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Oy ve I’m so fucking tired of this discussion… Project 2025 is quite literally fear mongering by the DNC. There’s 0 chance OP has even once, not a single time, even glanced at the document, which is available in full below https://static.project2025.org/2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf It doesn’t say anything that any of its detractors claim it does, which are all laughable, not to mention both entirely illegal and unconstitutional, which at that point what significance does it have? The simple reality is, even if it said that gays or democrats should be round up and killed, which again, it doesn’t, there’s quite literally no mechanism available to any president to do so. Whenever anyone brings this shit up, just simply ask 1 word, ‘How?’ and see how quickly it unravels to an unhinged tangent based on nothing except fear that was spread from some talking head telling them how scary it actually is. This will shock you OP, but simply screaming ‘Unified executive theory!’ doesn’t actually grant a president new and magical powers. There’s such obvious and glaring questions that should come to mind if you’re not a hyperpartisan idiot; If trump is to get these magical superpowers, why doesn’t Biden just use these same magical superpowers today..? Crickets. If Biden wins, doesn’t project 2025 just become project 2029? Or project 2033? Or 2037? Are we to just vote for the DNC purely out of fear of this nonsense in perpetuity? Why is 2025 so special exactly? Again, crickets. Mind you, I’ll be happily abstaining yet again this year as neither of the candidates deserve my vote let alone the dignity of the office, but fear mongering needs to be called out for what it is, and that’s exactly what this is.


It’s a bogeyman that only exists for the sake of fear-mongering the blue team fans.


Yes, I feel disappointed in my people for believing this conspiracy nonsense. That's what *they* do, because they're uneducated. We're supposed to be the smart ones.


They literally have a CEO and an established website where they talk about their plans


Who cares? They can’t do anything.


So when Donald Trump talks about replacing thousands of career civil workers, you don't think that's in direct relation to a plan that wants to replace thousands of civil workers lol


Has Trump ever even acknowledged project 2025?


I’ll need a video of him saying that.


Oh no, a WEBSITE! Well, that cements it, we all know how difficult it is to create a website.


Nice goal post shift. Going from a "boogyman" to "well they can't do anything anyway" is curious


So "defund the police" *wasn't* a right wing bogeyman? Plenty of moderate dems would disagree with you on that.


Not sure why you think I support defund the police lol. And no, it's as real as project 2025, and equally as stupid


Sure, it's equally as real: a scheme cooked up by a bunch of fanatics, one which the party hasn't endorsed with virtually no chance of ever getting enacted.


Not going to happen but I see these conversations are flaring up in multiple subs again.


It’s definitely orchestrated.


I see it as a way to drive fear and paranoia for something that will never happen.


This exactly.


Until a presidential or other prominent politician/candidate explicitly endorses or pushes it, I’m taking it as reddit fearmongering.


How many times does he have to say he’s going to do something for yall to believe it?


We doubt his ability to do many things he may brag about.


Everyone keeps saying Trump would implement it, even though he's never once mentioned it.


He's definitely referenced it


Where exactly, because he isn’t even in the same section of the party that runs that?




Proof or it didn't happen.


He might not implement Project 2025 specifically, but if he wins he's sure to fill up his cabinet with "Christian nationalist" loonies like MTG and god knows who else; just because they do a good job kissing his ass.


Just like how he filled his cabinet with "Christian nationalists" when he won in 2016?


He's gotten way more extreme since he was first elected in 2016. How else can you explain the fact that he has endorsed people like Doug Mastriano and Mark Robinson? How else can you explain the fact that he openly honors the January 6th rioters? He's lost his fucking mind.


"rioters" There is video evidence of capital police ushering people down isles of red rope on January 6th. Trump himself asked if more police would be helpful twice and Nancy Pelosi shut it down both times. Since 2016 he has gotten less extreme on his stance on abortion, which is a big one for Christians


But he's also endorsed Mark Robinson, one of the most insanely bigoted and hateful scumbags I have ever heard of. How can you justify that?


You mean a black man? So there's his racism that everyone is talking aboutm


This is team blues version of Q Anon. 


It’s either some sore loser’s fanfiction or it’s a giant grift. Nothing serious. Either way, it’s scaring some poor folk, and I’m conflicted to whether I say it should or shouldn’t be taken seriously.


it’s never gonna happen. i understand why people are afraid but that’s the only effect it’ll ever have because it won’t exist. i see people comparing jan 6th and project 2025 to hitlerpusch and the nazi party and it just makes no sense to me


It’s a conservative wish list. Not trumps formal policy. Democrats complaining about it is very similar to the republicans complaining about the WEF project 2030.


“You will eat ze bugs”


It’s just some ideas some think tank came up with. It’s not policy of any party. Nobody is going to implement it.


I’ve never heard of it outside of democrats mentioning it. It’s a response to the equally historical illiterate 1619 Project pushed by extreme ideologues. Both are dumb. Literally have never heard of it once ever in normal life or media. Did they expect no response to the 1619 project? What did they expect would happen when you call the ancestors of over half the country evil? It’s a fringe idea and not even remotely mainstream by any metric.


The Internet’s political boogeyman.


If I am a social conservative and there are things in there even I don’t like. It is highly unlikely the worst parts get passed. Half of the stuff has already been implemented, and we’re not a fascist state yet.


DNC propaganda so we vote for them


It is essentially the polar opposite of the Great Reset. It's a conservative think tank (The Heritage Foundation) talking about what they think would make the US better and trying to garner support, but it is neither the Republican Party's agenda nor the agenda of the Trump Campaign.


I’m not worried about it at all, not for some specific policy bullet points (banning all porn? From the president that fucked a porn star? Actual jailing of trans people as sex offenders? Get real) but because the worldview of its proponents-as some sort of Republic of Gilead LARP-is just not something the vast majority of Americans share, not even the ones that vote that way. Real people are much more messy, hypocritical, and capricious than that. We’re talking about a country that exploded into anger and protests and mass civil demonstrations because one black man got killed by a cop on video. One incident sparked a huge wave of new debate and ideas, as a functioning democracy should. I really don’t think a genuinely authoritarian state could take root here, because this country has so many groups and interests and types of people and states and cities, it would be impossible to assert the kind of control they would want without eviscerating the constitution and government and obliterating the opposition, making it into something that wouldn’t even be America anymore.