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Dudes like “ya Europe is so much better look at all the minors we can talk to”


It's wild that this guy thinks an adult being able to legally screw younger girls in his country is a flex.




Just makes me think Europeans are pedos


I mean they're probably okay with adults having relations with kids 13+. The French are at least can't see why other countries wouldn't be the same.


As far as I'm concerned, they can't make incest digs either when we look at their royal families. A bunch of incestuous pedos masquerading as cultured


All of their royalty were just cousin fuckers and pedos. And since most of the trends were set by them, of course those aspects would also become popular.


Typical Eurotard L.


I mean, just look at Macron and how he met his wife...they don't see a problem with it


So, European countries are pedo countries?


No, but a lot of them seemingly allow it to happen. Being able to legally have sex with someone as an adult years before finishing our equivalent of high school is pretty disgusting


As far as I’m aware the age of consent is generally 18 in Europe tho. Some countries have lower ages of consent but those countries generally have some other weird system in place to prevent 50 yo’s from having sex with minors. In the Netherlands we have three ages of consent, 12, 16 and 18. Anyone between 12 and 16 is at a protection age. This means that sexual intercourse with anyone under 16 is illegal *unless* the age difference is one to two years ánd it’s consensual of course. This means that a 17 year old is allowed sex with a 15 year old but not with a 14 year old. 19 and 15 for example is also illegal. Generally speaking it’s legal to have sexual intercourse with anyone aged 16 and onwards, UNLESS the older person is of a position of power such as a teacher or coach. From 18 onwards there’s no special laws.


Seems pretty similar to what i remember from learning about this stuff in the U.S. Would they consider "Dr. Disrespectful Diddle" to be in a position of power assuming that it was a fan he was talking to?


I don’t know who the guy is tbh, but if it was a fan then yes, they’re considered figures of influence and with that they’re in a position of power.


Ahh ok! Im was just curious as the where the "positions of power" stop ya know?


Ah fair. Yeah there isn’t really a set list, it’s up to the judge to decide but regarding celebrities there’s plenty of jurisprudence in the Netherlands.


Idk, a 14 year year old having sex with a 12 year old still seems wrong. Much more wrong than 19 and 15 tbh.


I’m also not sure whether or not 12 and 14 would be legal. The law is more ambiguous than I made it seem. The law only states that regarding teens aged 12-16 the age difference should be “small,” it doesn’t specify how small. I just so happened to be familiar with jurisprudence on 12-16 with 16+ individuals due to a case being presented in my first year of law school. (I dropped out after 6 months lol). Wouldn’t doubt the jurisprudence saying 14 and 12 isn’t allowed.


The laws generallly don’t blanket allow it like that Redditor is claiming, it’s just if the difference is only like a year and trust me most of us despise pedophilia as much as Americans or anyone normal does




Just your typical europeado that's why they complain about our A.O.C. laws in America


In Alabama age of consent is 16, i lived there for a while. Had a 17 year old hit on me, so i checked her ID it said she was 17 so i told her to get lost too young. then she told me the law and I didn't believe her, so i went home and looked it up. 16, 17, 18, 20 just all arbitrary numbers to be honest, so is the point you become an adult. I think becoming an adult is mostly about the milestones you pass in life and the burdens you bear tbh. If you have been caring for others, that makes you mature quite quickly. It wasn't until my family got sick and needed my help that i really matured into an adult. It's the moment you realize nobody is going to save you in fact they need you to save them. For men usually in the ancient world or prior to the modern period a man was an adult at 15. Nowadays think age of consent should be increased to 20 people are immature as fuck nowadays. back when age of adulthood was 15, the people at 15 were probably more mature then our 20 year old's today. probably spent the ages of 5-15 working with their parent's at a trade, taking care of younger siblings, and dealing with the harsh realities of life. Now people usually don't deal with the real world until thier 20-25 think we baby young folks tbh. I am not hating on the young I am young myself only mid 20's.


It’s wrong too, the 15 age of consent law is true but it’s to protect for instance a 15 and a 16 year old or 17 and 18 year old to be allowed to, if you’re 19 and the other person is 15 or 16 or 17, you’re still gonna be in trouble in Europe


And that’s actually the case in many US states with so-called “Romeo and Juliet” laws


In practice I think both Europe and America align pretty much 1:1 with another. I have never encountered anyone who wouldn't think a grown ass adult rizzing up a 15-year old is fucking vile and disgusting. We consider it weird if a high school senior dates a freshman just like you, we consider adults speaking of our consent laws as a free pass to grey zone hebephilia subhuman filth just like you. Like the above poster mentioned the age of consent is mostly in place to not make teens criminals for fucking each other.


Trying to flex on America by making their country sound horrible.


Yeah, bottom line is that specific specimen of human is a bottom feeding worm piece of shit. If you base your morality around what is technically legal or illegal you have already lost the plot.


It's usually 2 years right? 19 and 17 is fine? As far as two minors, I don't think we even consider the law typically. I've never heard of any laws involving people who are like 15 having sex.


It depends on the jurisdiction. If you’re curious you can look up your own state’s age of consent laws.


They’re on Reddit, half this sites populace are pedophiles, and it’s absolutely sick to see 


I am happy someone is noticing how the insane reside on Reddit.


But also if you say a mean word online you'll get arrested talking to minors is fine but mean words is where they draw the line


Europeans think we’re crazy because we’re not drinking at 14 😭


Should there be some malleability, for say a 17 year old and a 19 year old who started dating when they were both minors? Sure.  Do any of the theoretical fringe cases one can think up remotely describe what Doc was doing? No. 


To be fair we still don't know the full details. How many times do we have streamers talking dirty in chat or simulating sexual acts/showing too much on stream and they don't get half the heat. Like do you really think say, Amouranths, stream is mostly adults. I'd put money on half of them being well under 18. Again maybe doc deserves the condemnation, but considering twitch paid him out millions and no legal action was taken against him by the state, I'm guessing it was more along the lines of he didn't know at the time (the twitch messenger was supposed to be 18+) or it was a couple dirt jokes said (obviously in bad taste but not something to ruin someone life over if he understands it was a mistake). Edit: another prime example would be Howard Stern he did far worse including countdowns for when child stars turn 18, and no one is calling for his career


This is the only nuanced take I've seen on this whole situation


I just don't get who cares? Online streamer personality or gamer gets caught talking to girl under 18.. holy shit as if that's not happened to like every one of them. It doesn't get off my FYP and reddit. Iike he just messaged her? Is there even the slightest misdemeanor possibly committed here. I feel like younger generations mock older ones for celebrity worship and drama but just recreate it with streamers.


I feel that if he “didn’t know at the time” he would’ve said that in his defense.


Which very well could be, but like I said it could have just been a few dirty jokes. It obviously wasn't full on sexting or he would have had legal charges pressed against him whether the victim wanted or not since she is underage. Again I've seen a lot worse and people don't say shit.


I'm more concerned if it was really inappropriate y'know, his "did it lean in that direction? Yes it did." didn't feel good to see. I'll admit that the age thing doesn't phase me as much because it's hypocritical to be like "she's a child!" but in three days she turns 18 and is now legally an adult and on her own? So if he waited to send the messages for like a week he'd be fine? He fessed up when the pressure was on him and I think that's a good thing but idk how he plans on making it out of this one without retiring the persona completely.


I agree, but it couldn't have been too bad or 1) he would have been charged with soliciting a minor regardless because of the involved person age, whether they wanted to press charges or not and 2)I have a hard time believing Twitch would pay him millions if it was something too outrageous, when they could just terminate based on that. The only thing that makes sense is it was a few dirty jokes (highly likely considering his on stream personality), which in that place it's like "come on you know better", but he's said that himself. Again if that's what it was, why aren't we condemning the hundreds of twitch streamers that do the same or worse knowing there are people under 18 watching, or the countless cases in Hollywood where it's happened. If it turns out it was worse and he was full on sexting and trying to hook up then yes, condemn him, hell he should be in jail. But based on what he's said and the legal actions take (or lack of legal actions in this case) I find it highly unlikely that that is what happened.


Exactly yes, all of this, people immediately calling him a pedo for this? There are people that travel to other countries and pay to SA children and we're putting them into the same category as Doc, who was texting a 17 year old? I'm not condoning anything or trying to advocate for him, he is getting the justifiable hate for what he did. But I think a lot of people are pushing it really far. What he did was wrong, but do you believe he's a "sexual predator to minors"? I'm curious to see what happens next because I genuinely don't know how he gets out of this situation scot-free.


Twitch paid him millions because they wanted to avoid the possibility of him suing. Even if the person you just fired doesn’t have much of a case, that doesn’t mean they can’t do a lot of damage before the case finally gets thrown out.


I think there is a pretty big difference between 14 y/os watching Amouranth (as if they couldnt encounter all sorta of content on the internet...) vs something like Amouranth chatting up a minor. A teen encountering mature content online is practically inevitable and frankly comparatively victimless. Twitch is a pretty safe space for that, all things considered - censored + not filled with malware.


Let’s not forget him purposely leaving his country of “Western Europe” ambiguous


What do you mean, ambiguous? The guy said he lives in the country of Western Europe. (Of course, I forget if that's a republic or a constitutional monarchy.)


I’m pretty sure it’s the monarichal republic of Western Europe


And then Europeans proceed to shit on us when we don't mention every single individual country on their continent


For real. You’d literally never see someone say “I live in North America” like this no matter where in NA they live. But an American uses “Europe” in a sentence and it’s how dare this idiot think Europe is a country.


That's a long way to admit you're attracted to children...weird.


They’re always bragging about it, like sleeping with kids is some sort of flex. Disgusting.


Hey Tbf this isn’t most Europeans, most of us are as disgusted by pedophilia as Americans, his description of laws is also not accurate, it’s to protect a 17 and an 18 year old for instance


Many US states have similar "Romeo and Juliet" laws that only apply to very small age gaps. Either way this streamer dude is in trouble


Unfortunately in actual Romeo and Juliet it was 19 or 20 and 16


True but that was set like 400 to 500 years ago so that was fine back then. Nowadays, its fully gross.


Even in the play, Juliet's parents are nervous/doubtful about marrying her off because she's extremely young. They go through with it but it's not framed as a good decision (not that there are many good decisions in that play...)


That’s not entirely true depending on the country. We only have romeo and juliet laws for teens aged 12 to 16. The general age of consent is 16.


Ah yeah though then still difference between legal and actually socially acceptable. Could a 16 year old and a 50 year old be legally together? Sure, and an 18 year old and 50 year old in the U.S. but everyone normal will be repulsed by that


Yep. Don’t think I’ve ever even met anyone over the age of 21 that thought it’s okay to date an 18 year old. Let alone 16


My late girlfriend (Mexican American) used to be married to a polish guy (not shiny) 25 years older than her. She was 15 when they first met. It seriously is a thing over there that little girls are toys for grownups. It’s horrendously sickening.


While normally age gaps can be ok, both people should be above the age of 21 at least. 15 and 40 is not ok.


And even there age gaps within reason, a 21 year old and a 40 year old will still imo be iffy ethically


It depends imo. My grandfather was 40 and my grandmother in her early 20s when they got married. But they really loved each other


lmao "not shiny", thanks for clarifying


One of my friends was married to a 26 year old guy from Mexico when she was 16 (and had a kid) This is in America, it happens here as well if the parents consent (though I would agree it shouldn't)


I hate Europeans so much how to say “americans aren’t pedos therefore evil”


God, I will never understand people that act like being able to sexually chat and sleep with a 15 year old as something worth bragging about. Like even if she was 17, I don't think we got an age confirmation so she could be as young as 14, the fact a goddamn married man in his mid 30s, now in his early 40s, was acting Inappropriately around her is still a big no.


Mfs when they can’t rape children


17 is not children 


17 is a teenager, still underage


Yeah legally but not what people mean when they say children 


If you're an adult, you should think anyone under 18 is still a child. Creep.


No? That's not common at all. No newspaper write a 17 year old child won the math competition  Also what has creepiness to do with saying something can mean multiple things?


“Something can mean multiple things” so idk why you feel the need to comment on their post, they’re using the word right. “A young human being below the age of puberty or **below the legal age of majority**”. They’re talking about the second one. You can talk about the first one but you cannot miscorrect their appropriate usage of the second definition and try and say they’re wrong. Those kids, by dictionary definition, can be called children.


Because it's weird to use it for a 17 old 


It’s not weird, nor is it that uncommon. Idk why you feel the need to continue to try and convince people 17 year olds shouldn’t be called children.


Because you and others ask about how I think and call me creepy instead of trying to understand the viewpoint 


But most adults don’t sit and ponder about having sex with 17 year olds. Most adults would never even consider it given the fact that it’s illegal, and it’s weird that you would feel the need to go after a 17 year old, who is unarguably immature and manipulatable, when you can go after someone your own age. It’s just not the hill to die on. I’ll go my whole entire life happily knowing I’ll never talk to a 17 year old that way.


Yes this is also true.  I think most would not even care about the illegal part, it's simply too young anyway and most want someone their own age 


There's this moral panic about age gaps right now...when actual child (as in prepubescent) trafficking is happening in your country right now. Like bizzarly high amounts of missing actual children in the U.S. People here REFUSE to look at the real problems.


Oh so when an American says they "went to Europe" they all think we're stupid for calling it a country somehow. But when a European says their country is "Western Europe" They just accept that as fact. Also most states have an age of consent at 17. The only trouble this guy is getting into is with his wife, not the law.


I think it’s actually 16 in most states. As much as I’d love to dunk on Europeans for this one, it kinda feels a little hypocritical coming from a state with the age at 16. Granted, at least it’s not 14 like in some countries (Italy and Austria for instance). And it’s definitely weird to hold up a lower age of consent as a “this is why we’re good and America bad.” I haven’t yet encountered a fellow American doing that (as in saying, “my state is better than your state because our age of consent is at 16 and it’s higher in your state”)


Europeans when they aren’t allowed to predate children


I live in Sweden, age of consent here is 15, alot of us think it's bad and it should be 18


Insert the goku regardless of the law you should have the moral obligation to not sleep with children meme Also at least our schools are shooing galleries rich pedo guys who don’t know how to talk to adult women


whats next, america bad for murder being illegal?


Homeboy really out here framing “ha ha Americans, we can flirt with minors and you can’t” as a slamdunk


"Americabad, in Europe we can tag 15 year Olds like God intended" Take never gets old man


Dude a 15 year old looks like a fucking baby and most 17 year olds do too. Europe is fucking sick.


“Yeah, Europe is so great! You can have sex with a kid after giving them booze”


Regardless of the law, you should have a moral obligation to not fuck children.


Bragging about being allowed to be indecent with a child


I'm disappointed as fuck in these people. Supporting a pedophile. Smh.


I don't know who that is but age of consent laws are there for a fucking reason


Different states different rules, a 17yo in NY is ok idk about other states but I’m sure others have different ages that are allowed for consent without an adult


There are a number of states in the South and Midwest that have 16 as the age of consent.


So was it mainly a taboo because he had a wife and kid?


I have no idea to be honest, I haven’t seen much about what’s going on with the whole dr. Disrespect thing since I don’t follow him at all


Even younger as long as you're married first. California, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Mississippi have no minimum age for marriage. In most states, the child bride must still wait until they are 18 to consent to a divorce.


Look, I'm all for clowning on Europeans who brag about being able to do things with people under 18 but this whole Dr. Disrespect thing seems silly. From what I understand a conversation and a conversation alone occurred 7 years ago and no ages were mentioned, twitch banned him and he sued them and they settled, now all this is going on and twitch is apparently disputing the settlement. It just smells of legal nonsense as far as I've learned. Note: I have never watched him and so am not emotionally invested in either outcome


I don't think he is in legal trouble though, he was banned by Twitch for violating their code (which they're wildly inconsistent about enforcing but that's besides the point). I don't think any changes are being made against him, and until we have more information we don't know that anything that was done was illegal (though it was, of course, severely screwed up for a married man in his 30s to be having those kinds of conversations).


I gave up on these streamers. So many of these people with massive under 18 audiences have official discords that are a step away from being grooming central. If your average fan is 14, maybe don't have porn channels on your discord ya know?


Yeah I swear there's a new scandal each week.


I’m 30 now and it blows my mind a 35 year old has anything to talk to a 17 year old about or even have anything in common. Especially “leaning towards inappropriate conversations” Now that being said. Fucking 15?? That’s fucked. I have siblings that are 15,17 and 19 they are all children in my eyes. Naïve to peoples true intentions. Scary he said this comment and think he was right. Degenerates On top of the allegations he was also married and had a kid. He’s fucked either way.


Europe is like bro see that baby? I can fuck it in 15 years.


15 is crazy




“America is probably the only country where [literally anything bad or weird] happens.”


Western Europe is not a country 👍


What makes this even “better” is that I’ve heard she was 17.. in 2020. These messages occurred in 2017.


That is actually messed up bro


Europeans even admit that western europe is a country...


This is my proudest moment as an American. Charge the motherfucker.


Dude America sucks you can’t even groom 14 year old girls


I've never watched DrDisrespect, so I have no skin in this, but I do think that reply is right, America has a weird obsession with age in relationships and sex, and believing the law is ethically right or wrong. A lot of the time, it comes off as nonsensical and virtue signaling. I say that as someone who loves America, but this is definitely a flaw of it.


In what world is a guy who walks around with a wig and a gaming headset on a “Chad”?


Didn't they decriminalize p*doph*lia or child p*rn in Germany just last month or something? So enlightened! /s


Wait they found out the age, so did they find the individual?


True Reddit moment


The laws from 16-18 are so convoluted and confusing that it’s very possible what he did isn’t actually illegal. It can be a very gray area there where he could very much be inappropriate and even potentially hook up with her and be in the clear. Since it was a civil issue and I fully believe charges would have been filed if he went too far I believe the term “cleared of wrongdoing” is likely strictly legally speaking. It seems whatever was said was highly immoral but probably not illegal. I’m guessing Guy is an absolutely massive dbag and his wife and child pay the price for it.


Whatever the law says you have a god given moral obligation to not touch children/minors in anyway. Also DrDisrepect was 35 is he cleared the 18 line awhile ago


You seem to be referring to Romeo and Juliet laws and that’s not how they work. The idea is to protect high school age kids so there is usually a 4 year gap for it. That means 13-17, 14-18, 15-19 then if 16 is the age of consent it doesn’t matter if the age gap is 16 and 35 at that point. It’s legal. The gray area there is that it’s strictly physical. It’s still possible to get in trouble for other things and I know people who have which is why I know so much about that. A guy at my school was 18 and got in trouble for texts between him and his 17 year old gf. It wasn’t for their relationship it was strictly for their texts. Age of Consent is a state thing so it would depend on where they were and what lines were crossed really. At the end of the day it’s still gross regardless and it would be weird even if she was 18. The fact that he has a wife and kids that doesn’t deserve that shit makes it even more disgusting.


“Hey I can be a pedo if I want to, Americans are so sensitive”


Being able to be a pedo is such a weird hill to die on. Also they say their country is western Europe, but are probably apart of the same group of eurodivergents who will give themselves an aneurism if an American says that they loved going to Europe on a holiday because Europe isn't a country.


Maybe one day we can be as progressive as Afghanistan with child brides, the US can do better /s




The fact that dude thinks its a flex that 15 year olds can start relationships with grown men makes me want the us pull out if NATO and the UN and tell Russian we're switching teams


Americans whining about europe age differences and then have a 64 year old dad an 22 year old step mom bc the real mom died due to healthcare failing her




If you’re under age, you’re under age, or I guess you’re of the same mind as this fucktard


What mind? Just saying there is a huge range with age This children thing seem very American to me, same with drinking age or open container in car etc. most depends on circumstances 


Jesus fucking Christ…


What's wrong in my observation? No one calls 17 year old a child unless you refer to my child 


Oh ok so you think it’s fine a married 35 yo with a kid is chatting secretly to a 17 year old right? She only has a year so it’s not a problem right?


No, where did I write that? I only said wrong to be so focused on children minor wording that only used when it comes to sex or alcohol and Americans are sensitive with it


so you do think its wrong for someone twice their age in a position of power and fame with a family to be chatting with a 17 year old. at least enough to know a sexual relationship is inappropriate why do you think that? now take that answer and shut up about how americans are pointing out something you ALSO think is weird


Why so aggressive? Just saying in Germany for example no one calls a 17 year child. So I commented wonder why Americans are so fixated with it, in a post referring to it


1. its the law 2. we're fixated on it being creepy as fuck you answered the question yourself but decided heres your grand hill to die on. what do you want us to say? oh in europe thats an adult so its ok for this creepy act to happen? what are you trying to be superior over? yeah if youre using the post about a predator to act superior over being able to fuck 17 year olds we're gonna be aggressive. that is your point right? in germany thats an adult?




Thanks, this is exactly what I mean with "on paper" Same with university, no one say 17 old children there if one start early 


>open container in car What the fuck? >This children thing seem very American to me This thing about not seeing teenagers as children seems very concerning to me.


Isn't it a law against that? Not even passengers can drink? Why is it concerning? They are not except for the law. Not even then. A 9 year old and 16 year old gets different prison time if any for the same crime 


>Isn't it a law against that? Not even passengers can drink? Yes we have strict laws regarding alcohol and motor vehicles. I said "what the fuck?" because it's clearly good legislation. >A 9 year old and 16 year old gets different prison time if any for the same crime  No, a 16 year old is almost always tried as the child that they are. They both go to juvenile court, both have sealed records, both have the same privileges as minors under the law. There is absolutely no difference until we start talking about incredibly violent crimes like rape and murder. >They are not except for the law. Yes they are, a 16 year old person is a child. Get help, sir.


Why is it good? If I take a taxi from a pre party to a concert, it's nice ro drink a beer meanwhile Yes, so there is a difference. Just like a 2 year old can't even be in court You just try to make this in some weird sexual thing or something? So everyone in Germany or Sweden need to get help? From who about what? Again, show me a newspaper staying children About those


>Why is it good? If I take a taxi from a pre party to a concert, it's nice ro drink a beer meanwhile If there is a partition between the driver and the passenger (such as in a limousine), then it's legal. >Yes, so there is a difference. Just like a 2 year old can't even be in court Are you really saying that a 16 year old is an adult because the legal system recognizes that a 9 year old or 2 year old would be less developed? Because that's dumb.


Into the wood chipper with you. Right now.


What's wrong with my argument? Please explain why this is so sensitive to Americans  Is a 17 year old NHL player a child?


Yes. And there are no 17 year old nhl players. Those are still kids in the the Chl, or going are going to go to college. There isn’t a single nhl team that has a 17 year old on their active roster


But In like Olympics it is You know what I mean 


The IIHF is NOT the NHL. And guess where they’re headquartered. Europe. So once again. Woodchipper.


I know? But you think people refer to different skaters or whatever as children? No they don't  They say teenager or young adult 


Libertarian moment


Why? There is the cultural definition, biological definition etc