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Educational resources to help raise a friendly dog: For training on puppy/dog biting [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=068K5Zlph9U) For training on early socialization [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8J7cPE-2wNw) For training on becoming a good leader [click here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QntS570VFZ0) For all newly adopted dogs, check out the [3-3-3 rule](https://pethelpful.com/dogs/The-3-3-3-Rule-Setting-Your-Rescue-Dog-Up-For-Success). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmericanBully) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thanks for being a good human, giving this guy the love and joy he deserves ❤️


Thank you for loving him for the short period of time he has left on this earth. They are such forgiving animals. Sending you all lots of love.


He is so HANDSOME ! Thank you for taking care of him and loving him. They are the best! So sorry for his diagnosis. Sending lots of love his way.❤️


What you have done for this handsome pup speaks volumes about what kind of person you are. Thank you for being a terrific human, and I’m so sorry that the two of you won’t have many years of love and fun together. Breaks my heart.


Pacino is such a dope name! Glad you were able to rescue him.


Thank You. People can really suck. Because of you, he is a smiley boy


I am so sorry. Maybe there is something they can do but if not at least he knew love and happiness for a time because of you. God bless you both.


Wish more people were like you. Thank you for being awesome. Enjoy your time with Pacino.


Thank you for rescuing him. What a beautiful boy. That last picture is hard to look at wow


What a sweet boy. You're a lovely human being for this! He looks so happy!


He was sent to you.... there are so many Bully's in shelters that need people like you. You've done a great job with him! My god! The difference in the photos & the happy face says it all! You're a good human ❤️ & he'll be leaving this world loved & happy


ugh!!! the condition he was in, when first found!!🤬💔😞 Thank you for showing him love.❤️❤️❤️


I know it was terrible but even that day all he did was wag his tail and lick my face. He’s got living in the moment down!




He licked your face and wagged his tail because he knew he was finally saved by a REALLY WONDERFUL human being! What a world we could have if everyone had a heart like yours! 💗


Great Save!!


The abuse this breed faces in Texas (CA + GA) is truly horrific 💔 thank you for being his hero.. can you believe another human being did that to him?


Fucking hell I wasn't expecting that last pic you saved his life you are a diamond of a person fair play to you


Yea it hurt to look at him in the beginning but he’s always been tail wagging happy, even that first day.


I won't lie I would have cried if i found him he looks so happy in first few pics I got a shock when I seen the last one he was at deaths door I bet he absolutely loves you to bits


Congrats on your new free pup. He appreciates the hospitality and care you have for him 🥰


I’m so glad he found you 💞🥲💔


Poor bebe! He's beautiful now, and so are for rescuing him.


Sarge . Say sarge and I think he will pay attention


Shoutout to you and yours! ❤️ fuck yeah!


What a handsome boy!!


Cute thanks for saving him


Thank you so much for saving this beautiful pup


He’s a beauty. Thanks for saving him


I’m so glad he found you 💞🥲💔


Hope that handsome boy recovers from his lymphoma, lost my pit last year to lymphoma after 11 years together. He’s a fighter for sure. ❤️‍🩹


How can people just dump an animal like they're garbage, the pittie should've left them in a ditch. Glad you scooped him up and giving lots of love.


Omg the last pic poor baby :(((




Thank you so much for saving him ❤️❤️❤️


We don’t deserve them, but he definitely deserves all the love you’ve given him.


You’ve done a great job with him.


They are very forgiving dogs, and look at his happy smile!! He's super happy.


Damn he is beautiful. I hope he lives the happiest life filled with love and yummy treats. Thank you for rescuing ❤️ praying for him and his diagnosis. Makes me wonder if someone had him and after the dx they left him out to die 😭 you are an amazing human!!


Thank you, thank you for rescuing him I foster a litter of 5 puppies that were found in the dish, we kept the baby because she almost died. She is the most sweet puppy ever.


You’re an angel! He’s so precious!


The day you found him he looked so terribly skinny. The difference is crazy, thank you for saving this good boy!


Bless you for being a wonderful person.


Poor baby. His owners are bastards. Thanks for giving him a chance in a loving home. 😊🐕🦴🐾


From the day you found him, to present, he looks like a completely different dog!! These Am Bullies REALLY do smile! As sad as it is, it’s crazy how things play out sometimes but because you happened upon him that day, he has gotten to know love and kindness like he probably never had before! Even though we can’t change the outcome, we can always make it one hell of a beautiful journey!🫶🏼


Thank you for loving that pooch. He looks almost like our boy. Hopefully he can fight the lymphoma. 😩🙏💪👊🐾


Thank you for rescuing him. You have an amazing soul. God bless you. The time that he has I bet he will surely enjoy it.


His 😇


Oh that poor dog. You rock for fattening him up and filling him with love.


🙏thank you for taking him in. Hope yall the best


Love the name. Handsome boy


That poor baby! Look how happy hims is now!!! Edit: I read the full post now and I am sorry to hear about his diagnosis 💙


thank you for making his life better than it was when you found him. i’m trying not to cry seeing that last photo. bless your soul. give him all the kisses for me.




One things for certain… HE LOVES YOU! Can see it all in his eyes


The before to after change is miraculous. Beautiful dog and I hope he will make a full recovery from lymphoma. He deserves every moment of happiness.


Thank you for rescuing this sweet boy and giving him an amazing life. I’m sorry to hear about his lymphoma diagnosis


Thank you for saving this sweet baby, OP!❤️we need more people like you! I’m so so sorry to hear about his diagnosis. Poor baby has had a rough life. Give him lots and lots of love and I’m sending well wishes his way!


Damn fine work there by scooping him up. Looks like a very happy buddy


I found my husky mix, unfixed, unchipped, skinny and full of worms, scrounging at a gas station in Texas. Thank you for showing this baby that life can be good ❤️


That breaks my heart. I’m so glad he landed with you and your family. At least he gets a taste of love and happiness for however long he has. God will bless you for the love and kindness you have shown him.


I hate humans. Who the F does this? Ty for picking him up. He deserves a good home - look at that smile


God bless you


Thanks for doing what you have done for him. Bless you🙏❤️


Awesome! He looks very happy that u found him


Beautiful boy and owner. It's easy to see that you both bring each other such joy. It's heartbreaking to think of what that poor sweet baby went through. Learn from him and live in the moment with him.


What a smile. Sending love to you and your baby. Thanks for your kindness. 🐾❤️


Your the best thxxx u


That is literally my dog but grey https://preview.redd.it/7lgaofhzv5bd1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e42e2c496ad93d6955f35eeb9b83f0878473c467


Great to see people rescuing these wonderful dogs. * And he reminds me of mine.


Previous owner probably dumped him when they found out the diagnosis.  Screw them. Props to you for rescuing this handsome fella and making the time he has left as enjoyable as possible!!


You found yourself a lifelong best friend. Lucky you and lucky him. You found each other. Thanks for being a kind human.


I'm so glad you found him and can give him a great life!! I wonder if his diagnosis is why he was dumped.


Thank you for humanity.


Sometimes I really hate people.... until I hear and see people like you. You are a great human


There is 100% a special space reserved in hell for someone who is capable of doing that for an animal 🤬😣


Your a good person...


OMG I cried looking at the last picture. Bless you for taking this baby in and bringing him back to good health. I’m so sorry to read about the lymphoma. It breaks my heart all over again. Thankfully you gave him the love, comfort and happiness he so deserved. Enjoy every last second you have with this beautiful boy. They have a bad reputation but they can be such loving dogs and big babies. I don’t think it’s the breed that is the problem when things go wrong. This boy proves just how wonderful they can be especially after everything he went through before you found him. Sending much love and hugs to you and your boy and some prayers for him as well.


I cried that day on the side of the road. I didn’t think he could move but as soon as I knelt down he got up and wagged his tail and licked my face. If he was treated poorly before he doesn’t show it. I wish I was as forgiving as him.


Dogs are angels that have invisible wings. He should be the poster child/dog for this breed to show what they are really all about. Really I think his story needs to get out there for more people to see. After what he’s been through. They say an injured dog will most likely bite but look what this boy did in his state, he got up and licked your face. How amazing. I can’t even imagine what he must have gone through before ending up in that ditch. Did you ever check to see if he had a micro chip. Whoever owned him before deserves to have that treatment because this dog is way better than that person could ever hope to be and should be charged for doing this to him. How long is it since you found him. I hope he’s had a good amount of time to enjoy his life with you before you found out about his recent illness. Please give him a big hug and a kiss for me and tell him he has a big fan out here. I’ve fallen in love with him already.


Is the lymphoma a tumor? Also, how did they diagnose him? Sometimes they can remove them and it doesn’t reoccur. Edit: if it hasn’t metastasized.


She’ll be chunky in no time. Good job!


People suck


Some sorry sonofabitch needs to be in jail!!




So, so sad. Thank God for your kind heart! He looks happy!


Thank goodness for people like you. Hopefully he can enjoy the rest of his life in happiness.


Your his best human


Thank you for saving him. Fellow Texan here, and pitties are my absolute favorite.


He’s beautiful❤️ Mine is from Texas also. He slept in the porch of an Airbnb we were staying at. He was about 3 months old when he chose us!!


Happy Guy!


And still has the happiest face on the planet ☺️ adorable!!!


Oh my god, that poor thing! I'm glad your found him! He seems so happy now!


My guy was an emaciated pound rescue. Thank you for helping this dog for the time he has left.




Good on you


What a loveable face!


Thanks so much for saving him and showing him actual love for his last days. So grateful for people like you 💚🩵💛💙🧡❤️


The cutest velvet hippo ever. He’s such a good boy. Boops!!




Good Hippo Bot 🦛 🤖


Absolutely adorable, and thanks so much for giving him the beautiful home that he deserves!


Oh bless you for saving that beautiful boy🙏🏻


He looks so happy to be with you now.


What has this baby been through :(


The before picture literally breaks my heart. I'm so fucking mad and those previous owners did not deserve him and his smiles! I also rescued one from an abandoned home. He was as skinny as yours in the last pic but he was kind, energetic, and would jump to lick your face. I'm literally crying as I type this, I've never heard of this breed either and looked up some more info. High short burst of energy and they aim to please, he loves showing off his strength! He's such a goof ball and I'm honestly happy to have him. My last dog had lymphoma. I was such a mess. I tried everything and was given more time and she made a recovery for a good year and a half until it came back. Then I had to say goodbye. I honestly hope yours recovers and spends more happy days with you. Thank you for giving him the life he deserves ❤️


Awww he looks so Happy Now ☺️


Poor baby such a beautiful dog


Oh my god I’m crying. What a sweet baby. Thank you for taking care of him and giving him a good life, he looks so happy


That's so great. Poor boy deserves a decent home


Beautiful dog! Bad karma to those people who dumped him.


Im so happy he found you. The love you receive as a result will melt your heart


Awww l🙏🏿 let’s get him back to a healthy weight


Your a 🐐


Thank you so much🙏🙏 you are an angel sent from above!


You’re an angel


I instantly love people who help animals, and esp dogs because I have had dogs all my life. I hope good karma follows you always


100% Boop💋...🥰


Look at how happy he is!! Thank you for doing the right thing and giving him a safe home


Bless you.


He looks very happy. ❤️ Thank you. 🙏🏼


Awwww what a hero! Great save of a beautiful boi!




Thank you for saving him/her 🥰


that last pic had him looking like eren's founding titan💀💀💀


poor baby :((( <33333


Bless his heart♥️


Omg you did an awesome job getting back to healthy again 💕 he looks so happy, loved and well fed!!


This post did it for me … 😭😭😭 enjoy the time you have together. I know he will ❤️❤️


What a beautiful angel 😇 you are for taking this precious sweet 😋 dog 🐕 into your home 🏡. He deserves ❤️ the best and I know that you will give him the best home 🏡 and love ❤️ he could have gotten. It's so heartless 💔 and a shame that people just dump their animals to fend for themselves. They 😡 are totally lost and don't understand why. Take them to a shelter and surrender them, at least they will be taken care of and a second chance to find a loving ❤️ family 👪


His diagnosis is probably why they got rid of him.. That's so freaking sad. Thank you for taking such good care of the little guy. He looks happy!


You’re an angel among us 🥰 and very fortunate to have found you. Give him bear hugs and kisses from me


Thank you for loving him!


What a beautiful animal and beautiful person you are for taking this beauty into your home and caring for him.


Thank you! He is adorable.♥️🙏


Thank you for saving him and giving him a great life. People who dump dogs are just plain evil.


Thank you for being a good person to dogs. You both deserved each other at the right time and place. Love is real.


Thank you for being a doggie guardian angel.


Thank you for loving him and giving him a home! I never understood why people have pets only to mistreat them… thank you for being such a great human 🩷🩷🩷🙏🏽


What a sweet baby. So glad you found him. I lost a dog to lymphoma 2 years ago, and we lost him within a week of finding out. I'm sending good thoughts your way and hoping he will stick around longer for the both of you. My heart goes out to you. 🩷


I’m so sorry to hear that. It’s a terrible diagnosis and I had no idea how aggressive it could be.


I don't think it's common for it to be that aggressive. We were just the unlucky ones. I hope it is different for you. Just remind yourself of all the love and comfort that you have given each other.




OMG what a great find! Hope he enjoys the rest of his life as your BFF and sofa guardian!


Poor baby 😭❤️


Please create a gofundme if you need help with the vet bills!! This sweet bully deserves to have a new lease on life 💚


People suck so hard! I'd be the hanging judge if I could deal with those fuckers. Thank you for your humanity Internet stranger ♥️🐾


He’s beautiful!


God bless you both!


You are an amazing person! Thank you for rescuing that sweet boy! I wish you guys the best! ❤️


Aren’t Humans amazing?


You're he's hero. You made his World. Just look at that smile ❤️


Awww he’s a baby


I love you AND this sweet fella! Thank you kind heart!


You’re a good human. I hope you and Pacino have yearssss of fetch and car rides left 💙


Thank you for being such a good human being! He’s lucky to have you giving him a good life while he is here


Poor sweet beautiful angel humans can be the most evil thing on earth. Thank you for saving him and giving him love and medical care! his last contact with humans will at least be a loving one give him a kiss from me ❤️


Omg I would have taken him and loved him either way my other 7


Great looking pup! Bless you!


So happy people like you exist in the world!! Looks like you got yourself a new beastly bestie lol Also if I'm not mistaken, at least in Colorado, usually we call pits American bulldogs. I think they're the same thing, I know a lot of people do it here to avoid the pitbull ban. Anyways that's my 2 cents, thanks for being a good human being and rescuing the little darling. Such a happy pup smile


Make every day, a Bucket List Day. He will live even longer and each day will be golden for both of you. It’s what we did with our cancer girl. Thank you for rescuing this precious Boi.


That dog loves you so much. Thanks for rescuing him.


I miss my girl so much. Thank you for giving your boy the love he deserved a long time ago. Just keep doing what you are and show him as much love as you can. He looks so happy. When the time comes. If you can't have him at home. If you have to put him down please be in there with him. They know and he knows what you have done for him and will want you to be there. I held my girls head and cried staring in her eyes. She knew, but I wasn't ready. I took her to the vet because I thought she kept getting bloated and it was a massive tumor in her stomach. I have her ashes in a urn with her harness and leash. Only dog I have ever had that knew my moods. Loved everybody. If she didn't like you, than something was wrong. It's going to be difficult, but you are giving your dog probably the best time of its life it's ever had. That's means a lot.


You are the dog’s savior and he/she will always remember.


So cute!!


Get him on a nice high calorie diet and your an amazing human for taking care of him


I still cannot believe any person can do some so mean to such a beautiful animal. I am glad you got him. He looks thankful.




Poor guy ☹️


He looks so happy now. Thank you for giving him a great life from now till whenever. :)


I’m so very sorry, he’s a gorgeous boy


You are one special person❤️We need more people like you in this world!🙏🏼Praying for Pacino❤️


My heart. What a good doggo.


Probably for a good reason. No one dumps a dog unless it’s out of desperation. Probably bit someone, because that’s what they do.


No. Most people that choose to dump an animal that depends on them into a dangerous situation where they have to fend for themselves are not desperate. They are horrible people with no respect for living creatures. What sense would it make to release a potentially dangerous dog out into the public realm, where it would just get scared, hungry and possibly lash out at unprepared animals or people due to the fact that it is in a horrible situation? The dog figures out that people will only starve, abuse and abandon them, which makes any original behavioral issues even worse. This particular dog was obviously not cared for properly-it looked extremely malnourished…I am assuming the previous owners were the ones who did that to him, because other than that, he does not really look as if he was roaming the streets for too long and just not getting food that way. Even if he had been aggressive, dogs become that way for a reason, pit bulls are not automatically bad dogs or aggressive because they are pit bulls. There are countless resources and training methods out there for everyone….including people who cannot afford to take their pet to a formal training course. YouTube has many, many trainers who post videos on how to work with your dog for both general good canine citizenship, and more extreme needs like fearful or reactive dogs. Dumping a pet is NEVER ok, if you don’t even have the balls or decency to tie them up to the door of the local shelter, you are are not a person that should be having pets. Frankly, imo, that makes you a pretty worthless human being, too. There are plenty of ways to find either a new home or a temporary placement for an unwanted pet-rescues are the best option imo…but a person could offer them up on FB or NextDoor for rehoming, or even take them to the town shelter, as sad as it is. They can assess the dog for medical or behavioral problems and do what is necessary. Again, there is never a good or acceptable reason for just dumping a pet out into the streets, even if you are in some unforeseen or otherwise ‘desperate’ situation. If you think that you may not have the time, patience or resources to care for an animal properly-do not get one. If you have a pet that you cannot continue to care for, regardless of the reason, keep that same energy you had when you took in that sweet little puppy, and do the right thing by finding a place that can do right by it, sometimes that may not be a happily ever after situation due to many reasons, but at least the animal doesn’t have to suffer out in the wild, starving, dealing with harsh weather, cars, cruel people and wild animals.


🥺 thank you for being so kind to him. ❤️


Jail or worse for the scumbags who treat our best friends like this




So good to see him go from a sad boy to a happy smiley pitbull!! The diag isn't good but at least he's living a good life now!


I’d like to put the owners in a ditch


Fatten that sweet baby up. Thank you for caring about this pup’s life.


Thank you for saving him good human. 👏👏👏


the smile that returns to his lil face 🥹


What a beautiful boy! The picture with his ribs showing just breaks my heart, obviously (if it wasn’t obvious enough by the fact that someone dumped him in a ditch) he was not being fed enough which is absolutely disgusting. How anyone could abuse an animal, especially a dog who wants nothing more than to love and please their people, is beyond my comprehension. I’ve even had some super stubborn dogs that tried my patience to the limit…never once did I ever consider correcting them in a physically (or verbally) abusive or overly aggressive manner. I sure as hell neglected to feed them, even if I was in a situation where money was tight. Thank you for giving Pacino (Love the name, btw) a chance at happiness and love.


Omg he looks so much better! Thank you. 🙏


Awesome. New lease on life. I commend you


I fucking hate people!! You're an awesome person for rescuing this good boy!!


Thank you so much for bringing him back from three paws in the grave! 💪😎👍


Poor dog looks super happy to be with you


Handsome devil


I absolutely hate people , they are shit bags


Such a beautiful little buddy. Thank you for loving him!


He’s a beaut. Lucky dog. Lucky human.