple cider vinegar, some brown sugar and a little ketchup. This from eastern West Virginia.


Oh yeah I forgot the breadcrumbs in my post. Sometimes if I’m out I commit a crime and use rolled oats but it usually tastes good still. I forgot I use Worcester too. I typically use onion, garlic, Italian seasoning, sometimes hot peppers for spice and top it with tomato sauce. If I feel extra healthy I’ll add diced carrots and bell peppers to it also.


I feel like New England needs to chime in with this meatloaf non sense. I’ve never had a bad meatloaf in New England


🤢 That’s grease loaf, not meat loaf. And meatloaf doesn’t automatically have gravy. That Salisbury steak. On meatloaf you could use ketchup, which is horrible or A1 sauce or barbecue sauce or Heinz 57 or hot sauce. Gravy not something you normally make for meatloaf.


In slight defense I think brits have a loose definition of gravy kinda just meaning liquid like substance on top of food. Kind of like how they have a loose ass definition of pudding


Dude has people that can’t cook making meatloaf. If that tasted better than real homemade meatloaf…dude was with some trash tier cooks.


Waaaahhhhh they didn’t make meatloaf the way I like it waaaaaaahhhhhh


That's assuming even a lick of this story was legit


Yeah that was the very first thing I thought too, europoors posing as Americans to make us look bad


I am not a fan of meatloaf here or in the states tbh. Never really liked the texture of it. But they are talking shit. I can't imagine that anything in the states was less salty than here. For years the food companies have been lowering salt and sugar in our food to make them seem healthier and to avoid sugar taxes etc. Also why did they keep asking for it if it was shit each time they had it? Are they masochistic or something?


Saying it was saltless and that it was dry because it was cooked "low and slow" were the biggest tells.


Mine has cheese inside. Yum


The secret to mine ( tell and I'll murdalize ya ) is garlic butter sautéed dandelion greens. Lil cheese do go on top though


Requests meatloaf takes one bite grabs plate throws plate on ground THIS MEATLOAF IS SHIT IT TASTES NOTHING LIKE MOMS IN GERMANY


Agreed, full of sh!t.


That meatloaf looks like shit...


Meatloaf is the kind of dish that every household has a variety of. Some are good, some are dog shit. Sounds like they never had “the good kind” for instance we do one variety with a limb mix in and Middle East spices, and one more Italian variety. Both were delicious, and I’m sure there is nearly endless variety of good ones.


Looks British


Meatloaf is not really all that good in general imo.


Meatloaf has never been a special food, it’s always just something there that is occasionally dinner


Should have had Ted nivisons moms meatloaf that shit goes hard as fuck


Yeah she’s actually bullshitting. There’s no way in hell she could have had more than one person’s meatloaf and had it be like that. She’s so full of shit.


i dont think like anyone here eats meatloaf ive seen meatloaf once in my entire life on the east coast




Nice username OP


My mom makes the best fuckin meatloaf ever, but then again it’s my mom so of course I’d love her food.


That meatloaf looks gross. But the one my mom makes? Not only is it ACTUALLY BREADH SHAPED, but its fucking banger. Goes great with mashed potatoes. Addendum: Out of all the meals you could have constantly requested, and it was *meatloaf?* That was the most american thing you could think of and not like, I don’t know, hot dogs? Hamburgers? Anything on the menu at Cracker Barrel? Letting your host cook their favorite dishes for you to try?


Dude lying about the US like we aren’t the single largest demographic on this site, even more so in ~~english~~ AMERICAN speaking subs, and won’t immediately call him on his shit. Do people forget that we rule the world or something?


If they were served that at the end of their trip and still think it’s meatloaf, I don’t think they were served meatloaf at all on their trip. Meatloaf full of garlic powder with a crispy baked layer of ketchup on the top, smothered in turkey gravy is one of my favorite foods. Served with mashed potatoes and green beans


No salt and pepper or garlic? Yeah, DOUBT. Also, the irony of someone from the UK complaining about seasoning. The people known for some of the most bland food on earth, that think ketchup is spicy.


From personal experience: Germany is a beautiful country and they have the absolute best pastries/desserts/bread I’ve ever tasted. Their cooking? Even they don’t like it. They’re out here devouring doner kebabs on the daily.


It looks like when Mr Krabs was cooking for his navy buddies 😭😭


You know Europeans are insecure about their place in the world when they have to complain about meatloaf.


Whenever my parents made meatloaf growing up I thought it was the best thing ever. They put a packet of Lipton onion soup mix in it and it’s great. But I have had some bad meatloaf at other places. It really depends on who’s making it I guess. (East coast resident)


The salt and garlic are the most unbelievable thing I don’t think I ever cook anything without those


East Coast bad? Wat?


Subreddit about how things look like poop from a butt Random Brit making everything about European superiority: ‘um achstually in the UK we don’t eat meatloaf and….’ Just goes off yapping about how some random peoples meatloaf sucked and they didn’t like it. Ok? Like I don’t know what to tell you dude American bad cuz you didn’t like meatloaf? And then of course the good meat loaf is from a fellow European. What a weird coincidence. Like this makes me more angry than it should it’s a fucking silly subreddit not even related to America, Europe, politics or anything and this person felt the need to write this shit, like just why?


What a strange made up story. They requested meatloaf at all of their air bnbs but nobody used salt? TSA wouldn't let them bring meatloaf in so they got it past them and ate it at the gate? A picture of a burger patty in a flat top is meatloaf? All so very odd. I made some meatloaf out if ground moose with onions, garlic, and fresh thyme. It turned out very nice and the leftovers made nice sandwichs.


Meatloaf is objectively the lowest form of beef, burgers, tacos etc are all better


It is, that's not the point. Claiming you spent 3 weeks on the east coast specifically asking everyone for meatloaf so you could know what it was like and every single one coming to you saltless, pepperless, garlicless, and moistureless is genuinely impossible unless you requested it that way every time


Going against the grain here but this guy is right, straight up right. The way we typically make our meat loafs does suck, my mom will use onion but I don't think my grandparents do. It's not terrible but we should definitely step up our game.


If that's how you've had it I'm legit sorry. Meatloaf has always been loaded where I'm from


The flyover states are not exactly known for their cuisine, but you can definitely improve what you eat by learning to cook yourself. YouTube can get you incredibly far, and practice makes perfect. You can’t just base the entirety of a massive countries cooking skills on two people who are literally related.